package; import java.util.*; import java.sql.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import; import; import; import org.seqcode.gseutils.NotFoundException; /* weight matrix representation as float[][]: the first index is the position in the matrix. the second index is the letter. The size of the second dimension is MAXLETTERVAL, but only eight of the indexes are valid: A, C, T, G, and the four corresponding lower case letters. The lower case entries should have the same value as the upper case entries. This uses more space but makes for quick lookups because you can use char values as the index */ public class WeightMatrix { public static double LOG2 = Math.log(2); public static int MAXLETTERVAL = Math.max(Math.max(Math.max('A','C'),Math.max('T','G')), Math.max(Math.max('a','c'),Math.max('t','g'))) + 1; public static char[] allLetters = {'A','a','C','c','T','t','G','g'}; public static char[] letters = {'A','C','T','G'}; public static char[] revCompLetters = {'T','G','A','C'}; public float[][] matrix; public String consensus; public String name, version, type, species; public int dbid, speciesid; public boolean hasdbid, hasspeciesid; // set to true iff dbid is valid public boolean islogodds; public int zeroOffset=0; public int bgMapID = -1; WeightMatrix(ResultSet wmData, ResultSet wmColData) throws SQLException { dbid = wmData.getInt(1); speciesid = wmData.getInt(2); name = wmData.getString(3); version = wmData.getString(4); type = wmData.getString(5); bgMapID = wmData.getInt(6); if (wmData.wasNull()) { bgMapID = -1; } hasdbid = true; hasspeciesid = true; islogodds = false; int maxPos = -1; Map<Integer,Map<Character,Float>> weights = new HashMap<Integer,Map<Character,Float>>(); while( { int pos = wmColData.getInt(1); char posChar = wmColData.getString(2).charAt(0); float weight = wmColData.getFloat(3); if(weight < 0.0) { islogodds = true; } if(!weights.containsKey(pos)) { maxPos = Math.max(maxPos, pos); weights.put(pos, new HashMap<Character,Float>()); } weights.get(pos).put(posChar, weight); } float nullWeight = islogodds ? (float)-9999.0 : (float)0.0; matrix = new float[maxPos+1][MAXLETTERVAL]; for(int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < matrix[j].length; j++) { matrix[i][j] = nullWeight; } } for(int j = 0; j < letters.length; j++) { char letter = letters[j]; for(int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { if(weights.containsKey(i) && weights.get(i).containsKey(letter)) { matrix[i][Character.toLowerCase(letter)] = weights.get(i).get(letter); matrix[i][Character.toUpperCase(letter)] = weights.get(i).get(letter); } else { matrix[i][Character.toLowerCase(letter)] = nullWeight; matrix[i][Character.toUpperCase(letter)] = nullWeight; } } } } public WeightMatrix (int length) { dbid = -1; hasdbid = false; hasspeciesid = false; matrix = new float[length][MAXLETTERVAL]; } /** ** the input matrix must follow the definition of WeightMatrix (see comments at the beginning of the java class) **/ public WeightMatrix (float[][] pwm) { dbid = -1; hasdbid = false; hasspeciesid = false; matrix = pwm; islogodds = true; } public static Collection<WeightMatrix> getAllWeightMatrices() { try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); java.sql.Connection cxn =DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection("annotations"); PreparedStatement ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select, m.species,, m.version, m.type, m.bg_model_map_id, c.position, c.letter, c.weight from " + "weightmatrix m, weightmatrixcols c where " + " = c.weightmatrix order by c.weightmatrix, c.position desc"); ps.setFetchSize(100000); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); long middle = System.currentTimeMillis(); Collection<WeightMatrix> matrices = WeightMatrix.getWeightMatrices(rs); rs.close(); ps.close(); if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role annotations", ex); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.err.println(String.format("getAllWeightMatrices took %d and %d",middle-start,end-middle)); return matrices; } catch (SQLException ex){ throw new DatabaseException(ex.toString(),ex); } catch (UnknownRoleException ex) { throw new DatabaseException(ex.toString(),ex); } } /** * Gets all the matrices specified in the result set which is * the result of joining weightmatrix and weightmatrixcols, eg * select, m.species,, m.version, m.type, m.bg_model_map_id, c.position, c.letter, c.weight from weightmatrix m, * weightmatrixcols c where = c.weightmatrix order by c.weightmatrix, c.position desc * * sorting by descending position is critical so that the first row of a new matrix gives * the largest index (ie, the length of the matrix) */ public static Collection<WeightMatrix> getWeightMatrices(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { Map<Integer,WeightMatrix> output = new HashMap<Integer,WeightMatrix>(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while ( { int id = rs.getInt(1); if (!output.containsKey(id)) { WeightMatrix m = new WeightMatrix(rs.getInt(7) + 1); m.dbid = rs.getInt(1); m.hasdbid = true; m.speciesid = rs.getInt(2); if (m.speciesid > 0) { m.hasspeciesid = true; } = rs.getString(3); m.version = rs.getString(4); m.type = rs.getString(5); m.bgMapID = rs.getInt(6); if ((m.bgMapID == 0) && rs.wasNull()) { m.bgMapID = -1; } output.put(id,m); } output.get(id).matrix[rs.getInt(7)][rs.getString(8).charAt(0)] = rs.getFloat(9); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.err.println("Returning " + output.size() + " from WeightMatrix.getWeightMatrices(ResultSet). Took " + (end - start)); for (WeightMatrix matrix : output.values()) { for(int i = 0; i < matrix.matrix.length; i++) { matrix.matrix[i]['a'] = matrix.matrix[i]['A']; matrix.matrix[i]['c'] = matrix.matrix[i]['C']; matrix.matrix[i]['g'] = matrix.matrix[i]['G']; matrix.matrix[i]['t'] = matrix.matrix[i]['T']; } } return output.values(); } /* creates a new weightMatrixObject based on the provided database identifier */ public static WeightMatrix getWeightMatrix(int dbid) throws NotFoundException { WeightMatrix matrix = null; try { java.sql.Connection cxn =DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection("annotations"); PreparedStatement ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select position, letter, weight from weightmatrixcols where weightmatrix = ? order by position desc"); ps.setInt(1,dbid); ResultSet rs=ps.executeQuery(); matrix = null; while ( { if (matrix == null) { int length = rs.getInt(1) + 1; matrix = new WeightMatrix(length); matrix.dbid = dbid; matrix.hasdbid = true; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < MAXLETTERVAL; j++) { matrix.matrix[i][j] = Float.NaN; } } } float weight = rs.getFloat(3); matrix.matrix[rs.getInt(1)][rs.getString(2).charAt(0)] = weight; matrix.matrix[rs.getInt(1)][Character.toLowerCase(rs.getString(2).charAt(0))] = weight; if(weight < 0.0) { matrix.islogodds = true; } } rs.close(); ps.close(); ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select name, version, type, species, bg_model_map_id from weightmatrix where id = ?"); ps.setInt(1,dbid); rs = ps.executeQuery();; = rs.getString(1); matrix.version = rs.getString(2); matrix.type = rs.getString(3); matrix.speciesid = rs.getInt(4); matrix.hasspeciesid = true; matrix.bgMapID = rs.getInt(5); if ((matrix.bgMapID == 0) && rs.wasNull()) { matrix.bgMapID = -1; } rs.close(); ps.close(); if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role annotations", ex); } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new NotFoundException("Can't find WM " + dbid,ex); } catch (UnknownRoleException ex) { throw new DatabaseException("Can't connect to annotations datasource",ex); } return matrix; } public int length () {return matrix.length;} public String getName(){return name;} public String getVersion(){return version;} public void setNameVerType(String name, String version, String type){ = name; this.version = version; this.type = type; } public void setName(String name){ = name; } /** * Return column i (indexed by A,C,G,T) * @param i * @return */ public double[] getColumn(int i){ double[] col = new double[4]; col[0]=matrix[i]['A']; col[1]=matrix[i]['C']; col[2]=matrix[i]['G']; col[3]=matrix[i]['T']; return col; } /** * Return complement of column i (indexed by A,C,G,T) * @param i * @return */ public double[] getCompColumn(int i){ double[] col = new double[4]; col[0]=matrix[i]['T']; col[1]=matrix[i]['G']; col[2]=matrix[i]['C']; col[3]=matrix[i]['A']; return col; } /* returns the maximum possible score that a sequence could have against the specified matrix */ public double getMaxScore() { float maxscore = 0; for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { float max = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; if (matrix[i]['A'] > max) { max = matrix[i]['A']; } if (matrix[i]['C'] > max) { max = matrix[i]['C']; } if (matrix[i]['G'] > max) { max = matrix[i]['G']; } if (matrix[i]['T'] > max) { max = matrix[i]['T']; } maxscore += max; } return maxscore; } public double getMinScore() { float minscore = 0; for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { float min = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; if (matrix[i]['A'] < min) { min = matrix[i]['A']; } if (matrix[i]['C'] < min) { min = matrix[i]['C']; } if (matrix[i]['G'] < min) { min = matrix[i]['G']; } if (matrix[i]['T'] < min) { min = matrix[i]['T']; } minscore += min; } return minscore; } public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof WeightMatrix) { WeightMatrix o = (WeightMatrix)other; if (o.hasdbid && this.hasdbid) { return o.dbid == this.dbid; } else { return ( != null && != null && && o.version != null && this.version != null && this.version.equals(o.version)); } } else { return false; } } public int hashCode() { if (hasdbid) { return dbid; } return (name.hashCode() + version.hashCode()); } public int getDBID() {return dbid;} public String toString() { return name + ", " + version + ", " + type; } public WeightMatrix subMatrix(int start, int length) { WeightMatrix out = new WeightMatrix(length); for (int i = start; i < start + length; i++) { out.matrix[i - start] = matrix[i]; } = name + "(" + start + "-" + (start +length + 0.0) + ")"; out.version = version; out.type = type; return out; } public boolean isSame(WeightMatrix other){ if (matrix.length!=other.matrix.length) return false; if (matrix[0].length!=other.matrix[0].length) return false; for (int i=0;i<matrix.length;i++){ for (int j=0;j<matrix[0].length;j++){ if (matrix[i][j]!=other.matrix[i][j]) return false; } } return true; } /* examines the weight matrix to determine if it's a log-odds matrix or not */ public boolean setLogOdds() { islogodds = false; for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < allLetters.length; j++) { if (matrix[i][allLetters[j]] < 0) { islogodds = true; return true; } } } return false; } /* convert this matrix to log-odds form using the specified background model. You might want to do this if you're scanning for a matrix in a different genome than the matrix's default background model */ public void toLogOdds(MarkovBackgroundModel bgModel) { setLogOdds(); // tests for log-oddsness by looking for weights < 0 if (islogodds) {return;} islogodds = true; for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < allLetters.length; j++) { matrix[i][allLetters[j]] = (float)(Math.log(Math.max(matrix[i][allLetters[j]], .000001) / bgModel.getMarkovProb(("" + allLetters[j]).toUpperCase()))/LOG2); } } } /* convert this matrix to log-odds form using the specified background freqs * freqs Maps from A,C,G,T to frequency */ public void toLogOdds(Map<String, Double> freqs) { setLogOdds(); // tests for log-oddsness by looking for weights < 0 if (islogodds) {return;} islogodds = true; for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < allLetters.length; j++) { matrix[i][allLetters[j]] = (float)(Math.log(Math.max(matrix[i][allLetters[j]], .000001) / freqs.get(("" + allLetters[j]).toUpperCase()))/LOG2); } } } /* converts this matrix to log-odds form. Uses either the matrix's default background model or a uniform .25 model */ public void toLogOdds() { setLogOdds(); // tests for log-oddsness by looking for weights < 0 if (islogodds) {return;} islogodds = true; MarkovBackgroundModel bgModel = null; if (bgMapID != -1) { try { bgModel = BackgroundModelLoader.getMarkovModel(bgMapID); } catch (NotFoundException nfex) { nfex.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException sqlex) { sqlex.printStackTrace(); } } for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < allLetters.length; j++) { if (bgModel != null) { matrix[i][allLetters[j]] = (float)(Math.log(Math.max(matrix[i][allLetters[j]], .000001) / bgModel.getMarkovProb(("" + allLetters[j]).toUpperCase()))/LOG2); } else { matrix[i][allLetters[j]] = (float)(Math.log(Math.max(matrix[i][allLetters[j]], .000001) / .25)/LOG2); } } } } /* converts this matrix to frequencies. This conversion is in-exact because it uses a default background model */ public void toFrequency() { setLogOdds(); if (!islogodds) {return;} islogodds = false; for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < allLetters.length; j++) { matrix[i][allLetters[j]] = (float)(Math.pow(2,(double)(matrix[i][allLetters[j]])) * .25); } } } public void toFrequency(MarkovBackgroundModel bgModel) { setLogOdds(); if (!islogodds) {return;} islogodds = false; for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < allLetters.length; j++) { matrix[i][allLetters[j]] = (float)(Math.pow(2,(double)(matrix[i][allLetters[j]])) * bgModel.getMarkovProb(("" + allLetters[j]).toUpperCase())); } } } /** * Modifies this WeightMatrix by normalizing the entries. The matrix * must be a frequency matrix. The result is that the frequencies at each * position in the matrix sum to 1. This method is useful if you've read * in a matrix of counts and need to convert to frequencies. */ public void normalizeFrequencies() { setLogOdds(); if (islogodds) { return; } for (int position = 0; position < matrix.length; position++) { double sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < letters.length; j++) { sum += matrix[position][letters[j]]; } for (int j = 0; j < letters.length; j++) { matrix[position][letters[j]] = (float)(matrix[position][letters[j]] / sum); } } } /* looks up the database id for the specified weight matrix */ public static int getWeightMatrixID(int speciesid, String wmname, String wmversion) throws NotFoundException { int wmid = -1; try { java.sql.Connection cxn =DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection("annotations"); PreparedStatement ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id from weightmatrix where species = ? " + "and name = ? and version = ?"); ps.setInt(1,speciesid); ps.setString(2,wmname); ps.setString(3,wmversion); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { wmid = rs.getInt(1); } else { rs.close(); ps.close(); if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role annotations", ex); } throw new NotFoundException("Can't find WM " + wmname + ", " + wmversion + " in species " + speciesid); } rs.close(); ps.close(); if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role annotations", ex); } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new NotFoundException("Can't find WM " + wmname + ", " + wmversion + " in species " + speciesid,ex); } catch (UnknownRoleException ex) { throw new DatabaseException("Can't connect to annotations datasource",ex); } return wmid; } /* looks up the database id for the specified weight matrix */ public static int getWeightMatrixID(String wmname, String wmversion) throws NotFoundException { int wmid = -1; try { java.sql.Connection cxn =DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection("annotations"); PreparedStatement ps = cxn.prepareStatement("select id from weightmatrix where name = ? and version = ?"); ps.setString(1,wmname); ps.setString(2,wmversion); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { wmid = rs.getInt(1); if ( System.err.println(String.format("getWeightMatrixID(%s, %s) returns more than 1 motif!", wmname, wmversion)); } else { rs.close(); ps.close(); if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role annotations", ex); } throw new NotFoundException("Can't find WM " + wmname + ", " + wmversion); } rs.close(); ps.close(); if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role annotations", ex); } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new NotFoundException("Can't find WM " + wmname + ", " + wmversion,ex); } catch (UnknownRoleException ex) { throw new DatabaseException("Can't connect to annotations datasource",ex); } return wmid; } /* returns a string showing the full matrx in all its numeric glory */ public static String printMatrix(WeightMatrix matrix) { int length = matrix.length(); StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("##.##"); out.append("\t"); for (int i = 0; i < length;i++) { out.append(i + "\t"); } out.append("\n"); out.append("A\t"); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { out.append(format.format(matrix.matrix[i]['A']) + "\t"); } out.append("\n"); out.append("C\t"); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { out.append(format.format(matrix.matrix[i]['C']) + "\t"); } out.append("\n"); out.append("G\t"); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { out.append(format.format(matrix.matrix[i]['G']) + "\t"); } out.append("\n"); out.append("T\t"); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { out.append(format.format(matrix.matrix[i]['T']) + "\t"); } out.append("\n"); return out.toString(); } /* returns a string showing the full matrix in pseudo-transfac format */ public static String printTransfacMatrix(WeightMatrix matrix, String name) { int length = matrix.length(); StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("##.##"); out.append("DE\t"+name+"\n"); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { out.append(i+1 +"\t"+ format.format(matrix.matrix[i]['A']) + "\t" + format.format(matrix.matrix[i]['C']) + "\t" + format.format(matrix.matrix[i]['G']) + "\t" + format.format(matrix.matrix[i]['T']) + "\t" + getConsensusLetter(matrix, i) +"\n"); } out.append("XX\n"); return out.toString(); } /** returns a string showing a text representation of the motif */ public static String printMatrixLetters(WeightMatrix matrix) { char[][] out = new char[4][matrix.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < out[0].length; j++) { out[i][j] = ' '; } } Character letters[] = {'A','C','G','T'}; WMLetterCmp cmp = new WMLetterCmp(matrix); double minval = matrix.setLogOdds() ? 0 : .25; for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length(); i++) { cmp.setIndex(i); Arrays.sort(letters,cmp); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (matrix.matrix[i][letters[j]] > minval) { out[j][i] = letters[j]; } else { break; } } } return new String(out[0]) + "\n" + new String(out[1]) + "\n" + new String(out[2]) + "\n" + new String(out[3]); } /** returns a string that gives the maxScore <br> * i.e. the first line of printMatrixLetters()*/ public static String getMaxLetters(WeightMatrix matrix) { char[][] out = new char[4][matrix.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < out[0].length; j++) { out[i][j] = ' '; } } Character letters[] = {'A','C','G','T'}; WMLetterCmp cmp = new WMLetterCmp(matrix); for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length(); i++) { double minval = matrix.setLogOdds() ? 0 : .25; cmp.setIndex(i); Arrays.sort(letters,cmp); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (matrix.matrix[i][letters[j]] > minval) { out[j][i] = letters[j]; } else { break; } } } return new String(out[0]); } public static List<String> getConsensusKmerList(WeightMatrix matrix, int Kmin, int Kmax ){ List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); String consensus = WeightMatrix.getConsensus(matrix); // Now trim the edges // Trim the front chars first while(consensus.startsWith("N")){ consensus = consensus.substring(1); } // Now trim the ends while(consensus.endsWith("N")){ consensus = consensus.substring(0, consensus.length()-1); } if(consensus.length() < Kmin){ // Return an empty set if Kmin is gt than motif length return ret; }else{ int KCap = Math.min(Kmax,consensus.length()); for(int k=Kmin; k<=KCap; k++){ for (int i = 0; i < (consensus.length() - k + 1); i++) { String sub = consensus.substring(i, i+k); if(sub.contains("N")) continue; if(sub.contains("R") || sub.contains("Y") || sub.contains("S") || sub.contains("W") || sub.contains("K") || sub.contains("M")){ List<StringBuilder> mers = new ArrayList<StringBuilder>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); mers.add(sb); for(int s=0; s<sub.length(); s++){ List<StringBuilder> newMers = new ArrayList<StringBuilder>(); if(sub.charAt(s) == 'R'){ for(StringBuilder tb : mers){ newMers.add(new StringBuilder(tb.toString()+"G")); tb.append('A'); } }else if(sub.charAt(s) == 'Y'){ for(StringBuilder tb : mers){ newMers.add(new StringBuilder(tb.toString()+"T")); tb.append('C'); } }else if(sub.charAt(s) == 'S'){ for(StringBuilder tb : mers){ newMers.add(new StringBuilder(tb.toString()+"G")); tb.append('C'); } }else if(sub.charAt(s) == 'W'){ for(StringBuilder tb : mers){ newMers.add(new StringBuilder(tb.toString()+"T")); tb.append('A'); } }else if(sub.charAt(s) == 'K'){ for(StringBuilder tb : mers){ newMers.add(new StringBuilder(tb.toString()+"G")); tb.append('T'); } }else if(sub.charAt(s) == 'M'){ for(StringBuilder tb : mers){ newMers.add(new StringBuilder(tb.toString()+"C")); tb.append('A'); } }else{ for(StringBuilder tb : mers){ tb.append(sub.charAt(s)); } } mers.addAll(newMers); } for(StringBuilder tb : mers){ ret.add(tb.toString()); } }else{ ret.add(sub); } } } return ret; } } /** returns a simple consensus string <br> * i.e. the first line of printMatrixLetters()*/ public static String getConsensus(WeightMatrix matrix) { char[] out = new char[matrix.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { out[i]='N'; } //Single letter consensus for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length(); i++) { double maxval = matrix.setLogOdds() ? 0.5 : 0.6; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (matrix.matrix[i][letters[j]] > maxval) { out[i] = letters[j]; maxval = matrix.matrix[i][letters[j]]; } } } //Degenerate consensus for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length(); i++) { if(out[i]=='N'){ double maxval = matrix.setLogOdds() ? 1.2 : 0.8; if(matrix.matrix[i]['A']+matrix.matrix[i]['G'] > maxval) { out[i]='R'; maxval=matrix.matrix[i]['A']+matrix.matrix[i]['G']; } if(matrix.matrix[i]['C']+matrix.matrix[i]['T'] > maxval) { out[i]='Y'; maxval=matrix.matrix[i]['C']+matrix.matrix[i]['T']; } if(matrix.matrix[i]['C']+matrix.matrix[i]['G'] > maxval) { out[i]='S'; maxval=matrix.matrix[i]['C']+matrix.matrix[i]['G']; } if(matrix.matrix[i]['A']+matrix.matrix[i]['T'] > maxval) { out[i]='W'; maxval=matrix.matrix[i]['A']+matrix.matrix[i]['T']; } if(matrix.matrix[i]['T']+matrix.matrix[i]['G'] > maxval) { out[i]='K'; maxval=matrix.matrix[i]['T']+matrix.matrix[i]['G']; } if(matrix.matrix[i]['A']+matrix.matrix[i]['C'] > maxval) { out[i]='M'; maxval=matrix.matrix[i]['A']+matrix.matrix[i]['C']; } } } return new String(out); } /** returns a simple consensus representation at a single position */ public static char getConsensusLetter(WeightMatrix matrix, int pos) { char out = 'N'; //Single letter consensus double maxval = matrix.setLogOdds() ? 0.5 : 0.6; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (matrix.matrix[pos][letters[j]] > maxval) { out = letters[j]; maxval = matrix.matrix[pos][letters[j]]; } } //Degenerate consensus if(out=='N'){ maxval = matrix.setLogOdds() ? 1.2 : 0.8; if(matrix.matrix[pos]['A']+matrix.matrix[pos]['G'] > maxval) { out='R'; maxval=matrix.matrix[pos]['A']+matrix.matrix[pos]['G']; } if(matrix.matrix[pos]['C']+matrix.matrix[pos]['T'] > maxval) { out='Y'; maxval=matrix.matrix[pos]['C']+matrix.matrix[pos]['T']; } if(matrix.matrix[pos]['C']+matrix.matrix[pos]['G'] > maxval) { out='S'; maxval=matrix.matrix[pos]['C']+matrix.matrix[pos]['G']; } if(matrix.matrix[pos]['A']+matrix.matrix[pos]['T'] > maxval) { out='W'; maxval=matrix.matrix[pos]['A']+matrix.matrix[pos]['T']; } if(matrix.matrix[pos]['T']+matrix.matrix[pos]['G'] > maxval) { out='K'; maxval=matrix.matrix[pos]['T']+matrix.matrix[pos]['G']; } if(matrix.matrix[pos]['A']+matrix.matrix[pos]['C'] > maxval) { out='M'; maxval=matrix.matrix[pos]['A']+matrix.matrix[pos]['C']; } } return out; } /* returns the four letters ordered by their LL at the specified index */ public static Character[] getLetterOrder(WeightMatrix wm, int index) { Character letters[] = {'A','C','G','T'}; WMLetterCmp cmp = new WMLetterCmp(wm); cmp.setIndex(index); Arrays.sort(letters,cmp); return letters; } public static WeightMatrix reverseComplement(WeightMatrix input) { WeightMatrix output = new WeightMatrix(input.length()); for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) { output.matrix[input.length() - i - 1]['A'] = input.matrix[i]['T']; output.matrix[input.length() - i - 1]['C'] = input.matrix[i]['G']; output.matrix[input.length() - i - 1]['G'] = input.matrix[i]['C']; output.matrix[input.length() - i - 1]['T'] = input.matrix[i]['A']; output.matrix[input.length() - i - 1]['a'] = input.matrix[i]['t']; output.matrix[input.length() - i - 1]['c'] = input.matrix[i]['g']; output.matrix[input.length() - i - 1]['g'] = input.matrix[i]['c']; output.matrix[input.length() - i - 1]['t'] = input.matrix[i]['a']; } =; output.version = "revcomp " + input.version; output.species = input.species; output.type = input.type; return output; } public static WeightMatrix getLogOddsVersion(WeightMatrix input, Map<String, Double> back) { WeightMatrix output = new WeightMatrix(input.length()); //clone for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) { output.matrix[i]['A'] = input.matrix[i]['A']; output.matrix[i]['C'] = input.matrix[i]['C']; output.matrix[i]['G'] = input.matrix[i]['G']; output.matrix[i]['T'] = input.matrix[i]['T']; output.matrix[i]['a'] = input.matrix[i]['a']; output.matrix[i]['c'] = input.matrix[i]['c']; output.matrix[i]['g'] = input.matrix[i]['g']; output.matrix[i]['t'] = input.matrix[i]['t']; } if (!input.islogodds) { output.islogodds = true; for (int i = 0; i < output.matrix.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < allLetters.length; j++) { output.matrix[i][allLetters[j]] = (float)(Math.log(Math.max(output.matrix[i][allLetters[j]], .000001) / back.get(("" + allLetters[j]).toUpperCase()))/LOG2); } } } =; output.version = "logOdds " + input.version; output.species = input.species; output.type = input.type; return output; } public void setZeroOffset(int z){zeroOffset=z;} public int getZeroOffset(){return zeroOffset;} } class WMLetterCmp implements Comparator<Character> { WeightMatrix matrix; int index; public WMLetterCmp(WeightMatrix m) {matrix = m;} public void setIndex(int i) {index = i;} public int compare(Character a, Character b) { return[index][b],matrix.matrix[index][a]); } }