package com.withiter.models.account; import japidviews._javatags.I18nKeys; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import; import play.i18n.Messages; import play.libs.Codec; import play.modules.morphia.Model.NoAutoTimestamp; import cn.bran.japid.util.StringUtils; import; import com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS; import com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSDBFile; import com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile; @Entity @NoAutoTimestamp public class Account extends AccountEntityDef { /** * validate user name and password for login function * * @param userName * @param userPwd * @return if return null, means pass validation. otherwise, the returned * value is the error content. */ public static String validate(String userName, String userPwd) { Validation.required(Messages.get(I18nKeys.F_USERNAME), userName); Validation.range(Messages.get(I18nKeys.F_USERNAME), userName.length(), 6, 30); Validation.required(Messages.get(I18nKeys.F_PASSWORD), userPwd); Validation.range(Messages.get(I18nKeys.F_PASSWORD), userPwd.length(), 6, 12); if (Validation.hasErrors()) { return Validation.errors().get(0).toString(); } String password = Codec.hexSHA1(userPwd); MorphiaQuery q = Account.q(); if (userName.contains("@")) { q.filter("email", userName); } else { q.filter("phone", userName); } q.filter("password", password); if (q.first() != null) { Account a = q.first(); if (a.enable) { return null; } else { return "账号还未激活,请进入邮箱进行激活"; } } else { return "账号密码错误!"; } } /** * validate and create self Account object. * * @return if return null, means pass validation. otherwise, the returned * value is the error content. */ public String validateThenCreate() { phone =; email =; password = this.password.trim(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(phone)) {"Invalid phone number", phone); if (phone.length() != 11) { Validation.addError("Invalid phone number", "Invalid phone number"); } } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(email)) {"Invalid email address", email); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(password)) { Validation.min("At least 6 length", password.length(), 6); Validation.max("At most 12 length", password.length(), 12); } if (Validation.hasErrors()) { return Validation.errors().get(0).getKey(); } synchronized (Account.class) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(phone)) { if (Account.filter("phone", phone).count() > 0) { Validation.addError("该手机号码已注册", I18nKeys.V_ALREADY_EXISTS); } } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(email)) { if (Account.filter("email", email).count() > 0) { Validation.addError("该邮箱已注册", I18nKeys.V_ALREADY_EXISTS); } } if (Validation.hasErrors()) { return Validation.errors().get(0).getKey(); } else { this.password = Codec.hexSHA1(password); create(); } } return null; } /** * Find Account object by email. * * @param email * @return */ public static Account findByEmail(String email) { Account account = Account.q().filter("email", email).first(); if (account == null) { return null; } return account; } /** * Find Account object by mobile number * * @param phone * the mobile number * @return */ public static Account findByPhone(String phone) { Account account = Account.q().filter("phone", phone).first(); if (account == null) { return null; } return account; } /** * Find Exists Account object by mobile number * * @param phone * the mobile number * @return */ public static Account findExistsAccount(String phone) { Account account = Account.q().filter("phone", phone) .filter("enable", true).first(); if (account == null) { return null; } return account; } /** * Find Account object * * @param phone * the mobile number * @param authCode * @return */ public static Account findAccount(String phone, String authCode) { Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); Date date2 = new Date(); calendar.setTime(date2); calendar.add(calendar.DATE, -1); date2 = calendar.getTime(); Account account = Account.q().filter("phone", phone) .filter("authcode", authCode).filter("authDate >", date2) .first(); if (account == null) { return null; } return account; } /** * @author Cross * @param collectionName * : table name, default is UserImage * @param file * : file you want to store * @param filename * : file name * @return true if save successfully, otherwise return false */ private static boolean saveFile(String collectionName, File file, String userId) { try { GridFS gridFS = new GridFS(MorphiaQuery.ds().getDB(), collectionName); GridFSInputFile gfs = gridFS.createFile(file); gfs.put("aliases", file.getName()); gfs.put("filename", userId); gfs.put("contentType", file.getName().substring(file.getName().lastIndexOf(".")));; return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** * @author Cross * @param collectionName * @param filename * @return */ private static InputStream getFile(String collectionName, String filename) { InputStream is = null; try { GridFS gridFS = new GridFS(MorphiaQuery.ds().getDB(), collectionName); List<GridFSDBFile> dbfiles = gridFS.find(filename); if (!dbfiles.isEmpty()) { GridFSDBFile dbfile = dbfiles.get(dbfiles.size() - 1); if (dbfile != null) { is = dbfile.getInputStream(); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return is; } /** * @author Cross * @param userImage * @param account * @return */ public static boolean saveUserImage(File userImage, Account account) { return saveFile("UserImage", userImage,; } /** * @author Cross * @param account * @return */ public static InputStream getUserImage(Account account) { return getFile("UserImage",; } /** * Validate the password * * @param password * @return true if the password is right */ public boolean validatePassword(String password) { boolean flag = false; String hexedPwd = Codec.hexSHA1(password); if (this.password.equals(hexedPwd)) { flag = true; } return flag; } /** * @author Cross * @param account * @param newpassword */ public static void updatePassword(Account account, String newpassword) { account.password = Codec.hexSHA1(newpassword);; } /** * get register and disabled accounts * * @author Cross * @return */ public static List<Account> getUnenabledAccounts() { MorphiaQuery q = Account.q(); q.filter("enable", false); return q.asList(); } /** * Validate for sign up function. * * @param userName * user name, email/mobile number * @param userPwd1 * password * @param userPwd2 * repeat password * @return */ public String signupValidate(String userName, String userPwd1, String userPwd2) { Validation.required(Messages.get(I18nKeys.F_USERNAME), userName); Validation.range(Messages.get(I18nKeys.F_USERNAME), userName.length(), 6, 20); Validation.required(Messages.get(I18nKeys.F_PASSWORD), userPwd1); Validation.range(Messages.get(I18nKeys.F_PASSWORD), userPwd1.length(), 6, 12); if (!Validation.hasError(Messages.get(I18nKeys.F_PASSWORD))) { if (!userPwd1.equals(userPwd2)) { Validation.addError(Messages.get(I18nKeys.F_PASSWORD), I18nKeys.V_REPEAT_PASSWORD_DOES_NOT_EQUAL); } } String password = Codec.hexSHA1(userPwd1); if (Validation.hasErrors()) { return Validation.errors().get(0).toString(); } synchronized (Account.class) { if (userName.contains("@")) { if (Account.filter("email", userName).count() > 0) { Validation.addError(Messages.get(I18nKeys.F_EMAIL), I18nKeys.V_ALREADY_EXISTS); } = userName; } else { if (Account.filter("phone", userName).count() > 0) { Validation.addError(Messages.get(I18nKeys.F_PHONE), I18nKeys.V_ALREADY_EXISTS); } = userName; } if (Validation.hasErrors()) { return Validation.errors().get(0).toString(); } else { this.password = password;; } } return null; } /** * clean the mark action number of today */ public static void cleanSignIn() { MorphiaQuery q = Account.q(); q.filter("enable", true); q.filter("phone !=", ""); MorphiaUpdateOperations o= Account.o(); o.set("isSignIn", false); o.update(q); } /**查询用户名是否被占用 * @param accoutId * @param name * @return */ public static Account isExistsName(String accoutId,String name) { Account account = Account.q().filter("nickname", name).filter("_id !=", new ObjectId(accoutId)).first(); if (account == null) { return null; } return account; } /** * 验证密码是否正确 * @param accoutId * @param oldPass * @return */ public static Account validatePassword(String accoutId,String oldPass) { Account account = Account.q().filter("password", Codec.hexSHA1(String.valueOf(oldPass))).filter("_id", new ObjectId(accoutId)).first(); if (account == null) { return null; } return account; } }