package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.util.Log; import com.samknows.libcore.SKPorting; import com.samknows.libcore.SKConstants; import com.samknows.measurement.CachingStorage; import com.samknows.measurement.SKApplication; import com.samknows.measurement.schedule.ScheduleConfig; import com.samknows.measurement.util.SKDateFormat; import com.samknows.tests.HttpTest; import com.samknows.tests.LatencyTest; import com.samknows.tests.SKAbstractBaseTest; //Model for the test_result table in the SQLite database public class StorageTestResult extends JSONObject{ // These are DETAILED test ids. // They are ONLY referenced INTERNALLY. public enum DETAIL_TEST_ID { DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID(0), UPLOAD_TEST_ID(1), LATENCY_TEST_ID(2), PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID(3), JITTER_TEST_ID(4); private final int value; DETAIL_TEST_ID(int value) { this.value = value; } public int getValueAsInt() { return value; } public static DETAIL_TEST_ID sGetTestIdForInt(int value) { if (value == DETAIL_TEST_ID.DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID.value) { return DETAIL_TEST_ID.DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID; } else if (value == DETAIL_TEST_ID.UPLOAD_TEST_ID.value) { return DETAIL_TEST_ID.UPLOAD_TEST_ID; } else if (value == DETAIL_TEST_ID.LATENCY_TEST_ID.value) { return DETAIL_TEST_ID.LATENCY_TEST_ID; } else if (value == DETAIL_TEST_ID.PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID.value) { return DETAIL_TEST_ID.PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID; } else if (value == DETAIL_TEST_ID.JITTER_TEST_ID.value) { return DETAIL_TEST_ID.JITTER_TEST_ID; } else { SKPorting.sAssert(false); return DETAIL_TEST_ID.DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID; } } } //Test Result JSONObject implementation public static final String JSON_TYPE_ID = "type"; public static final String JSON_TYPE_NAME = "type_name"; public static final String JSON_TESTNUMBER = "testnumber"; public static final String JSON_STATUS_COMPLETE = "status_complete"; public static final String JSON_DTIME = "dtime"; public static final String JSON_DATETIME = "datetime"; public static final String JSON_LOCATION = "location"; public static final String JSON_RESULT = "result"; public static final String JSON_SUCCESS = "success"; public static final String JSON_HRRESULT = "hrresult"; public static final String UPLOAD_TEST_STRING = "upload"; public static final String DOWNLOAD_TEST_STRING = "download"; public static final String LATENCY_TEST_STRING = "latency"; public static final String PACKETLOSS_TEST_STRING = "packetloss"; public static final String JITTER_TEST_STRING = "jitter"; private enum TESTSSTRINGID { JHTTPGET, JHTTPGETMT, JHTTPPOST, JHTTPPOSTMT, JUDPLATENCY, JUDPJITTER } private DETAIL_TEST_ID _test_id; private StorageTestResult(DETAIL_TEST_ID test_id){ _test_id = test_id; put(JSON_TYPE_ID, _test_id+""); put(JSON_TYPE_NAME, testIdToString(_test_id)); } public String getTestIdAsString() { return testIdToString(_test_id); } public static String testIdToString(DETAIL_TEST_ID test_id) { switch (test_id) { case UPLOAD_TEST_ID: return UPLOAD_TEST_STRING; case DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID: return DOWNLOAD_TEST_STRING; case LATENCY_TEST_ID: return LATENCY_TEST_STRING; case PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID: return PACKETLOSS_TEST_STRING; case JITTER_TEST_ID: return JITTER_TEST_STRING; } return ""; } public StorageTestResult(String type, long dtime, String location, long success, double result){ _test_id = testStringToId(type); setTime(dtime); setLocation(location); putLong(JSON_SUCCESS, success); // This writes the test result via JSON_HRESULT, which is sent (a short while later) to the UI as Message instances... // by ManualTestRunner:progressMessage setResult(result); } public static DETAIL_TEST_ID testStringToId(String testString) { if (UPLOAD_TEST_STRING.equals(testString)) { return DETAIL_TEST_ID.UPLOAD_TEST_ID; } else if (DOWNLOAD_TEST_STRING.equals(testString)) { return DETAIL_TEST_ID.DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID; } else if (LATENCY_TEST_STRING.equals(testString)) { return DETAIL_TEST_ID.LATENCY_TEST_ID; } else if (PACKETLOSS_TEST_STRING.equals(testString)) { return DETAIL_TEST_ID.PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID; } else if (JITTER_TEST_STRING.equals(testString)) { return DETAIL_TEST_ID.JITTER_TEST_ID; } SKPorting.sAssert(false); return DETAIL_TEST_ID.DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID; } // public static String hrResult(String test_type, double value){ // return hrResult(testStringToId(test_type),value); // } public static String hrResult(DETAIL_TEST_ID test_type_id, double value){ String ret = value +""; switch (test_type_id) { case UPLOAD_TEST_ID: case DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID: ret = throughputToString(value); break; case LATENCY_TEST_ID: case JITTER_TEST_ID: ret = timeMicrosecondsToString(value); break; case PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID: ret = String.format("%.2f %%", value); break; } return ret; } // This writes the test result via JSON_HRESULT, which is sent (a short while later) to the UI as Message instances... // by ManualTestRunner:progressMessage private void setResult(double value) { String hrresult = ""; switch (_test_id) { case UPLOAD_TEST_ID: Log.d("*******", "setResult for Upload test"); hrresult = throughputToString(value); break; case DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID: Log.d("*******", "setResult for Download test"); hrresult = throughputToString(value); break; case LATENCY_TEST_ID: hrresult = timeMicrosecondsToString(value); break; case JITTER_TEST_ID: hrresult = timeMicrosecondsToString(value); break; case PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID: hrresult = String.format("%.2f %%", value); break; } putDouble(JSON_RESULT, value); // The FOLLOWING FIELD is the value extracted from the Message instance... put(JSON_HRRESULT, hrresult); } public static String throughputToString(double value) { if (SKApplication.getAppInstance().getForceUploadDownloadSpeedToReportInMbps()) { return String.format("%.2f Mbps", (double) (value / 1000000.0)); } String ret = ""; if (value < 1000) { ret = String.format("%.0f bps", value); } else if (value < 1000000) { ret = String.format("%.2f Kbps", (double) (value / 1000.0)); } else { ret = String.format("%.2f Mbps", (double) (value / 1000000.0)); } return ret; } // Use this method from the Summary screen; it is like timeMicrosecondsToString, // but without the units; and ALWAYS in milliseconds. public static String timeMicrosecondsToMillisecondsStringNoUnits(double valueMicroseconds) { String ret = String.format("%.0f", valueMicroseconds/1000); return ret; } public static String timeMicrosecondsToString(double valueMicroseconds) { String ret = ""; if (valueMicroseconds < 1000) { ret = String.format("%.0f microseconds", valueMicroseconds ); } else if (valueMicroseconds < 1000000) { ret = String.format("%.0f ms", valueMicroseconds/1000); } else { ret = String.format("%.2f s", valueMicroseconds/1000000); } return ret; } private void put(String key, String value){ try{ super.put(key, value); }catch(JSONException je){ SKPorting.sAssertE(StorageTestResult.class, "JSONException "+ key +" "+ value); } } private void putLong(String key, long value){ try{ super.put(key, value); }catch(JSONException je){ SKPorting.sAssertE(StorageTestResult.class, "JSONException "+ key +" "+ value); } } private void setTime(long dtime_mills){ putLong(JSON_DTIME, dtime_mills); put(JSON_DATETIME, SKDateFormat.sGetDateAsIso8601String(new java.util.Date(dtime_mills))); } private void putDouble(String key, double value){ try{ super.put(key, value); }catch(JSONException je){ SKPorting.sAssertE(StorageTestResult.class, "JSONException "+ key +" "+ value); } } //Empty constructor public StorageTestResult(){} public void setSuccess(int success){ put(JSON_SUCCESS, success+""); } // This writes the test resultsĀ§ via JSON_HRESULT, which is sent (a short while later) to the UI as Message instances... // by ManualTestRunner:progressMessage public static List<JSONObject> testOutput(SKAbstractBaseTest theTest, String testType) { List<JSONObject> ret = new ArrayList<>(); // if (data[0].equals("NETACTIVITY")) { // return ret; // } // if (data[0].equals("CPUACTIVITY")) { // return ret; // } // if (data[0].equals("CLOSESTTARGET")) { // return null; // } TESTSSTRINGID tsid; //SKLogger.sAssert(data[0].equals(testType)); switch (testType) { case SKConstants.TEST_TYPE_DOWNLOAD: tsid = TESTSSTRINGID.JHTTPGETMT; // Continue! break; case SKConstants.TEST_TYPE_UPLOAD: tsid = TESTSSTRINGID.JHTTPPOSTMT; // Continue! break; case SKConstants.TEST_TYPE_LATENCY: tsid = TESTSSTRINGID.JUDPLATENCY; // Continue! break; case SKConstants.TEST_TYPE_CLOSEST_TARGET: return null; case "NETACTIVITY": SKPorting.sAssert(false); return null; // } else if (testType.equals("CPUACTIVITY")) { // SKLogger.sAssert(false); // return null; default: SKPorting.sAssert(false); // Nothing to report! return null; } switch (tsid) { case JHTTPGET: case JHTTPGETMT: { // This writes the test result via JSON_HRESULT, which is sent (a short while later) to the UI as Message instances... // by ManualTestRunner:progressMessage StorageTestResult testResult = createStorageTestResultForUI_For_HttpTest(DETAIL_TEST_ID.DOWNLOAD_TEST_ID, (HttpTest) theTest); ret.add(testResult); } break; case JHTTPPOST: case JHTTPPOSTMT: { // This writes the test result via JSON_HRESULT, which is sent (a short while later) to the UI as Message instances... // by ManualTestRunner:progressMessage StorageTestResult testResult = createStorageTestResultForUI_For_HttpTest(DETAIL_TEST_ID.UPLOAD_TEST_ID, (HttpTest) theTest); ret.add(testResult); } break; case JUDPLATENCY: { // This writes the test result via JSON_HRESULT, which is sent (a short while later) to the UI as Message instances... // by ManualTestRunner:progressMessage StorageTestResult latencyTestResult = createStorageTestResultForUI_For_LatencyTest_Latency((LatencyTest) theTest); ret.add(latencyTestResult); StorageTestResult lossTestResult = createStorageTestResultForUI_For_LatencyTest_Loss((LatencyTest) theTest); ret.add(lossTestResult); // And send as a JITTER test, as well! StorageTestResult jitterTestResult = createStorageTestResultForUI_For_LatencyTest_Jitter((LatencyTest) theTest); ret.add(jitterTestResult); } break; case JUDPJITTER: SKPorting.sAssert(false); break; } return ret; } private static StorageTestResult createStorageTestResultForUI_For_HttpTest(DETAIL_TEST_ID test_id, HttpTest theTest) { StorageTestResult ret = new StorageTestResult(test_id); long dtimeNano = theTest.getTimestamp()*1000; ret.setTime(dtimeNano); String target = theTest.getTarget(); ret.setLocation(target); // This writes the test results via JSON_HRESULT, which is sent (a short while later) to the UI as Message instances... // by ManualTestRunner:progressMessage Double bytesPerSecond = Math.max(0, theTest.getTransferBytesPerSecond()); Double bitsPerSecond = bytesPerSecond * 8.0; ret.setResult(bitsPerSecond); long success = theTest.isSuccessful() ? 1 : 0; ret.putLong(JSON_SUCCESS, success); ret.setTest(test_id); ret.setComplete(); return ret; } // This writes the test results via JSON_HRESULT, which is sent (a short while later) to the UI as Message instances... // by ManualTestRunner:progressMessage private static StorageTestResult createStorageTestResultForUI_For_LatencyTest_Latency(LatencyTest theTest) { StorageTestResult lat = new StorageTestResult(DETAIL_TEST_ID.LATENCY_TEST_ID); lat.setTest(DETAIL_TEST_ID.LATENCY_TEST_ID); long dtimeNano = theTest.getTimestamp()*1000; lat.setTime(dtimeNano); String target = theTest.getTarget(); lat.setLocation(target); Double latencyResultMicroseconds = (double) theTest.getAverageMicroseconds(); lat.setResult(latencyResultMicroseconds); long success = theTest.isSuccessful() ? 1 : 0; lat.putLong(JSON_SUCCESS, success); lat.setComplete(); return lat; } // This writes the test results via JSON_HRESULT, which is sent (a short while later) to the UI as Message instances... // by ManualTestRunner:progressMessage private static StorageTestResult createStorageTestResultForUI_For_LatencyTest_Loss(LatencyTest theTest) { StorageTestResult pl = new StorageTestResult(DETAIL_TEST_ID.PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID); pl.setTest(DETAIL_TEST_ID.PACKETLOSS_TEST_ID); int lost = theTest.getLostPackets(); int sent = theTest.getSentPackets(); double packetLoss = 0.0; if(sent != 0){ packetLoss = 100d * ((double) lost)/sent; } pl.setResult(packetLoss); long dtimeNano = theTest.getTimestamp()*1000; pl.setTime(dtimeNano); String target = theTest.getTarget(); pl.setLocation(target); long success = theTest.isSuccessful() ? 1 : 0; pl.putLong(JSON_SUCCESS, success); pl.setComplete(); return pl; } // This writes the test results via JSON_HRESULT, which is sent (a short while later) to the UI as Message instances... // by ManualTestRunner:progressMessage private static StorageTestResult createStorageTestResultForUI_For_LatencyTest_Jitter(LatencyTest theTest){ StorageTestResult ret = new StorageTestResult(DETAIL_TEST_ID.JITTER_TEST_ID); ret.setTest(StorageTestResult.DETAIL_TEST_ID.JITTER_TEST_ID); long dtimeNano = theTest.getTimestamp()*1000; ret.setTime(dtimeNano); String target = theTest.getTarget(); ret.setLocation(target); Double jitterMilliseconds = (double) theTest.getResultJitterMilliseconds(); Double jitterMicroseconds = jitterMilliseconds * 1000.0; ret.setResult(jitterMicroseconds); long success = theTest.isSuccessful() ? 1 : 0; ret.putLong(JSON_SUCCESS, success); ret.setComplete(); return ret; } private void setTest(DETAIL_TEST_ID test_number){ put(JSON_TYPE_ID, "test"); put(JSON_TESTNUMBER, ""+test_number.getValueAsInt()); } private void setComplete(){ put(JSON_STATUS_COMPLETE, "100"); } private void setPassiveMetric(){ put(JSON_TYPE_ID, "passivemetric"); } private void setLocation(String target){ put(JSON_LOCATION, targetToLocation(target)); } private static String targetToLocation(String target){ String ret = target; ScheduleConfig config = CachingStorage.getInstance().loadScheduleConfig(); if(config != null && config.hosts.containsKey(target)){ ret = config.hosts.get(target); } return ret; } }