package org.smartly.commons.i18n.resourcebundle.bundle; import org.smartly.commons.i18n.utils.I18nUtils; import org.smartly.commons.logging.Level; import org.smartly.commons.logging.Logger; import org.smartly.commons.logging.util.LoggingUtils; import org.smartly.commons.util.*; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Properties; /** * */ public abstract class ResourceBundleManager { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // works with path + baseName // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- public static String getString(final Class callerClass, final String baseName, final String resourceKey, final ClassLoader classloader) { return getString(callerClass, baseName, resourceKey, Locale.getDefault(), classloader); } public static String getString(final Class callerClass, final String baseName, final String resourceKey, final Locale locale, final ClassLoader classloader) { return getString(callerClass, baseName, resourceKey, locale, null, classloader); } public static String getString(final Class callerClass, final String baseName, final String resourceKey, final Locale locale, final String defaultValue, final ClassLoader classloader) { final String base = PathUtils.getPackagePath(callerClass).concat("/").concat(baseName); return getResourceString(base, resourceKey, locale, defaultValue, classloader); } public static String getString(final String path, final String baseName, final String resourceKey, final Locale locale, final String defaultValue, final ClassLoader classloader) { final String base = PathUtils.getClassPath(path).concat("/").concat(baseName); return getResourceString(base, resourceKey, locale, defaultValue, classloader); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // works with full path (full class name) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- public static String getString(final Class callerCalss, final String resourceKey, final ClassLoader classloader) { return getString(callerCalss, resourceKey, Locale.getDefault(), classloader); } public static String getString(final Class callerCalss, final String resourceKey, final Locale locale, final ClassLoader classloader) { return getString(callerCalss, resourceKey, locale, null, classloader); } public static String getString(final Class callerCalss, final String resourceKey, final Locale locale, final String defaultValue, final ClassLoader classloader) { final String base = PathUtils.getClassPath(callerCalss); return getResourceString(base, resourceKey, locale, defaultValue, classloader); } public static String getString(final String path, final String resourceKey, final ClassLoader classloader) { return getString(path, resourceKey, Locale.getDefault(), classloader); } public static String getString(final String path, final String resourceKey, final Locale locale, final ClassLoader classloader) { return getString(path, resourceKey, locale, null, classloader); } public static String getString(final String path, final String resourceKey, final Locale locale, final String defaultValue, final ClassLoader classloader) { final String base = PathUtils.getClassPath(path); return getResourceString(base, resourceKey, locale, defaultValue, classloader); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // m i s c. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public static Properties getProperties(final String path, final String langCode, final ClassLoader classloader) throws Exception { final Locale locale = StringUtils.hasText(langCode) ? LocaleUtils.getLocaleFromString(langCode) : null; return getProperties(path, locale, classloader); } public static Properties getProperties(final String path, final Locale locale, final ClassLoader classloader) throws Exception { return getAllProperties(path, locale, classloader); } /** * Search a property file starting from a "startFolder". * * @param startFolder Folder where start file search. * @param baseName Name of file without extension * @param locale Locale to search for * @return Properties */ public static Properties searchProperties(final String startFolder, final String baseName, final Locale locale, final ClassLoader classloader) { final String name = baseName.concat(".properties"); final Properties result = new Properties(); final List<File> fileList = new ArrayList<File>(); FileUtils.listFiles(fileList, new File(startFolder), name); for (File file : fileList) { try { // final String fileName = file.getAbsolutePath(); // accept only baseName ( and not localized names ( //if (PathUtils.isBaseName(fileName)) { final Properties props = ResourceBundleManager.getProperties(fileName, locale, classloader); if (null != props) { result.putAll(props); } //} } catch (Exception ex) { getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, null, ExceptionUtils.getRealCause(ex)); } } return result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // p r i v a t e // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private static Logger getLogger() { return LoggingUtils.getLogger(ResourceBundleManager.class.getName()); } private static String getResourceString(final String baseName, final String resourceKey, final Locale locale, final String defaultValue, final ClassLoader classloader) { try { // retrieve a resource bundle IResourceBundle rb = I18nUtils.getOrCreateBundle(baseName, locale, classloader); final String result = rb.getString(resourceKey); return result != null ? result : defaultValue; } catch (Exception ex) { getLogger().log(Level.FINE, String.format("Resource not found. BaseName='%s'; " + "Key='%s'; Locale='%s'", baseName, resourceKey, locale.toString()), ex); } return ""; } private static Properties getAllProperties(final String baseName, final Locale locale, final ClassLoader classloader) throws Exception { // retrieve a resource bundle final IResourceBundle rb = I18nUtils.getOrCreateBundle(baseName, locale, classloader); return rb != null ? rb.getProperties() : null; } }