/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.xerces.jaxp.validation; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.Reader; import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import javax.xml.stream.XMLEventReader; import javax.xml.transform.Source; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource; import javax.xml.transform.stax.StAXSource; import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource; import javax.xml.validation.Schema; import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory; import org.apache.xerces.impl.Constants; import org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XMLSchemaLoader; import org.apache.xerces.util.DOMEntityResolverWrapper; import org.apache.xerces.util.DOMInputSource; import org.apache.xerces.util.ErrorHandlerWrapper; import org.apache.xerces.util.SAXInputSource; import org.apache.xerces.util.SAXMessageFormatter; import org.apache.xerces.util.SecurityManager; import org.apache.xerces.util.StAXInputSource; import org.apache.xerces.util.XMLGrammarPoolImpl; import org.apache.xerces.xni.XNIException; import org.apache.xerces.xni.grammars.Grammar; import org.apache.xerces.xni.grammars.XMLGrammarDescription; import org.apache.xerces.xni.grammars.XMLGrammarPool; import org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLConfigurationException; import org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLInputSource; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.ls.LSResourceResolver; import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException; import org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; /** * {@link SchemaFactory} for XML Schema. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi (kohsuke.kawaguchi@sun.com) * @version $Id: XMLSchemaFactory.java 713638 2008-11-13 04:42:18Z mrglavas $ */ public final class XMLSchemaFactory extends SchemaFactory { // feature identifiers /** JAXP Source feature prefix. */ private static final String JAXP_SOURCE_FEATURE_PREFIX = "http://javax.xml.transform"; /** Feature identifier: schema full checking. */ private static final String SCHEMA_FULL_CHECKING = Constants.XERCES_FEATURE_PREFIX + Constants.SCHEMA_FULL_CHECKING; /** Feature identifier: use grammar pool only. */ private static final String USE_GRAMMAR_POOL_ONLY = Constants.XERCES_FEATURE_PREFIX + Constants.USE_GRAMMAR_POOL_ONLY_FEATURE; // property identifiers /** Property identifier: grammar pool. */ private static final String XMLGRAMMAR_POOL = Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.XMLGRAMMAR_POOL_PROPERTY; /** Property identifier: SecurityManager. */ private static final String SECURITY_MANAGER = Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.SECURITY_MANAGER_PROPERTY; // // Data // /** The XMLSchemaLoader */ private final XMLSchemaLoader fXMLSchemaLoader = new XMLSchemaLoader(); /** User-specified ErrorHandler; can be null. */ private ErrorHandler fErrorHandler; /** The LSResrouceResolver */ private LSResourceResolver fLSResourceResolver; /** The DOMEntityResolverWrapper */ private final DOMEntityResolverWrapper fDOMEntityResolverWrapper; /** The ErrorHandlerWrapper */ private final ErrorHandlerWrapper fErrorHandlerWrapper; /** The SecurityManager. */ private SecurityManager fSecurityManager; /** The container for the real grammar pool. */ private final XMLGrammarPoolWrapper fXMLGrammarPoolWrapper; /** Whether or not to allow new schemas to be added to the grammar pool */ private boolean fUseGrammarPoolOnly; public XMLSchemaFactory() { fErrorHandlerWrapper = new ErrorHandlerWrapper(DraconianErrorHandler.getInstance()); fDOMEntityResolverWrapper = new DOMEntityResolverWrapper(); fXMLGrammarPoolWrapper = new XMLGrammarPoolWrapper(); fXMLSchemaLoader.setFeature(SCHEMA_FULL_CHECKING, true); fXMLSchemaLoader.setProperty(XMLGRAMMAR_POOL, fXMLGrammarPoolWrapper); fXMLSchemaLoader.setEntityResolver(fDOMEntityResolverWrapper); fXMLSchemaLoader.setErrorHandler(fErrorHandlerWrapper); fUseGrammarPoolOnly = true; } /** * <p>Is specified schema supported by this <code>SchemaFactory</code>?</p> * * @param schemaLanguage Specifies the schema language which the returned <code>SchemaFactory</code> will understand. * <code>schemaLanguage</code> must specify a <a href="#schemaLanguage">valid</a> schema language. * * @return <code>true</code> if <code>SchemaFactory</code> supports <code>schemaLanguage</code>, else <code>false</code>. * * @throws NullPointerException If <code>schemaLanguage</code> is <code>null</code>. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If <code>schemaLanguage.length() == 0</code> * or <code>schemaLanguage</code> does not specify a <a href="#schemaLanguage">valid</a> schema language. */ public boolean isSchemaLanguageSupported(String schemaLanguage) { if (schemaLanguage == null) { throw new NullPointerException(JAXPValidationMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "SchemaLanguageNull", null)); } if (schemaLanguage.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(JAXPValidationMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "SchemaLanguageLengthZero", null)); } // only W3C XML Schema 1.0 is supported return schemaLanguage.equals(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); } public LSResourceResolver getResourceResolver() { return fLSResourceResolver; } public void setResourceResolver(LSResourceResolver resourceResolver) { fLSResourceResolver = resourceResolver; fDOMEntityResolverWrapper.setEntityResolver(resourceResolver); fXMLSchemaLoader.setEntityResolver(fDOMEntityResolverWrapper); } public ErrorHandler getErrorHandler() { return fErrorHandler; } public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler errorHandler) { fErrorHandler = errorHandler; fErrorHandlerWrapper.setErrorHandler(errorHandler != null ? errorHandler : DraconianErrorHandler.getInstance()); fXMLSchemaLoader.setErrorHandler(fErrorHandlerWrapper); } public Schema newSchema( Source[] schemas ) throws SAXException { // this will let the loader store parsed Grammars into the pool. XMLGrammarPoolImplExtension pool = new XMLGrammarPoolImplExtension(); fXMLGrammarPoolWrapper.setGrammarPool(pool); XMLInputSource[] xmlInputSources = new XMLInputSource[schemas.length]; InputStream inputStream; Reader reader; for( int i=0; i<schemas.length; i++ ) { Source source = schemas[i]; if (source instanceof StreamSource) { StreamSource streamSource = (StreamSource) source; String publicId = streamSource.getPublicId(); String systemId = streamSource.getSystemId(); inputStream = streamSource.getInputStream(); reader = streamSource.getReader(); xmlInputSources[i] = new XMLInputSource(publicId, systemId, null); xmlInputSources[i].setByteStream(inputStream); xmlInputSources[i].setCharacterStream(reader); } else if (source instanceof SAXSource) { SAXSource saxSource = (SAXSource) source; InputSource inputSource = saxSource.getInputSource(); if (inputSource == null) { throw new SAXException(JAXPValidationMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "SAXSourceNullInputSource", null)); } xmlInputSources[i] = new SAXInputSource(saxSource.getXMLReader(), inputSource); } else if (source instanceof DOMSource) { DOMSource domSource = (DOMSource) source; Node node = domSource.getNode(); String systemID = domSource.getSystemId(); xmlInputSources[i] = new DOMInputSource(node, systemID); } else if (source instanceof StAXSource) { StAXSource staxSource = (StAXSource) source; XMLEventReader eventReader = staxSource.getXMLEventReader(); if (eventReader != null) { xmlInputSources[i] = new StAXInputSource(eventReader); } else { xmlInputSources[i] = new StAXInputSource(staxSource.getXMLStreamReader()); } } else if (source == null) { throw new NullPointerException(JAXPValidationMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "SchemaSourceArrayMemberNull", null)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(JAXPValidationMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "SchemaFactorySourceUnrecognized", new Object [] {source.getClass().getName()})); } } try { fXMLSchemaLoader.loadGrammar(xmlInputSources); } catch (XNIException e) { // this should have been reported to users already. throw Util.toSAXException(e); } catch (IOException e) { // this hasn't been reported, so do so now. SAXParseException se = new SAXParseException(e.getMessage(),null,e); if (fErrorHandler != null) { fErrorHandler.error(se); } throw se; // and we must throw it. } // Clear reference to grammar pool. fXMLGrammarPoolWrapper.setGrammarPool(null); // Select Schema implementation based on grammar count. final int grammarCount = pool.getGrammarCount(); AbstractXMLSchema schema = null; if (fUseGrammarPoolOnly) { if (grammarCount > 1) { schema = new XMLSchema(new ReadOnlyGrammarPool(pool)); } else if (grammarCount == 1) { Grammar[] grammars = pool.retrieveInitialGrammarSet(XMLGrammarDescription.XML_SCHEMA); schema = new SimpleXMLSchema(grammars[0]); } else { schema = new EmptyXMLSchema(); } } else { schema = new XMLSchema(new ReadOnlyGrammarPool(pool), false); } propagateFeatures(schema); return schema; } public Schema newSchema() throws SAXException { /* * It would make sense to return an EmptyXMLSchema object here, if * fUseGrammarPoolOnly is set to true. However, because the default * value of this feature is true, doing so would change the default * behaviour of this method. Thus, we return a WeakReferenceXMLSchema * regardless of the value of fUseGrammarPoolOnly. -PM */ // Use a Schema that uses the system id as the equality source. AbstractXMLSchema schema = new WeakReferenceXMLSchema(); propagateFeatures(schema); return schema; } public Schema newSchema(XMLGrammarPool pool) throws SAXException { // If the "use-grammar-pool-only" feature is set to true // prevent the application's grammar pool from being mutated // by wrapping it in a ReadOnlyGrammarPool. final AbstractXMLSchema schema = (fUseGrammarPoolOnly) ? new XMLSchema(new ReadOnlyGrammarPool(pool)) : new XMLSchema(pool, false); propagateFeatures(schema); return schema; } public boolean getFeature(String name) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { if (name == null) { throw new NullPointerException(JAXPValidationMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "FeatureNameNull", null)); } if (name.startsWith(JAXP_SOURCE_FEATURE_PREFIX)) { // Indicates to the caller that this SchemaFactory supports a specific JAXP Source. if (name.equals(StreamSource.FEATURE) || name.equals(SAXSource.FEATURE) || name.equals(DOMSource.FEATURE) || name.equals(StAXSource.FEATURE)) { return true; } } if (name.equals(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING)) { return (fSecurityManager != null); } else if (name.equals(USE_GRAMMAR_POOL_ONLY)) { return fUseGrammarPoolOnly; } try { return fXMLSchemaLoader.getFeature(name); } catch (XMLConfigurationException e) { String identifier = e.getIdentifier(); if (e.getType() == XMLConfigurationException.NOT_RECOGNIZED) { throw new SAXNotRecognizedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "feature-not-recognized", new Object [] {identifier})); } else { throw new SAXNotSupportedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "feature-not-supported", new Object [] {identifier})); } } } public Object getProperty(String name) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { if (name == null) { throw new NullPointerException(JAXPValidationMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "ProperyNameNull", null)); } if (name.equals(SECURITY_MANAGER)) { return fSecurityManager; } else if (name.equals(XMLGRAMMAR_POOL)) { throw new SAXNotSupportedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "property-not-supported", new Object [] {name})); } try { return fXMLSchemaLoader.getProperty(name); } catch (XMLConfigurationException e) { String identifier = e.getIdentifier(); if (e.getType() == XMLConfigurationException.NOT_RECOGNIZED) { throw new SAXNotRecognizedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "property-not-recognized", new Object [] {identifier})); } else { throw new SAXNotSupportedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "property-not-supported", new Object [] {identifier})); } } } public void setFeature(String name, boolean value) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { if (name == null) { throw new NullPointerException(JAXPValidationMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "FeatureNameNull", null)); } if (name.startsWith(JAXP_SOURCE_FEATURE_PREFIX)) { if (name.equals(StreamSource.FEATURE) || name.equals(SAXSource.FEATURE) || name.equals(DOMSource.FEATURE) || name.equals(StAXSource.FEATURE)) { throw new SAXNotSupportedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "feature-read-only", new Object [] {name})); } } if (name.equals(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING)) { fSecurityManager = value ? new SecurityManager() : null; fXMLSchemaLoader.setProperty(SECURITY_MANAGER, fSecurityManager); return; } else if (name.equals(USE_GRAMMAR_POOL_ONLY)) { fUseGrammarPoolOnly = value; return; } try { fXMLSchemaLoader.setFeature(name, value); } catch (XMLConfigurationException e) { String identifier = e.getIdentifier(); if (e.getType() == XMLConfigurationException.NOT_RECOGNIZED) { throw new SAXNotRecognizedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "feature-not-recognized", new Object [] {identifier})); } else { throw new SAXNotSupportedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "feature-not-supported", new Object [] {identifier})); } } } public void setProperty(String name, Object object) throws SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { if (name == null) { throw new NullPointerException(JAXPValidationMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "ProperyNameNull", null)); } if (name.equals(SECURITY_MANAGER)) { fSecurityManager = (SecurityManager) object; fXMLSchemaLoader.setProperty(SECURITY_MANAGER, fSecurityManager); return; } else if (name.equals(XMLGRAMMAR_POOL)) { throw new SAXNotSupportedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "property-not-supported", new Object [] {name})); } try { fXMLSchemaLoader.setProperty(name, object); } catch (XMLConfigurationException e) { String identifier = e.getIdentifier(); if (e.getType() == XMLConfigurationException.NOT_RECOGNIZED) { throw new SAXNotRecognizedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "property-not-recognized", new Object [] {identifier})); } else { throw new SAXNotSupportedException( SAXMessageFormatter.formatMessage(fXMLSchemaLoader.getLocale(), "property-not-supported", new Object [] {identifier})); } } } private void propagateFeatures(AbstractXMLSchema schema) { schema.setFeature(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING, fSecurityManager != null); String[] features = fXMLSchemaLoader.getRecognizedFeatures(); for (int i = 0; i < features.length; ++i) { boolean state = fXMLSchemaLoader.getFeature(features[i]); schema.setFeature(features[i], state); } } /** * Extension of XMLGrammarPoolImpl which exposes the number of * grammars stored in the grammar pool. */ static class XMLGrammarPoolImplExtension extends XMLGrammarPoolImpl { /** Constructs a grammar pool with a default number of buckets. */ public XMLGrammarPoolImplExtension() { super(); } /** Constructs a grammar pool with a specified number of buckets. */ public XMLGrammarPoolImplExtension(int initialCapacity) { super(initialCapacity); } /** Returns the number of grammars contained in this pool. */ int getGrammarCount() { return fGrammarCount; } } // XMLSchemaFactory.XMLGrammarPoolImplExtension /** * A grammar pool which wraps another. */ static class XMLGrammarPoolWrapper implements XMLGrammarPool { private XMLGrammarPool fGrammarPool; /* * XMLGrammarPool methods */ public Grammar[] retrieveInitialGrammarSet(String grammarType) { return fGrammarPool.retrieveInitialGrammarSet(grammarType); } public void cacheGrammars(String grammarType, Grammar[] grammars) { fGrammarPool.cacheGrammars(grammarType, grammars); } public Grammar retrieveGrammar(XMLGrammarDescription desc) { return fGrammarPool.retrieveGrammar(desc); } public void lockPool() { fGrammarPool.lockPool(); } public void unlockPool() { fGrammarPool.unlockPool(); } public void clear() { fGrammarPool.clear(); } /* * Other methods */ void setGrammarPool(XMLGrammarPool grammarPool) { fGrammarPool = grammarPool; } XMLGrammarPool getGrammarPool() { return fGrammarPool; } } // XMLSchemaFactory.XMLGrammarPoolWrapper } // XMLSchemaFactory