package; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.seqcode.gseutils.NotFoundException; /** * SeqDataModifier collects interactions that modify the seqdata database * * @author mahony * */ public class SeqDataModifier { public static String role = "seqdata"; private SeqDataLoader seqLoader; private Client client=null; private MetadataModifier metaModifier=null; private boolean closed=true; public SeqDataModifier(SeqDataLoader loader) throws AccessControlException, SQLException { seqLoader = loader; client = seqLoader.getClient(); metaModifier = new MetadataModifier(); if(!seqLoader.getMyUser().isAdmin()){ throw new AccessControlException("SeqDataModifier: only admins can modify seqdata!"); } closed=false; } public void deleteAlignmentParameters(SeqAlignment align) throws SQLException { Connection cxn=null; Statement del = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); cxn.setAutoCommit(false); del = cxn.createStatement(); del.execute("delete from alignmentparameters where alignment = " + align.getDBID()); cxn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { cxn.rollback(); throw new DatabaseException(e.toString(),e); } finally { if (del != null) { try {del.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } } public void deleteSeqAlignment(SeqAlignment align) throws SQLException{ Connection cxn=null; PreparedStatement ps = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); cxn.setAutoCommit(false); ps = SeqAlignment.createDeleteByIDStatement(cxn); ps.setInt(1, align.getDBID()); ps.execute(); cxn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { cxn.rollback(); throw new DatabaseException(e.toString(),e); } finally { if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } } public void deleteSeqExpt(SeqExpt expt) throws SQLException{ Connection cxn=null; PreparedStatement ps = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); cxn.setAutoCommit(false); Lab lab = expt.getLab(); ExptCondition cond = expt.getExptCondition(); ExptTarget target = expt.getExptTarget(); CellLine cells = expt.getCellLine(); ps = SeqExpt.createDeleteByDBID(cxn); ps.setInt(1, expt.getDBID()); ps.execute(); //Delete core.lab if no SeqExpts depend if(seqLoader.loadExperiments(lab).size()==0) deleteLab(lab); //Delete core.exptcondition if no SeqExpts depend if(seqLoader.loadExperiments(cond).size()==0) deleteExptCondition(cond); //Delete core.expttarget if no SeqExpts depend if(seqLoader.loadExperiments(target).size()==0) deleteExptTarget(target); //Delete core.cellline if no SeqExpts depend if(seqLoader.loadExperiments(cells).size()==0) deleteCellLine(cells); cxn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { cxn.rollback(); throw new DatabaseException(e.toString(),e); } finally { if (ps != null) { try {ps.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } } public void deleteLab(Lab lab) throws SQLException{ System.err.println("Deleting lab: "+lab.getName()+"\t"+lab.getDBID()); metaModifier.deleteLab(lab.getDBID()); } public void deleteExptCondition(ExptCondition cond) throws SQLException{ System.err.println("Deleting condition: "+cond.getName()+"\t"+cond.getDBID()); metaModifier.deleteCond(cond.getDBID()); } public void deleteExptTarget(ExptTarget target) throws SQLException{ System.err.println("Deleting target: "+target.getName()+"\t"+target.getDBID()); metaModifier.deleteTarget(target.getDBID()); } public void deleteCellLine(CellLine cells) throws SQLException{ System.err.println("Deleting cell-line: "+cells.getName()+"\t"+cells.getDBID()); metaModifier.deleteCell(cells.getDBID()); } public void coreCleanup() throws SQLException{ for(Lab lab : seqLoader.getMetadataLoader().loadAllLabs(true)){ //Delete core.lab if no SeqExpts depend if(seqLoader.loadExperiments(lab).size()==0) deleteLab(lab); } for(ExptCondition cond : seqLoader.getMetadataLoader().loadAllExptConditions(true)){ //Delete core.exptcondition if no SeqExpts depend if(seqLoader.loadExperiments(cond).size()==0) deleteExptCondition(cond); } for(ExptTarget target : seqLoader.getMetadataLoader().loadAllExptTargets(true)){ //Delete core.expttarget if no SeqExpts depend if(seqLoader.loadExperiments(target).size()==0) deleteExptTarget(target); } for(CellLine cells : seqLoader.getMetadataLoader().loadAllCellLines(true)){ //Delete core.cellline if no SeqExpts depend if(seqLoader.loadExperiments(cells).size()==0) deleteCellLine(cells); } } public void updateSeqExpt(MetadataLoader mloader, SeqExpt expt, String updateExptType, String updateLab, String updateCond, String updateTarget, String updateCell, String updateRep, String updatePubSrc, String updatePubID, String updateCollabExptID) throws SQLException, DuplicateDatabaseEntryException{ Connection cxn=null; PreparedStatement update = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); cxn.setAutoCommit(true); String updateName = updateLab+" "+updateCond+" "+updateTarget+" "+updateCell; SeqExpt testExpt = seqLoader.findExperiment(updateName, updateRep); if(testExpt!=null && testExpt.getDBID()!=expt.getDBID()) //It's okay if these are the same experiments (you might sometimes want to just update the publication source, etc). throw new DuplicateDatabaseEntryException("SeqDataModifier.updateSeqExpt wants to create a duplicate SeqExpt"); else{ update = SeqExpt.createShortUpdateWithID(cxn); update.setString(1, updateName); update.setString(2, updateRep); update.setInt(3, expt.getOrganism().getDBID()); update.setInt(4, mloader.loadExptType(updateExptType, true, false).getDBID()); update.setInt(5, mloader.loadLab(updateLab, true, false).getDBID()); update.setInt(6, mloader.loadExptCondition(updateCond, true, false).getDBID()); update.setInt(7, mloader.loadExptTarget(updateTarget, true, false).getDBID()); update.setInt(8, mloader.loadCellLine(updateCell, true, false).getDBID()); update.setString(9, updateCollabExptID); update.setString(10, updatePubSrc); update.setString(11, updatePubID); update.setInt(12, expt.getDBID()); update.execute(); update.close(); try { SeqExpt testExpt2 = seqLoader.loadExperiment(updateName, updateRep); } catch (NotFoundException e2) { // failed again means the insert failed. you lose throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't update experiment for " + updateName + "," + updateRep); } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e.toString(),e); } finally { if (update != null) { try {update.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } } public void updateSeqAlignmentHitCounts(SeqAlignment align, Integer singlecount, Float singleweight,Integer singletype2count, Float singletype2weight, Integer paircount, Float pairweight) throws SQLException{ Connection cxn=null; PreparedStatement update = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); cxn.setAutoCommit(false); int id = align.getDBID(); update = SeqAlignment.createUpdateHitsAndWeights(cxn); System.err.println("Updating counts for alignment: "+id+" ("+align.getName()+")"); System.err.println("\tnumhits="+singlecount); System.err.println("\ttotalweight="+singleweight); System.err.println("\tnumtype2hits="+singletype2count); System.err.println("\ttotaltype2weight="+singletype2weight); System.err.println("\tnumpairs="+paircount); System.err.println("\ttotalpairweight="+pairweight); update.setInt(1, singlecount); update.setFloat(2, singleweight); update.setInt(3, singletype2count); update.setFloat(4, singletype2weight); update.setInt(5, paircount); update.setFloat(6, pairweight); update.setInt(7, id); update.execute(); cxn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { cxn.rollback(); throw new DatabaseException(e.toString(),e); } finally { if (update != null) { try {update.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } } public void updateSeqAlignmentPermissions(SeqAlignment align, String permissions) throws SQLException{ Connection cxn=null; PreparedStatement permUpdate = null; try { cxn = DatabaseConnectionManager.getConnection(role); cxn.setAutoCommit(false); permUpdate = SeqAlignment.createUpdatePermissions(cxn); permUpdate.setString(1, permissions); permUpdate.setInt(2, align.getDBID()); permUpdate.execute(); permUpdate.close(); cxn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { cxn.rollback(); throw new DatabaseException(e.toString(),e); } finally { if (permUpdate != null) { try {permUpdate.close();} catch (SQLException ex) { } } if(cxn!=null) try {cxn.close();}catch (Exception ex) {throw new DatabaseException("Couldn't close connection with role "+role, ex); } } } /** * Update the permissions for a SeqAlignment * SeqAlignment align: alignment to change * String princ : user name * String op : operation [add|delete] * String acl [read|write|admin] * @param princ */ public void changeAlignmentACL(SeqAlignment align, String princ, String op, String acl){ Set<ACLChangeEntry> changes = new HashSet<ACLChangeEntry>(); changes.add(new ACLChangeEntry(ACLChangeEntry.opCode(op), ACLChangeEntry.aclCode(acl), princ)); try { client.setACL(new Integer(align.getDBID()).toString(), changes); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClientException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Update multiple permissions for a SeqAlignment * SeqAlignment align: alignment to change * String[] princs : user name * String[] ops : operation [add|delete] * String[] acls [read|write|admin] * @param princ */ public void changeAlignmentACLmulti(SeqAlignment align, String[] princs, String[] ops, String[] acls){ if(princs.length==ops.length && ops.length==acls.length){ Set<ACLChangeEntry> changes = new HashSet<ACLChangeEntry>(); for(int i=0; i<princs.length; i++) changes.add(new ACLChangeEntry(ACLChangeEntry.opCode(ops[i]), ACLChangeEntry.aclCode(acls[i]), princs[i])); try { client.setACL(new Integer(align.getDBID()).toString(), changes); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClientException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }else{ System.err.println("changeAlignmentACLmulti: input arrays should be the same lengths"); } } public class DuplicateDatabaseEntryException extends Exception{ public DuplicateDatabaseEntryException(String message){ super(message); } } }