package com.withiter.quhao.util.tool; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.withiter.quhao.util.DateUtils; import com.withiter.quhao.util.ExceptionUtil; import com.withiter.quhao.util.QuhaoLog; import com.withiter.quhao.util.StringUtils; import com.withiter.quhao.vo.ActivityVO; import com.withiter.quhao.vo.AppVersionVO; import com.withiter.quhao.vo.Category; import com.withiter.quhao.vo.Comment; import com.withiter.quhao.vo.Credit; import com.withiter.quhao.vo.Haoma; import com.withiter.quhao.vo.LoginInfo; import com.withiter.quhao.vo.Merchant; import com.withiter.quhao.vo.MerchantDetailVO; import com.withiter.quhao.vo.MerchantLocation; import com.withiter.quhao.vo.Paidui; import com.withiter.quhao.vo.ReservationVO; import com.withiter.quhao.vo.ShareVO; import com.withiter.quhao.vo.SignupVO; import com.withiter.quhao.vo.TopMerchant; import com.withiter.quhao.vo.UserAgreementVO; import com.withiter.quhao.vo.YouhuiVO; public class ParseJson { private static String TAG = ParseJson.class.getName(); public static Collection<? extends Category> getCategorys(String buf) { List<Category> categroys = new ArrayList<Category>(); if (null == buf || "".equals(buf)) { return categroys; } try { JSONArray jsonArrays = new JSONArray(buf); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArrays.length(); i++) { JSONObject obj = jsonArrays.getJSONObject(i); long count = 0L; String categoryType = ""; if (obj.has("count")) { count = Long.valueOf(obj.optString("count")); } if (obj.has("cateType")) { categoryType = obj.optString("cateType"); } String cateName = null; if (obj.has("cateName")) { cateName = obj.optString("cateName"); } Category category = new Category(count, categoryType, cateName); categroys.add(category); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return categroys; } public static Collection<? extends TopMerchant> getTopMerchants(String buf) { List<TopMerchant> topMerchants = new ArrayList<TopMerchant>(); if (null == buf || "".equals(buf)) { return topMerchants; } try { JSONArray jsonArrays = new JSONArray(buf); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArrays.length(); i++) { JSONObject obj = jsonArrays.getJSONObject(i); String imgUrl = ""; if (obj.has("merchantImage")) { // TODO test here imgUrl = obj.optString("merchantImage"); if (QuhaoConstant.test) { if (null != imgUrl && !"".equals(imgUrl)) { imgUrl = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("merchantImage").substring(1); } } else { if (null != imgUrl && !"".equals(imgUrl)) { imgUrl = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("merchantImage").substring(1); } } try { if (StringUtils.isNotNull(imgUrl) && !imgUrl.contains("=")) { imgUrl = URLDecoder.decode(obj.getString("merchantImage"), "UTF-8"); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String name = obj.optString("name"); String id = obj.optString("id"); String mid = obj.optString("mid"); TopMerchant topMerchant = new TopMerchant(id, mid, imgUrl, name); topMerchants.add(topMerchant); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return topMerchants; } public static List<Merchant> getMerchants(String buf) { List<Merchant> merchants = new ArrayList<Merchant>(); if (null == buf || "".equals(buf)) { return merchants; } try { JSONArray jsonArrays = new JSONArray(buf); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArrays.length(); i++) { JSONObject obj = jsonArrays.getJSONObject(i); Merchant merchant = coventMerchant(obj); merchants.add(merchant); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return merchants; } public static Merchant getMerchant(String buf) { Merchant merchant = new Merchant(); if (null == buf || "".equals(buf)) { return merchant; } try { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(buf); merchant = coventMerchant(obj); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return merchant; } private static Merchant coventMerchant(JSONObject obj) throws JSONException { Merchant merchant; String id = ""; if (obj.has("id")) { id = obj.optString("id"); } String imgUrl = ""; if (obj.has("merchantImage")) { imgUrl = obj.optString("merchantImage"); } if (QuhaoConstant.test) { if (null != imgUrl && !"".equals(imgUrl)) { // imgUrl = // obj.optString("merchantImage").replace("http://localhost:9081/", // QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL); imgUrl = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("merchantImage").substring(1); } // imgUrl = // obj.optString("merchantImage").replace("http://localhost:9081/", // ""); } else { if (null != imgUrl && !"".equals(imgUrl)) { imgUrl = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("merchantImage").substring(1); } } if (StringUtils.isNotNull(imgUrl) && !imgUrl.contains("=")) { try { imgUrl = URLDecoder.decode(imgUrl, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String merchantImageBig = ""; if (obj.has("merchantImageBig")) { merchantImageBig = obj.optString("merchantImageBig"); } if (QuhaoConstant.test) { if (null != merchantImageBig && !"".equals(merchantImageBig)) { // imgUrl = // obj.optString("merchantImage").replace("http://localhost:9081/", // QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL); merchantImageBig = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("merchantImageBig").substring(1); } // imgUrl = // obj.optString("merchantImage").replace("http://localhost:9081/", // ""); } else { if (null != merchantImageBig && !"".equals(merchantImageBig)) { merchantImageBig = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("merchantImageBig").substring(1); } } if (StringUtils.isNotNull(merchantImageBig) && !merchantImageBig.contains("=")) { try { merchantImageBig = URLDecoder.decode(merchantImageBig, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String name = ""; if (obj.has("name")) { name = obj.optString("name"); } String address = ""; if (obj.has("address")) { address = obj.optString("address"); } String phone = ""; if (obj.has("telephone")) { JSONArray array = obj.optJSONArray("telephone"); if (null != array && array.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { if (i == array.length() - 1) { phone = phone + array.get(i).toString(); break; } phone = phone + array.get(i).toString() + ","; } } } String cateType = ""; if (obj.has("cateType")) { cateType = obj.optString("cateType"); } String grade = ""; if (obj.has("grade")) { grade = obj.optString("grade"); } String averageCost = ""; if (obj.has("averageCost")) { averageCost = obj.optString("averageCost"); } String tags = ""; if (obj.has("tags")) { JSONArray array = obj.getJSONArray("tags"); if (null != array && array.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { if (i == array.length() - 1) { tags = tags + array.get(i).toString(); break; } tags = tags + array.get(i).toString() + ","; } } } Integer kouwei = 0; if (obj.has("kouwei")) { kouwei = obj.optInt("kouwei"); } Integer huanjing = 0; if (obj.has("huanjing")) { huanjing = obj.optInt("huanjing"); } Integer fuwu = 0; if (obj.has("fuwu")) { fuwu = obj.optInt("fuwu"); } Integer xingjiabi = 0; if (obj.has("xingjiabi")) { xingjiabi = obj.optInt("xingjiabi"); } String teses = ""; if (obj.has("teses")) { teses = obj.optString("teses"); } String nickName = ""; if (obj.has("nickName")) { nickName = obj.optString("nickName"); } String description = ""; if (obj.has("description")) { description = obj.optString("description"); } String openTime = ""; if (obj.has("openTime")) { openTime = obj.optString("openTime"); } String closeTime = ""; if (obj.has("closeTime")) { closeTime = obj.optString("closeTime"); } Integer marketCount = 0; if (obj.has("marketCount")) { marketCount = obj.optInt("marketCount"); } boolean enable = false; if (obj.has("enable")) { enable = obj.optBoolean("enable"); } boolean youhui = false; if (obj.has("youhui")) { youhui = obj.optBoolean("youhui"); } String joinedDate = ""; if (obj.has("joinedDate")) { joinedDate = obj.optString("joinedDate"); } double distance = obj.optDouble("distance"); double lat = obj.optDouble("x"); double lng = obj.optDouble("y"); boolean isAttention = obj.optBoolean("isAttention"); boolean online = false; if (obj.has("online")) { online = obj.optBoolean("online"); } merchant = new Merchant(id, imgUrl, name, address, phone, cateType, grade, averageCost, tags, kouwei, huanjing, fuwu, xingjiabi, teses, nickName, description, openTime, closeTime, marketCount, enable, joinedDate, lat, lng, distance,youhui,online); Integer openNum = 0; if (obj.has("openNum")) { openNum = obj.optInt("openNum"); } merchant.openNum = openNum; String dianpingFen = ""; if (obj.has("dianpingFen")) { dianpingFen = obj.optString("dianpingFen"); } merchant.dianpingFen = dianpingFen; String dianpingLink = ""; if (obj.has("dianpingLink")) { dianpingLink = obj.optString("dianpingLink"); } merchant.dianpingLink = dianpingLink; merchant.merchantImageBig = merchantImageBig; String commentAverageCost = obj.optString("commentAverageCost"); int commentXingjiabi = obj.optInt("commentXingjiabi"); int commentKouwei = obj.optInt("commentHuanjing"); int commentFuwu = obj.optInt("commentFuwu"); int commentHuanjing = obj.optInt("commentHuanjing"); String commentContent = obj.optString("commentContent"); String commentDate = obj.optString("commentDate"); merchant.commentAverageCost = commentAverageCost; merchant.commentXingjiabi = commentXingjiabi; merchant.commentKouwei = commentKouwei; merchant.commentHuanjing = commentHuanjing; merchant.commentFuwu = commentFuwu; merchant.commentContent = commentContent; merchant.commentDate = commentDate; merchant.isAttention = isAttention; return merchant; } public static LoginInfo getLoginInfo(String result) { LoginInfo loginInfo = new LoginInfo(); if (null == result || "".equals(result)) { return loginInfo; } try { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(result); String msg = obj.optString("msg"); String accountId = obj.optString("accountId"); String phone = obj.optString("phone"); String jifen = obj.optString("jifen"); String email = obj.optString("email"); String password = obj.optString("password"); String nickName = obj.optString("nickname"); String birthday = obj.optString("birthDay"); String userImage = obj.optString("userImage"); if (QuhaoConstant.test) { if (null != userImage && !"".equals(userImage)) { userImage = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("userImage").substring(1); } } else { if (null != userImage && !"".equals(userImage)) { userImage = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("userImage").substring(1); } } if (StringUtils.isNotNull(userImage) && !userImage.contains("=")) { try { userImage = URLDecoder.decode(obj.getString("userImage"), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String enable = obj.optString("enable"); String mobileOS = obj.optString("mobileOS"); String lastLogin = obj.optString("lastLogin"); String signIn = obj.optString("signIn"); String isSignIn = obj.optString("isSignIn"); String dianping = obj.optString("dianping"); String zhaopian = obj.optString("zhaopian"); String guanzhu = obj.optString("guanzhu"); loginInfo = new LoginInfo(msg, accountId, phone, jifen, email, password, nickName, birthday, userImage, enable, mobileOS, lastLogin, signIn, isSignIn, dianping, zhaopian, guanzhu); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return loginInfo; } /** * parse string to haoma object * * @param buf * the string from server * @return haoma object */ public static Haoma getHaoma(String result) { Haoma haoma = new Haoma(); // if (null == result || "".equals(result)) { // return haoma; // } try { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(result); String merchantId = obj.optString("merchantId"); haoma.merchantId = merchantId; JSONObject jsonMaps = null; List<Paidui> paiduiList = null; if (obj.has("haomaVOMap")) { paiduiList = new ArrayList<Paidui>(); jsonMaps = obj.getJSONObject("haomaVOMap"); Iterator<String> keyIter = jsonMaps.keys(); while (keyIter.hasNext()) { String key =; JSONObject obj1 = jsonMaps.getJSONObject(key); Paidui paidui = coventPaidui(key, obj1); if (paidui.enable) { paiduiList.add(paidui); } } Collections.sort(paiduiList); haoma.paiduiList.addAll(paiduiList); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return haoma; } private static Paidui coventPaidui(String key, JSONObject obj) { Paidui paidu = null; Integer currentNumber = obj.optInt("currentNumber"); Integer maxNumber = obj.optInt("maxNumber"); Integer canceled = obj.optInt("canceled"); Integer expired = obj.optInt("expired"); Integer finished = obj.optInt("finished"); boolean enable = obj.optBoolean("enable"); paidu = new Paidui(key, currentNumber, maxNumber,canceled, expired, finished, enable); return paidu; } public static List<ReservationVO> getReservations(String buf) { List<ReservationVO> rvos = new ArrayList<ReservationVO>(); if (null == buf || "".equals(buf)) { return rvos; } try { JSONArray jsonArrays = new JSONArray(buf); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArrays.length(); i++) { JSONObject obj = jsonArrays.getJSONObject(i); ReservationVO rvo = coventReservationVO(obj); rvos.add(rvo); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rvos; } public static ReservationVO getReservation(String buf) { ReservationVO rvo = null; if (null == buf || "".equals(buf)) { return rvo; } try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(buf); rvo = coventReservationVO(json); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rvo; } private static ReservationVO coventReservationVO(JSONObject obj) throws JSONException { ReservationVO rvo; String rId = obj.optString("id"); String accountId = obj.optString("accountId"); String merchantId = obj.optString("merchantId"); String seatNumber = obj.optString("seatNumber"); String myNumber = obj.optString("myNumber"); String beforeYou = obj.optString("beforeYou"); String currentNumber = obj.optString("currentNumber"); boolean valid = obj.optBoolean("valid"); boolean tipKey = obj.optBoolean("tipKey"); boolean isCommented = obj.optBoolean("isCommented"); String tipValue = obj.optString("tipValue"); String merchantName = obj.optString("merchantName"); String merchantAddress = obj.optString("merchantAddress"); String merchantImage = obj.optString("merchantImage"); if (QuhaoConstant.test) { if (null != merchantImage && !"".equals(merchantImage)) { merchantImage = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("merchantImage").substring(1); } } else { if (null != merchantImage && !"".equals(merchantImage)) { merchantImage = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("merchantImage").substring(1); } } if (StringUtils.isNotNull(merchantImage) && !merchantImage.contains("=")) { try { merchantImage = URLDecoder.decode(merchantImage, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String merchantImageBig = obj.optString("merchantImageBig"); if (QuhaoConstant.test) { if (null != merchantImageBig && !"".equals(merchantImageBig)) { merchantImageBig = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("merchantImageBig").substring(1); } } else { if (null != merchantImageBig && !"".equals(merchantImageBig)) { merchantImageBig = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("merchantImageBig").substring(1); } } if (StringUtils.isNotNull(merchantImageBig) && !merchantImageBig.contains("=")) { try { merchantImageBig = URLDecoder.decode(merchantImageBig, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String created = DateUtils.formatDate(obj.optString("created"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String status = obj.optString("status"); rvo = new ReservationVO(rId, accountId, merchantId, seatNumber, myNumber, beforeYou, currentNumber, valid, tipKey, tipValue, merchantName, merchantAddress, isCommented, merchantImage,created); boolean youhui = obj.optBoolean("youhui"); rvo.youhui = youhui; rvo.status = status; rvo.merchantImageBig = merchantImageBig; return rvo; } public static List<MerchantLocation> getMerchantLocations(String buf) { List<MerchantLocation> locations = new ArrayList<MerchantLocation>(); if (null == buf || "".equals(buf)) { return locations; } try { JSONArray jsonArrays = new JSONArray(buf); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArrays.length(); i++) { JSONObject obj = jsonArrays.getJSONObject(i); MerchantLocation location = coventMerchantLocation(obj); locations.add(location); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return locations; } private static MerchantLocation coventMerchantLocation(JSONObject obj) throws JSONException { MerchantLocation location; String id = obj.optString("id"); String name = obj.optString("name"); double lat = obj.optDouble("lat"); double lng = obj.optDouble("lng"); String address = obj.optString("address"); location = new MerchantLocation(id, name, lat, lng, address); return location; } /** * * parse json string to critiques * * @param buf * json string * @return critiques */ public static List<Comment> getComments(String buf) { List<Comment> comments = new ArrayList<Comment>(); if (StringUtils.isNull(buf)) { return comments; } try { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(buf); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { JSONObject obj = array.getJSONObject(i); Comment comment = coventComment(obj); comments.add(comment); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return comments; } /** * * parse json string to comment * * @param buf * json string * @return critiques */ public static Comment getComment(String buf) { Comment comment = null; if (StringUtils.isNull(buf)) { return comment; } try { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(buf); comment = coventComment(obj); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return comment; } return comment; } private static Comment coventComment(JSONObject obj) throws JSONException { Comment comment; String uid = obj.optString("uid"); String accountId = obj.optString("accountId"); String nickName = obj.optString("nickName"); String mid = obj.optString("mid"); String merchantName = obj.optString("merchantName"); String merchantAddress = obj.optString("merchantAddress"); String rId = obj.optString("rid"); String averageCost = obj.optString("averageCost"); float xingjiabi = Float.valueOf(obj.optString("xingjiabi")); float kouwei = Float.valueOf(obj.optString("kouwei")); float huanjing = Float.valueOf(obj.optString("huanjing")); float fuwu = Float.valueOf(obj.optString("fuwu")); float grade = Float.valueOf(obj.optString("grade")); String content = obj.optString("content"); String created = DateUtils.formatDate(obj.optString("created"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String modified = DateUtils.formatDate(obj.optString("modified"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); comment = new Comment(uid, accountId, nickName, mid, merchantName, merchantAddress, rId, averageCost, xingjiabi, kouwei, huanjing, fuwu, content, created, modified); comment.grade = grade; return comment; } public static List<Credit> getCredits(String buf) { List<Credit> credits = new ArrayList<Credit>(); if (StringUtils.isNull(buf)) { return credits; } try { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(buf); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { JSONObject obj = array.getJSONObject(i); Credit credit = coventCredit(obj); if (null != credit) { credits.add(credit); } } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return credits; } private static Credit coventCredit(JSONObject obj) { String creditId = obj.optString("id"); String accountId = obj.optString("accountId"); String merchantId = obj.optString("merchantId"); String merchantName = obj.optString("merchantName"); String merchantAddress = obj.optString("merchantAddress"); String reservationId = obj.optString("reservationId"); // int seatNumber = obj.optInt("seatNumber"); // int myNumber = obj.optInt("myNumber"); boolean cost = obj.optBoolean("cost"); String status = obj.optString("status"); String created = DateUtils.formatDate(obj.optString("created"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); // Credit credit = new Credit(accountId, merchantId, merchantName, // merchantAddress, reservationId, seatNumber, myNumber, cost, // status,created); Credit credit = new Credit(creditId, accountId, merchantId, merchantName, merchantAddress, reservationId, cost, status, created); return credit; } /** * parse json string to signup * * @param buf * @return */ public static SignupVO getSignup(String buf) { SignupVO signup = null; if (null == buf || "".equals(buf)) { return signup; } try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(buf); String errorKey = json.optString("errorKey"); String errorText = json.optString("errorText"); signup = new SignupVO(errorKey, errorText); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return signup; } public static AppVersionVO convertToAppVersionVO(String result) { try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(result); String android = json.optString("android"); String ios = json.optString("ios"); AppVersionVO avo = new AppVersionVO(android, ios); return avo; } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); QuhaoLog.e(TAG, ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e)); return null; } } public static MerchantDetailVO getMerchantDetail(String buf) { MerchantDetailVO merchantDetail = null; if (null == buf || "".equals(buf)) { return merchantDetail; } try { JSONObject jsonMaps = new JSONObject(buf); boolean isMerchantExsit = jsonMaps.has("merchant"); Merchant merchant = null; if (isMerchantExsit) { JSONObject merchantJson = jsonMaps.getJSONObject("merchant"); merchant = coventMerchant(merchantJson); } boolean isHaomaExsit = jsonMaps.has("haomaVO"); Haoma haoma = null; if (isHaomaExsit) { String haomaStr = jsonMaps.getString("haomaVO"); haoma = getHaoma(haomaStr); } boolean isRvosExsit = jsonMaps.has("rvos"); List<ReservationVO> rvos = null; if (isRvosExsit) { String reservationsStr = jsonMaps.getString("rvos"); rvos = getReservations(reservationsStr); } merchantDetail = new MerchantDetailVO(); merchantDetail.merchant = merchant; merchantDetail.haoma = haoma; merchantDetail.rvos = rvos; } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); QuhaoLog.e(TAG, ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e)); return null; } return merchantDetail; } public static List<YouhuiVO> getYouhuis(String buf) { List<YouhuiVO> youhuis = new ArrayList<YouhuiVO>(); if (StringUtils.isNull(buf)) { return youhuis; } try { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(buf); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { JSONObject obj = array.getJSONObject(i); YouhuiVO youhui = coventYouhui(obj); if (null != youhui) { youhuis.add(youhui); } } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return youhuis; } public static YouhuiVO getYouhui(String buf) { YouhuiVO youhui = null; if (null == buf || "".equals(buf)) { return youhui; } try { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(buf); youhui = coventYouhui(obj); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return youhui; } private static YouhuiVO coventYouhui(JSONObject obj) throws JSONException { YouhuiVO youhui = null; String mid = ""; if (obj.has("mid")) { mid = obj.optString("mid"); } boolean enable = false; if (obj.has("enable")) { enable = obj.optBoolean("enable"); } String title = ""; if (obj.has("title")) { title = obj.optString("title"); } String content = ""; if (obj.has("content")) { content = obj.optString("content"); } youhui = new YouhuiVO(mid, enable, title, content); return youhui; } public static UserAgreementVO getUserAgreement(String result) { UserAgreementVO vo = null; if (null == result || "".equals(result)) { return vo; } try { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(result); String content = ""; if (obj.has("content")) { content = obj.optString("content"); } vo = new UserAgreementVO(content); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return vo; } public static List<ActivityVO> getActivities(String buf) { List<ActivityVO> activities = new ArrayList<ActivityVO>(); if (StringUtils.isNull(buf)) { return activities; } try { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(buf); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { JSONObject obj = array.getJSONObject(i); ActivityVO activity = coventActivity(obj); if (null != activity) { activities.add(activity); } } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return activities; } public static ActivityVO getActivity(String buf) { ActivityVO activity = null; if (null == buf || "".equals(buf)) { return activity; } try { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(buf); activity = coventActivity(obj); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return activity; } private static ActivityVO coventActivity(JSONObject obj) throws JSONException { ActivityVO activity = null; String activityId = obj.optString("activityId"); String mid = obj.optString("mid"); String cityCode = obj.optString("cityCode"); boolean enable = obj.optBoolean("enable"); String image = obj.optString("image"); if (QuhaoConstant.test) { if (null != image && !"".equals(image)) { image = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("image").substring(1); } } else { if (null != image && !"".equals(image)) { image = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("image").substring(1); } } if (StringUtils.isNotNull(image) && !image.contains("=")) { try { image = URLDecoder.decode(obj.getString("image"), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String start = DateUtils.formatDate(obj.optString("start"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String end = DateUtils.formatDate(obj.optString("end"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); activity = new ActivityVO(activityId, mid, cityCode, image,start,end,enable); return activity; } private static ShareVO coventShareVO(JSONObject obj) throws JSONException { ShareVO shareVO = null; String id = obj.optString("id"); String content = obj.optString("content"); String aid = obj.optString("aid"); String x = obj.optString("x"); String y = obj.optString("y"); String address = obj.optString("address"); String dis = obj.optString("dis"); String date = DateUtils.formatDate(obj.optString("date"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); boolean deleted = obj.optBoolean("deleted"); String image = obj.optString("image"); if (StringUtils.isNotNull(image) && !image.contains("=")) { try { image = URLDecoder.decode(obj.getString("image"), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (QuhaoConstant.test) { if (null != image && !"".equals(image)) { image = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("image").substring(1); } } else { if (null != image && !"".equals(image)) { image = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("image").substring(1); } } List<String> images = new ArrayList<String>(); JSONArray imageArray = obj.optJSONArray("images"); if (null != imageArray && imageArray.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < imageArray.length(); i++) { String imageTmp = imageArray.get(i).toString(); if (StringUtils.isNotNull(imageTmp) && !imageTmp.contains("=")) { try { imageTmp = URLDecoder.decode(imageTmp, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (QuhaoConstant.test) { if (null != imageTmp && !"".equals(imageTmp)) { imageTmp = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + imageTmp.substring(1); } } else { if (null != imageTmp && !"".equals(imageTmp)) { imageTmp = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + imageTmp.substring(1); } } images.add(imageTmp); } } String userImage = obj.optString("userImage"); if (StringUtils.isNotNull(userImage) && !userImage.contains("=")) { try { userImage = URLDecoder.decode(obj.getString("userImage"), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (QuhaoConstant.test) { if (null != userImage && !"".equals(userImage)) { userImage = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("userImage").substring(1); } } else { if (null != userImage && !"".equals(userImage)) { userImage = QuhaoConstant.HTTP_URL + obj.optString("userImage").substring(1); } } String nickName = obj.optString("nickName"); long up = obj.optLong("up"); boolean showAddress = obj.optBoolean("showAddress"); shareVO = new ShareVO(id, content, image, images, aid, x, y, address, dis, date, nickName, userImage, up, showAddress, deleted); return shareVO; } public static List<ShareVO> getShareVOs(String buf) { List<ShareVO> shares = new ArrayList<ShareVO>(); if (StringUtils.isNull(buf)) { return shares; } try { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(buf); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { JSONObject obj = array.getJSONObject(i); ShareVO shareVO = coventShareVO(obj); if (null != shareVO) { shares.add(shareVO); } } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return shares; } }