package org.seqcode.genome.location; import java.util.*; import org.seqcode.genome.Genome; /** A <code>Gene</code> is a <code>NamedStrandedRegion</code> that stores * an id, a set of aliases, and a source. * * The distinction between name and id can be fuzzy, but name is usually * a biological name (eg, CDC15) and id is usually a systematic name (eg YAR019C). * The name and the id may be the same. */ public class Gene extends NamedStrandedRegion { private int DBID; private String id; private Set<String> aliases; private String source; private String rep; public Gene(Genome g, String c, int start, int end, String name, String id, String src) { super(g,c,start,end,name,' '); = id; aliases = new HashSet<String>(); source = src; DBID = -1; rep = null; } public Gene(Genome g, String c, int start, int end, String name, String id, char str, String src) { super(g,c,start,end,name,str); = id; aliases = new HashSet<String>(); source = src; DBID = -1; rep = null; } public Gene(Genome g, String c, int start, int end, String name, String id, char str, String src, int dbid) { super(g,c,start,end,name,str); = id; aliases = new HashSet<String>(); source = src; DBID = dbid; rep = null; } public int getDBID() { return DBID; } public String getID () {return id;} public String toString() { if(rep == null) { rep = getStringRep(); } return rep; } public String getStringRep() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(getID()); Collection<String> otherNames = getNonIDNames(); if(otherNames.size() > 0) { sb.append(" ("); boolean first = true; for(String n : otherNames) { sb.append((first ? "" : ", ") + n); first = false; } sb.append(")"); } return sb.toString(); } public String getSource() { return source; } /** Returns the transcription start site. This is the result of <code>getStart()</code> * if the gene is on the + strand and the result of <code>getEnd()</code> if the * gene is on the - strand. */ public int getTSS() { return getFivePrime();} public Collection<String> getAliases() { return aliases; } /** Returns a collections of Strings that includes the name, id, and aliases. */ public Collection<String> getAllNames() { TreeSet<String> names = new TreeSet<String>(); names.addAll(aliases); names.add(id); names.add(getName()); return names; } public Collection<String> getNonIDNames() { TreeSet<String> names = new TreeSet<String>(); names.addAll(aliases); names.add(getName()); if(names.contains(getID())) { names.remove(getID()); } return names; } public void addAlias(String a) { if(a != null && !a.equals(getName()) && !a.equals(id)) { aliases.add(a); } } public boolean hasName(String a) { return getName().equals(a) || id.equals(a) || aliases.contains(a); } public boolean sharesName(Gene g) { if(g.hasName(getName()) || g.hasName(id)) { return true; } for(String a : aliases) { if(g.hasName(a)) { return true; } } return false; } public int hashCode() { int code = super.hashCode(); code += id.hashCode(); code *= 37; code += getStrand(); code *= 37; code += source.hashCode(); code *= 37; return code; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if(!(o instanceof Gene)) { return false; } Gene g = (Gene)o; if(!super.equals(g)) { return false; } if(!id.equals( { return false; } if(getStrand() != g.getStrand()) { return false; } if(!source.equals(g.source)) { return false; } return true; } }