package com.samknows.tests; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import com.samknows.libcore.SKPorting; @SuppressLint("UseSparseArrays") public final class ActiveServerUploadTest extends UploadTest { private boolean bGotValidResponseFromServer = false; //private boolean bReadThreadIsRunning = true; /* True if thread from Server still running */ private final AtomicInteger threadsCount = new AtomicInteger(0); /* Server side metrics */ private final AtomicLong serverBytesPerSecondTotal = new AtomicLong(0); private final AtomicLong serverBytesTransferTotal = new AtomicLong(0); private final AtomicLong serverBytesWarmUpTotal = new AtomicLong(0); private final AtomicLong serverTimeWarmUpTotal = new AtomicLong(0); private final AtomicLong serverTimeTransferTotal = new AtomicLong(0); private final AtomicLong runUpStartTime = new AtomicLong(0); private long mSessionID = -1L; //private HashMap<Integer, ServerInStreamThread> readThreads = new HashMap<Integer, ServerInStreamThread>(); protected ActiveServerUploadTest(List<Param> params) { super(params); setSessionID(); } static public ActiveServerUploadTest sCreateActiveServerUploadTest(List<Param> params) { return new ActiveServerUploadTest(params); } @Override public void runBlockingTestToFinishInThisThread() { super.runBlockingTestToFinishInThisThread(); } private void setSessionID() { Random sRandom = new Random(); mSessionID = sRandom.nextLong() & 0xffffffffL; SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), mSessionID >= 0); //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "Session ID = " + mSessionID);//haha remove in production } private String formPostHeaderRequest(int numThreads, int threadIndex) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Verify that the session_id was properly initialized (it will have come from a random value, shared by all threads // for this HttpTest instance...) SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), mSessionID >= 0); // Use the correct parameters in the header... INCLUDING THE UNIT ID! // c.f. instructions at the top of this file. sb.append("POST /?CONTROL=1&UNITID=1"); sb.append("&SESSIONID="); sb.append(mSessionID); sb.append("&NUM_CONNECTIONS="); sb.append(numThreads); sb.append("&CONNECTION="); sb.append(threadIndex); sb.append("&AGGREGATE_WARMUP=0&RESULTS_INTERVAL_PERIOD="); long resultsIntervalPeriod = (getWarmupMaxTimeMicro() + getTransferMaxTimeMicro()) / 1000000 + 1; sb.append(resultsIntervalPeriod); sb.append("&RESULT_NUM_INTERVALS=1&TEST_DATA_CAP=4294967295"); sb.append("&TRANSFER_MAX_SIZE="); sb.append(getTransferMaxBytes()); sb.append("&WARMUP_SAMPLE_TIME="); // The system will reject a header with "WARMUP_SAMPLE_TIME=0". // If that happens, set WARMUP_SAMPLE_TIME to UINT32_MAX instead of zero. //long millisecondsWarmupSampleTime = (long)(warmupMaxTimeMicro/1000.0); long millisecondsWarmupSampleTime = (long) (getWarmupMaxTimeMicro() / 1000.0); if (millisecondsWarmupSampleTime == 0) { // There is no unsigned 32 bit int in Java. You have to use long (signed 64-bit) instead. // Not expected - and might cause the server-based test to timeout! SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); millisecondsWarmupSampleTime = 4294967295L; //millisecondsWarmupSampleTime = 5000L; // Hack! } sb.append(millisecondsWarmupSampleTime); // WARMUP_SAMPLE_TIME=%d (milli) - from Micro! sb.append("&NUM_WARMUP_SAMPLES=1"); sb.append("&MAX_WARMUP_SIZE="); sb.append(getWarmupMaxBytes()); sb.append("&MAX_WARMUP_SAMPLES=1&WARMUP_FAIL_ON_MAX=0&WARMUP_TOLERANCE=5 HTTP/1.1\r\n"); sb.append("Host: "); sb.append(getTarget()).append(":").append(getPort()); sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append("Accept: */*\r\n"); sb.append("Content-Length: 4294967295\r\n"); sb.append("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"); sb.append("Expect: 100-continue\r\n"); sb.append("\r\n"); String result = sb.toString(); //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "<--- Thread # " + getThreadIndex() + " --->"); //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "Request string: \n" + result);//haha remove in production return result; } private void requestHeader(OutputStream connOut) { if (connOut != null) { PrintWriter writerOut = new PrintWriter(connOut, false); String postRequestHeader = formPostHeaderRequest(getThreadsNum(), getThreadIndex()); writerOut.print(postRequestHeader); writerOut.flush(); } } @Override final protected boolean warmup(ISKHttpSocket socket, int threadIndex) { return true; } @Override final protected boolean transfer(ISKHttpSocket socket, int threadIndex) { OutputStream connOut = getOutput(socket); InputStream connIn = getInput(socket); /* Get input stream */ ServerInStreamThread readThread = new ServerInStreamThread(connIn) { /* Create the input stream info processing class */ @Override public void callOnStopOrCancel(String responseString, int responseCode) { //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "DEBUG: callOnStopOrCancel");//haha // synchronized(HttpTest.this) { // HttpTest.this.closeConnection(socket, connIn, connOut); // connIn = null; // connOut = null; // socket = null; // } if ((responseCode != 100) && (responseCode != 200)) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "DEBUG: upload server did fail with error=" + responseCode);//haha } else { /* if (responseCode == 100) { //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "DEBUG: reponseCode=" + responseCode);//haha } else { //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "DEBUG: reponseCode=" + responseCode + ", responseString=>>>" + responseString + "<<<");//haha }*/ // Example /* HTTP/1.1 100 Continue X-SamKnows: 1 SAMKNOWS_HTTP_REPLY VERSION: 1.0 RESULT: OK END_TIME: 1402570650 SECTION: WARMUP NUM_WARMUP: 1 WARMUP_SESSION: 5 1030000 3994048 SECTION: MEASUR NUM_MEASUR: 1 MEASUR_SESSION: 15 1666000 8293952 That is 829352/15 = 552930.13333 bytes per second. */ long transferBytes = 0; long transferBytesPerSecond = 0; long warmUpBytesPerSecond = 0; long warmUpBytes = 0; long warmupnSecTime = 0; long transfernSecTime = 0; String[] items = responseString.split("\n"); if (items.length == 0) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } else { int itemCount = items.length; int itemIndex; for (itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < itemCount; itemIndex++) { String item = items[itemIndex]; //WARMUP_SESSION: 5 1030000 3994048 // Locate the WARMUP_SESSION items. // Locate the MEASURE_SESSION items. //SKLogger.e(TAG(this), item);//haha haha if (item.contains("WARMUP_SESSION")) { String[] warmUpItems = item.split(" "); if (warmUpItems.length != 4) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } else { warmupnSecTime = Long.valueOf(warmUpItems[1])/*seconds*/ * 1000000000 + Long.valueOf(warmUpItems[2])/*nanoseconds*/; if (warmupnSecTime <= 0) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } else { warmUpBytes = Long.valueOf(warmUpItems[3]); SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), warmUpBytes > 0); warmUpBytesPerSecond = (long) (warmUpBytes / (warmupnSecTime / 1000000000.0)); SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), warmUpBytesPerSecond > 0); } } } if (item.contains("MEASUR_SESSION")) { // Use the final calculated value! String[] transferItems = item.split(" "); if (transferItems.length != 4) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } else { transfernSecTime = Long.valueOf(transferItems[1])/*seconds*/ * 1000000000 + Long.valueOf(transferItems[2])/*nanoseconds*/; transfernSecTime -= warmupnSecTime; if (transfernSecTime <= 0) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } else { bGotValidResponseFromServer = true; //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "*** bGotValidResponseFromServer set to TRUE!");//haha remove in production transferBytes = Long.valueOf(transferItems[3]); SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), transferBytes > 0); transferBytesPerSecond = (long) (transferBytes / (transfernSecTime / 1000000000.0)); SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), transferBytesPerSecond > 0); } } } } } if (bGotValidResponseFromServer == true) { threadsCount.addAndGet(1); serverBytesPerSecondTotal.addAndGet(transferBytesPerSecond); serverBytesTransferTotal.addAndGet(transferBytes); serverBytesWarmUpTotal.addAndGet(warmUpBytes); serverTimeTransferTotal.addAndGet((long) (transfernSecTime / 1000.0)); serverTimeWarmUpTotal.addAndGet((long) (warmupnSecTime / 1000.0)); //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "DEBUG: BYTES CALCULATED FROM SERVER, PER SECOND = " + transferBytesPerSecond);//haha remove in production bitrateMpbs1024Based = Conversions.sConvertBytesPerSecondToMbps1024Based(transferBytesPerSecond); //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "DEBUG: bitsPerSecond CALCULATED FROM SERVER = " + OtherUtils.sBitrateMbps1024BasedToString(bitrateMpbs1024Based)); } } //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "Closing thread 'INPUT FROM SERVER' at " + (new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS")).format(new java.util.Date()) );//haha remove in production //bReadThreadIsRunning = false; } }; requestHeader(connOut); /* inform Server about this connection parameters */ // readThreads.put(getThreadIndex(), readThread); /* Memorize this input thread */ //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "Starting thread "+ threadIndex + " 'INPUT FROM SERVER at ' " + (new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS")).format(new java.util.Date()) );//haha remove in production try { readThread.start(); /* Start input thread */ } catch (Exception io) { //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "Thread 'INPUT FROM SERVER has already started " + (new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS")).format(new java.util.Date()) );//haha remove in production return false; } try { while (!readThread.getSemaphoreState()) { } /* Wait until input thread issues OK to "proceed" */ } catch (InterruptedException e) { //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "Error in receiving message from thread");//haha return false; } //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "Starting thread " + threadIndex + " 'UPLOAD TO SERVER at ' " + (new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS")).format(new java.util.Date()) );//haha remove in production boolean isTransferDone = false; long waitUntilTime = 0; /* Safeguard if read fails to return properly */ // long waitFromTime = 0; long bytesTransferredInThisThread = 0L; /* bytes transferred by this thread */ long timeElapsedSinceLastExternalMonitorUpdate = 0; long currentTime = sGetMicroTime(); if (runUpStartTime.get() <= 0) runUpStartTime.set(currentTime); /* Memorize time when process starts */ waitUntilTime = currentTime + getTransferMaxTimeMicro() + 1; // waitFromTime = currentTime; if (connOut == null) { closeConnection(socket); SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); //SKLogger.e(TAG(this), "Error in setting up output stream, exiting... thread: " + threadIndex);//haha return false; } for (; ; ) {//do while suits us better??? long timeElapsed = sGetMicroTime() - runUpStartTime.get(); try { if (connOut == null) { break; } byte[] uploadBuffer = getBufferWithOptionalRandomize(); connOut.write(uploadBuffer); /* Write buffer to output socket */ connOut.flush(); bytesTransferredInThisThread += uploadBuffer.length; addTotalTransferBytes(uploadBuffer.length); } catch (IOException ioe) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); getError().set(true); // And break out of the loop.... //sSetLatestSpeedForExternalMonitorInterval( extMonitorUpdateInterval, "ActiveUpload", Callable<Integer> transferSpeed ); sSetLatestSpeedForExternalMonitor(super.getTotalTransferBytes() / (timeElapsed / 1000000.0), "Upload write exception"); //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "Upload write exception"); //haha remove this later break; } long updateTime = 0; updateTime = timeElapsedSinceLastExternalMonitorUpdate == 0 ? 1000000 : /*40000*/500000; if (timeElapsed - timeElapsedSinceLastExternalMonitorUpdate > updateTime/*uSec*/) { /* should be triggered 25 times a second after the 1st second */ sSetLatestSpeedForExternalMonitor(super.getTotalTransferBytes() / ((sGetMicroTime() - runUpStartTime.get()) / 1000000.0), "Normal upload cycle"); /* update speed parameter + indicative ID */ timeElapsedSinceLastExternalMonitorUpdate = timeElapsed; // SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "External Monitor updated at " + (new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS")).format(new java.util.Date()) + // " as " + (super.getTotalTransferBytes( )/(timeElapsed / 1000000.0)) + // " thread: " + threadIndex);//haha remove in production } /* Transfer done if: */ if (getTransferMaxTimeMicro() > 0) { /* we run out of time */ if (timeElapsed > getTransferMaxTimeMicro()) { isTransferDone = true; } } if (getTransferMaxBytes() > 0) { if (super.getTotalWarmUpBytes() + super.getTotalTransferBytes() > getTransferMaxBytes()) { /* we transferred more bytes that was initially allowed */ isTransferDone = true; } } if (super.getTotalTransferBytes() > 0) { /* if we managed just to transfer something set status from parent class to OK */ setTestStatus("OK"); } //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "DEBUG: speed in bytes per second" + getSpeedBytesPerSecond() + "<<<"); //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "DEBUG: isTransferDone=" + isTransferDone + ", totalTransferBytesSent=>>>" + totalTransferBytesSent.get() + ", time" + (sGetMicroTime() - start) + "<<<"); // Stop EITHER if: // 1) the read thread tells us! if ((readThread != null) && (readThread.getIsCancelled() == true)) { sSetLatestSpeedForExternalMonitor(super.getTotalTransferBytes() / (timeElapsed / 1000000.0), "Server Read thread has stopped"); //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "Server Read thread has stopped");//haha break; } // 2) we at least 10 seconds AFTER the detection of "isTransferDone" - giving server long enough to respond, or until we've written enough bytes! //if (transferMaxBytes == 0) { if (readThread != null) { // Server-based upload speed test in operation... if (isTransferDone == true) { //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "loop - break 5a, waituntiltime=" + waitUntilTime + ", waited for " + (sGetMilliTime() /*- waitFromTime*/) + " ms");//haha if (sGetMicroTime() > waitUntilTime) { break; } } else if (getTransferMaxBytes() > 0) { if (bytesTransferredInThisThread >= getTransferMaxBytes()) { sSetLatestSpeedForExternalMonitor(super.getTotalTransferBytes() / (timeElapsed / 1000000.0), "Upload5b, mTransferMaxBytes=" + getTransferMaxBytes()); //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "loop - break 5b");//haha break; } } } //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "loop - continue 6 - actualBytesTransferred = " + actuallyTransferredBytes); }//for(;;) // // To reach here, the (blocking) test is finished. // //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "loop - ended continue7"); // Ask the thread to stop... and wait for it to stop! // Note that in the event of an error when transferring data, we'll have // already requested it to stop; however, it is fine to call doStop as many times as you want. // Has the server *already* finished? if (readThread != null) { if (readThread.getIsCancelled() == false) { /* For some reason thread has not been completed */ readThread.doStop(); // Once the read thread has completed, send our best known result. // while (bReadThreadIsRunning == true) { // try { // Thread.sleep(50); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // SKLogger.sAssert(getClass(), false); // } // } } } //int bytesPerSecondFinalMeasurement = getTransferBytesPerSecond(); //sSetLatestSpeedForExternalMonitor(bytesPerSecondFinalMeasurement, "UploadEnd"); //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "Stopping thread 'UPLOAD TO SERVER' (" + threadIndex +") at" + (new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS")).format(new java.util.Date()) );//haha remove in production return true; } @Override protected long getWarmUpTimeMicro() { if (threadsCount.get() > 0) { return (long) (serverTimeWarmUpTotal.doubleValue() / threadsCount.get()); } return 0; } @Override protected long getTransferTimeMicro() { if (threadsCount.get() > 0) { return (long) (serverTimeTransferTotal.doubleValue() / threadsCount.get()); } return 0; } @Override protected long getTotalWarmUpBytes() { if (threadsCount.get() > 0) { return (long) (serverBytesWarmUpTotal.doubleValue() / threadsCount.get()); } return 0; } @Override protected long getTotalTransferBytes() { if (threadsCount.get() > 0) { return (long) (serverBytesTransferTotal.doubleValue() / threadsCount.get()); } return 0; //addTotalTransferBytes(transferBytes); //addTotalWarmUpBytes(warmUpBytes); //setTransferTimeMicro((long)(transfernSecTime / 1000.0)); //setWarmUpTimeMicro((long)( warmupnSecTime / 1000.0)); } @Override public double getTransferBytesPerSecond() { int res = 0; if (threadsCount.get() > 0) { long total = serverBytesPerSecondTotal.get(); double theResult = ((double)total) / ((double)threadsCount.get()); //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "DEBUG: getSpeedBytesPerSecond, using SERVER value (result/thread count=" + threadsCount.get() + ") = " + (int)theResult);//haha return theResult; } return res; } @Override protected double getWarmupBytesPerSecond() { //SKLogger.e(TAG(this), "getWarmupSpeedBytesPerSecond not implemented...");//haha return 0.0; } /*------------------------------------ Private Class implementing read from server thread -----------------------------------------*/ private class ServerInStreamThread extends Thread { private InputStream mConnIn = null; private boolean mbIsCancelled = false; private boolean semaphore = false; private synchronized void startTransmit() throws InterruptedException { semaphore = true; notify(); } public synchronized boolean getSemaphoreState() throws InterruptedException { while (!semaphore) wait(); notify(); return semaphore; } void doStop() { mbIsCancelled = true; } boolean getIsCancelled() { return mbIsCancelled; } ServerInStreamThread(InputStream inConnIn) { super(); mConnIn = inConnIn; } @Override public void run() { byte[] buffer = new byte[4000]; String response = ""; int responseCode = 0; for (; ; ) { if (mbIsCancelled == true) { //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "mbIsCancelled=true, stop the read thread");//haha break; } try { int bytes =, 0, buffer.length - 1); //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "Number of bytes read " + bytes);//haha if (bytes > 0) { buffer[bytes] = '\0'; String bufferAsUtf8String = (new String(buffer, "UTF-8")).substring(0, bytes); response = bufferAsUtf8String;//.substring(0, bytes - 1); //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "Server response: thread " + response);//haha remove in production String[] items = response.split(" "); if (items.length > 0) { if (items[0].equals("HTTP/1.1")) { if (items.length > 1) { responseCode = Integer.valueOf(items[1]); if ((responseCode == 100) || /* Continue*/ (responseCode == 200) /* OK */) { //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "Got Continue");//haha remove in production try { startTransmit(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "Error in sending message by thread ");//haha break; } } else { //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "Error in response, code " + responseCode);//haha break; } } } // Have we got everything we need yet? if (response.contains("SAMKNOWS_HTTP_REPLY")) { //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "Got HEADER");//haha remove in production if (response.contains("MEASUR_SESSION")) { // Assume we have the lot! //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), "Got MEASUR_SESSION");//haha remove in production break; } } } } } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { //SKLogger.d(TAG(this), e.getMessage());//haha remove in production } catch (IOException e) { SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); break; } } callOnStopOrCancel(response, responseCode); mbIsCancelled = true; } void callOnStopOrCancel(String responseString, int responseCode) { // This must be overridden! SKPorting.sAssert(getClass(), false); } } }