package org.smartly.commons.util; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.smartly.commons.logging.Level; import org.smartly.commons.logging.Logger; import org.smartly.commons.logging.util.LoggingUtils; import java.util.*; /** * Wrapper for generic JSON objects and arrays. */ public final class JsonWrapper implements Cloneable { private JSONObject _object; private JSONArray _array; private Throwable _parse_error; public JsonWrapper(final String text) { this.parse(text); } public JsonWrapper(final JSONObject object) { _array = null; _object = object; _parse_error = null; } public JsonWrapper(final JSONArray array) { _array = array; _object = null; _parse_error = null; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this.isJSONArray()) { return _array.equals(obj); } if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.equals(obj); } return super.equals(obj); } @Override public int hashCode() { if (this.isJSONArray()) { return _array.hashCode(); } if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.hashCode(); } return super.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { if (this.isJSONArray()) { return _array.toString(); } if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.toString(); } return ""; } public String toString(final int indentFactor) { try { if (this.isJSONArray()) { return _array.toString(indentFactor); } if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.toString(indentFactor); } } catch (Throwable ignored) { } return this.toString(); } @Override public JsonWrapper clone() { return new JsonWrapper(this.toString()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // p u b l i c // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public JsonWrapper parse(final String text) { try { if (StringUtils.isJSONObject(text)) { _array = null; _object = new JSONObject(text); } else if (StringUtils.isJSONArray(text)) { _array = new JSONArray(text); _object = null; } else { _array = null; _object = new JSONObject(); } _parse_error = null; } catch (Throwable t) { _array = null; _object = new JSONObject(); _parse_error = t; } return this; } public Map<String, Object> toMap() { if (this.isJSONArray()) { return JsonWrapper.toMap(this.getJSONArray()); } else if (this.isJSONObject()) { return JsonWrapper.toMap(this.getJSONObject()); } return new HashMap(); } public boolean hasParseError() { return _parse_error != null; } public Throwable getParseError() { return _parse_error; } public boolean isNull() { return null == _array && null == _object; } public boolean isJSONArray() { return null != _array; } public boolean isJSONObject() { return null != _object; } public Object getObject() { return null != _object ? _object : _array; } public JSONObject getJSONObject() { return _object; } public JSONArray getJSONArray() { return _array; } public int length() { if (this.isJSONArray()) { return _array.length(); } if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.length(); } return 0; } public boolean isEmpty() { return this.length() == 0; } public List<Object> values() { return toList(this.getObject()); } public void clear() { if (null != _array) { while (_array.length() > 0) { _array.remove(0); } } if (null != _object) { final Iterator i = _object.keys(); while (i.hasNext()) { _object.remove((String); } } } public Map<String, Object> flat() { return JsonWrapper.toFlatMap(this.getJSONObject()); } //-- special methods to retrieve values navigating object --// public Object deep(final String path) { if (null != _object) { return BeanUtils.getValueIfAny(_object, path); } else if (null != _array) { return BeanUtils.getValueIfAny(_array, path); } return null; } public Object deepRemove(final String path) { if (null != _object) { final Object result; if (path.contains(".")) { final String[] tokens = StringUtils.splitLast(path, "."); final JSONObject parent = JsonWrapper.getJSON(_object, tokens[0]); result = JsonWrapper.remove(parent, tokens[1]); } else { result = this.remove(path); } return result; } return null; } public JSONArray deepJSONArray(final String path) { final Object result = this.deep(path); return result instanceof JSONArray ? (JSONArray) result : null; } public JSONObject deepJSONObject(final String path) { final Object result = this.deep(path); return result instanceof JSONObject ? (JSONObject) result : null; } public String deepString(final String path) { return this.deepString(path, ""); } public String deepString(final String path, final String def) { final Object result = this.deep(path); return null != result ? result.toString() : def; } public boolean deepBoolean(final String path) { return this.deepBoolean(path, false); } public boolean deepBoolean(final String path, final boolean def) { try { final Object result = this.deep(path); return result instanceof Boolean ? Boolean.parseBoolean(result.toString()) : def; } catch (Throwable ignored) { } return def; } public int deepInteger(final String path) { return this.deepInteger(path, 0); } public int deepInteger(final String path, final int def) { try { final Object result = this.deep(path); if (result instanceof Integer) { return Integer.parseInt(result.toString()); } else { return ConversionUtils.toInteger(result, def); } } catch (Throwable ignored) { } return def; } public long deepLong(final String path) { return this.deepLong(path, 0L); } public long deepLong(final String path, final long def) { try { final Object result = this.deep(path); if (result instanceof Long) { return Long.parseLong(result.toString()); } else { return ConversionUtils.toLong(result, def); } } catch (Throwable ignored) { } return def; } public double deepDouble(final String path) { return this.deepDouble(path, 0.0); } public double deepDouble(final String path, final double def) { try { final Object result = this.deep(path); if (result instanceof Double) { return Double.parseDouble(result.toString()); } else { return ConversionUtils.toDouble(result); } } catch (Throwable ignored) { } return def; } //-- JSONObject --// public boolean isNull(final String key) { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.isNull(key); } return true; } public boolean has(final String key) { return JsonWrapper.has(_object, key); } public Set<String> keys() { final Set<String> keys = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); if (this.isJSONObject()) { final Iterator<String> iter = _object.keys(); while (iter.hasNext()) { keys.add(; } } return keys; } public Object get(final String key) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.get(key); } return null; } public String getString(final String key) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.getString(key); } return null; } public boolean getBoolean(final String key) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.getBoolean(key); } return false; } public double getDouble(final String key) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.getDouble(key); } return 0.0; } public int getInt(final String key) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.getInt(key); } return 0; } public long getLong(final String key) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.getLong(key); } return 0L; } public Date getDate(final String key) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONObject()) { final String date = _object.getString(key); final DateWrapper dw = DateWrapper.parse(date); return null != dw ? dw.getDateTime() :; } return; } public Date getDate(final String key, final Locale locale) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONObject()) { final String date = _object.getString(key); final DateWrapper dw = DateWrapper.parse(date, locale); return null != dw ? dw.getDateTime() :; } return; } public JSONArray getJSONArray(final String key) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.getJSONArray(key); } return null; } public JSONObject getJSONObject(final String key) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.getJSONObject(key); } return null; } public Object opt(final String key) { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.opt(key); } return null; } public String optString(final String key) { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.optString(key, ""); } return null; } public String optString(final String key, final String def) { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.optString(key, def); } return null; } public boolean optBoolean(final String key) { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.optBoolean(key); } return false; } public double optDouble(final String key) { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.optDouble(key); } return 0.0; } public int optInt(final String key) { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.optInt(key); } return 0; } public long optLong(final String key) { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.optLong(key); } return 0L; } public JSONArray optJSONArray(final String key) { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.optJSONArray(key); } return null; } public JSONObject optJSONObject(final String key) { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.optJSONObject(key); } return null; } public void put(final String key, final Object obj) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONObject()) { if (obj instanceof Map) { _object.put(key, (Map) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Collection) { _object.put(key, (Collection) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Boolean) { _object.put(key, (Boolean) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Integer) { _object.put(key, (Integer) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Double) { _object.put(key, (Double) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Long) { _object.put(key, (Long) obj); } else { _object.putOpt(key, obj); } } } public JSONObject putDeep(final String path, final Object obj) { return JsonWrapper.put(_object, path, obj, true); } public void putOnce(final String key, final Object obj) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONObject()) { _object.putOnce(key, obj); } } public void putOpt(final String key, final Object obj) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONObject()) { _object.putOpt(key, obj); } } public void putSilent(final String key, final Object obj) { if (this.isJSONObject()) { try { _object.putOpt(key, obj); } catch (Throwable ignored) { } } } public Object remove(final String key) { if (this.isJSONObject()) { return _object.remove(key); } return null; } //-- JSONArray --// public boolean isNull(final int index) { if (this.isJSONArray()) { return _array.isNull(index); } return true; } public Object remove(final int index) { if (this.isJSONArray() && _array.length() > index) { return _array.remove(index); } return null; } public Object get(final int index) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONArray() && _array.length() > index) { return _array.get(index); } return null; } public String getString(final int index) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONArray() && _array.length() > index) { return _array.getString(index); } return null; } public boolean getBoolean(final int index) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONArray() && _array.length() > index) { return _array.getBoolean(index); } return false; } public double getDouble(final int index) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONArray() && _array.length() > index) { return _array.getDouble(index); } return 0.0; } public int getInt(final int index) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONArray() && _array.length() > index) { return _array.getInt(index); } return 0; } public long getLong(final int index) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONArray() && _array.length() > index) { return _array.getLong(index); } return 0L; } public JSONArray getJSONArray(final int index) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONArray() && _array.length() > index) { return _array.getJSONArray(index); } return null; } public JSONObject getJSONObject(final int index) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONArray() && _array.length() > index) { return _array.getJSONObject(index); } return null; } public Object opt(final int index) { if (this.isJSONArray() && _array.length() > index) { return _array.opt(index); } return null; } public String optString(final int index) { if (this.isJSONArray() && _array.length() > index) { return _array.optString(index); } return null; } public boolean optBoolean(final int index) { if (this.isJSONArray()) { return _array.optBoolean(index); } return false; } public double optDouble(final int index) { if (this.isJSONArray()) { return _array.optDouble(index); } return 0.0; } public int optInt(final int index) { if (this.isJSONArray()) { return _array.optInt(index); } return 0; } public long optLong(final int index) { if (this.isJSONArray()) { return _array.optLong(index); } return 0L; } public JSONArray optJSONArray(final int index) { if (this.isJSONArray()) { return _array.optJSONArray(index); } return null; } public JSONObject optJSONObject(final int index) { if (this.isJSONArray()) { return _array.optJSONObject(index); } return null; } public void put(final Object obj) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONArray()) { if (obj instanceof Map) { _array.put((Map) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Collection) { _array.put((Collection) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Boolean) { _array.put((Boolean) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Integer) { _array.put((Integer) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Double) { _array.put((Double) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Long) { _array.put((Long) obj); } else { _array.put(obj); } } } public void put(final int index, final Object obj) throws JSONException { if (this.isJSONArray()) { if (obj instanceof Map) { _array.put(index, (Map) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Collection) { _array.put(index, (Collection) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Boolean) { _array.put(index, (Boolean) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Integer) { _array.put(index, (Integer) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Double) { _array.put(index, (Double) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Long) { _array.put(index, (Long) obj); } else { _array.put(index, obj); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // p r i v a t e // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // S T A T I C // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public static JsonWrapper wrap(final String json) { return new JsonWrapper(json); } public static JsonWrapper wrap(final JSONArray json) { return new JsonWrapper(json); } public static JsonWrapper wrap(final JSONObject json) { return new JsonWrapper(json); } public static JsonWrapper wrap(final Map map) { try { final JSONObject json = toJSONObject(map); return new JsonWrapper(json); } catch (Throwable ignored) { } return new JsonWrapper(new JSONObject()); } public static JsonWrapper wrap(final Collection collection) { try { final JSONArray json = toJSONArray(collection); return new JsonWrapper(json); } catch (Throwable ignored) { } return new JsonWrapper(new JSONObject()); } public static boolean isEmpty(final Object item) { if (item instanceof JSONObject) { return ((JSONObject) item).length() == 0; } else if (item instanceof JSONArray) { return ((JSONArray) item).length() == 0; } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // S T A T I C - C O N V E R S I O N // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public static List<JSONObject> parseList(final String jsonArray) { final JSONArray array = JsonWrapper.wrap(jsonArray).getJSONArray(); return toListOfJSONObject(array); } public static JSONObject toJSONObject(final Object object) throws JSONException { if (null != object) { if (object instanceof Map) { return new JSONObject((Map) object); } else if (object instanceof JSONObject) { return (JSONObject) object; } else { return new JSONObject(object.toString()); } } return new JSONObject(); } /** * Returns JSONArray * * @param object Object to convert * @return JSONArray */ public static JSONArray toJSONArray(final Object object) { if (object instanceof JSONArray) { return (JSONArray) object; } final JSONArray result = new JSONArray(); if (null != object) { if (object instanceof JSONObject) { final JSONObject item = (JSONObject) object; final Iterator keys = item.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { result.put(item.opt(; } } else if (object instanceof Map) { final Map item = (Map) object; final Set keys = item.keySet(); for (final Object key : keys) { result.put(item.get(key)); } } else if (object instanceof Collection) { final Collection list = (Collection) object; for (final Object item : list) { result.put(item); } } else if (object.getClass().isArray()) { final Object[] array = (Object[]) object; for (final Object value : array) { result.put(value); } } } return result; } /** * Convert JSONObject into Map. * * @param item Object to convert. * @return Converted Map. */ public static Map<String, Object> toMap(final JSONObject item) { final Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); final Iterator keys = item.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { final String name =; if (null != name) { final Object value = item.opt(name); result.put(name, null != value ? value : ""); } } return result; } public static Map<String, Object> toFlatMap(final JSONObject item) { final Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); if (null != item) { flatMap(result, "", item); } return result; } public static Map<String, Object> toMap(final JSONArray jsonarray) { final Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); final int len = jsonarray.length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { final String key = "param" + i; final Object value = jsonarray.opt(i); if (null != value) { result.put(key, value); } } return result; } public static Map<String, String> toMapOfString(final JSONObject json) { final Map<String, String> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); final Iterator iterator = json.keys(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final String key =; final Object value = json.opt(key); if (null != value) { result.put(key, StringUtils.toString(value)); } } return result; } public static Map<String, String> toMapOfString(final JSONArray jsonarray) { final Map<String, String> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); final int len = jsonarray.length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { final String key = "param" + i; final Object value = jsonarray.opt(i); if (null != value) { result.put(key, StringUtils.toString(value)); } } return result; } public static List<Object> toList(final Object object) { final List<Object> result = new LinkedList<Object>(); try { if (object instanceof JSONArray) { final JSONArray array = (JSONArray) object; for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { result.add(array.get(i)); } } else if (object instanceof JSONObject) { final JSONObject jobject = (JSONObject) object; final Iterator keys = jobject.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { final String key =; final Object value = jobject.opt(key); if (null != value) { result.add(value); } } } } catch (Throwable ignored) { } return result; } public static Object[] toArray(final JSONArray array) { final List<Object> result = toList(array); return null != result ? result.toArray(new Object[result.size()]) : new Object[0]; } public static JsonList toListOfJSONObject(final Object object) { final JsonList result = new JsonList(); try { if (object instanceof JSONArray) { final JSONArray array = (JSONArray) object; for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { final Object item = array.get(i); if (item instanceof JSONObject) { result.add((JSONObject) item); } } } else if (object instanceof JSONObject) { final JSONObject jobject = (JSONObject) object; final Iterator keys = jobject.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { final String key =; final JSONObject value = jobject.optJSONObject(key); if (null != value) { result.add(value); } } } } catch (Throwable ignored) { } return result; } public static JSONObject[] toArrayOfJSONObject(final JSONArray array) { final List<JSONObject> result = toListOfJSONObject(array); return null != result ? result.toArray(new JSONObject[result.size()]) : new JSONObject[0]; } public static List<String> toListOfString(final JSONArray array) { final List<String> result = new LinkedList<String>(); if (null != array) { final List<Object> list = toList(array); for (final Object item : list) { result.add(item.toString()); } } return result; } public static String[] toArrayOfString(final JSONArray array) { final List<String> result = toListOfString(array); return null != result ? result.toArray(new String[result.size()]) : new String[0]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // S T A T I C - E X T E N D // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public static JSONArray extend(final JSONArray target, final JSONArray source) { return extend(target, source, false, null); } public static JSONArray extend(final JSONArray target, final JSONArray source, final boolean overwrite) { return extend(target, source, overwrite, null); } /** * Extends JSONObjects inside array * * @param target * @param source * @param overwrite * @return */ public static JSONArray extend(final JSONArray target, final JSONArray source, final boolean overwrite, final Object nullValue) { try { if (null != target && null != source && target.length() == source.length()) { for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); i++) { final Object sval = source.get(i); final Object tval = target.get(i); if (sval instanceof JSONObject && tval instanceof JSONObject) { extend((JSONObject) tval, (JSONObject) sval, overwrite, nullValue); } } } } catch (Throwable t) { } return target; } /** * Extends target object with source properties, but does not overwrite * existing properties in target. * * @param target * @param source * @return */ public static JSONObject extend(final JSONObject target, final JSONObject source) { return extend(target, source, false, null); } /** * Extends target object with source properties, but does not overwrite * existing properties in target. * * @param target * @param source * @param overwrite * @return */ public static JSONObject extend(final JSONObject target, final JSONObject source, final boolean overwrite) { return extend(target, source, overwrite, null); } /** * Extends target object with source properties, but does not overwrite * existing properties in target. * * @param target * @param source * @param overwrite * @param nullValue (Optional) If assigned, target is checked for this * value, and this value is considered as null (overwritten) * @return */ public static JSONObject extend(final JSONObject target, final JSONObject source, final boolean overwrite, final Object nullValue) { final Iterator keys = source.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { try { final String key =; final Object sourceval = source.opt(key); if (target.has(key)) { if (overwrite) { final Object targetval = target.opt(key); if (targetval instanceof JSONObject && sourceval instanceof JSONObject) { extend((JSONObject) targetval, (JSONObject) sourceval, overwrite); } else { target.putOpt(key, sourceval); } } else if (null != nullValue) { if (nullValue.equals(target.opt(key))) { target.putOpt(key, sourceval); } } } else { target.putOpt(key, sourceval); } } catch (Throwable t) { } } return target; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // S T A T I C - P U T A N D G E T // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public static JSONObject put(final JSONObject item, final String path, final Object val) { return put(item, path, val, false); } public static JSONObject put(final JSONObject item, final String path, final Object val, final boolean autocreate) { final Object value = (val instanceof JsonWrapper) ? ((JsonWrapper) val).getObject() : val; try { if (path.indexOf(".") > 0) { final int len = StringUtils.countOccurrencesOf(path, "."); final String[] tokens = StringUtils.splitAt(len, path, "."); final Object obj = getValueIfAny(item, tokens[0]); if (null == obj && autocreate) { provide(item, path); return put(item, path, val, false); } if (obj instanceof JSONObject) { JsonWrapper.put((JSONObject) obj, tokens[1], value, false); } else if (obj instanceof JSONArray) { JsonWrapper.put((JSONArray) obj, value); } } else { if (!(value instanceof JSONArray) && item.has(path)) { final Object obj = item.opt(path); if (obj instanceof JSONArray) { ((JSONArray) obj).put(value); } else { item.putOpt(path, value); } } else { item.putOpt(path, value); } } } catch (Throwable t) { getLoggerStatic().log(Level.SEVERE, FormatUtils.format( "Error putting '{0}' into property '{1}' of object '{2}': {3}", value, path, item, t), t); } return item; } public static JSONArray put(final JSONArray item, final Object val) { final Object value = (val instanceof JsonWrapper) ? ((JsonWrapper) val).getObject() : val; try { item.put(value); } catch (Throwable t) { getLoggerStatic().log(Level.SEVERE, FormatUtils.format( "Error putting '{0}' into array '{2}': {3}", value, item, t), t); } return item; } /** * Append or add object if does not exists. * * @param item * @param field * @param val * @return */ public static JSONObject append(final JSONObject item, final String field, final Object val) { final Object value = (val instanceof JsonWrapper) ? ((JsonWrapper) val).getObject() : val; try { if (!item.has(field)) { item.putOpt(field, new JSONArray()); } final Object existing = item.get(field); if (existing instanceof JSONArray) { ((JSONArray) existing).put(value); } else { final JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); array.put(value); item.putOpt(field, array); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return item; } public static Object remove(final JSONObject item, final String key) { return item.remove(key); } public static Object remove(final JSONArray item, final int index) { return item.remove(index); } public static boolean has(final Object object, final String path) { // check JSONObject if ((object instanceof JSONObject) && StringUtils.hasText(path)) { if (!path.contains(".")) { return ((JSONObject) object).has(path); } final String[] tokens = StringUtils.splitLast(path, "."); final JSONObject json = getJSON(object, tokens[0]); return null != json ? json.has(tokens[1]) : false; } return false; } public static Object get(final JSONObject item, final String field) { return getValueIfAny(item, field); } public static JSONObject getJSON(final Object item, final String field) { return getJSON(item, field, null); } public static JSONObject getJSON(final Object item, final String field, final JSONObject defVal) { final Object value = getValueIfAny(item, field); if (value instanceof JSONObject) { return (JSONObject) value; } return defVal; } public static String getString(final Object item, final String field) { return getString(item, field, ""); } public static String getString(final Object item, final String field, final String defValue) { final Object value = getValueIfAny(item, field); if (null == value) { return defValue; } return value.toString(); } public static long getLong(final Object item, final String field) { return getLong(item, field, 0); } public static long getLong(final Object item, final String field, final long defValue) { final Object value = getValueIfAny(item, field); if (null == value) { return defValue; } return ConversionUtils.toLong(value, defValue); } public static int getInt(final Object item, final String field) { return getInt(item, field, 0); } public static int getInt(final Object item, final String field, final int defValue) { final Object value = getValueIfAny(item, field); if (null == value) { return defValue; } return ConversionUtils.toInteger(value, defValue); } public static double getDouble(final Object item, final String field) { return getDouble(item, field, 0.0); } public static double getDouble(final Object item, final String field, final double defValue) { final Object value = getValueIfAny(item, field); if (null == value) { return defValue; } return ConversionUtils.toDouble(value, -1, defValue); } public static boolean getBoolean(final Object item, final String field) { return getBoolean(item, field, false); } public static boolean getBoolean(final Object item, final String field, final boolean defValue) { final Object value = getValueIfAny(item, field); if (null == value) { return defValue; } return ConversionUtils.toBoolean(value, defValue); } public static Date getDate(final Object item, final String field) throws JSONException { final Object value = getValueIfAny(item, field); if (value instanceof String) { final String date = (String) value; final DateWrapper dw = DateWrapper.parse(date); return null != dw ? dw.getDateTime() :; } return; } public static Date getDate(final Object item, final String field, final Locale locale) throws JSONException { final Object value = getValueIfAny(item, field); if (value instanceof String) { final String date = (String) value; final DateWrapper dw = DateWrapper.parse(date, locale); return null != dw ? dw.getDateTime() :; } return; } public static JSONArray getArray(final Object item, final String field) { if (null != item) { final JSONArray result; final Object value = getValueIfAny(item, field); if (value instanceof JSONArray) { result = (JSONArray) value; } else if (value instanceof JSONObject) { result = JsonWrapper.toJSONArray((JSONObject) value); } else if (value instanceof Map) { result = JsonWrapper.toJSONArray((Map) value); } else { result = new JSONArray(); if (item instanceof JSONObject) { try { ((JSONObject) item).putOpt(field, result); } catch (Throwable t) { } } } return result; } return null; } public static List getList(final Object item, final String field) { final List<Object> result = new LinkedList<Object>(); if (null != item) { final JSONArray array = JsonWrapper.getArray(item, field); if (array.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { try { result.add(array.get(i)); } catch (Throwable t) { } } } } return result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // S T A T I C - E Q U A L I T Y // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public static boolean equals(final Object item1, final Object item2) { if (CompareUtils.equals(item1, item2)) { return true; } else if (null != item1 && null != item2) { if (item1 instanceof JSONObject && item2 instanceof JSONObject) { return equals((JSONObject) item1, (JSONObject) item2); } else if (item1 instanceof JSONArray && item2 instanceof JSONArray) { return equals((JSONArray) item1, (JSONArray) item2); } } return false; } public static boolean equals(final JSONArray item1, final JSONArray item2) { if (CompareUtils.equals(item1, item2)) { return true; } else if (null != item1 && null != item2 && item1.length() == item2.length()) { for (int i = 0; i < item1.length(); i++) { final Object value1 = item1.opt(i); final Object value2 = item2.opt(i); if (!equals(value1, value2)) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } public static boolean equals(final JSONObject item1, final JSONObject item2) { if (CompareUtils.equals(item1, item2)) { return true; } else if (null != item1 && null != item2) { final Iterator keys = item1.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { final String key =; final Object value1 = item1.opt(key); final Object value2 = item2.opt(key); if (!equals(value1, value2)) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } public static boolean contains(final JSONArray array, final Object item) { if (null != array && null != item) { final int len = array.length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { final Object value = array.opt(i); if (equals(item, value)) { return true; } } } return false; } public static boolean contains(final JSONArray array, final String value) { final int length = array.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final String name = array.getString(i); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean contains(final JSONArray array, final String key, final String value) { return null != findOne(array, key, value); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // S T A T I C - L O O K U P // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public static JSONObject findOne(final JSONArray array, final String key, final Object value) { final int length = array.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final Object item = array.get(i); if (item instanceof JSONObject) { final JSONObject jitem = (JSONObject) item; if (jitem.has(key) && CompareUtils.equals(jitem.opt(key), value)) { return jitem; } } } return null; } public static JsonList find(final JSONArray array, final String key, final Object value) { final JsonList result = new JsonList(); final int length = array.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final JSONObject item = array.optJSONObject(i); if (null != item && item.has(key) && CompareUtils.equals(item.opt(key), value)) { result.add(item); } } return result; } public static boolean removeOne(final JSONArray array, final String value) { final int length = array.length(); for (int i = length - 1; i > -1; i--) { final String item = array.optString(i); if (null != item && item.equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { array.remove(i); return true; } } return false; } public static int removeAll(final JSONArray array, final String value) { int count = 0; final int length = array.length(); for (int i = length - 1; i > -1; i--) { final String item = array.optString(i); if (null != item && item.equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { array.remove(i); count++; } } return count; } public static JSONObject removeOne(final JSONArray array, final String key, final String value) { final int length = array.length(); for (int i = length - 1; i > -1; i--) { final Object item = array.get(i); if ((item instanceof JSONObject) && ((JSONObject) item).has(key) && ((JSONObject) item).optString(key).equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { array.remove(i); return (JSONObject) item; } } return null; } public static JsonList removeAll(final JSONArray array, final String key, final String value) { final JsonList result = new JsonList(); final int length = array.length(); for (int i = length - 1; i > -1; i--) { final Object item = array.get(i); if ((item instanceof JSONObject) && ((JSONObject) item).has(key) && ((JSONObject) item).optString(key).equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { array.remove(i); result.add((JSONObject) item); } } return result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // S T A T I C - U T I L I T Y // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public static void clear(final JSONObject target) { if (null != target) { final String[] keys = CollectionUtils.toArrayOfString(target.keys()); for (final String key : keys) { try { target.remove(key); } catch (Throwable t) { } } } } public static void provide(final JSONObject item, final String path) throws JSONException { if (null != item) { if (path.indexOf(".") > 0) { final String[] tokens = StringUtils.splitAt(1, path, "."); if (!item.has(tokens[0])) { item.putOnce(tokens[0], new JSONObject()); } provide(item.optJSONObject(tokens[0]), tokens[1]); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // S T A T I C p r i v a t e // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private static Logger getLoggerStatic() { return LoggingUtils.getLogger(JsonWrapper.class); } private static Object getValueIfAny(final Object item, final String path) { Object result = BeanUtils.getValueIfAny(item, path); if (null == result) { result = BeanUtils.getValueIfAny(item, path.toLowerCase()); } if (result instanceof JsonWrapper) { result = ((JsonWrapper) result).getObject(); } return result; } private static void flatMap(final Map<String, Object> map, final String root, final JSONObject item) { final Iterator keys = item.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { final String name =; if (null != name) { final Object value = item.opt(name); if (null != value) { final String key = StringUtils.concatDot(root, name); if (value instanceof JSONObject) { flatMap(map, key, (JSONObject) value); } else { map.put(key, value); } } } } } }