package org.seqcode.projects.seqview.paintable; import; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import; import org.seqcode.gseutils.*; import org.seqcode.projects.seqview.model.SeqPairedEndModel; import org.seqcode.viz.DynamicAttribute; public class PairedEndPainter extends RegionPaintable { private SeqPairedEndModel model; private PairedEndProperties props; private DynamicAttribute attrib; public PairedEndPainter (SeqPairedEndModel model) { super(); this.model = model; props = new PairedEndProperties(); model.addEventListener(this); attrib = DynamicAttribute.getGlobalAttributes(); } public PairedEndProperties getProperties() {return props;} public void setProperties(PairedEndProperties p) {props = p;} public void savePropsInDir(File dir) { super.savePropsInDir(dir); saveModelPropsInDir(dir,model); } public void loadPropsInDir(File dir) { super.loadPropsInDir(dir); loadModelPropsInDir(dir,model); } public void cleanup() { super.cleanup(); model.removeEventListener(this); } public synchronized void eventRegistered(EventObject e) { if (e.getSource() == model && model.isReady()) { setCanPaint(true); setWantsPaint(true); notifyListeners(); } } public void removeEventListener(Listener<EventObject> l) { super.removeEventListener(l); if (!hasListeners()) { model.removeEventListener(this); } } public void paintItem(Graphics2D g, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { if (!canPaint()) { return; } if(!model.isReady()) { return; } int width = x2 - x1; int height = Math.max(y2 - y1,1); int regionStart = model.getRegion().getStart(); int regionEnd = model.getRegion().getEnd(); int linewidth = Math.max(getProperties().LineWidth,1); Stroke oldStroke = g.getStroke(); g.setStroke(new BasicStroke((float)linewidth)); java.util.List<PairedHit> hits = model.getResults(); if(model.isDataError()){ g.setFont(attrib.getLargeLabelFont(width,height)); g.setColor(Color.RED); g.drawString("ReadDB Data Error: " +getLabel(),x1 + g.getFont().getSize()*2,y1 + g.getFont().getSize()); }else if (getProperties().DrawTrackLabel) { g.setFont(attrib.getLargeLabelFont(width,height)); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.drawString("Paired " +getLabel(),x1 + g.getFont().getSize()*2,y1 + g.getFont().getSize()); } // int alphastep = Math.min(255, Math.max(255 / (height / (hits.size() * linewidth)), 4)); int alphastep = 255; int h = height; Color plusplus = new Color(0, 0, 255, alphastep / 2); Color minusminus = new Color(255,0,0,alphastep/2); Color plusminus = new Color(100,0,255,alphastep/2); Color minusplus = new Color(255,0,100,alphastep/2); for (int i = 0; i < hits.size(); i++) { PairedHit hit = hits.get(i); int leftx1 = getXPos(hit.leftPos, regionStart, regionEnd, x1, x2); int leftx2 = getXPos(hit.leftStrand ? hit.leftPos + hit.leftLength : hit.leftPos - hit.leftLength, regionStart, regionEnd, x1, x2); if (leftx1==x1 || leftx2==x1) { System.err.println(hit); } if (leftx1 > leftx2) { int x = leftx2; leftx2 = leftx1; leftx1 = x; } int rightx1 = getXPos(hit.rightPos, regionStart, regionEnd, x1, x2); int rightx2 = getXPos(hit.rightStrand ? hit.rightPos + hit.rightLength : hit.rightPos - hit.rightLength, regionStart, regionEnd, x1, x2); if (rightx1 > rightx2) { int x = rightx2; rightx2 = rightx1; rightx1 = x; } //Shaun thinks there was a problem with the way this was coded. //For the case when "left" should mean "first read off the machine", the color of the edge should not depend on leftx2<rightx1. //For the case when "left" means lower coordinate, it should depend on leftx2<rightx1, but this is enforced by the leftAlwaysLesser option and it's call to the flip method. g.setColor(hit.leftStrand ? (hit.rightStrand ? plusplus : plusminus) : (hit.rightStrand ? minusplus : minusminus)); if (leftx2 < rightx1) { //g.setColor(hit.leftStrand ? (hit.rightStrand ? plusplus : plusminus) : (hit.rightStrand ? minusplus : minusminus)); g.drawLine(leftx2, y1+h, rightx1, y1+h); } else { //g.setColor(hit.rightStrand ? (hit.leftStrand ? plusplus : plusminus) : (hit.leftStrand ? minusplus : minusminus)); g.drawLine(rightx2, y1+h, leftx1, y1+h); } h -= (linewidth == 1 ? 2 : linewidth); if (h < 0) { h = height; } } if (getProperties().DrawOtherChromHits) { int onlyx1, onlyx2; java.util.List<PairedHit> otherc = model.getOtherChromResults(); int thischrom = getRegion().getGenome().getChromID(getRegion().getChrom()); g.setColor(Color.GRAY); for (int i = 0; i < otherc.size(); i++) { PairedHit hit = otherc.get(i); if (hit.leftChrom == thischrom) { onlyx1 = getXPos(hit.leftPos, regionStart, regionEnd, x1,x2); onlyx2 = getXPos(hit.leftStrand ? hit.leftPos + hit.leftLength : hit.leftPos - hit.leftLength, regionStart, regionEnd, x1,x2); } else { onlyx1 = getXPos(hit.rightPos, regionStart, regionEnd, x1,x2); onlyx2 = getXPos(hit.rightStrand ? hit.rightPos + hit.rightLength : hit.rightPos - hit.rightLength, regionStart, regionEnd, x1,x2); } if (onlyx2 > onlyx1) { int t = onlyx2; onlyx2 = onlyx1; onlyx1 = t; } g.drawLine(onlyx1,y1+h,onlyx2,y1+h); h -= (linewidth == 1 ? 2 : linewidth); if (h < 0) { h = height; } } } g.setStroke(oldStroke); } }