package resa.evaluation.topology.tomVLD; import backtype.storm.Config; import backtype.storm.StormSubmitter; import backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException; import backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException; import backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology; import backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder; import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields; import resa.metrics.RedisMetricsCollector; import resa.topology.ResaTopologyBuilder; import resa.util.ResaConfig; import; import java.util.List; import static resa.evaluation.topology.tomVLD.Constants.*; import static resa.evaluation.topology.tomVLD.StormConfigManager.*; /** * Created by Tom Fu, a new version based on echoOneGenRIRO!! * In the delta version, we enables the feature of supporting the multiple logo input, * When the setting in the configuration file includes multiple logo image files, * it automatically creates corresponding detector instance * Note: we in this version's patchProc bolt, uses the StormVideoLogoDetectorGamma * This gamma Detector helps to decrease overhead of multiple logo image files. * * Through testing, when sampleFrame = 4, it supports up to 25 fps. * Updated on April 29, the way to handle frame sampling issue is changed, this is pre-processed by the spout not to * send out unsampled frames to the patch generation bolt. * * Enabling sampling features. Sampling problem is solved! * through testing * * Write on Dec 15, 2015 * TODO: some new improvement point: 1. re-design of redisFrameOutput, the sorting queue can be moved out to the explicit programme. * TODO: the output can be frameID + frame to the redis queue, (need to modify serializableMat), so that when the explicit programme pop from redis queue, it can do the sorting * TODO: a question? can we re-write serializableMat, which is extended from opencv_core.Mat, implements io.serializable and kysto? */ public class ResaVLDTopFoxFileInput { public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException, AlreadyAliveException, InvalidTopologyException, FileNotFoundException { if (args.length != 1) { System.out.println("Enter path to config file!"); System.exit(0); } Config conf = readConfig(args[0]); String host = getString(conf, ""); int port = getInt(conf, "redis.port"); String queueName = getString(conf, "tVLDQueueName"); TopologyBuilder builder = new ResaTopologyBuilder(); // TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder(); String spoutName = "tVLDSpout"; String patchGenBolt = "tVLDPatchGen"; String patchProcBolt = "tVLDPatchProc"; String patchAggBolt = "tVLDPatchAgg"; String patchDrawBolt = "tVLDPatchDraw"; String redisFrameOut = "tVLDRedisFrameOut"; builder.setSpout(spoutName, new tomFrameSpoutResizeFox(), getInt(conf, spoutName + ".parallelism")) .setNumTasks(getInt(conf, spoutName + ".tasks")); builder.setBolt(patchGenBolt, new PatchGenFox(), getInt(conf, patchGenBolt + ".parallelism")) .shuffleGrouping(spoutName, SAMPLE_FRAME_STREAM) .setNumTasks(getInt(conf, patchGenBolt + ".tasks")); builder.setBolt(patchProcBolt, new PatchProcessorFox(), getInt(conf, patchProcBolt + ".parallelism")) .allGrouping(patchProcBolt, LOGO_TEMPLATE_UPDATE_STREAM) .shuffleGrouping(patchGenBolt, PATCH_FRAME_STREAM) .setNumTasks(getInt(conf, patchProcBolt + ".tasks")); builder.setBolt(patchAggBolt, new PatchAggFox(), getInt(conf, patchAggBolt + ".parallelism")) .fieldsGrouping(patchProcBolt, DETECTED_LOGO_STREAM, new Fields(FIELD_SAMPLE_ID)) .setNumTasks(getInt(conf, patchAggBolt + ".tasks")); builder.setBolt(patchDrawBolt, new tDrawPatchDelta(), getInt(conf, patchDrawBolt + ".parallelism")) .fieldsGrouping(patchAggBolt, PROCESSED_FRAME_STREAM, new Fields(FIELD_FRAME_ID)) .fieldsGrouping(spoutName, RAW_FRAME_STREAM, new Fields(FIELD_FRAME_ID)) .setNumTasks(getInt(conf, patchDrawBolt + ".tasks")); builder.setBolt(redisFrameOut, new RedisFrameOutput(), getInt(conf, redisFrameOut + ".parallelism")) .globalGrouping(patchDrawBolt, STREAM_FRAME_DISPLAY) .setNumTasks(getInt(conf, redisFrameOut + ".tasks")); StormTopology topology = builder.createTopology(); int numberOfWorkers = getInt(conf, "tVLDNumOfWorkers"); conf.setNumWorkers(numberOfWorkers); conf.setMaxSpoutPending(getInt(conf, "tVLDMaxPending")); conf.setStatsSampleRate(1.0); conf.registerSerialization(Serializable.Mat.class); List<String> templateFiles = getListOfStrings(conf, "originalTemplateFileNames"); ResaConfig resaConfig = ResaConfig.create(); resaConfig.putAll(conf); if (resa.util.ConfigUtil.getBoolean(conf, "tVLD.metric.resa", false)) { resaConfig.addDrsSupport(); resaConfig.put(ResaConfig.REBALANCE_WAITING_SECS, 0); System.out.println("ResaMetricsCollector is registered"); } if (resa.util.ConfigUtil.getBoolean(conf, "tVLD.metric.redis", false)) { resaConfig.registerMetricsConsumer(RedisMetricsCollector.class); System.out.println("RedisMetricsCollector is registered"); } int sampleFrames = getInt(resaConfig, "sampleFrames"); int W = ConfigUtil.getInt(resaConfig, "width", 640); int H = ConfigUtil.getInt(resaConfig, "height", 480); int maxPending = getInt(resaConfig, "topology.max.spout.pending"); StormSubmitter.submitTopology("resaVLDTopFoxFileIn-s" + sampleFrames + "-" + W + "-" + H + "-L" + templateFiles.size() + "-p" + maxPending, resaConfig, topology); } }