package org.smartly.packages; import org.smartly.IConstants; import org.smartly.Smartly; import; import; import; import org.smartly.commons.util.*; import; import; import; import java.util.*; public class SmartlyPackageLoader { private final String _root; private final Map<String, AbstractPackage> _packages; private List<AbstractPackage> _sortList; private boolean _runned; private AbstractPackage _modalPackage; public SmartlyPackageLoader() throws IOException { _root = PathUtils.join(Smartly.getHome(), IConstants.PATH_PACKAGES); _packages = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, AbstractPackage>()); _runned = false; _modalPackage = null; // ensure dir exists FileUtils.mkdirs(_root); } public Set<String> getPackageNames() { return _packages.keySet(); } public void register(final AbstractPackage instance) { this.register(instance, null); } /** * Programmatically registration of a package. * Usually packages are loaded from package folder, but when launched from IDE you may * find useful manual registration. * * @param instance Package Instance */ public void register(final AbstractPackage instance, final Boolean modal) { if (null != instance) { final String key = instance.getId(); synchronized (_packages) { if (!_packages.containsKey(key)) { if (isModal(instance, modal)) { if (null != _modalPackage) { final String msg = FormatUtils.format("Modal Package already registered. Only one modal " + "package is allowed. '{0}->{1}' will not be registered.", key, instance.getClass().getCanonicalName()); this.warning(msg); return; } _modalPackage = instance; } _packages.put(key, instance); // ensure directory exists this.ensureExists(instance);"REGISTERED MODULE: {0}", key)); } else { final AbstractPackage existing = _packages.get(key); if (!existing.getClass().getCanonicalName().equalsIgnoreCase(instance.getClass().getCanonicalName())) { final String msg = FormatUtils.format("TWO PACKAGES WITH SAME ID: " + "Package '{0}' already exists and is of type '{1}'. Package ID must be unique. " + "You are trying to register another package with same ID but of type '{2}'.", key, existing.getClass().getCanonicalName(), instance.getClass().getCanonicalName()); this.warning(msg); } } } } } public void load() throws Exception { if (_runned) { return; } _runned = true; //-- load from repository--// this.loadPackages(); //-- run all packages in order --// _sortList = this.sort(); this.load(_sortList); } public void ready() { if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(_sortList)) { for (final AbstractPackage item : _sortList) { try { //-- Modal package is last --// if (!item.equals(_modalPackage)) { item.ready(); } } catch (Throwable t) { this.severe(FormatUtils.format("ERROR CALLING METHOD 'ready()' FROM PACKAGE '{0}': {1}", item.getId(), ExceptionUtils.getRealMessage(t))); } } if (null != _modalPackage) { "Smartly started [{0}]::{1} as MODAL.", _modalPackage.getId(), _modalPackage.getClass().getName())); _modalPackage.ready(); } } } public void unload() { if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(_sortList)) { for (final AbstractPackage item : _sortList) { try { //-- Modal package is last --// if (!item.equals(_modalPackage)) { item.unload(); } } catch (Throwable t) { this.severe(FormatUtils.format("ERROR CALLING METHOD 'unload()' FROM PACKAGE '{0}': {1}", item.getId(), ExceptionUtils.getRealMessage(t))); } } if (null != _modalPackage) { "Smartly stopped [{0}]::{1} as MODAL.", _modalPackage.getId(), _modalPackage.getClass().getName())); _modalPackage.unload(); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // p r i v a t e // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void info(final String message) { Smartly.getLogger().info(this, message); } private void warning(final String message) { Smartly.getLogger().warning(this, message); } private void severe(final String message) { Smartly.getLogger().severe(this, message); } private void severe(final String message, final Throwable error) { Smartly.getLogger().severe(this, message, error); } private void loadPackages() throws IOException { final FileRepository repository = new FileRepository(_root); final Resource[] resources = repository.getResources(true); for (final Resource resource : resources) { if (null != resource) { this.loadPackage(resource); } } } private void loadPackage(final Resource resource) { try { final String content = resource.getContent(Smartly.getCharset()); final JsonWrapper json = new JsonWrapper(content); final String name = json.optString("name"); final String main = json.optString("main"); if (!StringUtils.hasText(main)) { final String msg = FormatUtils.format( "Unable to load Package '{0}': Missing 'main' attribute.", name); this.severe(msg); } else { this.registerPackageLauncher(name, main); } } catch (Throwable t) { this.severe(FormatUtils.format("Unmanaged Exception loading Packages: '{0}'", t), t); } } private void registerPackageLauncher(final String name, final String className) { try { final Class clazz = ClassLoaderUtils.forName(className); if (null == clazz) { throw new Exception("Class not found in current loader."); } final AbstractPackage launcher = (AbstractPackage) clazz.newInstance(); this.register(launcher); } catch (Throwable t) { this.severe(FormatUtils.format("Exception loading Package '{0}' from class '{1}': '{2}'", name, className, t), t); } } private List<AbstractPackage> sort() { final Collection<AbstractPackage> packages = _packages.values(); List<AbstractPackage> list = new ArrayList<AbstractPackage>(packages); Collections.sort(list); return list; } private void load(final List<AbstractPackage> list) { for (final AbstractPackage item : list) { try { item.load();"STARTED MODULE: {0}", item.getId())); // flush deployers FileDeployer.deployAll(); } catch (Throwable t) { final String msg = FormatUtils.format("Error running Package '{0}': '{1}'", item.getId(), t); this.severe(msg, t); } } } private void ensureExists(final AbstractPackage pkg) { try { final String packagePath = PathUtils.join(_root, pkg.getId()); FileUtils.mkdirs(packagePath); final File packageJson = new File(PathUtils.join(packagePath, "package.json")); if (!packageJson.exists()) { // read default this.copyDefault(packageJson, pkg); } } catch (Throwable t) { this.severe(null, t); } } private void copyDefault(final File packageJson, final AbstractPackage pkg) throws IOException { final ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); //this.getClass().getClassLoader(); final String path = PathUtils.getPackagePath(this.getClass()); final String filePath = PathUtils.join(path, packageJson.getName()); final InputStream is = cl.getResourceAsStream(filePath); if (null != is) { final byte[] content = ByteUtils.getBytes(is); //format content with class data final Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); data.put("name", pkg.getId()); data.put("main", pkg.getClass().getCanonicalName()); data.put("version", pkg.getVersion()); data.put("description", pkg.getDescription()); data.put("maintainer_mail", pkg.getMaintainerMail()); data.put("maintainer_url", pkg.getMaintainerUrl()); data.put("maintainer_name", pkg.getMaintainerName()); final String json = FormatUtils.formatTemplate(new String(content), "<", ">", data); FileUtils.copy(json.getBytes(), packageJson); } else { this.warning(FormatUtils.format("RESOURCE '{0}' not found. " + "Ensure you included it in your package distribution " + "(i.e. check IDE settings for Compiler Options.)", filePath)); } } private static boolean isModal(final AbstractPackage instance, final Boolean modal) { if (null == modal) { return instance instanceof ISmartlyModalPackage; } else { return modal; } } }