/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.thrift.server; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.TProcessor; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TSocket; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport; import thrift.test.Insanity; import thrift.test.Numberz; import thrift.test.ThriftTest; import thrift.test.Xception; import thrift.test.Xception2; import thrift.test.Xtruct; import thrift.test.Xtruct2; public abstract class ServerTestBase extends TestCase { public static class TestHandler implements ThriftTest.Iface { public TestHandler() {} public void testVoid() { System.out.print("testVoid()\n"); } public String testString(String thing) { System.out.print("testString(\"" + thing + "\")\n"); return thing; } public byte testByte(byte thing) { System.out.print("testByte(" + thing + ")\n"); return thing; } public int testI32(int thing) { System.out.print("testI32(" + thing + ")\n"); return thing; } public long testI64(long thing) { System.out.print("testI64(" + thing + ")\n"); return thing; } public double testDouble(double thing) { System.out.print("testDouble(" + thing + ")\n"); return thing; } public Xtruct testStruct(Xtruct thing) { System.out.print("testStruct({" + "\"" + thing.string_thing + "\", " + thing.byte_thing + ", " + thing.i32_thing + ", " + thing.i64_thing + "})\n"); return thing; } public Xtruct2 testNest(Xtruct2 nest) { Xtruct thing = nest.struct_thing; System.out.print("testNest({" + nest.byte_thing + ", {" + "\"" + thing.string_thing + "\", " + thing.byte_thing + ", " + thing.i32_thing + ", " + thing.i64_thing + "}, " + nest.i32_thing + "})\n"); return nest; } public Map<Integer,Integer> testMap(Map<Integer,Integer> thing) { System.out.print("testMap({"); boolean first = true; for (int key : thing.keySet()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { System.out.print(", "); } System.out.print(key + " => " + thing.get(key)); } System.out.print("})\n"); return thing; } public Set<Integer> testSet(Set<Integer> thing) { System.out.print("testSet({"); boolean first = true; for (int elem : thing) { if (first) { first = false; } else { System.out.print(", "); } System.out.print(elem); } System.out.print("})\n"); return thing; } public List<Integer> testList(List<Integer> thing) { System.out.print("testList({"); boolean first = true; for (int elem : thing) { if (first) { first = false; } else { System.out.print(", "); } System.out.print(elem); } System.out.print("})\n"); return thing; } public Numberz testEnum(Numberz thing) { System.out.print("testEnum(" + thing + ")\n"); return thing; } public long testTypedef(long thing) { System.out.print("testTypedef(" + thing + ")\n"); return thing; } public Map<Integer,Map<Integer,Integer>> testMapMap(int hello) { System.out.print("testMapMap(" + hello + ")\n"); Map<Integer,Map<Integer,Integer>> mapmap = new HashMap<Integer,Map<Integer,Integer>>(); HashMap<Integer,Integer> pos = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>(); HashMap<Integer,Integer> neg = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>(); for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { pos.put(i, i); neg.put(-i, -i); } mapmap.put(4, pos); mapmap.put(-4, neg); return mapmap; } public Map<Long, Map<Numberz,Insanity>> testInsanity(Insanity argument) { System.out.print("testInsanity()\n"); Xtruct hello = new Xtruct(); hello.string_thing = "Hello2"; hello.byte_thing = 2; hello.i32_thing = 2; hello.i64_thing = 2; Xtruct goodbye = new Xtruct(); goodbye.string_thing = "Goodbye4"; goodbye.byte_thing = (byte)4; goodbye.i32_thing = 4; goodbye.i64_thing = (long)4; Insanity crazy = new Insanity(); crazy.userMap = new HashMap<Numberz, Long>(); crazy.xtructs = new ArrayList<Xtruct>(); crazy.userMap.put(Numberz.EIGHT, (long)8); crazy.xtructs.add(goodbye); Insanity looney = new Insanity(); crazy.userMap.put(Numberz.FIVE, (long)5); crazy.xtructs.add(hello); HashMap<Numberz,Insanity> first_map = new HashMap<Numberz, Insanity>(); HashMap<Numberz,Insanity> second_map = new HashMap<Numberz, Insanity>();; first_map.put(Numberz.TWO, crazy); first_map.put(Numberz.THREE, crazy); second_map.put(Numberz.SIX, looney); Map<Long,Map<Numberz,Insanity>> insane = new HashMap<Long, Map<Numberz,Insanity>>(); insane.put((long)1, first_map); insane.put((long)2, second_map); return insane; } public Xtruct testMulti(byte arg0, int arg1, long arg2, Map<Short,String> arg3, Numberz arg4, long arg5) { System.out.print("testMulti()\n"); Xtruct hello = new Xtruct();; hello.string_thing = "Hello2"; hello.byte_thing = arg0; hello.i32_thing = arg1; hello.i64_thing = arg2; return hello; } public void testException(String arg) throws Xception { System.out.print("testException("+arg+")\n"); if (arg.equals("Xception")) { Xception x = new Xception(); x.errorCode = 1001; x.message = "This is an Xception"; throw x; } return; } public Xtruct testMultiException(String arg0, String arg1) throws Xception, Xception2 { System.out.print("testMultiException(" + arg0 + ", " + arg1 + ")\n"); if (arg0.equals("Xception")) { Xception x = new Xception(); x.errorCode = 1001; x.message = "This is an Xception"; throw x; } else if (arg0.equals("Xception2")) { Xception2 x = new Xception2(); x.errorCode = 2002; x.struct_thing = new Xtruct(); x.struct_thing.string_thing = "This is an Xception2"; throw x; } Xtruct result = new Xtruct(); result.string_thing = arg1; return result; } public void testOneway(int sleepFor) { System.out.println("testOneway(" + Integer.toString(sleepFor) + ") => sleeping..."); try { Thread.sleep(sleepFor * 1000); System.out.println("Done sleeping!"); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw new RuntimeException(ie); } } } // class TestHandler private static final List<TProtocolFactory> PROTOCOLS = Arrays.asList( new TBinaryProtocol.Factory(), new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); public static final String HOST = "localhost"; public static final int PORT = Integer.valueOf( System.getProperty("test.port", "9090")); protected static final int SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 1000; private static final Xtruct XSTRUCT = new Xtruct("Zero", (byte) 1, -3, -5); private static final Xtruct2 XSTRUCT2 = new Xtruct2((byte)1, XSTRUCT, 5); public abstract void startServer(TProcessor processor, TProtocolFactory protoFactory) throws Exception; public abstract void stopServer() throws Exception; public abstract TTransport getClientTransport(TTransport underlyingTransport) throws Exception; private void testByte(ThriftTest.Client testClient) throws TException { byte i8 = testClient.testByte((byte)1); assertEquals(1, i8); } private void testDouble(ThriftTest.Client testClient) throws TException { double dub = testClient.testDouble(5.325098235); assertEquals(5.325098235, dub); } private void testEnum(ThriftTest.Client testClient) throws TException { assertEquals(Numberz.ONE, testClient.testEnum(Numberz.ONE)); assertEquals(Numberz.TWO, testClient.testEnum(Numberz.TWO)); assertEquals(Numberz.THREE, testClient.testEnum(Numberz.THREE)); assertEquals(Numberz.FIVE, testClient.testEnum(Numberz.FIVE)); assertEquals(Numberz.EIGHT, testClient.testEnum(Numberz.EIGHT)); } private void testI32(ThriftTest.Client testClient) throws TException { int i32 = testClient.testI32(-1); assertEquals(i32, -1); } private void testI64(ThriftTest.Client testClient) throws TException { long i64 = testClient.testI64(-34359738368L); assertEquals(i64, -34359738368L); } // todo: add assertions private void testInsanity(ThriftTest.Client testClient) throws TException { Insanity insane; insane = new Insanity(); insane.userMap = new HashMap<Numberz, Long>(); insane.userMap.put(Numberz.FIVE, (long)5000); Xtruct truck = new Xtruct(); truck.string_thing = "Truck"; truck.byte_thing = (byte)8; truck.i32_thing = 8; truck.i64_thing = 8; insane.xtructs = new ArrayList<Xtruct>(); insane.xtructs.add(truck); System.out.print("testInsanity()"); Map<Long,Map<Numberz,Insanity>> whoa = testClient.testInsanity(insane); System.out.print(" = {"); for (long key : whoa.keySet()) { Map<Numberz,Insanity> val = whoa.get(key); System.out.print(key + " => {"); for (Numberz k2 : val.keySet()) { Insanity v2 = val.get(k2); System.out.print(k2 + " => {"); Map<Numberz, Long> userMap = v2.userMap; System.out.print("{"); if (userMap != null) { for (Numberz k3 : userMap.keySet()) { System.out.print(k3 + " => " + userMap.get(k3) + ", "); } } System.out.print("}, "); List<Xtruct> xtructs = v2.xtructs; System.out.print("{"); if (xtructs != null) { for (Xtruct x : xtructs) { System.out.print("{" + "\"" + x.string_thing + "\", " + x.byte_thing + ", " + x.i32_thing + ", "+ x.i64_thing + "}, "); } } System.out.print("}"); System.out.print("}, "); } System.out.print("}, "); } System.out.print("}\n"); } public void testIt() throws Exception { for (TProtocolFactory protoFactory : getProtocols()) { TestHandler handler = new TestHandler(); ThriftTest.Processor processor = new ThriftTest.Processor(handler); startServer(processor, protoFactory); TSocket socket = new TSocket(HOST, PORT); socket.setTimeout(SOCKET_TIMEOUT); TTransport transport = getClientTransport(socket); TProtocol protocol = protoFactory.getProtocol(transport); ThriftTest.Client testClient = new ThriftTest.Client(protocol); open(transport); testVoid(testClient); testString(testClient); testByte(testClient); testI32(testClient); testI64(testClient); testDouble(testClient); testStruct(testClient); testNestedStruct(testClient); testMap(testClient); testSet(testClient); testList(testClient); testEnum(testClient); testTypedef(testClient); testNestedMap(testClient); testInsanity(testClient); testOneway(testClient); transport.close(); stopServer(); } } public void open(TTransport transport) throws Exception { transport.open(); } public List<TProtocolFactory> getProtocols() { return PROTOCOLS; } private void testList(ThriftTest.Client testClient) throws TException { List<Integer> listout = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = -2; i < 3; ++i) { listout.add(i); } List<Integer> listin = testClient.testList(listout); assertEquals(listout, listin); } private void testMap(ThriftTest.Client testClient) throws TException { Map<Integer,Integer> mapout = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { mapout.put(i, i-10); } Map<Integer,Integer> mapin = testClient.testMap(mapout); assertEquals(mapout, mapin); } private void testNestedMap(ThriftTest.Client testClient) throws TException { Map<Integer,Map<Integer,Integer>> mm = testClient.testMapMap(1); Map<Integer,Map<Integer,Integer>> mapmap = new HashMap<Integer,Map<Integer,Integer>>(); HashMap<Integer,Integer> pos = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>(); HashMap<Integer,Integer> neg = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>(); for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { pos.put(i, i); neg.put(-i, -i); } mapmap.put(4, pos); mapmap.put(-4, neg); assertEquals(mapmap, mm); } private void testNestedStruct(ThriftTest.Client testClient) throws TException { Xtruct2 in2 = testClient.testNest(XSTRUCT2); assertEquals(XSTRUCT2, in2); } private void testOneway(ThriftTest.Client testClient) throws Exception { testClient.testOneway(3); } private void testSet(ThriftTest.Client testClient) throws TException { Set<Integer> setout = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (int i = -2; i < 3; ++i) { setout.add(i); } Set<Integer> setin = testClient.testSet(setout); assertEquals(setout, setin); } private void testString(ThriftTest.Client testClient) throws TException { String s = testClient.testString("Test"); assertEquals("Test", s); } private void testStruct(ThriftTest.Client testClient) throws TException { assertEquals(XSTRUCT, testClient.testStruct(XSTRUCT)); } private void testTypedef(ThriftTest.Client testClient) throws TException { assertEquals(309858235082523L, testClient.testTypedef(309858235082523L)); } private void testVoid(ThriftTest.Client testClient) throws TException { testClient.testVoid(); } }