package org.seqcode.math.stats; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import cern.jet.random.Binomial; import cern.jet.random.Gamma; import cern.jet.random.Beta; import cern.jet.random.Poisson; import cern.jet.random.StudentT; import cern.jet.random.Uniform; import cern.jet.random.HyperGeometric; import cern.jet.random.engine.DRand; import java.util.Arrays; import org.seqcode.gseutils.Pair; import org.seqcode.math.probability.NormalDistribution; public class StatUtil { static cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine engine = new cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister(); static double[] logFactorials; public static double uniform_rnd() { return Uniform.staticNextDouble(); } public static double beta_rnd(double a, double b) { return Beta.staticNextDouble(a,b); } public static void dirichlet_rnd(double[] x, double[] alpha, int vSize) { double sum = 0.0; double xt = 0.0; int i = 0; for(i=0;i<vSize;i++) { if (alpha[i] <= 0.0) { xt = 0.0; } else { xt = Gamma.staticNextDouble(alpha[i],1.0); } if (Double.isNaN(xt)) { xt = 0.0; } x[i] = xt; sum = sum + x[i]; } for(i=0;i<vSize;i++) { x[i] = x[i]/sum; } } public static double logDirichletPDF(double[] x, double[] alpha, int vSize) { double alpha_sum = 0.0; int i = 0; double lik = 0.0; for (i=0;i<vSize;i++) { if (alpha[i] > 0.0) { if (x[i] > 0.0) { lik = lik + (alpha[i] - 1.0)*Math.log(x[i]); } lik = lik - cern.jet.stat.Gamma.logGamma(alpha[i]); alpha_sum = alpha_sum + alpha[i]; } } lik = lik+cern.jet.stat.Gamma.logGamma(alpha_sum); return lik; } public static int multinomial_rnd(double[] p, int vSize) { double sum = 0.0; double mass = 0.0; int cc = 0; int i = 0; for (i=0;i<vSize;i++) { sum += p[i]; } mass = Uniform.staticNextDouble() * sum; i = 0; while (true) { mass -= p[i]; if (mass <= 0.0) break; i++; cc++; } return cc; } /** * Round to the nearest integer.<br> * This is different from Math.round() for negative number. * i.e., 2.5->3, 2.499->2, -1.499->-1, -1.5-->-2 */ public static int round(double n){ return (int)((n>0?0.5:-0.5)+n); } /** * Returns the median of this array * @param x array of type <tt>double</tt> * @return */ public static double median(double[] x) { if (x.length == 1) { return x[0]; } double[] y = new double[x.length]; System.arraycopy(x,0,y,0,x.length); Arrays.sort(y); int n = x.length; double m = ((double) n)/2.0; if (Math.floor(m) == m) { n = n / 2; return (y[n] + y[n-1])/2.0; } else { n = (n-1)/2; return y[n]; } } /** * Returns the median of this array * @param x array of type <tt>double</tt> * @return */ public static float median(float[] x) { if (x.length == 1) { return x[0]; } float[] y = new float[x.length]; System.arraycopy(x,0,y,0,x.length); Arrays.sort(y); int n = x.length; float m = ((float) n)/2.0f; if (Math.floor(m) == m) { n = n / 2; return (y[n] + y[n-1])/2.0f; } else { n = (n-1)/2; return y[n]; } } /** * Count occurences of the elements */ public static HashMap<Integer, Integer> countOccurences (ArrayList<Integer> nums){ HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (int i:nums){ if (!map.containsKey(i)){ map.put(i, 1); } else{ map.put(i, map.get(i)+1); } } return map; } /** * Sort the elements by their occurrences, ascending order * @return Pair of [elements, counts] */ public static Pair<int[], int[]> sortByOccurences (ArrayList<Integer> integerList){ HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = countOccurences(integerList); int[] elements = new int[map.keySet().size()]; int[] counts = new int[elements.length]; int i=0; for (int e:map.keySet()){ elements[i]=e; counts[i]=map.get(e); i++; } int[] idx = findSort(counts); int[] sortedElements = new int[elements.length]; for (int j=0;j<idx.length;j++) sortedElements[j] = elements[idx[j]]; return new Pair<int[],int[]>(sortedElements, counts); } /** * Sorts the array and returns the positions of the original array corresponding * to the ordered elements <br> * Accepts only primitive integers * @param a integer array to be sorted * @return positions of the original array corresponding to the ordered elements */ public static int[] findSort(int[] a) { int[] sortedInds = new int[a.length]; Map<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> val2Index = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>(); for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if( !val2Index.containsKey(a[i])) val2Index.put(a[i], new ArrayList<Integer>()); val2Index.get(a[i]).add(i); } Arrays.sort(a); Set<Integer> uniqueEls = new LinkedHashSet<Integer>(); for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { uniqueEls.add(a[i]); } int count = 0; for(Object key:uniqueEls.toArray()){ List<Integer> currVal_idxs = val2Index.get(key); for(Integer curr_idx:currVal_idxs) sortedInds[count++] = curr_idx; } return sortedInds; }//end of findSort method /** * Sorts the double array and returns the positions of the original array corresponding * to the ordered elements * @param a double array to be sorted * @return */ public static int[] findSort(double[] a) { int[] sortedInds = new int[a.length]; Map<Double, ArrayList<Integer>> val2Index = new HashMap<Double, ArrayList<Integer>>(); for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if( !val2Index.containsKey(a[i])) val2Index.put(a[i], new ArrayList<Integer>()); val2Index.get(a[i]).add(i); } Arrays.sort(a); Set<Double> uniqueEls = new LinkedHashSet<Double>(); for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { uniqueEls.add(a[i]); } int count = 0; for(Object key:uniqueEls.toArray()){ List<Integer> currVal_idxs = val2Index.get(key); for(Integer curr_idx:currVal_idxs) sortedInds[count++] = curr_idx; } return sortedInds; }//end of findSort method - accepts only primitive double /** * @see org.seqcode.math.stats.StatUtil#findSort(Object[], Comparator) */ public static <T> int[] findSort(T[] a) { return findSort(a, null); } /** * Orders the elements of the array <tt>a</tt> in ascending order (based on * the <tt>Comparator c</tt>) and returns the indexes of the sorted elements * in the original array. <br> * For reverse ordering set: <tt> c = java.util.Collections.reverseOrder() </tt> * @param <T> type of array to be sorted * @param a Array of type <tt>T</tt> to be sorted * @param c Comparator * @return the indexes of the sorted elements in the original array */ public static <T> int[] findSort(T[] a, Comparator<? super T> c) { int[] sortedInds = new int[a.length]; Map<T, ArrayList<Integer>> val2Index = new HashMap<T, ArrayList<Integer>>(); for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if( !val2Index.containsKey(a[i])) val2Index.put(a[i], new ArrayList<Integer>()); val2Index.get(a[i]).add(i); } Arrays.sort(a, c); Set<T> uniqueEls = new LinkedHashSet<T>(Arrays.asList(a)); int count = 0; for(Object key:uniqueEls.toArray()){ List<Integer> currVal_inds = val2Index.get(key); for(Integer currInd:currVal_inds) sortedInds[count++] = currInd; } return sortedInds; }//end of findSort method /** * Returns the maximum of this array as well as all the positions in the array * corresponding to the maximum * @param x The array whose maximum is going to be determined * </br> * <tt>x</tt> should be a non-empty array * @return The maximum of this array as well as the positions where these maximums are found (in ordered form) */ public static <T extends Comparable<T> > Pair<T, TreeSet<Integer>> findMax(T[] x) { if( x.length == 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Hey dude, you cannot enter an empty array..."); T maximum = x[0]; TreeSet<Integer> max_index = new TreeSet<Integer>(); max_index.add(0); int count = 0; for(T el: x) { if(el.compareTo(maximum) > 0) { maximum = el; max_index.clear(); max_index.add(count); } else if(el.compareTo(maximum) == 0) { max_index.add(count); } count++; } return new Pair<T, TreeSet<Integer>>(maximum, max_index); }//end of findMax method /** * Returns the maximum of this double array as well as all the positions in the array * corresponding to the maximum * @param x The double array whose maximum is going to be determined * </br> * <tt>x</tt> should be a non-empty double array * @return The maximum of this array as well as the positions where these maximums are found (in ordered form) */ public static Pair<Double, TreeSet<Integer>> findMax(double[] x) { if( x.length == 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Hey dude, you cannot enter an empty array..."); Double maximum = x[0]; TreeSet<Integer> max_index = new TreeSet<Integer>(); max_index.add(0); int count = 0; for(Double el: x) { if(el.compareTo(maximum) > 0) { maximum = el; max_index.clear(); max_index.add(count); } else if(el.compareTo(maximum) == 0) { max_index.add(count); } count++; } return new Pair<Double, TreeSet<Integer>>(maximum, max_index); }//end of findMax method /** * Returns the minimum of this array as well as all the positions in the array * corresponding to the minimum * @param x The array whose minimum is going to be determined * </br> * <tt>x</tt> should be a non-empty array * @return The minimum of this array as well as the positions where these minimums are found (in ordered form) */ public static <T extends Comparable<T> > Pair<T, TreeSet<Integer>> findMin(T[] x) { if( x.length == 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Hey dude, you cannot enter an empty array..."); T minimum = x[0]; TreeSet<Integer> min_index = new TreeSet<Integer>(); min_index.add(0); int count = 0; for(T el: x) { if(el.compareTo(minimum) < 0) { minimum = el; min_index.clear(); min_index.add(count); } else if(el.compareTo(minimum) == 0) { min_index.add(count); } count++; } return new Pair<T, TreeSet<Integer>>(minimum, min_index); }//end of findMin method /** * Returns the minimum of this double array as well as all the positions in the array * corresponding to the minimum * @param x The double array whose minimum is going to be determined * </br> * <tt>x</tt> should be a non-empty double array * @return The minimum of this array as well as the positions where these minimums are found (in ordered form) */ public static Pair<Double, TreeSet<Integer>> findMin(double[] x) { if( x.length == 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Hey dude, you cannot enter an empty array..."); double minimum = x[0]; TreeSet<Integer> min_index = new TreeSet<Integer>(); min_index.add(0); int count = 0; for(Double el: x) { if(el.compareTo(minimum) < 0) { minimum = el; min_index.clear(); min_index.add(count); } else if(el.compareTo(minimum) == 0) { min_index.add(count); } count++; } return new Pair<Double, TreeSet<Integer>>(minimum, min_index); }//end of findMin method /** * Returns the position of the integer number <tt>f</tt> in the list. <br> * If it is not there, <tt>-1</tt> is returned. * @param x List of integers * @param f number to be sought * @return */ public static int find(ArrayList<Integer> x, int f) { int found = -1; int i = 0; while((i < x.size()) & (found == -1)) { if (x.get(i) == f) { found = i; } i++; } return found; } /** * Returns all the positions (as a list) of the array that hold the satisfying * relation with the element <tt>el</tt>. * @param <T> the type of the elements of <tt>x</tt> array * @param x The array whose positions satisfying the operation are going to be found * @param operator the operator. Valid values: <tt>{ >, <, >=, <=, = }</tt> * @param el the element which will be compared to the elements of <tt>x</tt> array * according to the operation dictated by the operator * @return The positions which satisfy the operation */ public static <T extends Comparable<T> > ArrayList<Integer> find(T[] x, String operator, T el) { if( x.length == 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Hey dude, you cannot enter an empty array..."); char operChar = 'n'; if(operator.equals(">")) operChar = '>'; else if(operator.equals("<")) operChar = '<'; else if(operator.equals("<=")) operChar = 'L'; else if(operator.equals(">=")) operChar = 'G'; else if(operator.equals("=")) operChar = '='; ArrayList<Integer> pos = new ArrayList<Integer>(); switch(operChar) { case '>': { int count = 0; for(T curr_x: x) { if(curr_x.compareTo(el) > 0) { pos.add(count); } count++; } break; } case '<': { int count = 0; for(T curr_x: x) { if(curr_x.compareTo(el) < 0) { pos.add(count); } count++; } break; } case 'G': { int count = 0; for(T curr_x: x) { if(curr_x.compareTo(el) >= 0) { pos.add(count); } count++; } break; } case 'L': { int count = 0; for(T curr_x: x) { if(curr_x.compareTo(el) <= 0) { pos.add(count); } count++; } break; } case '=': { int count = 0; for(T curr_x: x) { if(curr_x.compareTo(el) == 0) { pos.add(count); } count++; } break; } default: { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You have entered an invalid value for the operator argument.\nValid values are: { >, <, >=, <=, = }"); } } return pos; }//end of find method /** * Permutes an integer array <br> * <u>Note</u>: Assumes that <tt>permInds</tt> are in a valid form. That is, * they are valued from 0 to a.length-1 (obviously, not necessarily in order). * @param an integer array to be permuted * @param permInds permutation indices * @return the permuted array */ public static int[] permute(int[] a, int[] permInds) { if(permInds.length != a.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("a and permInds must have the same length."); int[] temp = new int[a.length]; for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) temp[i] = a[permInds[i]]; return temp; }//end of permute method /** * Permutes a float array <br> * <u>Note</u>: Assumes that <tt>permInds</tt> are in a valid form. That is, * they are valued from 0 to a.length-1 (obviously, not necessarily in order). * @param a float array to be permuted * @param permInds permutation indices * @return the permuted array */ public static float[] permute(float[] a, int[] permInds) { if(permInds.length != a.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("a and permInds must have the same length."); float[] temp = new float[a.length]; for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) temp[i] = a[permInds[i]]; return temp; }//end of permute method /** * Permutes a char array <br> * <u>Note</u>: Assumes that <tt>permInds</tt> are in a valid form. That is, * they are valued from 0 to a.length-1 (obviously, not necessarily in order). * @param a char array to be permuted * @param permInds permutation indices * @return the permuted array */ public static char[] permute(char[] a, int[] permInds) { if(permInds.length != a.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("a and permInds must have the same length."); char[] temp = new char[a.length]; for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) temp[i] = a[permInds[i]]; return temp; }//end of permute method /** * Permutes an array * @param <T> type of array to be sorted * @param a Array of type <tt>T</tt> to be permuted * @param permInds permutation indices * @return the permuted array */ public static <T> T[] permute(T[] a, int[] permInds) { if(permInds.length != a.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("a and permInds must have the same length."); int[] tempInds = permInds.clone(); Arrays.sort(tempInds); for(int i = 0; i < tempInds.length; i++) { if(tempInds[i] != i) throw new IllegalArgumentException("permInds must have all numbers from 0 to permInds.length-1."); } T[] temp = (T[]) Array.newInstance(a.getClass().getComponentType(), a.length); for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) temp[i] = a[permInds[i]]; return temp; }//end of permute method /** * Effective for an ORDERED integer array * @see org.seqcode.math.stats.StatUtil#searchFrom(Comparable[], String, Comparable, int) */ public static int searchFrom(int[] a, String operator, int value, int posIndex) { if( a.length == 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Hey dude, you cannot enter an empty array..."); if(posIndex < 0 || posIndex > a.length) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("posIndex must be within 0 and a.length."); if(posIndex == a.length) { posIndex = a.length-1; } int ind; char operChar = 'n'; if(operator.equals(">")) operChar = '>'; else if(operator.equals("<")) operChar = '<'; else if(operator.equals("<=")) operChar = 'L'; else if(operator.equals(">=")) operChar = 'G'; switch(operChar) { case 'G': { // a >= value ind = a.length; int count = 0; int temp = -1; while(true) { if( (posIndex-count >= 0) && (a[posIndex-count] >= value ) ) temp = posIndex-count; else if( (posIndex-count < 0) || (a[posIndex-count] < value ) ) break; count++; } ind = temp!=-1 ? temp : ind; if( ind == a.length ) { count = 1; temp = -1; while(true) { if( (posIndex+count < a.length) && (a[posIndex+count] >= value ) ) { temp = posIndex+count; break; } else if( posIndex+count >= a.length ) break; count++; } ind = temp!=-1 ? temp : ind; } break; }//end of case 'G' case '>': { // a > value ind = a.length; int count = 0; int temp = -1; while(true) { if( (posIndex-count >= 0) && (a[posIndex-count] > value ) ) temp = posIndex-count; else if( (posIndex-count < 0) || (a[posIndex-count] <= value ) ) break; count++; } ind = temp!=-1 ? temp : ind; if( ind == a.length ) { count = 1; temp = -1; while(true) { if( (posIndex+count < a.length) && (a[posIndex+count] > value ) ) { temp = posIndex+count; break; } else if( posIndex+count >= a.length ) break; count++; } ind = temp!=-1 ? temp : ind; } break; }//end of case '>' case 'L': { // a <= value ind = -1; int count = 0; int temp = -1; while(true) { if( (posIndex+count < a.length) && (a[posIndex+count] <= value ) ) temp = posIndex+count; else if( (posIndex+count >= a.length) || (a[posIndex+count] > value ) ) break; count++; } ind = temp!=-1 ? temp : ind; if( ind == -1 ) { count = 1; temp = -1; while(true) { if( (posIndex-count >= 0) && (a[posIndex-count] <= value ) ) { temp = posIndex-count; break; } else if( posIndex-count < 0 ) break; count++; } ind = temp!=-1 ? temp : ind; } break; }//end of case 'L' case '<': { // a < value ind = -1; int count = 0; int temp = -1; while(true) { if( (posIndex+count < a.length) && (a[posIndex+count] < value ) ) temp = posIndex+count; else if( (posIndex+count >= a.length) || (a[posIndex+count] >= value ) ) break; count++; } ind = temp!=-1 ? temp : ind; if( ind == -1 ) { count = 1; temp = -1; while(true) { if( (posIndex-count >= 0) && (a[posIndex-count] < value ) ) { temp = posIndex-count; break; } else if( posIndex-count < 0 ) break; count++; } ind = temp!=-1 ? temp : ind; } break; }//end of case '<' default: { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You have entered an invalid value for the operator argument.\nValid values are: { >, <, >=, <= }"); } }//end of switch statement return ind; } /** * Assumes that <tt>a</tt> is an <b>ordered</b> array. <br> * If <b>flag: >= </b> or <b>flag: > </b>, it will return the index <tt>ind</tt> of the smallest element * that is greater equal or strictly greater than <tt>value</tt>. <br> * That is, <tt>a[ind]</tt> to <tt>a[a.length-1]</tt> will be greater equal or * strictly greater than <tt>value</tt> <br> * If nothing is found, it will return the length of <tt>a</tt> (<tt>a.length</tt>) <p> * * If <b>flag: <= </b> or <b>flag: < </b>, it will return the index <tt>ind</tt> of the largest element * that is less equal or strictly less than <tt>value</tt> <br> * That is, <tt>a[0]</tt> to <tt>a[ind]</tt> will be less equal or * strictly less than <tt>value</tt> <br> * If nothing is found, it will return <tt>-1</tt> <p> * @param <T> type of array to be sorted * @param a array to be sorted * @param operator operator of comparison <br> * Acceptable values: ">=", "<=", ">", "<" * @param value value where we want: <tt> a :operator: value </tt> <br> * E.g. if <tt>operator: > </tt>, we want: <tt> a > value </tt> * @param posIndex index where search will begin * @return */ public static <T extends Comparable<T> > int searchFrom(T[] a, String operator, T value, int posIndex) { if( a.length == 0 ) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Hey dude, you cannot enter an empty array..."); if(posIndex < 0 || posIndex > a.length) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("posIndex must be within 0 and a.length."); if(posIndex == a.length) { posIndex = a.length-1; } int ind; char operChar = 'n'; if(operator.equals(">")) operChar = '>'; else if(operator.equals("<")) operChar = '<'; else if(operator.equals("<=")) operChar = 'L'; else if(operator.equals(">=")) operChar = 'G'; switch(operChar) { case 'G': { // a >= value ind = a.length; int count = 0; int temp = -1; while(true) { if( (posIndex-count >= 0) && (a[posIndex-count].compareTo(value) >= 0 ) ) temp = posIndex-count; else if( (posIndex-count < 0) || (a[posIndex-count].compareTo(value) < 0 ) ) break; count++; } ind = temp!=-1 ? temp : ind; if( ind == a.length ) { count = 1; temp = -1; while(true) { if( (posIndex+count < a.length) && (a[posIndex+count].compareTo(value) >= 0 ) ) { temp = posIndex+count; break; } else if( posIndex+count >= a.length ) break; count++; } ind = temp!=-1 ? temp : ind; } break; }//end of case 'G' case '>': { // a > value ind = a.length; int count = 0; int temp = -1; while(true) { if( (posIndex-count >= 0) && (a[posIndex-count].compareTo(value) > 0 ) ) temp = posIndex-count; else if( (posIndex-count < 0) || (a[posIndex-count].compareTo(value) <= 0 ) ) break; count++; } ind = temp!=-1 ? temp : ind; if( ind == a.length ) { count = 1; temp = -1; while(true) { if( (posIndex+count < a.length) && (a[posIndex+count].compareTo(value) > 0 ) ) { temp = posIndex+count; break; } else if( posIndex+count >= a.length ) break; count++; } ind = temp!=-1 ? temp : ind; } break; }//end of case '>' case 'L': { // a <= value ind = -1; int count = 0; int temp = -1; while(true) { if( (posIndex+count < a.length) && (a[posIndex+count].compareTo(value) <= 0 ) ) temp = posIndex+count; else if( (posIndex+count >= a.length) || (a[posIndex+count].compareTo(value) > 0 ) ) break; count++; } ind = temp!=-1 ? temp : ind; if( ind == -1 ) { count = 1; temp = -1; while(true) { if( (posIndex-count >= 0) && (a[posIndex-count].compareTo(value) <= 0 ) ) { temp = posIndex-count; break; } else if( posIndex-count < 0 ) break; count++; } ind = temp!=-1 ? temp : ind; } break; }//end of case 'L' case '<': { // a < value ind = -1; int count = 0; int temp = -1; while(true) { if( (posIndex+count < a.length) && (a[posIndex+count].compareTo(value) < 0 ) ) temp = posIndex+count; else if( (posIndex+count >= a.length) || (a[posIndex+count].compareTo(value) >= 0 ) ) break; count++; } ind = temp!=-1 ? temp : ind; if( ind == -1 ) { count = 1; temp = -1; while(true) { if( (posIndex-count >= 0) && (a[posIndex-count].compareTo(value) < 0 ) ) { temp = posIndex-count; break; } else if( posIndex-count < 0 ) break; count++; } ind = temp!=-1 ? temp : ind; } break; }//end of case '<' default: { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You have entered an invalid value for the operator argument.\nValid values are: { >, <, >=, <= }"); } }//end of switch statement return ind; }//end of searchFrom method public static Double mean(Double[] a) { if(a.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The entered array is empty."); } Double sum = 0.0; for(int n = 0; n < a.length; n++) { sum += a[n]; } return sum/a.length; }//end of mean method public static double mean(double[] a) { if(a.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The entered array is empty."); } double sum = 0.0; for(int n = 0; n < a.length; n++) { sum += a[n]; } return sum/a.length; }//end of mean method public static Double mean(Integer[] a) { if(a.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The entered array is empty."); } Double[] a_d = new Double[a.length]; for(int n = 0; n < a_d.length; n++) { a_d[n] = Double.valueOf(a[n]); } return mean(a_d); }//end of mean method public static double mean(int[] a) { if(a.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The entered array is empty."); } double[] a_d = new double[a.length]; for(int n = 0; n < a_d.length; n++) { a_d[n] = a[n]; } return mean(a_d); }//end of mean method public static double std(double[] a, double mean, boolean isUnbiasedEstimator) { if(a.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The entered array is empty."); } int N = a.length; int divisor = isUnbiasedEstimator ? N-1 : N; double sum = 0.0; for(int n = 0; n < N; n++) { sum += (a[n]-mean)*(a[n]-mean); } return Math.sqrt(sum/divisor); }//end of std method /** Default is the unbiased estimator std. The one where the divisor is N-1 **/ public static double std(double[] a, double mean) { return std(a, mean, true); } public static double std(double[] a, boolean isUnbiasedEstimator) { return std(a, mean(a), isUnbiasedEstimator); } public static double std(double[] a) { return std(a, mean(a), true); } public static double std(int[] a, double mean, boolean isUnbiasedEstimator) { if(a.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The entered array is empty."); } int N = a.length; int divisor = isUnbiasedEstimator ? N-1 : N; double sum = 0.0; for(int n = 0; n < N; n++) { sum += (a[n]-mean)*(a[n]-mean); } return Math.sqrt(sum/divisor); }//end of std method /** Default is the unbiased estimator std. The one where the divisor is N-1 **/ public static double std(int[] a, double mean) { return std(a, mean, true); } public static double std(int[] a, boolean isUnbiasedEstimator) { return std(a, mean(a), isUnbiasedEstimator); } public static double std(int[] a) { return std(a, mean(a), true); } public static Double std(Double[] a, Double mean, boolean isUnbiasedEstimator) { if(a.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The entered array is empty."); } int N = a.length; int divisor = isUnbiasedEstimator ? N-1 : N; Double sum = 0.0; for(int n = 0; n < N; n++) { sum += (a[n]-mean)*(a[n]-mean); } return Math.sqrt(sum/divisor); }//end of std method /** Default is the unbiased estimator std. The one where the divisor is N-1 **/ public static Double std(Double[] a, Double mean) { return std(a, mean, true); } public static Double std(Double[] a, boolean isUnbiasedEstimator) { return std(a, mean(a), isUnbiasedEstimator); } public static Double std(Double[] a) { return std(a, mean(a), true); } public static Double std(Integer[] a, Double mean, boolean isUnbiasedEstimator) { if(a.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The entered array is empty."); } int N = a.length; int divisor = isUnbiasedEstimator ? N-1 : N; Double sum = 0.0; for(int n = 0; n < N; n++) { sum += (a[n]-mean)*(a[n]-mean); } return Math.sqrt(sum/divisor); }//end of std method /** Default is the unbiased estimator std. The one where the divisor is N-1 **/ public static Double std(Integer[] a, Double mean) { return std(a, mean, true); } public static Double std(Integer[] a, boolean isUnbiasedEstimator) { return std(a, mean(a), isUnbiasedEstimator); } public static Double std(Integer[] a) { return std(a, mean(a), true); } /** * Returns the log-likelihood of an array of numbers (<tt>x</tt>) distributed * normally. * @param mu mean value for each element of array <tt>x</tt> * @param s common variance * @param x array of type <tt>double</tt> * @return */ public static double logNormPDF(double[] mu, double s, double[] x) { int i = 0; double l = 0.0; double t = 0.0; for (i=0;i<x.length;i++) { t = x[i]; if (!Double.isNaN(t)) { l = l + -0.5*Math.log(2.0*Math.PI)-Math.log(s)-Math.pow(t-mu[i],2.0)/(2.0*Math.pow(s,2.0)); } } return l; } /** * Returns the hypergeometric cumulative probability of number <tt>x</tt> * when the sample size is <tt>n</tt>, the size of the positive set <tt>s</tt> * and the population size <tt>N</tt>. * The precision of the method is up to 1E-8, determined empirically * This method use cern.jet.stat.Gamma.logGamma to compute factorial values. * It is more appropriate for one time on-the-fly calculation. * @param x # observed successes in the sample * @param N population size * @param s # of successes in population (e.g., size of positive set in the population) * @param n sample size * @return */ public static double hyperGeometricCDF(int x, int N, int s, int n) { double v = 0.0; int k = 0; for (k=0;k<=x;k++) { v += hyperGeometricPDF(k,N,s,n); } if (v > 1.0) v = 1.0; return v; } /** * Returns the hypergeometric density probability of number <tt>x</tt> * when the sample size is <tt>n</tt>, the size of the positive set <tt>s</tt> * and the population size <tt>N</tt>. <br> * It works with the gamma function and in log space in an attempt to avoid * numerical problems. * @param x # observed successes in the sample * @param N population size * @param s # of successes in population (e.g., size of positive set in the population) * @param n sample size * @return */ public static double hyperGeometricPDF(int x, int N, int s, int n) { double xd = (double) x; double Nd = (double) N; double sd = (double) s; double nd = (double) n; double kx = cern.jet.stat.Gamma.logGamma(sd+1)-cern.jet.stat.Gamma.logGamma(x+1)-cern.jet.stat.Gamma.logGamma(sd-x+1); double mn = cern.jet.stat.Gamma.logGamma(Nd+1)-cern.jet.stat.Gamma.logGamma(nd+1)-cern.jet.stat.Gamma.logGamma(Nd-nd+1); double mknx = cern.jet.stat.Gamma.logGamma(Nd-sd+1)-cern.jet.stat.Gamma.logGamma(nd-x+1)-cern.jet.stat.Gamma.logGamma(Nd-sd-(nd-x)+1); return Math.exp(kx + mknx - mn); } /** * Returns the hypergeometric cumulative probability of number <tt>x</tt> * when the sample size is <tt>n</tt>, the size of the positive set <tt>s</tt> * and the population size <tt>N</tt>.<br> * If the CDF is close to 1, the precision of the method is up to 1E-8, determined empirically * This method use a cache to store the factorial values. * So it is more suitable to compute many hgp values with a fix population. * @param x # observed successes in the sample * @param N population size * @param s # of successes in population (e.g., size of positive set in the population) * @param n sample size * @return */ public static double hyperGeometricCDF_cache(int x, int N, int s, int n) { double v = 0.0; int k = 0; for (k=0;k<=x;k++) { double v1= hyperGeometricPDF_cache(k,N,s,n); v += v1; } if (v > 1.0) v = 1.0; return v; } /** * Returns the hypergeometric cumulative probability * High precision implementation with BigDecimal, but very slow */ public static double log10_hyperGeometricCDF_cache(int x, int N, int s, int n) { BigDecimal v = BigDecimal.ZERO; for (int k=0;k<=x;k++) { v = v.add(hyperGeometricPDF_cache_BIG(k,N,s,n)); // v = v.setScale(v.scale()-v.precision()+20, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN); } int newScale = v.scale()-v.precision()+10; BigDecimal v2 = v.setScale(newScale, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN); double d = v2.unscaledValue().doubleValue(); return Math.log10(d)-v2.scale(); } /** Returns the hypergeometric cumulative probability * Pretty high precision implementation of log10_hyperGeometricCDF, much faster than BigDecimal version * Summing the PDF on log10 space, avoid losing precision */ public static double log10_hyperGeometricCDF_cache_appr(int x, int N, int s, int n) { double Lx = log10_hyperGeometricPDF_cache(x,N,s,n); double sum = 1; for (int k=x-1;k>=0;k--) { sum += Math.pow(10, log10_hyperGeometricPDF_cache(k,N,s,n)-Lx); } return Lx+Math.log10(sum); } /** * Returns the hypergeometric density probability of number <tt>x</tt> * when the sample size is <tt>n</tt>, the size of the positive set <tt>s</tt> * and the population size <tt>N</tt>. <br> * This method use a cache to store the factorial values. * So it is more suitable to compute many hgp values with a fix population. * @param x # observed successes in the sample * @param N population size * @param s # of successes in population (e.g., size of positive set in the population) * @param n sample size * @return */ public static double hyperGeometricPDF_cache(int x, int N, int s, int n) { if (x+N-s-n<0) return 0; // extend the cache if N is large than existing cache int len = (logFactorials==null)?0:logFactorials.length; if (logFactorials==null || logFactorials.length < N+1){ double[] old = logFactorials; logFactorials = new double[N+1]; if (len!=0) System.arraycopy(old, 0, logFactorials, 0, len); else{ logFactorials[0]=0; len++; } for (int i=len;i<=N;i++) logFactorials[i] = logFactorials[i-1]+Math.log(i); } // compute double kx = logFactorials[s]-logFactorials[x]-logFactorials[s-x]; double mknx = logFactorials[N-s]-logFactorials[n-x]-logFactorials[N-s-(n-x)]; double mn = logFactorials[N]-logFactorials[n]-logFactorials[N-n]; double result = Math.exp(kx + mknx - mn); return result; } public static BigDecimal hyperGeometricPDF_cache_BIG (int x, int N, int s, int n) { if (x+N-s-n<0) return BigDecimal.ZERO; // extend the cache if N is large than existing cache int len = (logFactorials==null)?0:logFactorials.length; if (logFactorials==null || logFactorials.length < N+1){ double[] old = logFactorials; logFactorials = new double[N+1]; if (len!=0) System.arraycopy(old, 0, logFactorials, 0, len); else{ logFactorials[0]=0; len++; } for (int i=len;i<=N;i++) logFactorials[i] = logFactorials[i-1]+Math.log(i); } // compute double kx = logFactorials[s]-logFactorials[x]-logFactorials[s-x]; double mknx = logFactorials[N-s]-logFactorials[n-x]-logFactorials[N-s-(n-x)]; double mn = logFactorials[N]-logFactorials[n]-logFactorials[N-n]; BigDecimal v = exp_BIG(kx + mknx - mn); return v; } public static BigDecimal exp_BIG(double v){ int p = (int) Math.floor(Math.log10(v<0?-v:v)); double unscaledValue = v/Math.pow(10, p); BigDecimal exp = BigDecimal.valueOf(Math.exp(unscaledValue)).pow((int)Math.round(Math.pow(10, p))); return exp; } public static double log10_hyperGeometricPDF_cache (int x, int N, int s, int n) { if (x+N-s-n<0) return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // extend the cache if N is large than existing cache int len = (logFactorials==null)?0:logFactorials.length; if (logFactorials==null || logFactorials.length < N+1){ double[] old = logFactorials; logFactorials = new double[N+1]; if (len!=0) System.arraycopy(old, 0, logFactorials, 0, len); else{ logFactorials[0]=0; len++; } for (int i=len;i<=N;i++) logFactorials[i] = logFactorials[i-1]+Math.log(i); } // compute double kx = logFactorials[s]-logFactorials[x]-logFactorials[s-x]; double mknx = logFactorials[N-s]-logFactorials[n-x]-logFactorials[N-s-(n-x)]; double mn = logFactorials[N]-logFactorials[n]-logFactorials[N-n]; return (kx + mknx - mn)*Math.log10(Math.exp(1)); } /** * * @param n * @return */ public static int[] randPerm(int n) { int[] order = new int[n]; ArrayList<Integer> nm = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int i = 0; for (i=0;i<n;i++) { nm.add(i); } int c = 0; for (i=n-1;i>=0;i--) { if (i > 0) { c = Uniform.staticNextIntFromTo(0,i); } else { c = 0; } order[i] = nm.get(c); nm.remove(c); } return order; //Uniform.staticNextIntFromTo(0,numClusters-1); } /* * smooth the curve in y[] */ public static double[] cubicSpline(double[] y, int stepSize, int averageWidth){ // averageWidth should be smaller than stepSize if (stepSize<averageWidth) averageWidth = stepSize; // sample some data points to create the spline double[]x= new double[y.length/stepSize]; double[]yx = new double[y.length/stepSize]; // first sample point, average from first data points x[0]=0; yx[0]=0; for (int j=0;j<averageWidth;j++){ yx[0]+=y[j]/averageWidth; } // middle points for (int i=1; i<x.length-1; i++){ x[i]=i*stepSize+stepSize/2; yx[i]=0; for (int j=0;j<averageWidth;j++){ yx[i]+=y[(int)x[i]+(j-averageWidth/2)]/averageWidth; } } // last sample point, average from last data points x[x.length-1] = y.length-1; yx[x.length-1] = 0; for (int j=0;j<averageWidth;j++){ yx[x.length-1]+=y[y.length-1-j]/averageWidth; } CubicSpline cs =new CubicSpline(x, yx); //read smoothed data from the spline double[] yy = new double[y.length]; for (int i=0; i<y.length; i++){ yy[i]=cs.interpolate(i); } return yy; } // take a prob. density dist., smooth it using Gaussian kernel density // assume X is evenly spaced. //TODO: boundary effect public static double[] gaussianSmoother( double[]Y, double width){ int length = Y.length; double[] yy = new double[length]; double[] yy_weight = new double[length]; // width --> stdev, width*width --> variance NormalDistribution gaussian = new NormalDistribution(0, width*width); double total=0; for (int i=0;i<length;i++){ yy[i]=2.0E-300; // init with very small number yy_weight[i]=2.0E-300; for (int j=0;j<length;j++){ double gaussianProb = gaussian.calcProbability((double)j-i); yy[i] += Y[j]*gaussianProb; yy_weight[i] += gaussianProb; } yy[i] /= yy_weight[i]; total += yy[i]; } // normalize for (int i=0;i<length;i++){ yy[i] /= total; } return yy; } // take a prob. density dist., smooth it using specified kernel density // assume kernel density is symmetrical (e.g. Gaussian). // assume X is evenly spaced. public static double[] symmetricKernelSmoother( double[]Y, double[]kernel){ int length = Y.length; int kernel_length = kernel.length; double[] yy = new double[length]; double total=0; for (int i=0;i<length;i++){ double v=kernel[0]*Y[i] + 2.0E-300; // init with very small number double weight=kernel[0]; for (int j = 1; j < kernel_length && i+j < length; j++) { v+=Y[i+j]*kernel[j]; weight += kernel[j]; } for (int j = 1; j < kernel_length && i-j >= 0; j++) { v+=Y[i-j]*kernel[j]; weight += kernel[j]; } v = v / weight; yy[i] = v; total+=v; } for (int i=0;i<length;i++){ yy[i]=yy[i]/total; } return yy; } // K-L divergence for discrete probability distributions P and Q // public static double KL_Divergence( double[]P, double[]Q){ double d=0; double[] p=P.clone(); // clone so that the input array is not changed double[] q=Q.clone(); // Make sure that p and q are all proper probability values mutate_normalize(p); mutate_normalize(q); for (int i=0;i<p.length;i++){ d+=p[i]*(Math.log(p[i])-Math.log(q[i])); } return d; } // log of K-L divergence public static double log_KL_Divergence( double[]P, double[]Q){ return Math.log(KL_Divergence(P,Q)); } public static double log10_KL_Divergence( double[]P, double[]Q){ return Math.log10(KL_Divergence(P,Q)); } // Uses COLT binomial test // Binomial CDF assuming scaled control. k=scaled control, n=scaled control+signal public static double binomialPValue(double k, double n){ return binomialPValue(k,n,.5); } /** * Binomial test (COLT lib) * @param k * @param n Total * @param p Prob * @return */ public static double binomialPValue(double k, double n, double p){ if (n==0) return Double.NaN; double pval=1; Binomial b = new Binomial((int)Math.ceil(n), p, new DRand()); pval = b.cdf((int) Math.ceil(k)); return(pval); } /** * Uses COLT Student T test * @param t * @param v * @return */ public static double studentTPvalue(double t, double v){ if(v==0) return Double.NaN; double pval=1; StudentT st = new StudentT(v,new DRand()); pval = st.cdf(t); return pval; } // this method will mutate the input array public static void mutate_normalize(double[] dist){ double total=0; for (int i=0;i<dist.length;i++){ if (dist[i]<=0) dist[i]=1e-20; total += dist[i]; } for(int i=0;i<dist.length;i++){ dist[i] /=total; } } public static double entropy(double[] p) { double sum = 0.0; for(int j = 0; j < p.length; j++) { sum += p[j]*Math.log(p[j]); } sum *= -1; return sum; }//end of entropy method /** * This method normalizes the given array (vector) and returns the normalizing constant. <br> * @param a matrix to be normalized * @return */ public static double normalize(double[] a) { double sum = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++){ sum += a[i]; } if(sum == 0) { sum = 1;} for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++){ a[i] /= sum; } return sum; }// end of normalize method /** * This method normalizes the given matrix and returns the normalizing constant. <br> * However, it treats the whole matrix as an array (vector). * @param a matrix to be normalized * @return */ public static double normalize(double[][] a) { double sum = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < a[i].length; j++) { sum += a[i][j]; } } if(sum == 0) { sum = 1;} for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < a[i].length; j++) { a[i][j] /= sum; } } return sum; }// end of normalize method /** * This method will normalize the matrix on the specified dimension and * returns the normalizing constants. * @param a matrix to be normalized * @param dim dimension on which the normalization will take place. <br> * dim = 1, normalize w.r.t. to the first dimension, aka rows. <br> * dim = 2, normalize w.r.t. to the second dimension, aka columns. * @return */ public static double[] normalize(double[][] a, int dim) { double[] sum ; if(dim == 1) sum = new double[a.length]; else if(dim == 2) sum = new double[a[0].length]; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("The only valid values for dim are: 1 (rows), 2 (columns)."); if(dim == 1) { for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < a[i].length; j++) sum[i] += a[i][j]; if(sum[i] == 0) { sum[i] = 1; }; } for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < a[i].length; j++) a[i][j] /= sum[i]; } } else { for(int j = 0; j < a[0].length; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) sum[j] += a[i][j]; if(sum[j] == 0) { sum[j] = 1; }; } for(int j = 0; j < a[0].length; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) a[i][j] /= sum[j]; } } return sum; }// end of normalize method /** * This method will normalize the matrix on the specified dimension and * returns the normalizing constants. * When normalizing w.r.t. rows or columns, it does so for each of element of * the third dimension separately. * @param a matrix to be normalized * @param dim dimension on which the normalization will take place. <br> * dim = 1, normalize w.r.t. to the first dimension. <br> * dim = 2, normalize w.r.t. to the second dimension, aka rows. <br> * dim = 3, normalize w.r.t. to the third dimension, aka columns. * @return */ public static double[][] normalize(double[][][] a, int dim) { double[][] sum ; if(dim == 1) sum = new double[a[0].length][a[0][0].length]; else if(dim == 2) sum = new double[a.length][a[0].length]; else if(dim == 3) sum = new double[a.length][a[0][0].length]; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("The only valid values for dim are: 1 (rows), 2 (columns)."); if(dim == 2) { for(int k = 0; k < a.length; k++) { for(int i = 0; i < a[k].length; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < a[k][i].length; j++) sum[k][i] += a[k][i][j]; if(sum[k][i] == 0) { sum[k][i] = 1; } } } for(int k = 0; k < a.length; k++) { for(int i = 0; i < a[k].length; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < a[k][i].length; j++) a[k][i][j] /= sum[k][i]; } } } else if(dim == 3){ for(int k = 0; k < a.length; k++) { for(int j = 0; j < a[k][0].length; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < a[k].length; i++) sum[k][j] += a[k][i][j]; if(sum[k][j] == 0) { sum[k][j] = 1; } } } for(int k = 0; k < a.length; k++) { for(int j = 0; j < a[k][0].length; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < a[k].length; i++) a[k][i][j] /= sum[k][j]; } } } else { for(int i = 0; i < a[0].length; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < a[0][i].length; j++) { for(int k = 0; k < a.length; k++) sum[i][j] += a[k][i][j]; if(sum[i][j] == 0) { sum[i][j] = 1; } } } for(int i = 0; i < a[0].length; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < a[0][i].length; j++) for(int k = 0; k < a.length; k++) a[k][i][j] /= sum[i][j]; } } return sum; }// end of normalize method public static void main(String[] args){ // System.out.println( Math.log10(binomialPValue(0.0, 11.0+0.0))); // System.out.println( Math.log10(binomialPValue(3.3, 24.0+3.3))); // Poisson poisson = new Poisson(0/0.0, new DRand()); // System.out.println(poisson.pdf(1)); System.out.println(hyperGeometricCDF_cache(2,1000,900,2)); // System.out.println(hyperGeometricCDF_cache(2405,41690+40506,41690,2405+2)); // System.out.println(hyperGeometricCDF(3298,41690+40506,41690,3298+2)); // System.out.println(hyperGeometricCDF(2405,41690+40506,41690,2405+2)); // System.out.println(hyperGeometricCDF_cache(2,41690+40506,40506,3298+2)); // System.out.println(hyperGeometricCDF_cache(2,41690+40506,40506,2405+2)); // System.out.println(hyperGeometricCDF_cache(3,8+7,8,3+2)); // System.out.println(hyperGeometricCDF_cache(2,8+7,7,3+2)); // System.out.println(log10_hyperGeometricCDF_cache_appr(1,41690+40506,1,5000)); // for (int i=10700;i<=10800;i=i+10){ //// System.out.println(Math.log10(hyperGeometricPDF_cache_BIG(99,41690+40506,40506,i+100).doubleValue())); //// System.out.println(log10_hyperGeometricPDF_cache(i,41690+40506,40506,i+100)); // System.out.println(i+"\t"+log10_hyperGeometricCDF_cache_appr(i,40876+40873,40873,i+31761)); //// System.out.println(log10_hyperGeometricCDF_cache(99,41690+40506,40506,i+5000)); // System.out.println("-----------"); // } } }//end of StatUtil class 41690 / 40506