package resa.optimize; import backtype.storm.Config; import backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import resa.util.ConfigUtil; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; /** * Created by ding on 14-4-30. */ public class SimpleGeneralAllocCalculator extends AllocCalculator { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleGeneralAllocCalculator.class); private AggregatedData spoutAregatedData; private AggregatedData boltAregatedData; private int historySize; private int currHistory; @Override public void init(Map<String, Object> conf, Map<String, Integer> currAllocation, StormTopology rawTopology) { super.init(conf, currAllocation, rawTopology); historySize = ConfigUtil.getInt(conf, "", 1); currHistory = ConfigUtil.getInt(conf, "", 0); spoutAregatedData = new AggregatedData(rawTopology, historySize); boltAregatedData = new AggregatedData(rawTopology, historySize); } @Override public AllocResult calc(Map<String, AggResult[]> executorAggResults, int maxAvailableExecutors) { executorAggResults.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> rawTopology.get_spouts().containsKey(e.getKey())) .forEach(e -> spoutAregatedData.putResult(e.getKey(), e.getValue())); executorAggResults.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> rawTopology.get_bolts().containsKey(e.getKey())) .forEach(e -> boltAregatedData.putResult(e.getKey(), e.getValue())); // check history size. Ensure we have enough history data before we run the optimize function currHistory++; if (currHistory < historySize) {"currHistory < historySize, curr: " + currHistory + ", Size: " + historySize + ", DataHistorySize: " + spoutAregatedData.compHistoryResults.entrySet().stream().findFirst().get().getValue().size()); return null; } else { currHistory = historySize; } ///Temp use, assume only one running topology! double targetQoSMs = ConfigUtil.getDouble(conf, "", 5000.0); int maxSendQSize = ConfigUtil.getInt(conf, Config.TOPOLOGY_EXECUTOR_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE, 1024); int maxRecvQSize = ConfigUtil.getInt(conf, Config.TOPOLOGY_EXECUTOR_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE, 1024); double sendQSizeThresh = ConfigUtil.getDouble(conf, "resa.opt.smd.sq.thresh", 5.0); double recvQSizeThreshRatio = ConfigUtil.getDouble(conf, "resa.opt.smd.rq.thresh.ratio", 0.6); double recvQSizeThresh = recvQSizeThreshRatio * maxRecvQSize; double componentSampelRate = ConfigUtil.getDouble(conf, "resa.comp.sample.rate", 1.0); ///Here we assume only one spout Map<String, Map<String, Object>> queueMetric = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, SourceNode> spInfos = spoutAregatedData.compHistoryResults.entrySet().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, e -> { Iterable<AggResult> results = e.getValue(); SpoutAggResult hisCar = AggResult.getCombinedResult(new SpoutAggResult(), results); CntMeanVar hisCarCombined = hisCar.getCombinedCompletedLatency(); double avgSendQLenHis = hisCar.getSendQueueResult().getAvgQueueLength(); double avgRecvQLenHis = hisCar.getRecvQueueResult().getAvgQueueLength(); double departRateHis = hisCar.getDepartureRatePerSec(); double avgCompleteHis = hisCarCombined.getAvg();///unit is millisecond double totalComplteTupleCnt = hisCarCombined.getCount(); double totalDuration = hisCar.getDuration(); ///TODO: here are some problem not solved yet. calculation is incorrect. double tupleCompleteRate = totalComplteTupleCnt * 1000.0 / (totalDuration * componentSampelRate); int numberExecutor = currAllocation.get(e.getKey()); ///TODO: there we multiply 1/2 for this particular implementation double tupleEmitRate = departRateHis * numberExecutor / 2.0;"exec(ID, eNum): (" + e.getKey() + "," + numberExecutor + "), tupleFinCnt: " + totalComplteTupleCnt + ", sumDur: " + totalDuration + ", hisSize: " + e.getValue().size() + ", compSampelRate: " + componentSampelRate + ", tupleFinRate: " + tupleCompleteRate);"avgSQLenHis: " + avgSendQLenHis + ",avgRQLenHis: " + avgRecvQLenHis + ", SQarrRateHis: " + departRateHis);"avgCompleHis: " + avgCompleteHis + ", tupleEmitRate: " + tupleEmitRate); return new SourceNode(avgCompleteHis, totalComplteTupleCnt, totalDuration, tupleEmitRate); })); SourceNode spInfo = spInfos.entrySet().stream().findFirst().get().getValue(); Map<String, ServiceNode> queueingNetwork = boltAregatedData.compHistoryResults.entrySet().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, e -> { Iterable<AggResult> results = e.getValue(); BoltAggResult hisCar = AggResult.getCombinedResult(new BoltAggResult(), results); CntMeanVar hisCarCombined = hisCar.getCombinedProcessedResult(); double avgSendQLenHis = hisCar.getSendQueueResult().getAvgQueueLength(); double avgRecvQLenHis = hisCar.getRecvQueueResult().getAvgQueueLength(); double arrivalRateHis = hisCar.getArrivalRatePerSec(); double avgServTimeHis = hisCarCombined.getAvg();///unit is millisecond double lambdaHis = arrivalRateHis * currAllocation.get(e.getKey()); double muHis = 1000.0 / avgServTimeHis; //TODO: when processed tuple count is very small (e.g. there is no input tuple), // avgServTime becomes zero and mu becomes infinity, this will cause problematic SN. double rhoHis = lambdaHis / muHis; boolean sendQLenNormalHis = avgSendQLenHis < sendQSizeThresh; boolean recvQlenNormalHis = avgRecvQLenHis < recvQSizeThresh; double i2oRatio = lambdaHis / spInfo.getTupleLeaveRateOnSQ(); int numberExecutor = currAllocation.get(e.getKey()); double totalComplteTupleCnt = hisCarCombined.getCount(); double totalDuration = hisCar.getDuration();"exec(ID, eNum): (" + e.getKey() + "," + numberExecutor + "), tupleCompCnt: " + totalComplteTupleCnt + ", sumDur: " + totalDuration + ", hisSize: " + e.getValue().size());"avgSQLenHis: " + avgSendQLenHis + ",avgRQLenHis: " + avgRecvQLenHis + ", arrRateHis: " + arrivalRateHis + ", avgServTimeHis(ms): " + avgServTimeHis);"rhoHis: " + rhoHis + ", lambdaHis: " + lambdaHis + ", muHis: " + muHis + ", ratio: " + i2oRatio); return new ServiceNode(lambdaHis, muHis, ServiceNode.ServiceType.EXPONENTIAL, i2oRatio); })); int maxThreadAvailable4Bolt = maxAvailableExecutors - currAllocation.entrySet().stream() .filter(e -> rawTopology.get_spouts().containsKey(e.getKey())) .mapToInt(Map.Entry::getValue).sum(); Map<String, Integer> boltAllocation = currAllocation.entrySet().stream() .filter(e -> rawTopology.get_bolts().containsKey(e.getKey())) .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue)); AllocResult allocResult = SimpleGeneralServiceModel.checkOptimized(queueingNetwork, spInfo.getRealLatencyMilliSec(), targetQoSMs, boltAllocation, maxThreadAvailable4Bolt); Map<String, Integer> retCurrAllocation = new HashMap<>(currAllocation); // merge the optimized decision into source allocation retCurrAllocation.putAll(allocResult.currOptAllocation); + "-->" + retCurrAllocation);"minReq: " + allocResult.minReqOptAllocation + ", status: " + allocResult.status); Map<String, Integer> retMinReqAllocation = null; if (allocResult.minReqOptAllocation != null) { retMinReqAllocation = new HashMap<>(currAllocation); // merge the optimized decision into source allocation retMinReqAllocation.putAll(allocResult.minReqOptAllocation); } Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<>(); ctx.put("latency", allocResult.getContext()); ctx.put("spout", spInfo); ctx.put("bolt", queueingNetwork); return new AllocResult(allocResult.status, retMinReqAllocation, retCurrAllocation) .setContext(ctx); } @Override public void allocationChanged(Map<String, Integer> newAllocation) { super.allocationChanged(newAllocation); spoutAregatedData.clear(); boltAregatedData.clear(); currHistory = ConfigUtil.getInt(conf, "", 0); } }