package com.transmem.action; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Action class for Corpus-related operations. * * @version 0.1 * @author Ted Wen * @date May. 2007 */ public class CorpusAction extends BaseAction { private Logger log_ = Logger.getLogger(CorpusAction.class.getName()); public CorpusAction() { super(); } public void execute(ServletParams param) throws ServletException, IOException { log_.entering("CorpusAction","execute"); Session session = param.getSession(); Users user = session.getUser(); if (user == null) { log_.severe("session.getAttribute('user') returned null"); param.sendError(MessageCode.ERR_NOT_LOGIN); return; } String langpair = param.getParameter("arg1"); if (langpair == null || langpair.length()<4) { langpair = session.getLangPair(); if (langpair == null || langpair.length()<4) { langpair = "ENZH"; //TODO: make this depend on user's } } String op = param.getParameter("operation"); if (op == null || op.length()<1) { //param.sendError("Form operation not specified"); op = session.getCorpusOp(); if (op == null) { op = "tally"; } } if (op.equals("tally")) { if (session.getCorpusTally()!=null) { setNextPage(PageLinks.CORPUS_TALLY_PAGE); session.setCorpusOp(op); return; } } else if (op.equals("sources")) { if (session.getCorpusSourceList()!=null) { setNextPage(PageLinks.MYCORPUS_PAGE); session.setCorpusOp(op); return; } } else if (op.equals("units")) { if (session.getCorpusUnitList()!=null) { setNextPage(PageLinks.MYSENTENCES_PAGE); session.setCorpusOp(op); return; } } else { op = "tally"; }"Operation="+op+", langpair="+langpair); String srcid = null; Connection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(param,Databases.CATEGORY_USER); conn.setAutoCommit(false); if (op.equals("delsources")) { if (param.getParameter("arg2")!=null) { deleteSources(conn, langpair, param.getParameter("arg2")); } op = "sources"; } else if (op.equals("delunits")) { if (param.getParameter("arg2")!=null) { deleteUnits(conn, langpair, param.getParameter("arg2")); } op = "units"; srcid = session.getSourceID(); } if (op.equals("tally")) { Corpora c = new Corpora(conn); ArrayList<CorpusTally> cts = c.queryCorpusStats(langpair);"queryCorpusStats return "+cts.size()); session.setCorpusTally(cts); setNextPage(PageLinks.CORPUS_TALLY_PAGE);"Redirecting to "+PageLinks.CORPUS_TALLY_PAGE); } else if (op.equals("sources")) { Sources s = new Sources(conn);"loading sources for user "+user.getUserID()); ArrayList<Sources> srcs = s.queryByOwner(user.getUserID());" sources loaded for user "+user.getUserID()); session.setCorpusSourceList(srcs); setNextPage(PageLinks.MYCORPUS_PAGE); } else if (op.equals("units")) { String tablename = getCorpusTableName(conn, langpair); if (srcid == null) srcid = param.getParameter("arg2"); if (srcid == null) srcid = session.getSourceID(); else session.setSourceID(srcid); int srcidn = Integer.parseInt(srcid); //TODO: retrieve page by page! String sql = "SELECT * FROM "+tablename+" WHERE F_From=?"; PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); ps.setInt(1, srcidn); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); ArrayList<Transunit> sents = new ArrayList<Transunit>(); while ( { Transunit tu = new Transunit(); tu.setSid(rs.getLong(1)); //F_SID tu.setSource(rs.getString(2)); //F_Source tu.setTarget(rs.getString(3)); //F_Target sents.add(tu); /*sent[0] = rs.getLong(1); //F_SID sent[1] = rs.getString(2); //F_Source sent[2] = rs.getString(3); //F_Target sent[3] = rs.getString(4); //F_Domain sent[4] = rs.getInt(5); //F_Owner sent[5] = rs.getInt(6); //F_Permit sent[6] = rs.getInt(7); //F_From sents.add(sent);*/ } rs.close(); ps.close(); session.setCorpusUnitList(sents); setNextPage(PageLinks.MYSENTENCES_PAGE); } //finally, remember the display page conn.commit(); session.setCorpusOp(op); //"Corpus Op="+op); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { try {conn.rollback();} catch (SQLException xe) {} log_.warning(nfe.getMessage()); param.sendError(999,nfe.toString()); } catch (SQLException e) { try {conn.rollback();} catch (SQLException xe) {} log_.severe(e.getMessage()); param.sendError(999,e.toString()); } finally { if (conn != null) try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException x) {} } } /** * Delete some source records. * These records may be referenced by some translation units in different tables such as T_ENZH. * To delete these source records, the referencing units must be deleted first. * Another note is that this feature might be abused by hackers. therefore, it must be strictly * checked for user credibility and it is necessary to backup the deleted records into some * other tables in order to recover if the records are deleted by accident or hacking. * @param conn - Connection * @param langpair - ENZH * @param sids - Source IDs as a string separated by commas */ protected void deleteSources(Connection conn, String langpair, String sids) throws SQLException { //1.remove leading or trailing commas if any if (sids.startsWith(",")) sids = sids.substring(1); if (sids.endsWith(",")) sids = sids.substring(0,sids.length()-1); //2. delete units first (assuming no Cascaded delete on DBMS) String tablename = getCorpusTableName(conn,langpair); //2.1 backup these units //TODO: //2.2 delete these units String sql = "DELETE FROM "+tablename+" WHERE F_From IN ("+sids+")"; java.sql.Statement st = conn.createStatement(); try { st.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (SQLException se) { throw new SQLException(se.getMessage()); } finally { st.close(); } //3. delete the list from t_sources //3.1 backup the source first //TODO: //3.2 delete the sources sql = "DELETE FROM T_Sources WHERE F_SourceID IN ("+sids+")"; st = conn.createStatement(); try { st.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (SQLException se) { throw new SQLException(se.getMessage()); } finally { st.close(); } } /** * Delete some translation units from example table. * @param conn - Connection * @param langpair - ENZH * @param sids - Sentence IDs as a string separated by commas */ protected void deleteUnits(Connection conn, String langpair, String sids) throws SQLException { //1.remove leading or trailing commas if any if (sids.startsWith(",")) sids = sids.substring(1); if (sids.endsWith(",")) sids = sids.substring(0,sids.length()-1); //2.determine table name from langpair String tablename = getCorpusTableName(conn,langpair); //3.backup these deleted records to another table //TODO: //4.delete from corpus String sql = "DELETE FROM "+tablename+" WHERE F_SID IN ("+sids+")"; java.sql.Statement st = conn.createStatement(); try { st.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (SQLException se) { throw new SQLException(se.getMessage()); } finally { st.close(); } } }