/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Yusuke Yamamoto * Copyright (C) 2011 Twitter, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package twitter4j; import twitter4j.api.*; import twitter4j.auth.Authorization; import twitter4j.conf.Configuration; import twitter4j.internal.http.HttpParameter; import twitter4j.internal.http.HttpResponse; import twitter4j.internal.org.json.JSONException; import twitter4j.internal.util.z_T4JInternalStringUtil; import java.io.*; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.util.*; import static twitter4j.internal.http.HttpParameter.getParameterArray; /** * A java representation of the <a href="https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api">Twitter REST API</a><br> * This class is thread safe and can be cached/re-used and used concurrently.<br> * Currently this class is not carefully designed to be extended. It is suggested to extend this class only for mock testing purpose.<br> * * @author Yusuke Yamamoto - yusuke at mac.com */ class TwitterImpl extends TwitterBaseImpl implements Twitter { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1486360080128882436L; private final String IMPLICIT_PARAMS_STR; private final HttpParameter[] IMPLICIT_PARAMS; private final HttpParameter INCLUDE_MY_RETWEET; private static final Map<Configuration, HttpParameter[]> implicitParamsMap = new HashMap<Configuration, HttpParameter[]>(); private static final Map<Configuration, String> implicitParamsStrMap = new HashMap<Configuration, String>(); /*package*/ TwitterImpl(Configuration conf, Authorization auth) { super(conf, auth); INCLUDE_MY_RETWEET = new HttpParameter("include_my_retweet", conf.isIncludeMyRetweetEnabled()); HttpParameter[] implicitParams = implicitParamsMap.get(conf); String implicitParamsStr = implicitParamsStrMap.get(conf); if (implicitParams == null) { String includeEntities = conf.isIncludeEntitiesEnabled() ? "1" : "0"; String includeRTs = conf.isIncludeRTsEnabled() ? "1" : "0"; boolean contributorsEnabled = conf.getContributingTo() != -1L; implicitParamsStr = "include_entities=" + includeEntities + "&include_rts=" + includeRTs + (contributorsEnabled ? "&contributingto=" + conf.getContributingTo() : ""); implicitParamsStrMap.put(conf, implicitParamsStr); List<HttpParameter> params = new ArrayList<HttpParameter>(4); params.add(new HttpParameter("include_entities", includeEntities)); params.add(new HttpParameter("include_rts", includeRTs)); if (contributorsEnabled) { params.add(new HttpParameter("contributingto", conf.getContributingTo())); } if (conf.isTrimUserEnabled()) { params.add(new HttpParameter("trim_user", "1")); } implicitParams = params.toArray(new HttpParameter[params.size()]); implicitParamsMap.put(conf, implicitParams); } IMPLICIT_PARAMS = implicitParams; IMPLICIT_PARAMS_STR = implicitParamsStr; } /* Timelines Resources */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getMentions() throws TwitterException { return getMentionsTimeline(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getMentionsTimeline() throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "statuses/mentions_timeline.json")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getMentions(Paging paging) throws TwitterException { return getMentionsTimeline(paging); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getMentionsTimeline(Paging paging) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "statuses/mentions_timeline.json", paging.asPostParameterArray())); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getHomeTimeline() throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "statuses/home_timeline.json", new HttpParameter[]{INCLUDE_MY_RETWEET})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getHomeTimeline(Paging paging) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "statuses/home_timeline.json", mergeParameters(paging.asPostParameterArray(), new HttpParameter[]{INCLUDE_MY_RETWEET}))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public ResponseList<Status> getRetweetsOfMe() throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "statuses/retweets_of_me.json")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public ResponseList<Status> getRetweetsOfMe(Paging paging) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "statuses/retweets_of_me.json", paging.asPostParameterArray())); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getUserTimeline(String screenName, Paging paging) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "statuses/user_timeline.json", mergeParameters(new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("screen_name", screenName) , INCLUDE_MY_RETWEET} , paging.asPostParameterArray()))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getUserTimeline(long userId, Paging paging) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "statuses/user_timeline.json", mergeParameters(new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("user_id", userId) , INCLUDE_MY_RETWEET} , paging.asPostParameterArray()))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getUserTimeline(String screenName) throws TwitterException { return getUserTimeline(screenName, new Paging()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getUserTimeline(long userId) throws TwitterException { return getUserTimeline(userId, new Paging()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getUserTimeline() throws TwitterException { return getUserTimeline(new Paging()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getUserTimeline(Paging paging) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "statuses/user_timeline.json", mergeParameters(new HttpParameter[]{INCLUDE_MY_RETWEET} , paging.asPostParameterArray()))); } /* Tweets Resources */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getRetweets(long statusId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "statuses/retweets/" + statusId + ".json?count=100")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IDs getRetweeterIds(long statusId, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return getRetweeterIds(statusId, 100, cursor); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IDs getRetweeterIds(long statusId, int count, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createIDs(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "statuses/retweeters/ids.json?id=" + statusId + "&cursor="+cursor+"&count="+count)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Status showStatus(long id) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatus(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "statuses/show/" + id + ".json", new HttpParameter[]{INCLUDE_MY_RETWEET})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Status destroyStatus(long statusId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatus(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "statuses/destroy/" + statusId + ".json")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Status updateStatus(String status) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatus(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "statuses/update.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("status", status)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Status updateStatus(StatusUpdate status) throws TwitterException { String url = conf.getRestBaseURL() + (status.isWithMedia() ? "statuses/update_with_media.json" : "statuses/update.json"); return factory.createStatus(post(url, status.asHttpParameterArray())); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Status retweetStatus(long statusId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatus(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "statuses/retweet/" + statusId + ".json")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public OEmbed getOEmbed(OEmbedRequest req) throws TwitterException { return factory.createOEmbed(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "statuses/oembed.json", req.asHttpParameterArray())); } /* Search Resources */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public QueryResult search(Query query) throws TwitterException { if (query.nextPage() != null) { return factory.createQueryResult(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "search/tweets.json" + query.nextPage()), query); } else { return factory.createQueryResult(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "search/tweets.json", query.asHttpParameterArray()), query); } } /* Direct Messages Resources */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<DirectMessage> getDirectMessages() throws TwitterException { return factory.createDirectMessageList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "direct_messages.json")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<DirectMessage> getDirectMessages(Paging paging) throws TwitterException { return factory.createDirectMessageList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "direct_messages.json" , paging.asPostParameterArray())); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<DirectMessage> getSentDirectMessages() throws TwitterException { return factory.createDirectMessageList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "direct_messages/sent.json")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<DirectMessage> getSentDirectMessages(Paging paging) throws TwitterException { return factory.createDirectMessageList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "direct_messages/sent.json", paging.asPostParameterArray())); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public DirectMessage showDirectMessage(long id) throws TwitterException { return factory.createDirectMessage(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "direct_messages/show.json?id=" + id)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public DirectMessage destroyDirectMessage(long id) throws TwitterException { return factory.createDirectMessage(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "direct_messages/destroy.json?id=" + id)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public DirectMessage sendDirectMessage(long userId, String text) throws TwitterException { return factory.createDirectMessage(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "direct_messages/new.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("user_id", userId), new HttpParameter("text", text)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public DirectMessage sendDirectMessage(String screenName, String text) throws TwitterException { return factory.createDirectMessage(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "direct_messages/new.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("screen_name", screenName), new HttpParameter("text", text)})); } /* Friends & Followers Resources */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IDs getFriendsIDs(long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createIDs(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friends/ids.json?cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IDs getFriendsIDs(long userId, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createIDs(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friends/ids.json?user_id=" + userId + "&cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IDs getFriendsIDs(String screenName, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createIDs(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friends/ids.json?screen_name=" + screenName + "&cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IDs getFollowersIDs(long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createIDs(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "followers/ids.json?cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IDs getFollowersIDs(long userId, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createIDs(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "followers/ids.json?user_id=" + userId + "&cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IDs getFollowersIDs(String screenName, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createIDs(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "followers/ids.json?screen_name=" + screenName + "&cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Friendship> lookupFriendships(long[] ids) throws TwitterException { return factory.createFriendshipList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friendships/lookup.json?user_id=" + z_T4JInternalStringUtil.join(ids))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Friendship> lookupFriendships(String[] screenNames) throws TwitterException { return factory.createFriendshipList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friendships/lookup.json?screen_name=" + z_T4JInternalStringUtil.join(screenNames))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IDs getIncomingFriendships(long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createIDs(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friendships/incoming.json?cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IDs getOutgoingFriendships(long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createIDs(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friendships/outgoing.json?cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User createFriendship(long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friendships/create.json?user_id=" + userId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User createFriendship(String screenName) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friendships/create.json?screen_name=" + screenName)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User createFriendship(long userId, boolean follow) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friendships/create.json?user_id=" + userId + "&follow=" + follow)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User createFriendship(String screenName, boolean follow) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friendships/create.json?screen_name=" + screenName + "&follow=" + follow)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User destroyFriendship(long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friendships/destroy.json?user_id=" + userId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User destroyFriendship(String screenName) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friendships/destroy.json?screen_name=" + screenName)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Relationship updateFriendship(long userId, boolean enableDeviceNotification , boolean retweets) throws TwitterException { return factory.createRelationship((post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friendships/update.json", new HttpParameter[]{ new HttpParameter("user_id", userId), new HttpParameter("device", enableDeviceNotification), new HttpParameter("retweets", retweets) }))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Relationship updateFriendship(String screenName, boolean enableDeviceNotification , boolean retweets) throws TwitterException { return factory.createRelationship(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friendships/update.json", new HttpParameter[]{ new HttpParameter("screen_name", screenName), new HttpParameter("device", enableDeviceNotification), new HttpParameter("retweets", enableDeviceNotification) })); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Relationship showFriendship(long sourceId, long targetId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createRelationship(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friendships/show.json" , new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("source_id", sourceId), new HttpParameter("target_id", targetId)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Relationship showFriendship(String sourceScreenName, String targetScreenName) throws TwitterException { return factory.createRelationship(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friendships/show.json", getParameterArray("source_screen_name", sourceScreenName, "target_screen_name", targetScreenName))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<User> getFriendsList(long userId, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createPagableUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friends/list.json?user_id=" + userId + "&cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<User> getFriendsList(String screenName, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createPagableUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "friends/list.json?screen_name=" + screenName + "&cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<User> getFollowersList(long userId, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createPagableUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "followers/list.json?user_id=" + userId + "&cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<User> getFollowersList(String screenName, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createPagableUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "followers/list.json?screen_name=" + screenName + "&cursor=" + cursor)); } /* Users Resources */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public AccountSettings getAccountSettings() throws TwitterException { return factory.createAccountSettings(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "account/settings.json")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User verifyCredentials() throws TwitterException { return super.fillInIDAndScreenName(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public AccountSettings updateAccountSettings(Integer trend_locationWoeid, Boolean sleep_timeEnabled, String start_sleepTime, String end_sleepTime, String time_zone, String lang) throws TwitterException { List<HttpParameter> profile = new ArrayList<HttpParameter>(6); if (trend_locationWoeid != null) { profile.add(new HttpParameter("trend_location_woeid", trend_locationWoeid)); } if (sleep_timeEnabled != null) { profile.add(new HttpParameter("sleep_time_enabled", sleep_timeEnabled.toString())); } if (start_sleepTime != null) { profile.add(new HttpParameter("start_sleep_time", start_sleepTime)); } if (end_sleepTime != null) { profile.add(new HttpParameter("end_sleep_time", end_sleepTime)); } if (time_zone != null) { profile.add(new HttpParameter("time_zone", time_zone)); } if (lang != null) { profile.add(new HttpParameter("lang", lang)); } return factory.createAccountSettings(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "account/settings.json" , profile.toArray(new HttpParameter[profile.size()]))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User updateProfile(String name, String url , String location, String description) throws TwitterException { List<HttpParameter> profile = new ArrayList<HttpParameter>(4); addParameterToList(profile, "name", name); addParameterToList(profile, "url", url); addParameterToList(profile, "location", location); addParameterToList(profile, "description", description); return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "account/update_profile.json" , profile.toArray(new HttpParameter[profile.size()]))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User updateProfileBackgroundImage(File image, boolean tile) throws TwitterException { checkFileValidity(image); return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "account/update_profile_background_image.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("image", image), new HttpParameter("tile", tile)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User updateProfileBackgroundImage(InputStream image, boolean tile) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "account/update_profile_background_image.json" , new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("image", "image", image), new HttpParameter("tile", tile)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User updateProfileColors( String profileBackgroundColor, String profileTextColor, String profileLinkColor, String profileSidebarFillColor, String profileSidebarBorderColor) throws TwitterException { List<HttpParameter> colors = new ArrayList<HttpParameter>(6); addParameterToList(colors, "profile_background_color" , profileBackgroundColor); addParameterToList(colors, "profile_text_color" , profileTextColor); addParameterToList(colors, "profile_link_color" , profileLinkColor); addParameterToList(colors, "profile_sidebar_fill_color" , profileSidebarFillColor); addParameterToList(colors, "profile_sidebar_border_color" , profileSidebarBorderColor); return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "account/update_profile_colors.json", colors.toArray(new HttpParameter[colors.size()]))); } private void addParameterToList(List<HttpParameter> colors, String paramName, String color) { if (color != null) { colors.add(new HttpParameter(paramName, color)); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User updateProfileImage(File image) throws TwitterException { checkFileValidity(image); return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "account/update_profile_image.json" , new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("image", image)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User updateProfileImage(InputStream image) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "account/update_profile_image.json" , new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("image", "image", image)})); } /** * Check the existence, and the type of the specified file. * * @param image image to be uploaded * @throws TwitterException when the specified file is not found (FileNotFoundException will be nested) * , or when the specified file object is not representing a file(IOException will be nested). */ private void checkFileValidity(File image) throws TwitterException { if (!image.exists()) { //noinspection ThrowableInstanceNeverThrown throw new TwitterException(new FileNotFoundException(image + " is not found.")); } if (!image.isFile()) { //noinspection ThrowableInstanceNeverThrown throw new TwitterException(new IOException(image + " is not a file.")); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<User> getBlocksList() throws TwitterException { return getBlocksList(-1L); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<User> getBlocksList(long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createPagableUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "blocks/list.json?cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IDs getBlocksIDs() throws TwitterException { return factory.createIDs(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "blocks/ids.json")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IDs getBlocksIDs(long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createIDs(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "blocks/ids.json?cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User createBlock(long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "blocks/create.json?user_id=" + userId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User createBlock(String screenName) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "blocks/create.json?screen_name=" + screenName)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User destroyBlock(long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "blocks/destroy.json?user_id=" + userId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User destroyBlock(String screen_name) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "blocks/destroy.json?screen_name=" + screen_name)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<User> lookupUsers(long[] ids) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "users/lookup.json" , new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("user_id", z_T4JInternalStringUtil.join(ids))})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<User> lookupUsers(String[] screenNames) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "users/lookup.json" , new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("screen_name", z_T4JInternalStringUtil.join(screenNames))})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User showUser(long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "users/show.json?user_id=" + userId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User showUser(String screenName) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "users/show.json?screen_name=" + screenName)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<User> searchUsers(String query, int page) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "users/search.json" , new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("q", query), new HttpParameter("per_page", 20) , new HttpParameter("page", page)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<User> getContributees(long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "users/contributees.json?user_id=" + userId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<User> getContributees(String screenName) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "users/contributees.json?screen_name=" + screenName)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<User> getContributors(long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "users/contributors.json?user_id=" + userId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<User> getContributors(String screenName) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "users/contributors.json?screen_name=" + screenName)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void removeProfileBanner() throws TwitterException { post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "account/remove_profile_banner.json"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void updateProfileBanner(File image) throws TwitterException { checkFileValidity(image); post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "account/update_profile_banner.json" , new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("banner", image)}); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void updateProfileBanner(InputStream image) throws TwitterException { post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "account/update_profile_banner.json" , new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("banner", "banner", image)}); } /* Suggested Users Resources */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<User> getUserSuggestions(String categorySlug) throws TwitterException { HttpResponse res = null; try { res = get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "users/suggestions/" + URLEncoder.encode(categorySlug, "UTF-8") + ".json"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return factory.createUserListFromJSONArray_Users(res); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Category> getSuggestedUserCategories() throws TwitterException { return factory.createCategoryList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "users/suggestions.json")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<User> getMemberSuggestions(String categorySlug) throws TwitterException { HttpResponse res = null; try { res = get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "users/suggestions/" + URLEncoder.encode(categorySlug, "UTF-8") + "/members.json"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return factory.createUserListFromJSONArray(res); } /* Favorites Resources */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getFavorites() throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "favorites/list.json")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getFavorites(long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "favorites/list.json?user_id=" + userId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getFavorites(String screenName) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "favorites/list.json?screen_name=" + screenName)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getFavorites(Paging paging) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "favorites/list.json", paging.asPostParameterArray())); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getFavorites(long userId, Paging paging) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "favorites/list.json", mergeParameters(new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("user_id", userId)} , paging.asPostParameterArray()))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getFavorites(String screenName, Paging paging) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "favorites/list.json", mergeParameters(new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("screen_name", screenName)} , paging.asPostParameterArray()))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Status destroyFavorite(long id) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatus(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "favorites/destroy.json?id=" + id)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Status createFavorite(long id) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatus(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "favorites/create.json?id=" + id)); } /* Lists Resources */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<UserList> getUserLists(String listOwnerScreenName) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUserListList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/list.json?screen_name=" + listOwnerScreenName)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<UserList> getUserLists(long listOwnerUserId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUserListList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/list.json?user_id=" + listOwnerUserId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getUserListStatuses(int listId, Paging paging) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/statuses.json" , mergeParameters(paging.asPostParameterArray(Paging.SMCP, Paging.COUNT) , new HttpParameter("list_id", listId)))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getUserListStatuses(long ownerId, String slug, Paging paging) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/statuses.json" , mergeParameters(paging.asPostParameterArray(Paging.SMCP, Paging.COUNT) , new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("owner_id", ownerId) , new HttpParameter("slug", slug)}))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Status> getUserListStatuses(String ownerScreenName, String slug, Paging paging) throws TwitterException { return factory.createStatusList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/statuses.json" , mergeParameters(paging.asPostParameterArray(Paging.SMCP, Paging.COUNT) , new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("owner_screen_name", ownerScreenName) , new HttpParameter("slug", slug)}))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList destroyUserListMember(int listId, long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members/destroy.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("list_id", listId), new HttpParameter("user_id", userId)})); } @Override public UserList deleteUserListMember(int listId, long userId) throws TwitterException { return destroyUserListMember(listId, userId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList destroyUserListMember(long ownerId, String slug, long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members/destroy.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("owner_id", ownerId) , new HttpParameter("slug", slug), new HttpParameter("user_id", userId)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList destroyUserListMember(String ownerScreenName, String slug, long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members/destroy.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("owner_screen_name", ownerScreenName) , new HttpParameter("slug", slug), new HttpParameter("user_id", userId)})); } @Override public UserList deleteUserListMember(long ownerId, String slug, long userId) throws TwitterException { return destroyUserListMember(ownerId, slug, userId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<UserList> getUserListMemberships(long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createPagableUserListList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/memberships.json?cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<UserList> getUserListMemberships(String listMemberScreenName, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return getUserListMemberships(listMemberScreenName, cursor, false); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<UserList> getUserListMemberships(long listMemberId, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return getUserListMemberships(listMemberId, cursor, false); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<UserList> getUserListMemberships(long listMemberId, long cursor, boolean filterToOwnedLists) throws TwitterException { return factory.createPagableUserListList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/memberships.json?user_id=" + listMemberId + "&cursor=" + cursor + "&filter_to_owned_lists=" + filterToOwnedLists)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<UserList> getUserListMemberships(String listMemberScreenName, long cursor, boolean filterToOwnedLists) throws TwitterException { return factory.createPagableUserListList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/memberships.json?screen_name=" + listMemberScreenName + "&cursor=" + cursor + "&filter_to_owned_lists=" + filterToOwnedLists)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<User> getUserListSubscribers(int listId, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createPagableUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/subscribers.json?list_id=" + listId + "&cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<User> getUserListSubscribers(long ownerId, String slug, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createPagableUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/subscribers.json?owner_id=" + ownerId + "&slug=" + slug + "&cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<User> getUserListSubscribers( String ownerScreenName, String slug, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createPagableUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/subscribers.json?owner_screen_name=" + ownerScreenName + "&slug=" + slug + "&cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList createUserListSubscription(int listId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/subscribers/create.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("list_id", listId)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList createUserListSubscription(long ownerId, String slug) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/subscribers/create.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("owner_id", ownerId) , new HttpParameter("slug", slug)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList createUserListSubscription(String ownerScreenName, String slug) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/subscribers/create.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("owner_screen_name", ownerScreenName) , new HttpParameter("slug", slug)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User showUserListSubscription(int listId, long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/subscribers/show.json?list_id=" + listId + "&user_id=" + userId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User showUserListSubscription(long ownerId, String slug, long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/subscribers/show.json?owner_id=" + ownerId + "&slug=" + slug + "&user_id=" + userId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User showUserListSubscription(String ownerScreenName, String slug, long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/subscribers/show.json?owner_screen_name=" + ownerScreenName + "&slug=" + slug + "&user_id=" + userId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList destroyUserListSubscription(int listId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/subscribers/destroy.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("list_id", listId)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList destroyUserListSubscription(long ownerId, String slug) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/subscribers/destroy.json" , new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("owner_id", ownerId), new HttpParameter("slug", slug)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList destroyUserListSubscription(String ownerScreenName, String slug) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/subscribers/destroy.json" , new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("owner_screen_name", ownerScreenName), new HttpParameter("slug", slug)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList createUserListMembers(int listId, long[] userIds) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members/create_all.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("list_id", listId), new HttpParameter("user_id" , z_T4JInternalStringUtil.join(userIds))})); } @Override public UserList addUserListMembers(int listId, long[] userIds) throws TwitterException { return createUserListMembers(listId, userIds); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList createUserListMembers(long ownerId, String slug, long[] userIds) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members/create_all.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("owner_id", ownerId), new HttpParameter("slug", slug) , new HttpParameter("user_id", z_T4JInternalStringUtil.join(userIds))})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList createUserListMembers(String ownerScreenName, String slug, long[] userIds) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members/create_all.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("owner_screen_name", ownerScreenName), new HttpParameter("slug", slug) , new HttpParameter("user_id", z_T4JInternalStringUtil.join(userIds))})); } @Override public UserList addUserListMembers(long ownerId, String slug, long[] userIds) throws TwitterException { return createUserListMembers(ownerId, slug, userIds); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList createUserListMembers(int listId, String[] screenNames) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members/create_all.json", new HttpParameter[]{ new HttpParameter("list_id", listId), new HttpParameter("screen_name", z_T4JInternalStringUtil.join(screenNames))})); } @Override public UserList addUserListMembers(int listId, String[] screenNames) throws TwitterException { return createUserListMembers(listId, screenNames); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList createUserListMembers(long ownerId, String slug, String[] screenNames) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members/create_all.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("owner_id", ownerId), new HttpParameter("slug", slug) , new HttpParameter("screen_name", z_T4JInternalStringUtil.join(screenNames))})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList createUserListMembers(String ownerScreenName, String slug, String[] screenNames) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members/create_all.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("owner_screen_name", ownerScreenName), new HttpParameter("slug", slug) , new HttpParameter("screen_name", z_T4JInternalStringUtil.join(screenNames))})); } @Override public UserList addUserListMembers(long ownerId, String slug, String[] screenNames) throws TwitterException { return createUserListMembers(ownerId, slug, screenNames); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User showUserListMembership(int listId, long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members/show.json?list_id=" + listId + "&user_id=" + userId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User showUserListMembership(long ownerId, String slug, long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members/show.json?owner_id=" + ownerId + "&slug=" + slug + "&user_id=" + userId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User showUserListMembership(String ownerScreenName, String slug, long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members/show.json?owner_screen_name=" + ownerScreenName + "&slug=" + slug + "&user_id=" + userId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<User> getUserListMembers(int listId , long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createPagableUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members.json?list_id=" + listId + "&cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<User> getUserListMembers(long ownerId, String slug, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createPagableUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members.json?owner_id=" + ownerId + "&slug=" + slug + "&cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<User> getUserListMembers(String ownerScreenName, String slug, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createPagableUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members.json?owner_screen_name=" + ownerScreenName + "&slug=" + slug + "&cursor=" + cursor)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList createUserListMember(int listId, long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members/create.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("user_id", userId) , new HttpParameter("list_id", listId)})); } @Override public UserList addUserListMember(int listId, long userId) throws TwitterException { return null; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList createUserListMember(long ownerId, String slug, long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members/create.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("user_id", userId) , new HttpParameter("owner_id", ownerId), new HttpParameter("slug", slug)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList createUserListMember(String ownerScreenName, String slug, long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/members/create.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("user_id", userId) , new HttpParameter("owner_screen_name", ownerScreenName), new HttpParameter("slug", slug)})); } @Override public UserList addUserListMember(long ownerId, String slug, long userId) throws TwitterException { return null; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList destroyUserList(int listId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/destroy.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("list_id", listId)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList destroyUserList(long ownerId, String slug) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/destroy.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("owner_id", ownerId) , new HttpParameter("slug", slug)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList destroyUserList(String ownerScreenName, String slug) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/destroy.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("owner_screen_name", ownerScreenName) , new HttpParameter("slug", slug)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList updateUserList(int listId, String newListName, boolean isPublicList, String newDescription) throws TwitterException { return updateUserList(newListName, isPublicList, newDescription, new HttpParameter("list_id", listId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList updateUserList(long ownerId, String slug, String newListName, boolean isPublicList, String newDescription) throws TwitterException { return updateUserList(newListName, isPublicList, newDescription, new HttpParameter("owner_id", ownerId) , new HttpParameter("slug", slug)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList updateUserList(String ownerScreenName, String slug, String newListName, boolean isPublicList, String newDescription) throws TwitterException { return updateUserList(newListName, isPublicList, newDescription, new HttpParameter("owner_screen_name", ownerScreenName) , new HttpParameter("slug", slug)); } private UserList updateUserList(String newListName, boolean isPublicList, String newDescription, HttpParameter... params) throws TwitterException { List<HttpParameter> httpParams = new ArrayList<HttpParameter>(); Collections.addAll(httpParams, params); if (newListName != null) { httpParams.add(new HttpParameter("name", newListName)); } httpParams.add(new HttpParameter("mode", isPublicList ? "public" : "private")); if (newDescription != null) { httpParams.add(new HttpParameter("description", newDescription)); } return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/update.json", httpParams.toArray(new HttpParameter[httpParams.size()]))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList createUserList(String listName, boolean isPublicList, String description) throws TwitterException { List<HttpParameter> httpParams = new ArrayList<HttpParameter>(); httpParams.add(new HttpParameter("name", listName)); httpParams.add(new HttpParameter("mode", isPublicList ? "public" : "private")); if (description != null) { httpParams.add(new HttpParameter("description", description)); } return factory.createAUserList(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/create.json", httpParams.toArray(new HttpParameter[httpParams.size()]))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList showUserList(int listId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/show.json?list_id=" + listId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList showUserList(long ownerId, String slug) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/show.json?owner_id=" + ownerId + "&slug=" + slug)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public UserList showUserList(String ownerScreenName, String slug) throws TwitterException { return factory.createAUserList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/show.json?owner_screen_name=" + ownerScreenName + "&slug=" + slug)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PagableResponseList<UserList> getUserListSubscriptions(String listOwnerScreenName, long cursor) throws TwitterException { return factory.createPagableUserListList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "lists/subscriptions.json?screen_name=" + listOwnerScreenName + "&cursor=" + cursor)); } /* Saved Searches Resources */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<SavedSearch> getSavedSearches() throws TwitterException { return factory.createSavedSearchList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "saved_searches/list.json")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SavedSearch showSavedSearch(int id) throws TwitterException { return factory.createSavedSearch(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "saved_searches/show/" + id + ".json")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SavedSearch createSavedSearch(String query) throws TwitterException { return factory.createSavedSearch(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "saved_searches/create.json" , new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("query", query)})); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SavedSearch destroySavedSearch(int id) throws TwitterException { return factory.createSavedSearch(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "saved_searches/destroy/" + id + ".json")); } /* Places & Geo Resources */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Place getGeoDetails(String placeId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createPlace(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "geo/id/" + placeId + ".json")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Place> reverseGeoCode(GeoQuery query) throws TwitterException { try { return factory.createPlaceList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "geo/reverse_geocode.json", query.asHttpParameterArray())); } catch (TwitterException te) { if (te.getStatusCode() == 404) { return factory.createEmptyResponseList(); } else { throw te; } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Place> searchPlaces(GeoQuery query) throws TwitterException { return factory.createPlaceList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "geo/search.json", query.asHttpParameterArray())); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SimilarPlaces getSimilarPlaces(GeoLocation location, String name, String containedWithin, String streetAddress) throws TwitterException { List<HttpParameter> params = new ArrayList<HttpParameter>(3); params.add(new HttpParameter("lat", location.getLatitude())); params.add(new HttpParameter("long", location.getLongitude())); params.add(new HttpParameter("name", name)); if (containedWithin != null) { params.add(new HttpParameter("contained_within", containedWithin)); } if (streetAddress != null) { params.add(new HttpParameter("attribute:street_address", streetAddress)); } return factory.createSimilarPlaces(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "geo/similar_places.json", params.toArray(new HttpParameter[params.size()]))); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Place createPlace(String name, String containedWithin, String token, GeoLocation location, String streetAddress) throws TwitterException { List<HttpParameter> params = new ArrayList<HttpParameter>(3); params.add(new HttpParameter("name", name)); params.add(new HttpParameter("contained_within", containedWithin)); params.add(new HttpParameter("token", token)); params.add(new HttpParameter("lat", location.getLatitude())); params.add(new HttpParameter("long", location.getLongitude())); if (streetAddress != null) { params.add(new HttpParameter("attribute:street_address", streetAddress)); } return factory.createPlace(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "geo/place.json" , params.toArray(new HttpParameter[params.size()]))); } /* Trends Resources */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Trends getLocationTrends(int woeid) throws TwitterException { return getPlaceTrends(woeid); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Trends getPlaceTrends(int woeid) throws TwitterException { return factory.createTrends(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "trends/place.json?id=" + woeid)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Location> getAvailableTrends() throws TwitterException { return factory.createLocationList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "trends/available.json")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Location> getAvailableTrends(GeoLocation location) throws TwitterException { return getClosestTrends(location); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Location> getClosestTrends(GeoLocation location) throws TwitterException { return factory.createLocationList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "trends/closest.json", new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("lat", location.getLatitude()) , new HttpParameter("long", location.getLongitude()) })); } /* Spam Reporting Resources */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User reportSpam(long userId) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "users/report_spam.json?user_id=" + userId)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public User reportSpam(String screenName) throws TwitterException { return factory.createUser(post(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "users/report_spam.json?screen_name=" + screenName)); } /* Help Resources */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public TwitterAPIConfiguration getAPIConfiguration() throws TwitterException { return factory.createTwitterAPIConfiguration(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "help/configuration.json")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ResponseList<Language> getLanguages() throws TwitterException { return factory.createLanguageList(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "help/languages.json")); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getPrivacyPolicy() throws TwitterException { try { return get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "help/privacy.json").asJSONObject().getString("privacy"); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new TwitterException(e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getTermsOfService() throws TwitterException { try { return get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "help/tos.json").asJSONObject().getString("tos"); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new TwitterException(e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Map<String, RateLimitStatus> getRateLimitStatus() throws TwitterException { return factory.createRateLimitStatuses(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "application/rate_limit_status.json")); } @Override public Map<String, RateLimitStatus> getRateLimitStatus(String... resources) throws TwitterException { return factory.createRateLimitStatuses(get(conf.getRestBaseURL() + "application/rate_limit_status.json?resources=" + z_T4JInternalStringUtil.join(resources))); } @Override public TimelinesResources timelines() { return this; } @Override public TweetsResources tweets() { return this; } @Override public SearchResource search() { return this; } @Override public DirectMessagesResources directMessages() { return this; } @Override public FriendsFollowersResources friendsFollowers() { return this; } @Override public UsersResources users() { return this; } @Override public SuggestedUsersResources suggestedUsers() { return this; } @Override public FavoritesResources favorites() { return this; } @Override public ListsResources list() { return this; } @Override public SavedSearchesResources savedSearches() { return this; } @Override public PlacesGeoResources placesGeo() { return this; } @Override public TrendsResources trends() { return this; } @Override public SpamReportingResource spamReporting() { return this; } @Override public HelpResources help() { return this; } private HttpResponse get(String url) throws TwitterException { ensureAuthorizationEnabled(); if (url.contains("?")) { url = url + "&" + IMPLICIT_PARAMS_STR; } else { url = url + "?" + IMPLICIT_PARAMS_STR; } if (!conf.isMBeanEnabled()) { return http.get(url, auth); } else { // intercept HTTP call for monitoring purposes HttpResponse response = null; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { response = http.get(url, auth); } finally { long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; TwitterAPIMonitor.getInstance().methodCalled(url, elapsedTime, isOk(response)); } return response; } } private HttpResponse get(String url, HttpParameter[] params) throws TwitterException { ensureAuthorizationEnabled(); if (!conf.isMBeanEnabled()) { return http.get(url, mergeImplicitParams(params), auth); } else { // intercept HTTP call for monitoring purposes HttpResponse response = null; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { response = http.get(url, mergeImplicitParams(params), auth); } finally { long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; TwitterAPIMonitor.getInstance().methodCalled(url, elapsedTime, isOk(response)); } return response; } } private HttpResponse post(String url) throws TwitterException { ensureAuthorizationEnabled(); if (!conf.isMBeanEnabled()) { return http.post(url, IMPLICIT_PARAMS, auth); } else { // intercept HTTP call for monitoring purposes HttpResponse response = null; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { response = http.post(url, IMPLICIT_PARAMS, auth); } finally { long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; TwitterAPIMonitor.getInstance().methodCalled(url, elapsedTime, isOk(response)); } return response; } } private HttpResponse post(String url, HttpParameter[] params) throws TwitterException { ensureAuthorizationEnabled(); if (!conf.isMBeanEnabled()) { return http.post(url, mergeImplicitParams(params), auth); } else { // intercept HTTP call for monitoring purposes HttpResponse response = null; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { response = http.post(url, mergeImplicitParams(params), auth); } finally { long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; TwitterAPIMonitor.getInstance().methodCalled(url, elapsedTime, isOk(response)); } return response; } } private HttpParameter[] mergeParameters(HttpParameter[] params1, HttpParameter[] params2) { if (params1 != null && params2 != null) { HttpParameter[] params = new HttpParameter[params1.length + params2.length]; System.arraycopy(params1, 0, params, 0, params1.length); System.arraycopy(params2, 0, params, params1.length, params2.length); return params; } if (null == params1 && null == params2) { return new HttpParameter[0]; } if (params1 != null) { return params1; } else { return params2; } } private HttpParameter[] mergeParameters(HttpParameter[] params1, HttpParameter params2) { if (params1 != null && params2 != null) { HttpParameter[] params = new HttpParameter[params1.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(params1, 0, params, 0, params1.length); params[params.length - 1] = params2; return params; } if (null == params1 && null == params2) { return new HttpParameter[0]; } if (params1 != null) { return params1; } else { return new HttpParameter[]{params2}; } } private HttpParameter[] mergeImplicitParams(HttpParameter[] params) { return mergeParameters(params, IMPLICIT_PARAMS); } private boolean isOk(HttpResponse response) { return response != null && response.getStatusCode() < 300; } @Override public String toString() { return "TwitterImpl{" + "INCLUDE_MY_RETWEET=" + INCLUDE_MY_RETWEET + '}'; } }