package resa.optimize; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import resa.util.ConfigUtil; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import; /** * Created by Tom.fu on 23/4/2014. * Chain topology and not tuple split */ public class SimpleChainServiceModel { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleChainServiceModel.class); /** * Like module A in our discussion * * @param components, the service node configuration, in this function, chain topology is assumed. * @param allocation, can be null input, in this case, directly return Infinity to indicator topology unstable * @return Double.MAX_VALUE when a) input allocation is null (i.e., system is unstable) * b) any one of the node is unstable (i.e., lambda/mu > 1, in which case, sn.estErlangT will be Double.MAX_VALUE) * else the validate estimated erlang service time. */ public static double getErlangChainTopCompleteTime(Map<String, ServiceNode> components, Map<String, Integer> allocation) { if (allocation == null) { return Double.MAX_VALUE; } double retVal = 0.0; for (Map.Entry<String, ServiceNode> e : components.entrySet()) { String cid = e.getKey(); ServiceNode sn = e.getValue(); Integer serverCount = allocation.get(cid); // Objects.requireNonNull(serverCount, "No allocation entry find for this component" + cid); double est = sn.estErlangT(serverCount); if (est < Double.MAX_VALUE) { retVal += est; } else { return Double.MAX_VALUE; } } return retVal; } public static double getErlangChainTopCompleteTimeMilliSec(Map<String, ServiceNode> components, Map<String, Integer> allocation) { double result = getErlangChainTopCompleteTime(components, allocation); return result < Double.MAX_VALUE ? (result * 1000.0) : Double.MAX_VALUE; } public static Map<String, Integer> getAllocation(Map<String, ServiceNode> components, Map<String, Object> para) { Map<String, Integer> retVal = new HashMap<>(); components.forEach((cid, sn) -> { int curr = ConfigUtil.getInt(para, cid, 0); retVal.put(cid, curr); }); return retVal; } public static boolean checkStable(Map<String, ServiceNode> components, Map<String, Integer> allocation) { return components.entrySet().stream().map(e -> e.getValue().isStable(allocation.get(e.getKey()))) .allMatch(Boolean.TRUE::equals); } public static int getTotalMinRequirement(Map<String, ServiceNode> components) { return components.values().stream().mapToInt(ServiceNode::getMinReqServerCount).sum(); } public static void printAllocation(Map<String, Integer> allocation) { if (allocation == null) { LOG.warn("Null allocation input -> system is unstable."); } else {"allocation->" + allocation); } } /** * @param components * @param totalResourceCount * @return null if a) minReq of any component is Integer.MAX_VALUE (invalid parameter mu = 0.0) * b) total minReq can not be satisfied (total minReq > totalResourceCount) * otherwise, the Map data structure. */ public static Map<String, Integer> suggestAllocation(Map<String, ServiceNode> components, int totalResourceCount) { Map<String, Integer> retVal = components.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, e -> e.getValue().getMinReqServerCount())); int topMinReq = retVal.values().stream().mapToInt(Integer::intValue).sum();"totalResourceCount: " + totalResourceCount + ", topMinReq: " + topMinReq); if (topMinReq <= totalResourceCount) { int remainCount = totalResourceCount - topMinReq; for (int i = 0; i < remainCount; i++) { double maxDiff = Double.MIN_VALUE; String maxDiffCid = null; for (Map.Entry<String, ServiceNode> e : components.entrySet()) { String cid = e.getKey(); ServiceNode sn = e.getValue(); int currentAllocated = retVal.get(cid); double beforeAddT = sn.estErlangT(currentAllocated); double afterAddT = sn.estErlangT(currentAllocated + 1); double diff = beforeAddT - afterAddT; if (diff > maxDiff) { maxDiff = diff; maxDiffCid = cid; } } int newAllocate = retVal.compute(maxDiffCid, (k, count) -> count + 1); + 1) + " of " + remainCount + ", assigned to " + maxDiffCid + ", newAllocate: " + newAllocate); } } else { return null; } return retVal; } /** * Like Module A', input required QoS, output #threads required * Here we separate to two modules: first output allocation, then calculate total #threads included. * Caution all the computation involved is in second unit. * * @param components * @param maxAllowedCompleteTime, the unit here is second! consistent with function getErlangChainTopCompleteTime() * @param lowerBoundDelta, this is to set the offset of the lowerBoundServiceTime, we require delta to be positive, and 0 as default. * @param adjRatio, this is to adjust the estimated ErlangServiceTime to fit more closely to the real measured complte time * @return null if a) any service node is not in the valid state (mu = 0.0), this is not the case of rho > 1.0, just for checking mu * b) lowerBoundServiceTime > requiredQoS */ public static Map<String, Integer> getMinReqServerAllocation(Map<String, ServiceNode> components, double maxAllowedCompleteTime, double lowerBoundDelta, double adjRatio) { double lowerBoundServiceTime = 0.0; int totalMinReq = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, ServiceNode> e : components.entrySet()) { double mu = e.getValue().getMu(); ///caution, the unit should be millisecond lowerBoundServiceTime += (1.0 / mu); totalMinReq += e.getValue().getMinReqServerCount(); } Map<String, Integer> currAllocation = null; if (lowerBoundServiceTime + lowerBoundDelta < maxAllowedCompleteTime) { double currTime; do { currAllocation = suggestAllocation(components, totalMinReq); currTime = getErlangChainTopCompleteTime(components, currAllocation) * adjRatio;"getMinReqServAllcQoS: " + maxAllowedCompleteTime * 1000.0 + ", currTime(ms): " + currTime * 1000.0 / adjRatio + ", currAdj(ms): " + currTime * 1000.0 + ", totalMinReqQoS: " + totalMinReq); totalMinReq++; } while (currTime > maxAllowedCompleteTime); } return currAllocation; } public static Map<String, Integer> getMinReqServerAllocation(Map<String, ServiceNode> components, double maxAllowedCompleteTime) { return getMinReqServerAllocation(components, maxAllowedCompleteTime, 0.0, 1.0); } public static Map<String, Integer> getMinReqServerAllocation(Map<String, ServiceNode> components, double maxAllowedCompleteTime, double adjRatio) { return getMinReqServerAllocation(components, maxAllowedCompleteTime, 0.0, adjRatio); } public static int totalServerCountInvolved(Map<String, Integer> allocation) { return Objects.requireNonNull(allocation).values().stream().mapToInt(i -> i).sum(); } public static AllocResult checkOptimized(Map<String, ServiceNode> queueingNetwork, double realLatencyMilliSec, double targetQoSMilliSec, Map<String, Integer> currBoltAllocation, int maxAvailable4Bolt) { ///Caution about the time unit!, second is used in all the functions of calculation /// millisecond is used in the output display! double estimatedLatencyMilliSec = getErlangChainTopCompleteTimeMilliSec(queueingNetwork, currBoltAllocation); ///for better estimation, we remain (learn) this ratio, and assume that the estimated is always smaller than real. double underEstimateRatio = Math.max(1.0, realLatencyMilliSec / estimatedLatencyMilliSec);"estLatency(ms): " + estimatedLatencyMilliSec + ", realLatency(ms)" + realLatencyMilliSec + ", underEstRatio: " + underEstimateRatio);"Find out minReqAllocation under QoS requirement."); Map<String, Integer> minReqAllocation = getMinReqServerAllocation(queueingNetwork, targetQoSMilliSec / 1000.0, underEstimateRatio); AllocResult.Status status = AllocResult.Status.FEASIBALE; if (minReqAllocation == null) { status = AllocResult.Status.INFEASIBLE; }"Find out best allocation given available executors."); Map<String, Integer> after = suggestAllocation(queueingNetwork, maxAvailable4Bolt); return new AllocResult(status, minReqAllocation, after); } /** * Like module B in our discussion * * @param components * @param conf */ public static void checkOptimized(Map<String, ServiceNode> components, Map<String, Object> conf) { Map<String, Integer> curr = getAllocation(components, conf); ///Caution about the time unit!, second is used in all the functions of calculation /// millisecond is used in the output display! double estimatedLatencyMilliSec = getErlangChainTopCompleteTimeMilliSec(components, curr); double realLatencyMilliSec = ConfigUtil.getDouble(conf, "avgCompleteHisMilliSec", estimatedLatencyMilliSec); ///for better estimation, we remain (learn) this ratio, and assume that the estimated is always smaller than real. double underEstimateRatio = Math.max(1.0, realLatencyMilliSec / estimatedLatencyMilliSec); double targetQoSMilliSec = ConfigUtil.getDouble(conf, "QoS", 5000.0); boolean targetQoSSatisfied = estimatedLatencyMilliSec < targetQoSMilliSec; int currAllocationCount = totalServerCountInvolved(curr);"estimated: " + estimatedLatencyMilliSec + ", estiQoSSatisfied: " + targetQoSSatisfied + ", real: " + realLatencyMilliSec + ", realQoSSatisfied: " + (realLatencyMilliSec < targetQoSMilliSec)); Map<String, Integer> minReqAllocation = getMinReqServerAllocation(components, targetQoSMilliSec / 1000.0, underEstimateRatio); int minReqTotalServerCount = minReqAllocation == null ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : totalServerCountInvolved(minReqAllocation); double minReqQoSMilliSec = getErlangChainTopCompleteTimeMilliSec(components, minReqAllocation); double adjMinReqQoSMilliSec = getErlangChainTopCompleteTimeMilliSec(components, minReqAllocation) * underEstimateRatio; if (minReqAllocation == null) {"Caution: Target QoS is problematic, can not be achieved!"); } else {"MinReqTotalServerCount: " + minReqTotalServerCount + ", minReqQoS: " + minReqQoSMilliSec);"underEstimateRatio: " + underEstimateRatio + ", adjMinReqQoS: " + adjMinReqQoSMilliSec + ", optAllo: "); printAllocation(minReqAllocation); } if (minReqAllocation != null) { int remainCount = minReqTotalServerCount - currAllocationCount; if (remainCount > 0) {"Require " + remainCount + " additional threads!!!"); } else {"Rebalance the current to suggested"); Map<String, Integer> after = suggestAllocation(components, currAllocationCount);"---------------------- Current Allocation ----------------------"); printAllocation(curr);"---------------------- Suggested Allocation ----------------------"); printAllocation(after); } } else {"Caution: Target QoS can never be achieved!"); } } }