package japidviews._javatags; import java.util.Date; import; import play.mvc.Http.Header; import play.mvc.Http.Request; /** * a well-know place to add all the static method you want to use in your * templates. * * All the public static methods will be automatically "import static " to the * generated Java classes by the Japid compiler. * */ public class JapidWebUtil { public static String hi() { return "Hi"; } public static String sinceFrom(Date date) { long sinceTime = (new Date().getTime() - date.getTime()) / 1000; if (sinceTime < 1) { return "just now"; } else if (sinceTime < 60) { return String.format("%s seconds ago", sinceTime); } else if (sinceTime < 3600) { return String.format("%s minutes ago", sinceTime / 60); } else if (sinceTime < 24 * 3600) { return String.format("%s hours ago", sinceTime / 3600); } else if (sinceTime < (24 * 3600 * 30)) { long days = sinceTime / (24 * 3600); long hours = (sinceTime % (24 * 3600)) / 3600; if (hours == 0) return String.format("%s days ago", days); else return String.format("%s days, %s hours ago", days, hours); } else { long months = sinceTime / (24 * 3600 * 30); long days = (sinceTime % (24 * 3600 * 30)) / (24 * 3600); if (days == 0) return String.format("%s months ago", months); else return String.format("%s months, %s days ago", months, days); } } public static String getRemoteIp() { Header realIp = Request.current().headers.get("x-real-ip"); if (realIp != null) { return realIp.value(); } else { return Request.current().remoteAddress; } } public static String topActive(String value) { if (value.equals(Request.current().args.get("topActive"))) { return "active"; } else { return ""; } } public static String leftActive(String value) { if (value.equals(Request.current().args.get("leftActive"))) { return "active"; } else { return ""; } } public static void putTopActive(String value) { Request.current().args.put("topActive", value); } public static void putLeftActive(String value) { Request.current().args.put("leftActive", value); } public static String isValid(String field) { Validation.current(); if (Validation.hasError(field)) { return "error"; } else { return ""; } } public static String selected(String value, String current) { if (value.equals(current)) { return "selected='selected'"; } return ""; } }