package; import android.util.Log; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.samknows.libcore.SKPorting; import com.samknows.measurement.util.DCSConvertorUtil; public class PassiveMetric extends JSONObject{ static final String TAG = "PassiveMetric"; public static final String JSON_METRIC_NAME = "metric_name"; public static final String JSON_METRIC = "metric"; public static final String JSON_DTIME= "dtime"; public static final String JSON_TYPE = "type"; public static final String JSON_VALUE = "value"; public static final String TYPE_STRING = "string"; public static final String TYPE_BOOLEAN = "boolean"; public enum METRIC_TYPE{ GSMLAC("gsmlocationareacode"), GSMCID("gsmcelltowerid"), GSMSIGNALSTRENGTH("gsmsignalstrength"), CDMADBM("cdmasignalstrength"), CDMABSID("cdmabasestationid"), CDMABSLAT("cdmabasestationlatitude"), CDMABSLNG("cdmabasestationlongitude"), CDMANETWORKID("cdmanetworkid"), CDMASYSTEMID("cdmasystemid"), PHONETYPE("phonetype"), NETWORKTYPE("networktype"), ACTIVENETWORKTYPE("activenetworktype"), CONNECTIONSTATUS("connectionstatus"), ROAMINGSTATUS("roamingstatus"), NETWORKOPERATORCODE("networkoperatorcode"), NETWORKOPERATORNAME("networkoperatorname"), SIMOPERATORCODE("simoperatorcode"), SIMOPERATORNAME("simoperatorname"), IMEI("imei"), IMSI("imsi"), MANUFACTOR("manufactor"), MODEL("model"), OSTYPE("ostype"), OSVERSION("osversion"), GSMBER("gsmbiterrorrate"), CDMAECIO("cdmaecio"), CONNECTED("connected", TYPE_BOOLEAN), CONNECTIVITYTYPE("connectivitytype"), LATITUDE("latitude"), LONGITUDE("longitude"), ACCURACY("accuracy"), LOCATIONPROVIDER("locationprovider"), PUBLICIP("public_ip"), SUBMISSIONID("submission_id"), // WIFI_SSID and other new stuff (begin) ANDROIDBUILDVERSION("androidbuildversion"), // Not uploaded! WIFISSID("wifi_ssid"), // Not uploaded! WLANCARRIER("wlan_carrier"), // Not uploaded! MUNICIPALITY("municipality"), // Not uploaded! COUNTRYNAME("country_name"); // Not uploaded! // WIFI_SSID and other new stuff (end) public final String metric_name; public final String type; METRIC_TYPE(String _name){ metric_name = _name; type = TYPE_STRING; } METRIC_TYPE(String _name, String _type){ metric_name = _name; type = _type; } } private static final Map<String, Integer> MetricStringToId; static{ Map<String, Integer> tmpMap = new HashMap<>(); for(METRIC_TYPE mt: METRIC_TYPE.values()){ tmpMap.put(mt.metric_name, mt.ordinal()); } MetricStringToId = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tmpMap); } private void init(METRIC_TYPE metric, long dtime, String value){ set(JSON_METRIC_NAME, metric.metric_name); set(JSON_DTIME, dtime); set(JSON_TYPE, metric.type); set(JSON_VALUE, value); } private PassiveMetric(METRIC_TYPE metric, long dtime, double value){ init(metric, dtime, value+""); } private PassiveMetric(METRIC_TYPE metric, long dtime, String value){ init(metric, dtime, value); } public static PassiveMetric create(String metric, long dtime, String value){ if(!MetricStringToId.containsKey(metric)){ return null; } METRIC_TYPE metric_type = METRIC_TYPE.values()[MetricStringToId.get(metric)]; return new PassiveMetric(metric_type, dtime, value); } public static PassiveMetric create(METRIC_TYPE metric, long dtime, String value){ return new PassiveMetric(metric, dtime, value); } public static PassiveMetric create(METRIC_TYPE metric, long dtime, int value){ return new PassiveMetric(metric, dtime, convertValue(metric,value)); } public static PassiveMetric create(METRIC_TYPE metric, long dtime, double value){ return new PassiveMetric(metric, dtime, value); } /* public static PassiveMetric create(METRIC_TYPE metric, long dtime, int value){ return new PassiveMetric(metric, dtime, value+""); } */ //Return the metric id if the metric exists, -1 otherwise public static int metricStringToId(String metric){ return MetricStringToId.containsKey(metric) ? MetricStringToId.get(metric) : -1; } public String metricIdToString(int metric_id){ String ret = null; if(metric_id >= 0 && metric_id < METRIC_TYPE.values().length){ ret = METRIC_TYPE.values()[metric_id].metric_name; } return ret; } private void set(String key, Object value){ try{ put(key, value); }catch(JSONException je){ SKPorting.sAssertE(PassiveMetric.class, "Error in creating the passive metric JSONObject"); } } private static String convertValue(METRIC_TYPE metric, int value){ String ret = value+""; switch(metric){ case GSMCID: case GSMLAC: ret = String.format("%x",value); break; case GSMSIGNALSTRENGTH: ret = (value * 2 - 113) + " dBm"; break; case NETWORKTYPE: ret = DCSConvertorUtil.convertNetworkType(value); break; case ACTIVENETWORKTYPE: case CONNECTIONSTATUS: case ROAMINGSTATUS: default: } return ret; } public static JSONObject passiveMetricToCurrentTest(JSONObject pm){ JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); try{ ret.put("type", "passivemetric"); ret.put("metric", metricStringToId( pm.getString(PassiveMetric.JSON_METRIC_NAME))); ret.put("metricString", pm.getString(PassiveMetric.JSON_METRIC_NAME)); ret.put("value", pm.getString("value")); }catch(JSONException je){ Log.d(TAG, "Error in creating json obj: " + je); } return ret; } }