package com.withiter.models.merchant; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import play.Logger; import play.modules.morphia.Model.MorphiaQuery; import play.modules.morphia.Model.NoAutoTimestamp; import cn.bran.japid.util.StringUtils; import; import com.withiter.common.Constants.CateType; import com.withiter.models.account.Reservation; @Entity public class Merchant extends MerchantEntityDef { private static int DEFAULT_PAGE_ITEMS_NUMBER = 10; /** * Get merchant list by category type. * @param cateType the type of category * @return the list of merchant */ @Deprecated public static List<Merchant> findByType(String cateType) { MorphiaQuery q = Merchant.q(); q.or(q.criteria("cateType").equal(cateType),q.criteria("cateType1").equal(cateType)); return q.asList(); } /** * Get merchant list by category type and page number. * @param cateType the type of category * @return the list of merchant */ public static List<Merchant> findByType(String cateType, int page) { MorphiaQuery q = Merchant.q(); q.or(q.criteria("cateType").equal(cateType),q.criteria("cateType1").equal(cateType)); paginate(q, page); return q.asList(); } /** * Get merchant by _id * @param mid * @return */ public static Merchant findByMid(String mid){ MorphiaQuery q = Merchant.q(); q.filter("_id", new ObjectId(mid)); if(q.asKeyList().size() == 0){ return null; } return (Merchant) q.asList().get(0); } /** * 取号排队按钮,下一页 * * @param page the page number * @param cityCode the city code * @return */ public static List<Merchant> nextPage(int page, String cityCode) { MorphiaQuery q = Merchant.q(); q.filter("cityCode", cityCode); q = sortBy(q, "-enable"); return paginate(q, page); } /** * get next page merchants * * @param cateType the type of category * @param page the page number * @param sortBy 排序方式 * @return */ public static List<Merchant> nextPage(String cateType, int page, String sortBy) { MorphiaQuery q = Merchant.q(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(cateType)) { q.filter("cateType", cateType); } else { q.filter("cateType", CateType.benbangcai.toString()); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sortBy)) { q = sortBy(q, sortBy); } return paginate(q, page); } /** * get next page merchants * * @param cateType the type of category * @param page the page number * @param sortBy 排序方式 * @return */ public static List<Merchant> nextPage(String cateType, int page, String sortBy, String cityCode) { MorphiaQuery q = Merchant.q(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(cateType)) { q.or(q.criteria("cateType").equal(cateType),q.criteria("cateType1").equal(cateType)); } // 先按照enable排序 if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sortBy)) { q = sortBy(q, "-enable,"+sortBy); }else{ q = sortBy(q, "-enable"); } q.filter("cityCode", cityCode); return paginate(q, page); } /** * Search merchants by key word name * @param name the key word * @return the top 10 merchants */ public static List<Merchant> findByName(String name) { MorphiaQuery q = Merchant.q(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^.*" + name + ".*$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); q.filter("name", pattern).limit(DEFAULT_PAGE_ITEMS_NUMBER); return q.asList(); } /** * Search merchants by key word name and cityCode * @param name the key word * @return the top 10 merchants */ public static List<Merchant> findByName(String name, String cityCode) { MorphiaQuery q = Merchant.q(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^.*" + name + ".*$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); q.filter("cityCode", cityCode).filter("name", pattern).limit(DEFAULT_PAGE_ITEMS_NUMBER); return q.asList(); } /** * Search merchants by key word name * @param name the key word * @return the merchants */ public static List<Merchant> searchByName(String name) { MorphiaQuery q = Merchant.q(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^.*" + name + ".*$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); q.filter("name", pattern).filter("enable",false); return q.asList(); } /** * Search merchants by key word name and cityCode * @param name the key word * @return the merchants */ public static List<Merchant> searchByName(String name, String cityCode) { MorphiaQuery q = Merchant.q(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^.*" + name + ".*$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); q.filter("cityCode", cityCode).filter("enable",false).filter("name", pattern); return q.asList(); } /** * Check merchants by key word name * @param name the key word * @return the merchants */ public static List<Merchant> checkByName(String name) { MorphiaQuery q = Merchant.q(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^.*" + name + ".*$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); q.filter("name", pattern).filter("enable",true); return q.asList(); } /** * Check merchants by key word name and cityCode * @param name the key word * @return the merchants */ public static List<Merchant> checkByName(String name, String cityCode) { MorphiaQuery q = Merchant.q(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^.*" + name + ".*$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); q.filter("cityCode", cityCode).filter("name", pattern).filter("enable",true); return q.asList(); } /** * * @param date joinedDate Of Merchant * @return the newest merchants */ public static List<Merchant> findByDate(String cateType,String date,String sortBy) { MorphiaQuery q = Merchant.q(); q.filter("cateType", cateType); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date dateTemp = new Date(); try { dateTemp = sdf.parse(date); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(null != date){ q.filter("joinedDate >",dateTemp); }else{ q.filter("joinedDate >",dateTemp); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sortBy)) { q = sortBy(q, sortBy); } return q.asList(); } /** * * @param date joinedDate Of Merchant * @return the newest merchants */ public static List<Merchant> findByDate(String cateType,String date,String sortBy, String cityCode) { MorphiaQuery q = Merchant.q(); q.filter("cateType", cateType); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date dateTemp = new Date(); try { dateTemp = sdf.parse(date); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(null != date){ q.filter("joinedDate >",dateTemp); }else{ q.filter("joinedDate >",dateTemp); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sortBy)) { q = sortBy(q, sortBy); } q.filter("cityCode", cityCode); return q.asList(); } @Override public String toString() { String telStr = ""; if (this.telephone != null) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < this.telephone.length; i++) { sb.append(telephone[i]); } telStr = sb.toString(); } return "[" + + "],[this.address:" + this.address + "],[this.telephone:" + telStr + "],[this.averageCost:" + this.averageCost + "],[this.openTime:" + this.openTime + "],[this.closeTime:" + this.closeTime + "],[this.description:" + this.description + "],[this.fuwu:" + this.fuwu + "],[this.huanjing:" + this.huanjing + "],[this.kouwei:" + this.kouwei + "],[this.xingjiabi:" + this.xingjiabi + "],[this.grade:" + this.grade + "],[this.markedCount:" + this.markedCount + "],[this.nickName:" + this.nickName + "],[this.cateType:" + this.cateType + "],[this.enable:" + this.enable + "],[this.joinedDate:" + this.joinedDate + "],[this.tags:" + this.tags + "],[this.teses:" + this.teses + "]"; } /** * 通过Reservation查找Merchant * @param reservations 所有reservation * @return */ public static List<Merchant> findbyReservations(List<Reservation> reservations) { if (null != reservations && !reservations.isEmpty()) { ArrayList alist = new ArrayList(); Reservation reservation = null; for (int i = 0; i < reservations.size(); i++) { reservation = reservations.get(i); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(reservation.merchantId)) { alist.add(new ObjectId(reservation.merchantId)); } } MorphiaQuery q = Merchant.q(); q.filter("_id in ",alist); return q.asList(); } else { return new ArrayList<Merchant>(); } } /** * 通用排序 * @param q * @param sortBy * @return */ private static MorphiaQuery sortBy(MorphiaQuery q, String sortBy) { q.order(sortBy); return q; } /** * 通用分页 * @param q * @param page * @return */ private static List<Merchant> paginate(MorphiaQuery q, int page) { q.offset((page - 1) * DEFAULT_PAGE_ITEMS_NUMBER).limit( DEFAULT_PAGE_ITEMS_NUMBER); return q.asList(); } /** * 通过POIID查询merchant * @param poiId * @return */ public static Merchant queryMerchantByPoiId(String poiId) { MorphiaQuery q = Merchant.q(); q.filter("poiId", poiId); List<Merchant> merchants = q.asList(); if(merchants.size() == 0){ return null; } return merchants.get(0); } /** * update merchant evaluate */ public void updateEvaluate(){ Logger.debug("start to update evaluate datas"); MorphiaQuery commentQ = Comment.q(); commentQ.filter("mid",; if(commentQ.count() == 0){ return; } long count1 = commentQ.count(); long xingjiabiSum = commentQ.sum("xingjiabi"); long kouweiSum = commentQ.sum("kouwei"); long huanjingSum = commentQ.sum("huanjing"); long fuwuSum = commentQ.sum("fuwu"); long gradeSum = commentQ.sum("grade"); long averageCostSum = commentQ.sum("averageCost"); //"xingjiabiSum/count1"); //"kouweiSum/count1"); //"huanjingSum/count1"); //"fuwuSum/count1"); //"gradeSum/count1"); //"averageCostSum/count1"); this.xingjiabi = (float)xingjiabiSum/count1; this.kouwei = (float)kouweiSum/count1; this.huanjing = (float)huanjingSum/count1; this.fuwu = (float)fuwuSum/count1; this.grade = (float)gradeSum/count1; this.averageCost = (float)averageCostSum/count1; // this.xingjiabi = commentQ.average("xingjiabi"); // this.kouwei = commentQ.average("kouwei"); // this.huanjing = commentQ.average("huanjing"); // this.fuwu = commentQ.average("fuwu"); // this.grade = commentQ.average("grade"); // this.averageCost = commentQ.average("averageCost"); // update mark count MorphiaQuery q = Attention.q(); q.filter("mid","flag", true); long count = q.count(); if(q.count() > 0){ this.markedCount = (int)count; }; } /** * 不用排队商家 * @return */ public static List<ObjectId> noQueueMerchants(){ MorphiaQuery q = Haoma.q(); q.filter("noNeedPaidui", true); q.retrievedFields(true, "merchantId"); List<Haoma> hList = q.asList(); List<ObjectId> mList = new ArrayList<ObjectId>(); if(hList != null && !hList.isEmpty()){ for(Haoma h : hList){ mList.add(new ObjectId(h.merchantId)); } } return mList; } /** * 改变商家状态(开放取号,关闭取号) * @param mid 商家id * @param online 在线状态(true->开放取号,false->关闭取号) * @return 是否更改成功 */ public static boolean changeStatus(String mid, boolean online){ Merchant m = Merchant.findByMid(mid); if(m == null){ return false; } = online;; return true; } /** * 更新优惠状态 */ public void updateYouhuiInfo() { MorphiaQuery q = Youhui.q(); q.filter("mid","enable", true); if(q.count() > 0){ this.youhui = true; } else { this.youhui = false; }; } public static Merchant findOneTuijian(String cityCode){ MorphiaQuery q = Merchant.q(); // 开通取号啦排队服务商家 & 在线商家 q.filter("enable", true).filter("online", true).filter("cityCode", cityCode); // 在营业时间内的商家 // Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); // q.filter("openTime <", now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)+":00"); // q.filter("closeTime >", now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)+":00"); long count = q.count(); Logger.debug("All tuijian merchant's size : %d", count); int offsets = (int) (Math.random() * count); Logger.debug("随机获取的offset: %d", offsets); q.offset(offsets); return q.first(); } }