package resa.optimize; /** * Created by Tom.fu on 23/4/2014. */ public class ServiceNode { public static enum ServiceType {EXPONENTIAL, DETERMINISTIC, UNIFORM, OTHER} private double lambda; private double mu; private ServiceType type = ServiceType.OTHER; private double i2oRatio; public ServiceNode(double l, double m, ServiceType t, double r) { lambda = l; if (, 0.0) == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("mu cannot be 0"); } mu = m; type = t; i2oRatio = r; } public void setLambda(double value) { this.lambda = value; } public double getLambda() { return this.lambda; } public void setMu(double value) { = value; } public double getMu() { return; } public void setO2IRatio(double value) { this.i2oRatio = value; } public double getI2oRatio() { return this.i2oRatio; } public String getServiceTypeString() { return; } public int getMinReqServerCount() { return getMinReqServerCount(this.lambda,; } public double getRho(int serverCount) { return getRho(this.lambda,, serverCount); } public boolean isStable(int serverCount) { return isStable(this.lambda,, serverCount); } public double getRhoSingleServer() { return getRhoSingleServer(this.lambda,; } public double estErlangT(int serverCount) { return estErlangT(this.lambda,, serverCount); } public double estMM1T(int serverCount) { return estMM1T(this.lambda,, serverCount); } public String serviceNodeKeyStats(int serverCount, boolean showMinRequirement) { if (showMinRequirement) { return String.format("lambda: %.3f, mu: %.3f, rho: %.3f, k: %d, MinRequire: %d", lambda, mu, getRho(serverCount), serverCount, getMinReqServerCount()); } else { return String.format("lambda: %.3f, mu: %.3f, rho: %.3f, k: %d", lambda, mu, getRho(serverCount), serverCount); } } ///static function implementation! /** * if mu = 0.0 or serverCount not positive, then rho is not defined, we consider it as the unstable case (represented by Double.MAX_VALUE) * otherwise, return the calculation results. Leave the interpretation to the calling function, like isStable(); * * @param lambda * @param mu * @param serverCount * @return */ private static double getRho(double lambda, double mu, int serverCount) { return (mu == 0.0 || serverCount <= 0) ? Double.MAX_VALUE : lambda / (mu * (double) serverCount); } /** * First call getRho, * then determine when rho is validate, i.e., rho < 1.0 * otherwise return unstable (FALSE) * * @param lambda * @param mu * @param serverCount * @return */ public static boolean isStable(double lambda, double mu, int serverCount) { return getRho(lambda, mu, serverCount) < 1.0; } private static double getRhoSingleServer(double lambda, double mu) { return getRho(lambda, mu, 1); } public static int getMinReqServerCount(double lambda, double mu) { return (int) (lambda / mu) + 1; } /** * First Check isStable(), if it is stable, return the validate estimated erlang delay * else, return Double.Max_VALUE * * @param lambda, average arrival rate * @param mu, average execute rate * @param serverCount * @return */ public static double estErlangT(double lambda, double mu, int serverCount) { if (isStable(lambda, mu, serverCount)) { double r = lambda / (mu * (double) serverCount); double kr = lambda / mu; double phi0_p1 = 1.0; for (int i = 1; i < serverCount; i++) { double a = Math.pow(kr, i); double b = (double) factorial(i); phi0_p1 += (a / b); } double phi0_p2_nor = Math.pow(kr, serverCount); double phi0_p2_denor = (1.0 - r) * (double) (factorial(serverCount)); double phi0_p2 = phi0_p2_nor / phi0_p2_denor; double phi0 = 1.0 / (phi0_p1 + phi0_p2); double pWait = phi0_p2 * phi0; double estT = pWait * r / ((1.0 - r) * lambda) + 1.0 / mu; return estT; } else { //System.out.println("Service is not stable!!!"); return Double.MAX_VALUE; } } public static double estMM1T(double lambda, double mu, int serverCount) { if (isStable(lambda, mu, serverCount)) { return 1.0 / (mu * (double) serverCount - lambda); } else { System.out.println("Service is not stable!!!"); return Double.MAX_VALUE; } } private static int factorial(int n) { if (n < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attention, negative input is not allowed: " + n); } else if (n == 0) { return 1; } else { int ret = 1; for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) { ret = ret * i; } return ret; } } }