package com.transmem.action; /** * ActionFactory - class to create action objects. * * Create an object that implements the IAction interface. * * @verion 0.1 * @author Ted Wen * @date Jan. 2007 */ public abstract class ActionFactory { /** * Static method to create an action. * The object is created using introspection, so the action class * name should include the package. * * @param actionClass - full class name of the action * @return Action object with IAction interface */ public static IAction createAction(String actionClass) { Class actionObject = null; IAction action = null; try { if (actionClass.indexOf('.')<0) actionClass = "com.transmem.action."+actionClass; actionObject = Class.forName(actionClass); action = (IAction)actionObject.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.toString()); //log } return action; } }