/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.commons.imaging.formats.pnm; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import org.apache.commons.imaging.ImageFormat; import org.apache.commons.imaging.ImageInfo; import org.apache.commons.imaging.ImageReadException; public class PamFileInfo extends FileInfo { private final int depth; private final int maxval; private final float scale; private final int bytesPerSample; private final boolean hasAlpha; private final TupleReader tupleReader; PamFileInfo(final int width, final int height, final int depth, final int maxval, final String tupleType) throws ImageReadException { super(width, height, true); this.depth = depth; this.maxval = maxval; if (maxval <= 0) { throw new ImageReadException("PAM maxVal " + maxval + " is out of range [1;65535]"); } else if (maxval <= 255) { scale = 255f; bytesPerSample = 1; } else if (maxval <= 65535) { scale = 65535f; bytesPerSample = 2; } else { throw new ImageReadException("PAM maxVal " + maxval + " is out of range [1;65535]"); } hasAlpha = tupleType.endsWith("_ALPHA"); if (tupleType.equals("BLACKANDWHITE") || tupleType.equals("BLACKANDWHITE_ALPHA")) { tupleReader = new GrayscaleTupleReader(ImageInfo.COLOR_TYPE_BW); } else if (tupleType.equals("GRAYSCALE") || tupleType.equals("GRAYSCALE_ALPHA")) { tupleReader = new GrayscaleTupleReader(ImageInfo.COLOR_TYPE_GRAYSCALE); } else if (tupleType.equals("RGB") || tupleType.equals("RGB_ALPHA")) { tupleReader = new ColorTupleReader(); } else { throw new ImageReadException("Unknown PAM tupletype '" + tupleType + "'"); } } @Override public boolean hasAlpha() { return hasAlpha; } @Override public int getNumComponents() { return depth; } @Override public int getBitDepth() { return maxval; } @Override public ImageFormat getImageType() { return ImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_PAM; } @Override public String getImageTypeDescription() { return "PAM: portable arbitrary map file format"; } @Override public String getMIMEType() { return "image/x-portable-arbitrary-map"; } @Override public int getColorType() { return tupleReader.getColorType(); } @Override public int getRGB(final WhiteSpaceReader wsr) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("PAM files are only ever binary"); } @Override public int getRGB(final InputStream is) throws IOException { return tupleReader.getRGB(is); } private abstract class TupleReader { public abstract int getColorType(); public abstract int getRGB(InputStream is) throws IOException; } private class GrayscaleTupleReader extends TupleReader { private final int colorType; public GrayscaleTupleReader(final int colorType) { this.colorType = colorType; } @Override public int getColorType() { return colorType; } @Override public int getRGB(final InputStream is) throws IOException { int sample = readSample(is, bytesPerSample); sample = scaleSample(sample, scale, maxval); int alpha = 0xff; if (hasAlpha) { alpha = readSample(is, bytesPerSample); alpha = scaleSample(alpha, scale, maxval); } final int rgb = ((0xff & alpha) << 24) | ((0xff & sample) << 16) | ((0xff & sample) << 8) | ((0xff & sample) << 0); return rgb; } } private class ColorTupleReader extends TupleReader { @Override public int getColorType() { return ImageInfo.COLOR_TYPE_RGB; } @Override public int getRGB(final InputStream is) throws IOException { int red = readSample(is, bytesPerSample); int green = readSample(is, bytesPerSample); int blue = readSample(is, bytesPerSample); red = scaleSample(red, scale, maxval); green = scaleSample(green, scale, maxval); blue = scaleSample(blue, scale, maxval); int alpha = 0xff; if (hasAlpha) { alpha = readSample(is, bytesPerSample); alpha = scaleSample(alpha, scale, maxval); } final int rgb = ((0xff & alpha) << 24) | ((0xff & red) << 16) | ((0xff & green) << 8) | ((0xff & blue) << 0); return rgb; } } }