package resa.drs; import backtype.storm.Config; import backtype.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import resa.metrics.MeasuredData; import resa.optimize.*; import resa.topology.ContainerContext; import resa.util.ConfigUtil; import resa.util.ResaUtils; import java.util.*; import; import static resa.util.ResaConfig.*; /** * Created by ding on 14-4-26. */ public class ResourceScheduler { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResourceScheduler.class); private final Timer timer = new Timer(true); private Map<String, Integer> currAllocation; private int maxExecutorsPerWorker; private int topologyMaxExecutors; private Map<String, Object> conf; private AllocCalculator allocCalculator; private DecisionMaker decisionMaker; private ContainerContext ctx; private volatile List<MeasuredData> measuredDataBuffer = new ArrayList<>(); public void init(ContainerContext containerContext) { this.conf = containerContext.getConfig(); this.ctx = containerContext; this.ctx.addListener(new ContainerContext.Listener() { @Override public void measuredDataReceived(MeasuredData measuredData) { measuredDataBuffer.add(measuredData); } }); maxExecutorsPerWorker = ConfigUtil.getInt(conf, MAX_EXECUTORS_PER_WORKER, 8); topologyMaxExecutors = ConfigUtil.getInt(conf, ALLOWED_EXECUTOR_NUM, -1); // create Allocation Calculator allocCalculator = ResaUtils.newInstanceThrow((String) conf.getOrDefault(ALLOC_CALC_CLASS, SimpleGeneralAllocCalculator.class.getName()), AllocCalculator.class); // current allocation should be retrieved from nimbus currAllocation = calcAllocation(this.ctx.runningExecutors()); allocCalculator.init(conf, Collections.unmodifiableMap(currAllocation), this.ctx.getTopology()); // create Decision Maker decisionMaker = ResaUtils.newInstanceThrow((String) conf.getOrDefault(DECISION_MAKER_CLASS, DefaultDecisionMaker.class.getName()), DecisionMaker.class); decisionMaker.init(conf, containerContext.getTopology());"AllocCalculator class: {}", allocCalculator.getClass().getName());"DecisionMaker class: {}", decisionMaker.getClass().getName()); } public void start() { long calcInterval = ConfigUtil.getInt(conf, OPTIMIZE_INTERVAL, 30) * 1000; //start optimize thread timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new OptimizeTask(), calcInterval * 2, calcInterval);"Init Topology Optimizer successfully with calc interval is {} ms", calcInterval); } public void stop() { timer.cancel(); } private class OptimizeTask extends TimerTask { @Override public void run() { List<MeasuredData> data = measuredDataBuffer; measuredDataBuffer = new ArrayList<>(); // get current ExecutorDetails from nimbus Map<String, List<ExecutorDetails>> topoExecutors = ctx.runningExecutors(); // TODO: Executors == null means nimbus temporarily unreachable or this topology has been killed Map<String, Integer> allc = topoExecutors != null ? calcAllocation(topoExecutors) : null; if (allc != null && !allc.equals(currAllocation)) {"Topology allocation changed"); currAllocation = allc; // discard old MeasuredData allocCalculator.allocationChanged(Collections.unmodifiableMap(currAllocation)); } else { AggResultCalculator calculator = new AggResultCalculator(data, topoExecutors, ctx.getTopology()); calculator.calCMVStat(); //TODO: (added by Tom) we need to calc the maxProcessedDataSize as a configuration parameter. // set a return value (count) from calculator.calCMVStat() // if the count == maxProcessedDataSize (current is 500, say), we need to do something, // since otherwise, the measurement data is too obsolete Map<String, Integer> newAllocation = calcNewAllocation(calculator.getResults()); if (newAllocation != null && !newAllocation.equals(currAllocation)) {"Detected topology allocation changed, request rebalance....");"Old allc is {}, new allc is {}", currAllocation, newAllocation); ctx.requestRebalance(newAllocation, getNumWorkers(newAllocation)); } } } private Map<String, Integer> calcNewAllocation(Map<String, AggResult[]> data) { int maxExecutors = topologyMaxExecutors == -1 ? Math.max(ConfigUtil.getInt(conf, Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS, 1), getNumWorkers(currAllocation)) * maxExecutorsPerWorker : topologyMaxExecutors; Map<String, Integer> ret = null; try { AllocResult decision = allocCalculator.calc(data, maxExecutors); if (decision != null) { ctx.emitMetric("drs.alloc", decision); LOG.debug("emit drs metric {}", decision); } // tagged by Tom, modified by troy: // in decisionMaker , we need to improve this rebalance step to calc more stable and smooth // Idea 1) we can maintain an decision list, only when we have received continuous // decision with x times (x is the parameter), we will do rebalance (so that unstable oscillation // is removed) // Idea 2) we need to consider the expected gain (by consider the expected QoS gain) as a weight, // which should be contained in the AllocResult object. ret = decisionMaker.make(decision, Collections.unmodifiableMap(currAllocation)); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.warn("calc new allocation failed", e); } return ret; } } private static Map<String, Integer> calcAllocation(Map<String, List<ExecutorDetails>> topoExecutors) { return topoExecutors == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : topoExecutors.entrySet().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, e -> e.getValue().size())); } private int getNumWorkers(Map<String, Integer> allocation) { int totolNumExecutors = allocation.values().stream().mapToInt(Integer::intValue).sum(); int numWorkers = totolNumExecutors / maxExecutorsPerWorker; if (totolNumExecutors % maxExecutorsPerWorker != 0) { numWorkers++; } return numWorkers; } }