package resa.evaluation.topology.tomVLD; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_calib3d; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core; import org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_features2d; import org.bytedeco.javacv.JavaCV; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Created by Intern04 on 8/8/2014. * Implementation of robust matcher described in OpenCV Cookbook ch. 9 */ public class RobustMatcher { /** Parameters for detection {@link resa.evaluation.topology.tomVLD.Parameters}*/ private Parameters params; /** Bruteforce matcher which matches two sets of keypoints */ private opencv_features2d.BFMatcher matcher; /** Lists of matches from template to patch, from patch to template, and matches they have in common. Used for symmetry test (see OpenCV cookbook Ch. 9)*/ private opencv_features2d.DMatchVectorVector matches12, matches21, matches; /** The rectangle corresponding to detected logo */ private Serializable.Rect foundRect; private Serializable.Mat extractedTemplate; /** * Finds homography between two sets of keypoints using <a href="">RANSAC</a> * algorithm. Does two iterations: first separates the outliers from inliers, * the second iteration performs the RANSAC inliers only to achieve better result. * @param logoKeyPoints the key points of the logo template * @param frameRegionKeyPoints key points of the frame patch * @return 3x3 transformation matrix */ private opencv_core.Mat getHomography(opencv_features2d.KeyPoint logoKeyPoints, opencv_features2d.KeyPoint frameRegionKeyPoints) { // First iteration: find homography matrix and outliers int size = (int)matches.size(); opencv_core.CvMat _src = opencv_core.cvCreateMat(size, 2, opencv_core.CV_32FC1); opencv_core.CvMat _dst = opencv_core.cvCreateMat(size, 2, opencv_core.CV_32FC1); for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i ++) { int queryIndex = matches.get(i, 0).queryIdx(); int trainIndex = matches.get(i, 0).trainIdx(); opencv_core.Point2f logoPoint = logoKeyPoints.position(queryIndex).pt(); opencv_core.Point2f frameRegionPoint = frameRegionKeyPoints.position(trainIndex).pt(); logoKeyPoints.position(0); frameRegionKeyPoints.position(0); _src.put(i, 0, logoPoint.x()); _src.put(i, 1, logoPoint.y()); _dst.put(i, 0, frameRegionPoint.x()); _dst.put(i, 1, frameRegionPoint.y()); } opencv_core.Mat src = new opencv_core.Mat( _src ); opencv_core.Mat dst = new opencv_core.Mat( _dst ); opencv_core.Mat mask = new opencv_core.Mat(src.rows(), 1, opencv_core.TYPE_MASK); // Information about outliers will be stored in mask opencv_core.Mat h = opencv_calib3d.findHomography(src, dst, opencv_calib3d.RANSAC, params.getRansacParameters().getReprojectionThreshold(), mask); // Second iteration: using only inliers opencv_core.Mat __src = new opencv_core.Mat(0, 2, opencv_core.CV_32FC1); opencv_core.Mat __dst = new opencv_core.Mat(0, 2, opencv_core.CV_32FC1); opencv_core.CvMat cvMat = mask.asCvMat(); for (int i = 0 ; i < cvMat.rows() ; i ++) { if (cvMat.get(i, 0) == 1.0) { // discard outliers __src.push_back(src.row(i)); __dst.push_back(dst.row(i)); } } mask = new opencv_core.Mat(__src.rows(), 1, opencv_core.TYPE_MASK); // Find a homography matrix based on only inliers h = opencv_calib3d.findHomography(__src, __dst, opencv_calib3d.RANSAC, params.getRansacParameters().getReprojectionThreshold(), mask); // Force release __src.release(); __dst.release(); mask.release(); return h; } /** * Performs symmetry test as described in OpenCV cookbook pp 239-246, given two sets of matches: * from logo to image and from image to logo. * @param matches12 * @param matches21 * @return vector of refined matches */ private opencv_features2d.DMatchVectorVector symmetryTest( opencv_features2d.DMatchVectorVector matches12, opencv_features2d.DMatchVectorVector matches21) { opencv_features2d.DMatchVectorVector matches = new opencv_features2d.DMatchVectorVector(); matches.resize(Math.max(matches12.size(), matches21.size())); int sz = 0; // Checking every pair of matches and choosing symmetric ones. for (int i = 0 ; i < matches12.size() ; i ++) { for (int j = 0 ; j < matches21.size() ; j ++) { opencv_features2d.DMatch dMatch12 = matches12.get(i, 0), dMatch21 = matches21.get(j, 0); if (dMatch12.queryIdx() == dMatch21.trainIdx() && dMatch12.trainIdx() == dMatch21.queryIdx()) { matches.resize(sz, 1); matches.put(sz, 0, dMatch12); sz ++; break; } } } matches.resize(sz); return matches; } /** * Perform * <a href = "">Lowe's Ratio test</a> */ private opencv_features2d.DMatchVectorVector refineMatches(opencv_features2d.DMatchVectorVector oldMatches) { // Ratio of Distances double RoD = params.getMatchingParameters().getRatioOfDistances(); opencv_features2d.DMatchVectorVector newMatches = new opencv_features2d.DMatchVectorVector(); // Refine results 1: Accept only those matches, where best dist is < RoD of 2nd best match. int sz = 0; newMatches.resize(oldMatches.size()); double maxDist = 0.0, minDist = 1e100; // infinity for (int i = 0 ; i < oldMatches.size() ; i ++) { newMatches.resize(i, 1); if (oldMatches.get(i, 0).distance() < RoD * oldMatches.get(i, 1).distance()) { newMatches.put(sz, 0, oldMatches.get(i, 0)); sz ++; double distance = oldMatches.get(i, 0).distance(); if ( distance < minDist ) minDist = distance; if ( distance > maxDist ) maxDist = distance; } } newMatches.resize(sz); // Refine results 2: accept only those matches which distance is no more than 3x greater than best match sz = 0; opencv_features2d.DMatchVectorVector brandNewMatches = new opencv_features2d.DMatchVectorVector(); brandNewMatches.resize(newMatches.size()); for (int i = 0 ; i < newMatches.size() ; i ++) { // TODO: Move this weights into params // Since minDist may be equal to 0.0, add some non-zero value if (newMatches.get(i, 0).distance() <= 3 * minDist + maxDist / 12) { brandNewMatches.resize(sz, 1); brandNewMatches.put(sz, 0, newMatches.get(i, 0)); sz ++; } } brandNewMatches.resize(sz); return brandNewMatches; } /** * Creates instance of RobustMatcher using parameters. * @param params */ public RobustMatcher(Parameters params) { matcher = new opencv_features2d.BFMatcher(); this.params = params; } /** * Performs matching of two images. * @param logoMat - the image matrix of the logo template * @param logoDescriptors the descriptor matrix of the logo template * @param logoKeyPoints the key points of the logo template * @param frameRegionMat the image matrix of the tested frame patch * @param frameRegionDescriptors the descriptor matrix of the tested frame patch * @param frameRegionKeyPoints the keypoints of the tested frame patch * @param roi the rectanlge corresponding to the tested patch * @return true if the logo is present on the patch, and false otherwise */ public boolean matchImages(opencv_core.Mat logoMat, opencv_core.Mat logoDescriptors, opencv_features2d.KeyPoint logoKeyPoints, opencv_core.Mat frameRegionMat, opencv_core.Mat frameRegionDescriptors, opencv_features2d.KeyPoint frameRegionKeyPoints, opencv_core.Rect roi) { // Find matches from the logo to the patch and vice versa matches12 = new opencv_features2d.DMatchVectorVector(); matches21 = new opencv_features2d.DMatchVectorVector(); // For each match we need also second best match to perform Ratio Test matcher.knnMatch(logoDescriptors, frameRegionDescriptors, matches12, 2); // Find only two best matches. matcher.knnMatch(frameRegionDescriptors, logoDescriptors, matches21, 2); // Find only two best matches. // Performing ratio test matches12 = refineMatches(matches12); matches21 = refineMatches(matches21); // rolling back the vector matches12.position(0); matches21.position(0); // performing symmetry test matches = symmetryTest(matches12, matches21); // updates matches using information from matches12 and matches 21 // Return false if too small number of matches defined in params int size = (int)matches.size(); if (size < params.getMatchingParameters().getMinimalNumberOfMatches()) { return false; } // Getting homography and checking that it's found opencv_core.Mat homography = getHomography(logoKeyPoints, frameRegionKeyPoints); if (homography == null || homography.isNull()) { if (Debug.logoDetectionDebugOutput) System.out.println("No homography found"); return false; } // Choose rectangle where 90% (this number defined in params.getMatchingParameters().getBoxAccuracy()) // of all matches lie in a logo and extract this rectangle as a new logo template ArrayList<opencv_core.Point2f> kp = new ArrayList<opencv_core.Point2f>(); for (int i = 0 ; i < matches.size(); i ++) { opencv_core.Point2f location = logoKeyPoints.position(matches.get(i, 0).queryIdx()).pt(); kp.add(location); logoKeyPoints.position(0); } double[][] corners = new double[4][]; // Find this desired rectanlge opencv_core.Rect best = Util.bestBoundingBoxFast(kp, params.getMatchingParameters().getBoxAccuracy()); double xMin = best.x(), yMin = best.y(), xMax = best.x() + best.width(), yMax = best.y() + best.height(); // adjust borders of the extracted template since some of keypoints lie on the boundaries of the rectanlge // TODO: adjust this borders double dx = logoMat.cols() / 10.0, dy = logoMat.rows() / 10.0; xMin = Math.max(xMin - dx, 0.0); xMax = Math.min(xMax + dx, logoMat.cols() - 1); yMin = Math.max(yMin - dy, 0.0); yMax = Math.min(yMax + dy, logoMat.rows() - 1); corners[0] = new double[]{xMin, yMin}; corners[1] = new double[]{xMax, yMin}; corners[2] = new double[]{xMax, yMax}; corners[3] = new double[]{xMin, yMax}; // map this rectangle to the image to obtain its coordinates relative to the patch double[][] scene_corners = new double[4][]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { scene_corners[i] = new double[2]; JavaCV.perspectiveTransform(corners[i], scene_corners[i], homography.asCvMat()); } homography.release(); // Checking obtained corners for 'regularity' if (Util.checkQuadrilateral(scene_corners, roi)) { xMin = 1e100; xMax = 0.0; yMin = 1e100; yMax = 0.0; for (int i = 0 ; i < 4; i ++) { double x = scene_corners[i][0] , y = scene_corners[i][1] ; if (xMin > x) xMin = x; if (xMax < x) xMax = x; if (yMin > y) yMin = y; if (yMax < y) yMax = y; // making coordinates relative to the frame scene_corners[i][0] += roi.x(); scene_corners[i][1] += roi.y(); } int xmn = Math.max(0, (int)xMin), xmx = Math.min(frameRegionMat.cols(), (int) xMax); int ymn = Math.max(0, (int)yMin), ymx = Math.min(frameRegionMat.rows(), (int)yMax); // Prepare this rectangle as a result of matching foundRect = new Serializable.Rect(xmn + roi.x(), ymn + roi.y(), xmx - xmn, ymx - ymn); // Prepare new logo template to push update to other bolts opencv_core.Rect newRoi = new opencv_core.Rect(xmn, ymn, xmx - xmn, ymx - ymn); opencv_core.Mat _new = new opencv_core.Mat(frameRegionMat, newRoi); extractedTemplate = new Serializable.Mat(_new); // Deallocating for (int i = 0 ; i < matches.size() ; i++) matches.get(i, 0).deallocate(); matches.deallocate(); return true; } for (int i = 0 ; i < matches.size() ; i++) matches.get(i, 0).deallocate(); matches.deallocate(); return false; } /** * Obtain the image matrix of the extracted template if the logo was found on the patch * @return the Serializable matrix */ public Serializable.Mat getExtractedTemplate() { return extractedTemplate; } /** * Obtain the rectangle with coordinates of detected logo * @return Serializable rectangle containing box enclosing the detected logo */ public Serializable.Rect getFoundRect() { return foundRect; } }