package com.samknows.tests; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.StatusLine; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams; import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams; import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import com.samknows.libcore.SKPorting; import com.samknows.measurement.TestRunner.SKTestRunner; import com.samknows.measurement.util.SKDateFormat; public class ClosestTarget extends SKAbstractBaseTest implements Runnable { /* * constants for creating a ClosestTarget test */ private final String NUMBEROFPACKETS = "numberOfPackets"; private final String DELAYTIMEOUT = "delayTimeout"; private final String INTERPACKETTIME = "interPacketTime"; private final static String VALUE_NOT_KNOWN = "-"; public static final String TESTSTRING = "CLOSESTTARGET"; /* * Default values for the LatencyTest */ private final int _NPACKETS = 5; private final int _INTERPACKETTIME = 1000000; private final int _DELAYTIMEOUT = 2000000; private final int _PORT = 6000; /* * Constraints for the test parameters This values are needed to avoid to * misconfigure the latency test and hence to make the test useless or worst * to get stuck with the closest target test execution */ private final int NUMBEROFPACKETSMAX = 100; private final int NUMBEROFPACKETSMIN = 5; private final int INTERPACKETIMEMAX = 60000000; private final int INTERPACKETIMEMIN = 10000; private final int DELAYTIMEOUTMIN = 1000000; private final int DELAYTIMEOUTMAX = 5000000; private final int NUMBEROFTARGETSMAX = 50; private final int NUMBEROFTARGETSMIN = 1; public static final String JSON_CLOSETTARGET = "closest_target"; public static final String JSON_IPCLOSESTTARGET = "ip_closest_target"; private ClosestTarget(List<Param> params) { synchronized (ClosestTarget.this) { sClosestTarget = ""; setParams(params); } } public static ClosestTarget sCreateClosestTarget(List<Param> params) { return new ClosestTarget(params); } public class Result { public int total; public int completed; public String currbest_target; public long curr_best_timeNanoseconds; } //Used to collect the results from the individual LatencyTests as soon as the finish private final BlockingQueue<LatencyTest.Result> bq_results = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); //public ClosestTarget() { // synchronized (ClosestTarget.this) { // sClosestTarget = ""; // } //} private boolean between(int x, int a, int b) { return (x >= a && x <= b); } @Override public boolean isReady() { if (!between(nPackets, NUMBEROFPACKETSMIN, NUMBEROFPACKETSMAX)) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); return false; } if (!between(interPacketTime, INTERPACKETIMEMIN, INTERPACKETIMEMAX)) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); return false; } if (!between(delayTimeout, DELAYTIMEOUTMIN, DELAYTIMEOUTMAX)) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); return false; } if (!between(targets.size(), NUMBEROFTARGETSMIN, NUMBEROFTARGETSMAX)) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); return false; } return true; } @Override public void runBlockingTestToFinishInThisThread() { find(); } @Override public void run() { find(); } @Override public int getNetUsage() { return 0; } @Override public boolean isSuccessful() { return success; } private void setNumberOfDatagrams(int n) { nPackets = n; } private void setInterPacketTime(int t) { interPacketTime = t; } private void setDelayTimeout(int t) { delayTimeout = t; } private void setPort(int p) { port = p; } private void addTarget(String target) { targets.add(target); } public void setTargetListEmpty() { targets = new ArrayList<>(); } /* Some networks block UDP traffic; and some might even block raw TCP traffic! GIVEN: performing a closest target test WHEN: UDP fails THEN: we need use HTTP as the ultimate failsafe. Therefore, as a fall-back from the UDP best-target-selection process: 1. Make three HTTP requests to "/" on each server. Set a 2 second timeout on each request. Ideally, you should parallelise them (maybe allow up to 6 concurrent requests). 2. Choose the server with the lowest non-zero response time (not an average of the three requests - just take the one with the absolute lowest) */ private static final int CHttpQueryTimeoutSeconds = 2; // Query the specified URL, and return <status,latency> private static Pair<Boolean, Long> sGetHttpResponseAndReturnLatencyMilliseconds(String urlString) { //AsyncHttpClient client = new AsyncHttpClient(); //client.setTimeout(5000); // This is in milliseconds! Log.d(ClosestTarget.sGetTAG(), "DEBUG: fire http closest target query at (" + urlString + ")"); // HttpParams httpParams = new BasicHttpParams(); HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(httpParams, CHttpQueryTimeoutSeconds * 1000); HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(httpParams, CHttpQueryTimeoutSeconds * 1000); HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(httpParams); HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(urlString); HttpResponse response; // Fire the query! final Date startTime = new Date(); try { response = httpclient.execute(httpGet); // Check if server response is valid StatusLine status = response.getStatusLine(); if (status.getStatusCode() != 200) { Log.d("TAG", "Invalid response from server: " + status.toString()); SKPorting.sAssert(ClosestTarget.class, false); } else { // Successful query, handle the response! final Date timeNow = new Date(); long measuredLatencyMilliseconds = timeNow.getTime() - startTime.getTime(); SKPorting.sAssert(ClosestTarget.class, measuredLatencyMilliseconds > 0); Log.d(ClosestTarget.sGetTAG(), "DEBUG: HTTP/Closest target test - success - measuredLatencyMilliseconds = " + measuredLatencyMilliseconds); return new Pair<>(true, measuredLatencyMilliseconds); } } catch (SocketTimeoutException ste) { // Don't fire a debug-time assertion if we have a simple timeout! Log.d(ClosestTarget.sGetTAG(), "DEBUG: HTTP/Closest target test - SocketTimeoutException"); } catch (ConnectTimeoutException cte) { // Don't fire a debug-time assertion if we have a simple timeout! Log.d(ClosestTarget.sGetTAG(), "DEBUG: HTTP/Closest target test - ConnectTimeoutException"); } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { // Don't fire a debug-time assertion if the host cannot be found - it might just be down. Log.d(ClosestTarget.sGetTAG(), "DEBUG: HTTP/Closest target test - UnknownHostException"); } catch (Exception e) { // This might show up if e.g. all network connections are disabled. SKPorting.sAssert(ClosestTarget.class, false); } return new Pair<>(false, -100L); } private static final String TAG = ClosestTarget.class.getName(); private static String sGetTAG() { return TAG; } private final int cQueryCountPerServer = 3; private final ArrayList<Integer> finishedTestsPerServer = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean mbInHttpTestingFallbackMode = false; private boolean mbUdpClosestTargetTestSucceeded = false; public boolean getUdpClosestTargetTestSucceeded() { return mbUdpClosestTargetTestSucceeded; } // class WorkerRunner extends Thread { private final int serverIndex; private final String target; private final String urlString; private final CountDownLatch startSignal; private final CountDownLatch doneSignal; private long measuredLatencyMilliseconds = -100L; LatencyTest latencyTest = null; public long getMeasuredLatencyMilliseconds() { return measuredLatencyMilliseconds; } WorkerRunner(int inServerIndex, String inTarget, String inUrlString, CountDownLatch inStartSignal, CountDownLatch inDoneSignal) { super(); serverIndex = inServerIndex; target = inTarget; urlString = inUrlString; startSignal = inStartSignal; doneSignal = inDoneSignal; latencyTest = latencyTests[serverIndex]; SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), latencyTest.getTarget().equals(target)); } @Override public void run() { try { startSignal.await(); doWork(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } Log.d("RUN()", "Finished run() in WorkerRunner!"); } void doWork() { Pair<Boolean, Long> latencyQueryResult = ClosestTarget.sGetHttpResponseAndReturnLatencyMilliseconds(urlString); if (latencyQueryResult.first) { // Succeeded! measuredLatencyMilliseconds = latencyQueryResult.second; SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), measuredLatencyMilliseconds > 0L); } else { // Failed to get a latency measurement! measuredLatencyMilliseconds = -100L; } doneSignal.countDown(); synchronized (ClosestTarget.this) { // This allows the UI to update itself, according to our current best guess... // used for UI reporting! if (measuredLatencyMilliseconds > 0) { if (measuredLatencyMilliseconds * 1000000 < curr_best_Nanoseconds) { curr_best_Nanoseconds = measuredLatencyMilliseconds * 1000000; curr_best_target = target; closestTarget = target; } } // Increment "finished" only when the last async test for the server is completed. int value = finishedTestsPerServer.get(serverIndex); value++; finishedTestsPerServer.set(serverIndex, value); if (value == cQueryCountPerServer) { finished++; } latencyTest.status = SKAbstractBaseTest.STATUS.DONE; latencyTest.finished = true; // Add a new result to the queue for display... // Will be ignored if not the best yet! LatencyTest.sCreateAndPushLatencyResultNanoseconds(bq_results, closestTarget, curr_best_Nanoseconds); } } } // This only returns when done... private boolean blockingTryHttpClosestTargetTestIfUdpTestFails() { mbInHttpTestingFallbackMode = true; mbUdpClosestTargetTestSucceeded = false; long timeAtStart = new Date().getTime(); // Prevent weird warnings from the outer UI query thread... success = false; finished = 0; closestTarget = VALUE_NOT_KNOWN; String TAG = getClass().getName(); Log.d(TAG, "DEBUG: tryHttpClosestTargetTestIfUdpTestFails"); // 3 Threads per server! int serverCount = targets.size(); Log.d(TAG, "DEBUG: tryHttpClosestTargetTestIfUdpTestFails - serverCount=" + serverCount); { int tempIndex; for (tempIndex = 0; tempIndex < serverCount; tempIndex++) { Log.d(TAG, "DEBUG: tryHttpClosestTargetTestIfUdpTestFails - targets[" + tempIndex + "]=" + targets.get(tempIndex)); finishedTestsPerServer.add(0); } } int queriesToRun = serverCount * cQueryCountPerServer; Log.d(TAG, "DEBUG: tryHttpClosestTargetTestIfUdpTestFails - queriesToRun=" + queriesToRun); // CountDownLatch startSignal = new CountDownLatch(1); CountDownLatch queryCompleteCountdown = new CountDownLatch(queriesToRun); //queryCompleteCountdown = queriesToRun; ArrayList<Long> bestLatencyMillisecondsPerServer = new ArrayList<>(); // // Fire this off in separate async tasks, and block waiting for them all to complete! // int serverIndex; for (serverIndex = 0; serverIndex < serverCount; serverIndex++) { // -100 means - no successful response - yet! bestLatencyMillisecondsPerServer.add(-100L); } ArrayList<WorkerRunner> workerRunnableArray = new ArrayList<>(); for (serverIndex = 0; serverIndex < serverCount; serverIndex++) { String target = targets.get(serverIndex); String urlString = "http://" + target + "/"; int queryIndexForServer; for (queryIndexForServer = 0; queryIndexForServer < cQueryCountPerServer; queryIndexForServer++) { // WorkerRunner workerRunnable = new WorkerRunner(serverIndex, target, urlString, startSignal, queryCompleteCountdown); workerRunnableArray.add(workerRunnable); workerRunnable.start(); } } // // Block until all the async task queries have completed! // // Tell the async tasks to start working! startSignal.countDown(); // Block, waiting for all the async task queries to complete. try { queryCompleteCountdown.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } // // We have finished the tests, for all servers! // long now = new Date().getTime(); Log.d("HTTPClosestTarget", "time in seconds taken to run all HTTP tests = " + ((double) (now - timeAtStart)) / 1000.0); // Return true if we succeed - in which case : // closestTarget = set to the right target // ipClosestTarget = the ip address of the closest target if (closestTarget.equals(VALUE_NOT_KNOWN)) { // This can happen e.g. if all networking is off... but it is quite unlikely. SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } else { success = true; InetAddress address = null; try { address = InetAddress.getByName(closestTarget); ipClosestTarget = address.getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } } // This tells the UI monitor thread to finish. finished = targets.size() + 1; return success; } private boolean find() { boolean ret = false; if (targets.size() == 0) { return ret; } ArrayList<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<>(); latencyTests = new LatencyTest[targets.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) { LatencyTest lt = new LatencyTest(targets.get(i), port, nPackets, interPacketTime, delayTimeout); lt.setBlockingQueueResult(bq_results); latencyTests[i] = lt; if (latencyTests[i].isReady()) { Thread t = new Thread(latencyTests[i]); threads.add(t); t.start(); } } for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) { try { threads.get(i).join(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } } int minDist = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) { if (latencyTests[i].isSuccessful()) { success = true; int avg = (int) latencyTests[i].getAverageMicroseconds(); if (avg < minDist) { closestTarget = targets.get(i); ipClosestTarget = latencyTests[i].getIpAddress(); minDist = avg; } } } if (closestTarget.equals(VALUE_NOT_KNOWN)) { // Run the Http-based Closest Target test as a fall-back condition! // This will return only when fully done... mbUdpClosestTargetTestSucceeded = false; finished = 0; // WHEN: // - if closest target UDP test failed (NB: this is ALWAYS run first in manual testing) // THEN: // - notify the app to display test as UDP skipped // NOTE: Doesn't actually matter if we're running a manual test or not - if we're not running a manual test, // the user interface will ignore this event. SKTestRunner.sDoReportUDPFailedSkipTests(); ret = blockingTryHttpClosestTargetTestIfUdpTestFails(); // HTTP (blocking) test succeeded! mbFinishedSelectingClosestTarget = true; } else { // UDP test succeeded! mbUdpClosestTargetTestSucceeded = true; mbFinishedSelectingClosestTarget = true; ret = true; } return ret; } public String getClosest() { if (closestTarget.equals(VALUE_NOT_KNOWN)) { return null; } return closestTarget; } private Long mTimestamp = SKAbstractBaseTest.sGetUnixTimeStampSeconds(); @Override public synchronized void finish() { mTimestamp = SKAbstractBaseTest.sGetUnixTimeStampSeconds(); status = STATUS.DONE; } @Override public long getTimestamp() { return mTimestamp; } @Override public void setTimestamp(long timestamp) { mTimestamp = timestamp; } @Override public JSONObject getJSONResult() { ArrayList<String> o = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, Object> output = new HashMap<>(); //string id o.add(TESTSTRING); output.put(JsonData.JSON_TYPE, TESTSTRING); //TIME o.add(mTimestamp + ""); output.put(JsonData.JSON_TIMESTAMP, mTimestamp); output.put(JsonData.JSON_DATETIME, SKDateFormat.sGetDateAsIso8601String(new java.util.Date(mTimestamp * 1000))); //status boolean status = true; if (closestTarget.equals(VALUE_NOT_KNOWN)) { status = false; } synchronized (ClosestTarget.class) { sClosestTarget = closestTarget; } o.add(status ? "OK" : "FAIL"); output.put(JsonData.JSON_SUCCESS, status); //closest target - might be VALUE_NOT_KNOWN... o.add(closestTarget); output.put(JSON_CLOSETTARGET, closestTarget); //ip closest target o.add(ipClosestTarget); output.put(JSON_IPCLOSESTTARGET, ipClosestTarget); //setOutput(o.toArray(new String[1])); JSONObject json_output = new JSONObject(output); return json_output; } private LatencyTest[] latencyTests = null; private ArrayList<String> targets = new ArrayList<>(); private int nPackets = _NPACKETS; private int interPacketTime = _INTERPACKETTIME; private int delayTimeout = _DELAYTIMEOUT; private int port = _PORT; private String closestTarget = VALUE_NOT_KNOWN; private boolean success = false; private String ipClosestTarget = VALUE_NOT_KNOWN; // This is used purely by the UI, to display a count-down of the target servers latency test. // it is accessed via getPartialResults()... private int finished = 0; private boolean mbFinishedSelectingClosestTarget = false; private long curr_best_Nanoseconds = Long.MAX_VALUE; private String curr_best_target; private static String sClosestTarget = VALUE_NOT_KNOWN; public static String sGetClosestTarget() { synchronized (ClosestTarget.class) { return sClosestTarget; } } public static void sSetClosestTarget(String inTarget) { synchronized (ClosestTarget.class) { sClosestTarget = inTarget; SKTestRunner.sDoReportClosestTargetSelected(inTarget); } } @Override public int getProgress0To100() { if (latencyTests == null) { return 0; } int min = 100; for (LatencyTest t : latencyTests) { if (t != null) { int curr = t.getProgress0To100(); min = curr < min ? curr : min; } } return min; } public Result getPartialResults() { //first result when no test is finished yet if (finished == 0) { Result ret = new Result(); ret.completed = 0; = targets.size(); ret.curr_best_timeNanoseconds = 0; ret.currbest_target = ""; if (mbInHttpTestingFallbackMode == false) { finished++; // Do this ONLY if no in HTTP-based testing! } return ret; } if (mbFinishedSelectingClosestTarget == true) { // (finished == targets.size() + 1){ // This tells the UI monitor to finish! return null; } Result ret = new Result(); try { LatencyTest.Result r = bq_results.take(); ret.completed = finished; if (mbInHttpTestingFallbackMode == false) { finished++; // Do this ONLY if no in HTTP-based testing! } = targets.size(); if (r.rttMicroseconds > 0 && (r.rttMicroseconds * 1000L) < curr_best_Nanoseconds) { curr_best_Nanoseconds = (r.rttMicroseconds * 1000L); curr_best_target =; } ret.curr_best_timeNanoseconds = curr_best_Nanoseconds; ret.currbest_target = curr_best_target; } catch (InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); ret = null; } return ret; } // @Override // public HumanReadable getHumanReadable() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } @Override public String getStringID() { return TESTSTRING; } private void setParams(List<Param> params) { try { for (Param param : params) { String value = param.getValue(); if (param.contains(TARGET)) { addTarget(value); } else if (param.contains(PORT)) { setPort(Integer.parseInt(value)); } else if (param.contains(NUMBEROFPACKETS)) { setNumberOfDatagrams(Integer.parseInt(value)); } else if (param.contains(DELAYTIMEOUT)) { setDelayTimeout(Integer.parseInt(value)); } else if (param.contains(INTERPACKETTIME)) { setInterPacketTime(Integer.parseInt(value)); } else { initialised = false; break; } } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { initialised = false; } } }