package; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.smartly.commons.logging.Level; import org.smartly.commons.logging.Logger; import org.smartly.commons.logging.util.LoggingUtils; import; import org.smartly.commons.util.FormatUtils; import org.smartly.commons.util.JsonWrapper; import org.smartly.commons.util.StringUtils; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Yahoo PlaceFinder implementation. * * * * <p/> * flags=J&appid=yourappid * <p/> * User: angelo.geminiani */ public class YahooPlaceFinder { private final String _appId; private static final String FLD_RESULTSET = "ResultSet"; private static final String FLD_ERROR = FLD_RESULTSET + ".Error"; private static final String FLD_ERRORMSG = FLD_RESULTSET + ".ErrorMessage"; private static final String FLD_RESULTS = FLD_RESULTSET + ".Results"; //-- patterns --// private static final String REVERSE_GEOCODING = "{locale}&location={latitude}+{longitude}&gflags=R&flags=J&appid={appid}"; // private static final String GEOCODING = "{locale}&location={address}&flags=J&appid={appid}"; // * from geo.placefinder where text="1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC"&appid=test //private static final String GEOCODING = "*%20from%20geo.placefinder%20where%20text%3D%221600%20Pennsylvania%20Ave%2C%20Washington%2C%20DC%22&appid=D9qFIW3e&format=json"; private static final String GEOCODING = "*+from+geo.placefinder+where+text=\"{address}\"&appid={appid}&format=json"; private static final String GEOCODING_COORD = "{locale}&location={address}&flags=JC&appid={appid}"; public YahooPlaceFinder(final String appId) { _appId = appId; } /** * Returns Address object. * i.e. {"quality":99,"latitude":"44.005531","longitude":"12.639030","offsetlat":"44.005531", * "offsetlon":"12.639030","radius":500,"name":"44.00553135 12.63902965", * "line1":"via Ortles, 5","line2":"47838 Riccione RN","line3":"","line4":"Italy","house":"5", * "street":"via Ortles","xstreet":"","unittype":"","unit":"","postal":"47838","neighborhood":"", * "city":"Riccione","county":"Rimini","state":"Emilia Romagna","country":"Italy","countrycode":"IT", * "statecode":"","countycode":"RN","hash":"","woeid":12846205,"woetype":11,"uzip":"47838"} * <p/> * FULL OBJECT: * { * "ResultSet": * { * "version":"1.0", * "Error":0, * "ErrorMessage":"No error", * "Locale":"us_US", * "Quality":99, * "Found":1, * "Results":[ * {"quality":99,"latitude":"44.005531","longitude":"12.639030","offsetlat":"44.005531", * "offsetlon":"12.639030","radius":500,"name":"44.00553135 12.63902965", * "line1":"via Ortles, 5","line2":"47838 Riccione RN","line3":"","line4":"Italy","house":"5", * "street":"via Ortles","xstreet":"","unittype":"","unit":"","postal":"47838","neighborhood":"", * "city":"Riccione","county":"Rimini","state":"Emilia Romagna","country":"Italy","countrycode":"IT", * "statecode":"","countycode":"RN","hash":"","woeid":12846205,"woetype":11,"uzip":"47838"} * ]} * } * * @param latitude * @param longitude * @return Address Object: * {"quality":99,"latitude":"44.005531","longitude":"12.639030","offsetlat":"44.005531", * "offsetlon":"12.639030","radius":500,"name":"44.00553135 12.63902965", * "line1":"via Ortles, 5","line2":"47838 Riccione RN","line3":"","line4":"Italy","house":"5", * "street":"via Ortles","xstreet":"","unittype":"","unit":"","postal":"47838","neighborhood":"", * "city":"Riccione","county":"Rimini","state":"Emilia Romagna","country":"Italy","countrycode":"IT", * "statecode":"","countycode":"RN","hash":"","woeid":12846205,"woetype":11,"uzip":"47838"} */ public JSONObject reverseGeocoding(final double latitude, final double longitude) { return this.reverseGeocoding("en_US", latitude, longitude); } public JSONObject reverseGeocoding(final String locale, final double latitude, final double longitude) { try { final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("locale", locale); params.put("appid", _appId); params.put("latitude", latitude); params.put("longitude", longitude); final String url = FormatUtils.format(REVERSE_GEOCODING, params); final String jsonData = URLUtils.getUrlContent(url); return parseResponse(jsonData); } catch (Throwable t) { this.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, null, t); } return null; } public JSONObject geocoding(final String locale, final JSONObject address) { final String text_address = getAddress(address, false); return this.geocoding(locale, text_address); } /** *,+CA&flags=J&appid=yourappid * * @param address format: First line of address (street address), a comma, and the second line of address (city-state-zip in US). * @return json */ public JSONObject geocoding(final String locale, final String address) { try { final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("locale", locale); params.put("appid", _appId); params.put("address", address); // rn 47838 IT&flags=J&appid=APPID final String url = FormatUtils.format(GEOCODING, params); final String jsonData = URLUtils.getUrlContent(url, 5000, URLUtils.TYPE_JSON); return parseResponse(jsonData); } catch (Throwable t) { this.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, null, t); } return null; } public JSONObject coordinates(final String locale, final JSONObject address) { return this.coordinates(locale, getAddress(address, false)); } public JSONObject coordinates(final String locale, final String address) { try { final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("locale", locale); params.put("appid", _appId); params.put("address", address); // rn 47838 IT&flags=JC&appid=APPID final String url = FormatUtils.format(GEOCODING_COORD, params); final String jsonData = URLUtils.getUrlContent(url); return parseResponse(jsonData); } catch (Throwable t) { this.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, null, t); } return null; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // p r i v a t e // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private Logger getLogger() { return LoggingUtils.getLogger(this); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // S T A T I C // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // S T A T I C - p r i v a t e // -------------------------------------------------------------------- private static JSONObject parseResponse(final String jsonData) throws Exception { if (StringUtils.isJSON(jsonData)) { final JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonData); final int err = getErrorCode(json); if (err == 0) { final JSONArray results = getResults(json); if (null != results && results.length() > 0) { return results.optJSONObject(0); } else { // system error final String sys_err = JsonWrapper.getString(json, "error"); if (StringUtils.hasText(sys_err)) { final String cause = JsonWrapper.getString(json, "error_message"); if (StringUtils.hasText(cause)) { throw new Exception("[" + cause + "] - " + sys_err); } throw new Exception(sys_err); } } } else { throw new Exception(getErrorMessage(json)); } return json; } return null; } private static int getErrorCode(final JSONObject json) { return JsonWrapper.getInt(json, FLD_ERROR); } private static String getErrorMessage(final JSONObject json) { return JsonWrapper.getString(json, FLD_ERRORMSG); } private static boolean hasError(final JSONObject json) { return getErrorCode(json) > 0; } private static JSONArray getResults(final JSONObject json) { return JsonWrapper.getArray(json, FLD_RESULTS); } private static String getAddress(final JSONObject address, final boolean includeStreet) { // format: (street address), a comma, and (city-state-zip in US). final String street = address.optString("street").replaceAll(",", ""); final String city = address.optString("city"); final String state = address.optString("state"); final String country = address.optString("country"); final String zip = address.optString("zip"); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (StringUtils.hasText(city) || StringUtils.hasText(state) || StringUtils.hasText(zip) || StringUtils.hasText(country)) { if (includeStreet && StringUtils.hasText(street)) { sb.append(street); sb.append(","); } if (StringUtils.hasText(city)) { sb.append(city).append(" "); } if (StringUtils.hasText(state)) { sb.append(state).append(" "); } if (StringUtils.hasText(zip)) { sb.append(zip).append(" "); } if (StringUtils.hasText(country)) { sb.append(country); } } return sb.toString().replaceAll(" ", "+"); } }