package controllers; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import play.mvc.Before; import vo.CommentVO; import com.withiter.common.Constants.CreditStatus; import com.withiter.models.account.Account; import com.withiter.models.account.Credit; import com.withiter.models.account.Reservation; import com.withiter.models.merchant.Comment; import com.withiter.models.merchant.Merchant; import com.withiter.utils.StringUtils; public class CommentController extends BaseController { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(controllers.CommentController.class); /** * Interception any caller on this controller, will first invoke this method */ @Before static void checkAuthentification() { Map headers = request.headers; Iterator it = headers.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String); logger.debug(key + ", " + headers.get(key)); } if (headers.containsKey("user-agent")) { if (!(request.headers.get("user-agent").values.contains("QuhaoAndroid") || request.headers.get("user-agent").values.contains("QuhaoIOS"))) { renderJSON("请使用Android/iOS APP访问。"); } } else { renderJSON("请使用Android/iOS APP访问。"); } } /** * 商家评价 * * @param rid * id of reservation * @param kouwei * 口味 * @param huanjing * 环境 * @param fuwu * 服务 * @param xingjiabi * 性价比 * @return String */ public static void updateComment(String rid, int kouwei, int huanjing, int fuwu, int xingjiabi, String content, int grade, String cost) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(rid) || rid.equals("(null)")) { renderJSON("error"); } Reservation reservation = Reservation.findByRid(rid); if (reservation == null) { renderText("error"); } else { if (!reservation.isCommented) { Account account = Account.findById(reservation.accountId); // account.jifen=account.jifen+1; 评论增加积分先去掉 account.dianping = account.dianping + 1;; /* * // 增加积分消费 Credit credit = new Credit(); credit.accountId = * reservation.accountId; credit.merchantId = * reservation.merchantId; credit.reservationId = *; credit.cost = false; credit.jifen=1; * credit.status = CreditStatus.comment; credit.created = new * Date(); credit.modified = new Date();; */ } Comment cm = Comment.getComment(rid); if (cm == null) { cm = new Comment(); } cm.rid =; cm.mid = reservation.merchantId; cm.accountId = reservation.accountId; Account account = Account.findById(reservation.accountId); cm.nickName = account.nickname; cm.kouwei = kouwei; cm.huanjing = huanjing; cm.fuwu = fuwu; cm.grade = grade; cm.xingjiabi = xingjiabi; cm.averageCost = Integer.parseInt(cost); cm.content = content;; reservation.isCommented = true;; renderText("success"); } } /** * 返回最新的评价 * * @param id * id of reservation * */ public static void getComment(String rid) { Comment c = Comment.getComment(rid); renderJSON(; } /** * 获取用户评论 * * @return 评论数量 * @param id * of account */ public static void getCommentsById(String accountId) { long count = Comment.getCommentCountByAccountId(accountId); renderText(count); } /** * 根据商家ID获取评论 * * @return 评论 * @param date * 日期 */ public static void getCommentsByMid(int page, String mid, String sortBy) { page = (page == 0) ? 1 : page; List<Comment> comments = Comment.findbyMid(page, mid, sortBy); List<CommentVO> commentVOs = new ArrayList<CommentVO>(); CommentVO vo = null; Merchant merchant = null; for (Comment comment : comments) { vo =; merchant = Merchant.findByMid(comment.mid); vo.merchantName =; vo.merchantAddress = merchant.address; commentVOs.add(vo); } renderJSON(commentVOs); } /** * 根据用户ID获取评论 * * @return 评论 * @param date * 日期 */ public static void getCommentsByAccountId(int page, String accountId, String sortBy) { page = (page == 0) ? 1 : page; List<Comment> comments = Comment.findbyAccountId(page, accountId, sortBy); List<CommentVO> commentVOs = new ArrayList<CommentVO>(); for (Comment comment : comments) { CommentVO vo =; Merchant merchant = Merchant.findByMid(comment.mid); vo.merchantName =; vo.merchantAddress = merchant.address; commentVOs.add(vo); } renderJSON(commentVOs); } }