package; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.smartly.commons.cryptograph.GUID; import; import org.smartly.commons.util.*; import; /** * Collection */ public class JsonDBCollection { private static final String ID = IJsonDBConstants.ID; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // f i e l d s // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private final JsonDB _db; private final String _file_path; private final String _name; private JSONArray __data; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // c o n s t r u c t o r // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public JsonDBCollection(final JsonDB db, final String name) { _db = db; _file_path = PathUtils.concat(_db.getRoot(), name.concat(".json")); _name = name; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // p u b l i c // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public String getName() { return _name; } public void drop() { // remove metadata _db.collectionsMetadata(_name, true); // remove data from memory __data = null; // remove data this.remove(); } public JsonList find() { final JSONArray data = this.getData(); return JsonWrapper.toListOfJSONObject(data); } public JsonList find(final String key, final Object value) { try { final JSONArray data = this.getData(); return JsonWrapper.find(data, key, value); } catch (Throwable t) { this.handle(t); } return null; } public JSONObject findOne(final String key, final Object value) { try { final JSONArray data = this.getData(); return JsonWrapper.findOne(data, key, value); } catch (Throwable t) { this.handle(t); } return null; } public String findOneAsString(final String key, final Object value) { try { final JSONArray data = this.getData(); final JSONObject result = JsonWrapper.findOne(data, key, value); return null != result ? result.toString() : ""; } catch (Throwable t) { this.handle(t); } return ""; } public JSONObject upsert(final Object item) throws JsonDBInvalidItemException { if (item instanceof String && StringUtils.isJSONObject(item)) { return this.upsert(new JSONObject((String) item)); } else if (item instanceof JSONObject) { return this.upsert((JSONObject) item); } else { throw new JsonDBInvalidItemException("Invalid item type: " + null != item ? item.getClass().getName() : "NULL"); } } public String upsertAsString(final String item) { try { return this.upsert(new JSONObject(item)).toString(); } catch (Throwable t) { this.handle(t); } return ""; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // p r i v a t e // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void handle(final Throwable t) { if (null != _db) { _db.handle(t); } } private JSONArray getData() { if (null == __data) { final String data =; if (StringUtils.isJSONArray(data)) { __data = new JSONArray(data); } else { __data = new JSONArray();; } } return __data; } private JSONObject upsert(final JSONObject item) { //-- prepare item --// if (item.has(ID)) { // update final JSONObject existing = JsonWrapper.removeOne(this.getData(), ID, item.optString(ID)); if (null != existing) { return this.update(existing, item); } else { return this.insert(item); } } else { // insert return this.insert(item); } } private JSONObject update(final JSONObject existing, final JSONObject item) { JsonWrapper.extend(existing, item, true); this.add(existing); return existing; } public JSONObject insert(final JSONObject item) { if (!item.has(ID)) { item.put(ID, GUID.create()); } this.add(item); return item; } private void add(final JSONObject item) { //-- add to store and save --/ this.getData().put(item);; } private String read() { try { if (PathUtils.exists(_file_path)) { return FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(_file_path), JsonDB.CHARSET); } } catch (Throwable ignored) { } return null; } private void remove() { try { if (PathUtils.exists(_file_path)) { FileUtils.delete(_file_path); } } catch (Throwable ignored) { } } private boolean save() { try { final String json = this.getData().toString(); FileUtils.copy(json.getBytes(JsonDB.CHARSET), new File(_file_path)); } catch (Throwable t) { return false; } return true; } }