/* Copyright (C) 2003 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science Dept. This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit). http://www.cs.umass.edu/~mccallum/mallet This software is provided under the terms of the Common Public License, version 1.0, as published by http://www.opensource.org. For further information, see the file `LICENSE' included with this distribution. */ package cc.mallet.optimize.tests; import cc.mallet.optimize.*; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; /** * Unit Test for class TestMaximizer.java * * * Created: Mon Apr 26 19:54:25 2004 * * @author <a href="mailto:casutton@cs.umass.edu">Charles Sutton</a> * @version $Id: TestMaximizer.java,v 1.1 2007/10/22 21:37:49 mccallum Exp $ */ public class TestOptimizer extends TestCase { public TestOptimizer(String name) { super(name); } // Maximizable for 3x^2 - 5x + 2 static class SimplePoly implements Optimizable.ByGradientValue { double[] params = new double[1]; public void getParameters(double[] doubleArray) { doubleArray[0] = params[0]; } public int getNumParameters() { return 1; } public double getParameter(int n) { return params[0]; }; public void setParameters(double[] doubleArray) { params[0] = doubleArray[0]; } public void setParameter(int n, double d) { params[n] = d; } public double getValue() { System.out.println("param = " + params[0] + " value = " + (-3 * params[0] * params[0] + 5 * params[0] - 2)); return -3 * params[0] * params[0] + 5 * params[0] - 2; } public void getValueGradient(double[] buffer) { buffer[0] = -6 * params[0] + 5; } } /* * public void testBoldDriver () { SimplePoly poly = new SimplePoly (); * Maximizer.ByGradient bold = new BoldDriver (); bold.maximize (poly); * assertEquals (5.0/6.0, poly.params [0], 1e-3); } */ public void testGradientAscent() { SimplePoly poly = new SimplePoly(); Optimizer gd = new GradientAscent(poly); gd.optimize(); assertEquals(5.0 / 6.0, poly.params[0], 1e-3); } public void testLinearLBFGS() { SimplePoly poly = new SimplePoly(); Optimizer bfgs = new LimitedMemoryBFGS(poly); bfgs.optimize(); assertEquals(5.0 / 6.0, poly.params[0], 1e-3); } public void testOrthantWiseLBFGSWithoutL1() { SimplePoly poly = new SimplePoly(); Optimizer bfgs = new OrthantWiseLimitedMemoryBFGS(poly); bfgs.optimize(); assertEquals(5.0 / 6.0, poly.params[0], 1e-3); } public void testOrthantWiseLBFGSWithL1() { SimplePoly poly = new SimplePoly(); Optimizer bfgs = new OrthantWiseLimitedMemoryBFGS(poly, 3.0); bfgs.optimize(); assertEquals(2.0 / 6.0, poly.params[0], 1e-3); } public void testConjugateGradient() { SimplePoly poly = new SimplePoly(); Optimizer cg = new ConjugateGradient(poly); cg.optimize(); assertEquals(5.0 / 6.0, poly.params[0], 1e-3); } /** * @return a <code>TestSuite</code> */ public static TestSuite suite() { return new TestSuite(TestOptimizer.class); } public static void main(String[] args) { junit.textui.TestRunner.run(suite()); } }// TestMaximizer