/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.xerces.impl.xs; import org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.xs.SchemaDVFactoryImpl; import org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.xs.XSSimpleTypeDecl; /** * This class is pool that enables caching of XML Schema declaration objects. * Before a compiled grammar object is garbage collected, * the implementation will add all XML Schema component * declarations to the pool. * Note: The cashing mechanism is not implemented yet. * * @xerces.internal * * @author Elena Litani, IBM * @version $Id: XSDeclarationPool.java 805582 2009-08-18 21:13:20Z sandygao $ */ public final class XSDeclarationPool { /** Chunk shift (8). */ private static final int CHUNK_SHIFT = 8; // 2^8 = 256 /** Chunk size (1 << CHUNK_SHIFT). */ private static final int CHUNK_SIZE = 1 << CHUNK_SHIFT; /** Chunk mask (CHUNK_SIZE - 1). */ private static final int CHUNK_MASK = CHUNK_SIZE - 1; /** Initial chunk count (). */ private static final int INITIAL_CHUNK_COUNT = (1 << (10 - CHUNK_SHIFT)); // 2^10 = 1k /** Element declaration pool*/ private XSElementDecl fElementDecl[][] = new XSElementDecl[INITIAL_CHUNK_COUNT][]; private int fElementDeclIndex = 0; /** Particle declaration pool */ private XSParticleDecl fParticleDecl[][] = new XSParticleDecl[INITIAL_CHUNK_COUNT][]; private int fParticleDeclIndex = 0; /** Particle declaration pool */ private XSModelGroupImpl fModelGroup[][] = new XSModelGroupImpl[INITIAL_CHUNK_COUNT][]; private int fModelGroupIndex = 0; /** Attribute declaration pool */ private XSAttributeDecl fAttrDecl[][] = new XSAttributeDecl[INITIAL_CHUNK_COUNT][]; private int fAttrDeclIndex = 0; /** ComplexType declaration pool */ private XSComplexTypeDecl fCTDecl[][] = new XSComplexTypeDecl[INITIAL_CHUNK_COUNT][]; private int fCTDeclIndex = 0; /** SimpleType declaration pool */ private XSSimpleTypeDecl fSTDecl[][] = new XSSimpleTypeDecl[INITIAL_CHUNK_COUNT][]; private int fSTDeclIndex = 0; /** AttributeUse declaration pool */ private XSAttributeUseImpl fAttributeUse[][] = new XSAttributeUseImpl[INITIAL_CHUNK_COUNT][]; private int fAttributeUseIndex = 0; private SchemaDVFactoryImpl dvFactory; public void setDVFactory(SchemaDVFactoryImpl dvFactory) { this.dvFactory = dvFactory; } public final XSElementDecl getElementDecl(){ int chunk = fElementDeclIndex >> CHUNK_SHIFT; int index = fElementDeclIndex & CHUNK_MASK; ensureElementDeclCapacity(chunk); if (fElementDecl[chunk][index] == null) { fElementDecl[chunk][index] = new XSElementDecl(); } else { fElementDecl[chunk][index].reset(); } fElementDeclIndex++; return fElementDecl[chunk][index]; } public final XSAttributeDecl getAttributeDecl(){ int chunk = fAttrDeclIndex >> CHUNK_SHIFT; int index = fAttrDeclIndex & CHUNK_MASK; ensureAttrDeclCapacity(chunk); if (fAttrDecl[chunk][index] == null) { fAttrDecl[chunk][index] = new XSAttributeDecl(); } else { fAttrDecl[chunk][index].reset(); } fAttrDeclIndex++; return fAttrDecl[chunk][index]; } public final XSAttributeUseImpl getAttributeUse(){ int chunk = fAttributeUseIndex >> CHUNK_SHIFT; int index = fAttributeUseIndex & CHUNK_MASK; ensureAttributeUseCapacity(chunk); if (fAttributeUse[chunk][index] == null) { fAttributeUse[chunk][index] = new XSAttributeUseImpl(); } else { fAttributeUse[chunk][index].reset(); } fAttributeUseIndex++; return fAttributeUse[chunk][index]; } public final XSComplexTypeDecl getComplexTypeDecl(){ int chunk = fCTDeclIndex >> CHUNK_SHIFT; int index = fCTDeclIndex & CHUNK_MASK; ensureCTDeclCapacity(chunk); if (fCTDecl[chunk][index] == null) { fCTDecl[chunk][index] = new XSComplexTypeDecl(); } else { fCTDecl[chunk][index].reset(); } fCTDeclIndex++; return fCTDecl[chunk][index]; } public final XSSimpleTypeDecl getSimpleTypeDecl(){ int chunk = fSTDeclIndex >> CHUNK_SHIFT; int index = fSTDeclIndex & CHUNK_MASK; ensureSTDeclCapacity(chunk); if (fSTDecl[chunk][index] == null) { fSTDecl[chunk][index] = dvFactory.newXSSimpleTypeDecl(); } else { fSTDecl[chunk][index].reset(); } fSTDeclIndex++; return fSTDecl[chunk][index]; } public final XSParticleDecl getParticleDecl(){ int chunk = fParticleDeclIndex >> CHUNK_SHIFT; int index = fParticleDeclIndex & CHUNK_MASK; ensureParticleDeclCapacity(chunk); if (fParticleDecl[chunk][index] == null) { fParticleDecl[chunk][index] = new XSParticleDecl(); } else { fParticleDecl[chunk][index].reset(); } fParticleDeclIndex++; return fParticleDecl[chunk][index]; } public final XSModelGroupImpl getModelGroup(){ int chunk = fModelGroupIndex >> CHUNK_SHIFT; int index = fModelGroupIndex & CHUNK_MASK; ensureModelGroupCapacity(chunk); if (fModelGroup[chunk][index] == null) { fModelGroup[chunk][index] = new XSModelGroupImpl(); } else { fModelGroup[chunk][index].reset(); } fModelGroupIndex++; return fModelGroup[chunk][index]; } // REVISIT: do we need decl pool for group declarations, attribute group, // notations? // it seems like each schema would use a small number of those // components, so it probably is not worth keeping those components // in the pool. private boolean ensureElementDeclCapacity(int chunk) { if (chunk >= fElementDecl.length) { fElementDecl = resize(fElementDecl, fElementDecl.length * 2); } else if (fElementDecl[chunk] != null) { return false; } fElementDecl[chunk] = new XSElementDecl[CHUNK_SIZE]; return true; } private static XSElementDecl[][] resize(XSElementDecl array[][], int newsize) { XSElementDecl newarray[][] = new XSElementDecl[newsize][]; System.arraycopy(array, 0, newarray, 0, array.length); return newarray; } private boolean ensureParticleDeclCapacity(int chunk) { if (chunk >= fParticleDecl.length) { fParticleDecl = resize(fParticleDecl, fParticleDecl.length * 2); } else if (fParticleDecl[chunk] != null) { return false; } fParticleDecl[chunk] = new XSParticleDecl[CHUNK_SIZE]; return true; } private boolean ensureModelGroupCapacity(int chunk) { if (chunk >= fModelGroup.length) { fModelGroup = resize(fModelGroup, fModelGroup.length * 2); } else if (fModelGroup[chunk] != null) { return false; } fModelGroup[chunk] = new XSModelGroupImpl[CHUNK_SIZE]; return true; } private static XSParticleDecl[][] resize(XSParticleDecl array[][], int newsize) { XSParticleDecl newarray[][] = new XSParticleDecl[newsize][]; System.arraycopy(array, 0, newarray, 0, array.length); return newarray; } private static XSModelGroupImpl[][] resize(XSModelGroupImpl array[][], int newsize) { XSModelGroupImpl newarray[][] = new XSModelGroupImpl[newsize][]; System.arraycopy(array, 0, newarray, 0, array.length); return newarray; } private boolean ensureAttrDeclCapacity(int chunk) { if (chunk >= fAttrDecl.length) { fAttrDecl = resize(fAttrDecl, fAttrDecl.length * 2); } else if (fAttrDecl[chunk] != null) { return false; } fAttrDecl[chunk] = new XSAttributeDecl[CHUNK_SIZE]; return true; } private static XSAttributeDecl[][] resize(XSAttributeDecl array[][], int newsize) { XSAttributeDecl newarray[][] = new XSAttributeDecl[newsize][]; System.arraycopy(array, 0, newarray, 0, array.length); return newarray; } private boolean ensureAttributeUseCapacity(int chunk) { if (chunk >= fAttributeUse.length) { fAttributeUse = resize(fAttributeUse, fAttributeUse.length * 2); } else if (fAttributeUse[chunk] != null) { return false; } fAttributeUse[chunk] = new XSAttributeUseImpl[CHUNK_SIZE]; return true; } private static XSAttributeUseImpl[][] resize(XSAttributeUseImpl array[][], int newsize) { XSAttributeUseImpl newarray[][] = new XSAttributeUseImpl[newsize][]; System.arraycopy(array, 0, newarray, 0, array.length); return newarray; } private boolean ensureSTDeclCapacity(int chunk) { if (chunk >= fSTDecl.length) { fSTDecl = resize(fSTDecl, fSTDecl.length * 2); } else if (fSTDecl[chunk] != null) { return false; } fSTDecl[chunk] = new XSSimpleTypeDecl[CHUNK_SIZE]; return true; } private static XSSimpleTypeDecl[][] resize(XSSimpleTypeDecl array[][], int newsize) { XSSimpleTypeDecl newarray[][] = new XSSimpleTypeDecl[newsize][]; System.arraycopy(array, 0, newarray, 0, array.length); return newarray; } private boolean ensureCTDeclCapacity(int chunk) { if (chunk >= fCTDecl.length) { fCTDecl = resize(fCTDecl, fCTDecl.length * 2); } else if (fCTDecl[chunk] != null){ return false; } fCTDecl[chunk] = new XSComplexTypeDecl[CHUNK_SIZE]; return true; } private static XSComplexTypeDecl[][] resize(XSComplexTypeDecl array[][], int newsize) { XSComplexTypeDecl newarray[][] = new XSComplexTypeDecl[newsize][]; System.arraycopy(array, 0, newarray, 0, array.length); return newarray; } public void reset(){ fElementDeclIndex = 0; fParticleDeclIndex = 0; fModelGroupIndex = 0; fSTDeclIndex = 0; fCTDeclIndex = 0; fAttrDeclIndex = 0; fAttributeUseIndex = 0; } }