package com.samknows.tests; import android.os.Debug; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import com.samknows.libcore.SKPorting; public class PassiveServerUploadTest extends UploadTest { private PassiveServerUploadTest(List<Param> params) { super(params); } static public PassiveServerUploadTest sCreatePassiveServerUploadTest(List<Param> params) { return new PassiveServerUploadTest(params); } @Override public void runBlockingTestToFinishInThisThread() { super.runBlockingTestToFinishInThisThread(); } private String formPostHeaderRequestString(int threadIndex) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("POST /?UPTESTV1=").append(threadIndex).append(" HTTP/1.1\r\n"); sb.append("Host: "); sb.append(getTarget()).append(":").append(getPort()).append("\r\n"); sb.append("User-Agent: SamKnows HTTP Client 1.1(2)\r\n"); sb.append("Accept: */*\r\n"); sb.append("Content-Length: 4294967295\r\n"); sb.append("Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n"); sb.append("Expect: 100-continue\r\n"); sb.append("\r\n"); return sb.toString(); } private byte[] getPostHeaderRequestStringAsByteArray(int threadIndex) { String theString = formPostHeaderRequestString(threadIndex); byte data[] = new byte[0]; try { data = theString.getBytes("UTF-8"); //SKLogger.sAssert(data.length <= intoHere.length); //System.arraycopy(data,0,intoHere,0,data.length); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { SKPorting.sAssert(false); } return data; } private Double getBytesPerSecond(boolean isWarmup) { if (isWarmup) { // If warmup mode is active return getWarmupBytesPerSecond(); } else { // If transmission mode is active return getTransferBytesPerSecond(); } } private boolean getTransmissionDone(boolean isWarmup) { if (getShouldCancel()) { if (Debug.isDebuggerConnected()) { Log.d("DEBUG", "Upload - getTransmissionDone - cancel test!"); } return true; } byte[] uploadBuffer = getBufferDoNotRandomize(); if (isWarmup) { return isWarmupDone(uploadBuffer.length); } else { return isTransferDone(uploadBuffer.length); } } private boolean transmit(ISKHttpSocket socket, int threadIndex, boolean isWarmup) { // Access output stream OutputStream connOut = getOutput(socket); if (connOut == null) { closeConnection(socket); SKPorting.sAssertE(this, "Error in setting up output stream, exiting... thread: " + threadIndex); return false; } try { byte headerByteArray[] = getPostHeaderRequestStringAsByteArray(threadIndex); if (headerByteArray.length > 0) { //SKLogger.d(this, "transmit() header write() ... thread:" + threadIndex); connOut.write(headerByteArray); //SKLogger.d(this, "transmit() header flush() ... thread:" + threadIndex); connOut.flush(); //SKLogger.d(this, "transmit() header flush()! ... thread:" + threadIndex); } do { if (connOut == null) { break; } // Write buffer to output socket //SKLogger.d(this, "transmit() calling write() ... thread:" + threadIndex); /* // Note that long delays (of approximately 0.5 to 1.5 seconds) can occcur quite often in the call to write. long startTimeWrite = System.currentTimeMillis(); */ try { byte[] uploadBuffer = getBufferWithOptionalRandomize(); connOut.write(uploadBuffer); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { if (getIgnoreSocketTimeout()) { if (Debug.isDebuggerConnected()) { Log.d("DEBUG", "Upload ignore socket timeout on write"); } } else { if (Debug.isDebuggerConnected()) { Log.d("DEBUG", "Upload socket timeout!! on write"); } throw e; } } /* long endTimeWrite = System.currentTimeMillis(); long startTimeFlush = System.currentTimeMillis(); */ try { connOut.flush(); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { if (getIgnoreSocketTimeout()) { if (Debug.isDebuggerConnected()) { Log.d("DEBUG", "Upload ignore socket timeout on flush"); } } else { if (Debug.isDebuggerConnected()) { Log.d("DEBUG", "Upload socket timeout!! on flush"); } throw e; } } //SKLogger.d(this, "transmit() called flush()! ... thread:" + threadIndex); /* long endTimeFlush = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((endTimeWrite-startTimeWrite) > 100) { //if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { if (Debug.isDebuggerConnected()) { Log.d("DEBUG", "Upload write warning - endTimeWrite-startTimeWrite=" + (endTimeWrite - startTimeWrite)); } } if ((endTimeFlush-startTimeFlush) > 100) { //if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { if (Debug.isDebuggerConnected()) { Log.d("DEBUG", "Upload write warning - endTimeFlush-startTimeFlush=" + (endTimeFlush - startTimeFlush)); } } */ Double bytesPerSecond = getBytesPerSecond(isWarmup); if (bytesPerSecond >= 0.0) { // -1 would mean no result found (as not enough time yet spent measuring) sSetLatestSpeedForExternalMonitorInterval(extMonitorUpdateInterval, "runUp1Normal", bytesPerSecond); } //// DEBUG TESTING! //throw new SocketException(); // break; // DEBUG force effective error, just one buffer! //SKLogger.e(TAG(this), "DEBUG: speed in bytes per second" + getSpeedBytesPerSecond() + "<<<"); //SKLogger.e(TAG(this), "DEBUG: isTransferDone=" + isTransferDone + ", totalTransferBytesSent=>>>" + getTotalTransferBytes() + ", time" + (sGetMicroTime() - start) + "<<<"); } while (!getTransmissionDone(isWarmup)); } catch (Exception e) { SKPorting.sAssertE(this, "Exception in setting up output stream, exiting... thread: " + threadIndex, e); // EXCEPTION: RECORD ERROR, AND SET BYTES TO 0!!! resetTotalTransferBytesToZero(); getError().set(true); // Verify thta we've set everything to zero properly! SKPorting.sAssert(getTotalTransferBytes() == 0L); try { SKPorting.sAssert(getBytesPerSecond(isWarmup) == 0); } catch (Exception e1) { SKPorting.sAssert(false); } Double bytesPerSecondMeasurement = Math.max(0, getTransferBytesPerSecond()); SKPorting.sAssert(bytesPerSecondMeasurement == 0); sSetLatestSpeedForExternalMonitorInterval(extMonitorUpdateInterval, "runUp1Err", getBytesPerSecond(isWarmup)); //SKLogger.e(TAG(this), "loop - break 3"); return false; } // // If only 1 buffer "SENT": treat this as an error... // long btsTotal = getTotalTransferBytes(); if (btsTotal == getBufferLength()) { // ONLY 1 BUFFER "SENT": TREAT THIS AS AN ERROR, AND SET BYTES TO 0!!! SKPorting.sAssertE(this, "Only one buffer sent - treat this as an upload failure"); resetTotalTransferBytesToZero(); getError().set(true); // Verify thta we've set everything to zero properly! SKPorting.sAssert(getTotalTransferBytes() == 0L); try { SKPorting.sAssert(getBytesPerSecond(isWarmup) == 0); } catch (Exception e1) { SKPorting.sAssert(false); } Double bytesPerSecondMeasurement = Math.max(0, getTransferBytesPerSecond()); SKPorting.sAssert(bytesPerSecondMeasurement == 0); return false; } // // To get here, the test ran OK! // Double bytesPerSecondMeasurement = Math.max(0, getTransferBytesPerSecond()); SKPorting.sAssert(bytesPerSecondMeasurement >= 0); // Do NOT send this, as it otherwise affects ALL thread test potentially? // It turns out that if this is *not* sent, then the app UI can keep spinning-through showing upload // speed data rather than Latency speed data! sSetLatestSpeedForExternalMonitor(bytesPerSecondMeasurement, cReasonUploadEnd); /* Final external interface set up */ return true; } @Override protected boolean warmup(ISKHttpSocket socket, int threadIndex) { //SKLogger.d(this, "PassiveServerUploadTest, warmup()... thread: " + threadIndex); boolean isWarmup = true; boolean result = false; result = transmit(socket, threadIndex, isWarmup); if (getError().get()) { // Warm up might have set a global error //SKLogger.e(TAG(this), "WarmUp Exits: Result FALSE, totalWarmUpBytes=>>> " + getTotalWarmUpBytes()); return false; } return result; } @Override protected boolean transfer(ISKHttpSocket socket, int threadIndex) { //SKLogger.d(this, "PassiveServerUploadTest, transfer()... thread: " + threadIndex); boolean isWarmup = false; return transmit(socket, threadIndex, isWarmup); } }