package org.seqcode.viz.compositeplot; /** * TagProfile: per-base container for tag counts * @author mahony * */ public class TagProfile { protected double[] watsonTags; //binned watson tag counts protected double[] crickTags; //binned crick tag counts protected int center; //The index at the center of the profile (rel coord = 0) protected int width; protected boolean stranded; /** * TagProfile * @param watson * @param crick : if null, this is an unstranded tag density * @param centerBin */ public TagProfile(double [] watson, double[] crick, int centerBin){ watsonTags = watson; crickTags = crick; = centerBin; width = watson.length; stranded = crickTags==null ? false : true; } //Accessors public double[] getWatsonTags(){return watsonTags;} public double[] getCrickTags(){return crickTags;} public int getWidth(){return width;} public int getCenterBin(){return center;} public int getLeftRelCoord(){return -center;} public int getRightRelCoord(){return (width-center-1);} public boolean isStranded(){return stranded;} protected int getBinAtRelCoord(int coord){ int x=-1; if(coord>=getLeftRelCoord() && coord<=getRightRelCoord()) x= center+coord; return x; } public double getWatsonTagsAtRelCoord(int coord){return watsonTags[getBinAtRelCoord(coord)];} public double getCrickTagsAtRelCoord(int coord){return crickTags[getBinAtRelCoord(coord)];} }