package controllers; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import play.Play; import play.libs.Codec; import play.modules.morphia.Model.MorphiaQuery; import play.modules.morphia.Model.MorphiaUpdateOperations; import play.mvc.Before; import vo.ReservationVO; import vo.UserAgreementVO; import vo.account.CreditVO; import vo.account.LoginVO; import vo.account.SignupVO; import; import com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile; import com.withiter.common.Constants; import com.withiter.common.Constants.CreditStatus; import; import com.withiter.models.account.Account; import com.withiter.models.account.Credit; import com.withiter.models.account.Reservation; import com.withiter.models.merchant.Comment; import com.withiter.models.merchant.Haoma; import com.withiter.models.merchant.Merchant; import com.withiter.utils.StringUtils; public class AccountController extends BaseController { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(controllers.AccountController.class); private static String USER_IMAGE = "UserImage"; /** * Interception any caller on this controller, will first invoke this method */ @Before static void checkAuthentification() { Map headers = request.headers; Iterator it = headers.keySet().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ String key = (String); logger.debug(key+", " +headers.get(key)); } if(headers.containsKey("user-agent")){ if(!(request.headers.get("user-agent").values.contains("QuhaoAndroid") || request.headers.get("user-agent").values.contains("QuhaoIOS"))){ renderJSON("请使用Android/iOS APP访问。"); } } else { renderJSON("请使用Android/iOS APP访问。"); } } /** * 手机号注册生成随即6位数字验证码 * * @param mobile * 手机号码 * @param os * 注册手持设备类型(Android,iOS) <br/> * 返回JSON SignupVO * 返回SignupVO对象,需对errorKey进行判断,如果不是空字符串,则表示生成失败,否则生成成功。 */ public static void GenerateAuthCode(String mobile, String os) { SignupVO suVO = new SignupVO(); suVO.errorKey = "mobile"; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mobile)) { suVO.errorText = "号码不能为空"; renderJSON(suVO); } Account account = Account.findExistsAccount(mobile); if (account != null) { suVO.errorText = "此号码已注册"; renderJSON(suVO); } account =Account.findByPhone(mobile); if (account == null) { account = new Account(); = mobile; } if (Constants.MobileOSType.ANDROID.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(os)) { account.mobileOS = Constants.MobileOSType.ANDROID; } if (Constants.MobileOSType.IOS.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(os)) { account.mobileOS = Constants.MobileOSType.IOS; } try { int result = SMSBusiness.sendAuthCodeForSignup(mobile); if (result == 0) { suVO.errorText = "发送短信出错"; renderJSON(suVO); } else { account.authcode = String.valueOf(result); account.authDate = new Date();; suVO.errorKey = ""; suVO.errorText = "验证码24小时之内有效"; renderJSON(suVO); } } catch (HttpException e) { suVO.errorText = e.toString(); e.printStackTrace(); renderJSON(suVO); } catch (IOException e) { suVO.errorText = e.toString(); e.printStackTrace(); renderJSON(suVO); } } /** * 忘记密码时获取6位数字验证码 * * @param mobile * 手机号码 * * 返回JSON SignupVO * 返回SignupVO对象,需对errorKey进行判断,如果不是空字符串,则表示生成失败,否则生成成功。 */ public static void getAuthCode(String mobile) { SignupVO suVO = new SignupVO(); suVO.errorKey = "mobile"; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mobile)) { suVO.errorText = "号码不能为空"; renderJSON(suVO); } Account account = Account.findByPhone(mobile); if (account == null) { suVO.errorText = "此号码还没注册"; renderJSON(suVO); } try { int result = SMSBusiness.sendAuthCodeForSignup(mobile); if (result == 0) { suVO.errorText = "发送短信出错"; renderJSON(suVO); } else { account.authcode = String.valueOf(result); account.authDate = new Date();; suVO.errorKey = ""; suVO.errorText = "验证码24小时之内有效"; renderJSON(suVO); } } catch (HttpException e) { suVO.errorText = e.toString(); e.printStackTrace(); renderJSON(suVO); } catch (IOException e) { suVO.errorText = e.toString(); e.printStackTrace(); renderJSON(suVO); } } /** * 忘记密码 * * @param mobile * 手机号码 * @param code * 验证码 * @param password * 密码 返回JSON SignupVO * 返回SignupVO对象,需对errorKey进行判断,如果不是空字符串,则表示生成失败,否则生成成功。 */ public static void updatePassCode(String mobile, String code, String password) { SignupVO suVO = new SignupVO(); suVO.errorKey = "mobile"; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mobile)) { suVO.errorKey = "0"; suVO.errorText = "手机号码不能为空"; renderJSON(suVO); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(code)) { suVO.errorKey = "0"; suVO.errorText = "验证码不能为空"; renderJSON(suVO); } Account account = Account.findAccount(mobile, code); if (account == null) { suVO.errorKey = "0"; suVO.errorText = "验证码错误或者已过期"; renderJSON(suVO); } else { account.password = Codec.hexSHA1(String.valueOf(password)); account.authcode = ""; account.authDate = null;; suVO.errorKey = "1"; suVO.errorText = "修改成功"; renderJSON(suVO); } } /** * 通过手机号和验证码进行注册 * * @param mobile * 手机号码 * @param code * 验证码 * @param os * 手机操作系统 <br/> * 返回JSON SignupVO * 返回SignupVO对象,需对errorKey进行判断,如果不是空字符串,则表示生成失败,否则生成成功。 */ public static void signupWithMobile(String mobile, String code, String password, String os) { SignupVO suVO = new SignupVO(); suVO.errorKey = "mobile"; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mobile)) { suVO.errorText = "手机号码不能为空"; renderJSON(suVO); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(code)) { suVO.errorText = "验证码不能为空"; renderJSON(suVO); } Account account = Account.findByPhone(mobile); if (account == null) { suVO.errorText = "手机号码尚未接收过验证码"; renderJSON(suVO); } account = Account.findExistsAccount(mobile); if (account != null) { suVO.errorText = "此号码已注册"; renderJSON(suVO); } account = Account.findAccount(mobile, code); if (account == null) { suVO.errorText = "验证码错误或者已过期"; renderJSON(suVO); } account.password = Codec.hexSHA1(String.valueOf(password)); account.authcode = ""; account.authDate = null; account.enable = true; account.nickname = "qh"+mobile;; suVO.errorKey = "1"; suVO.errorText = "注册成功"; renderJSON(suVO); } /** * Account sign up with mobile number or email address * * @param phone * @param email * @param password * @param os * the type of end user (ANDROID, IOS, WEB) */ public static void signup(String phone, String email, String password, String os) { Account account = new Account(); account.password = password; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(phone)) { = phone; = ""; } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(email)) { = email; = ""; } if (Constants.MobileOSType.ANDROID.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(os)) { account.mobileOS = Constants.MobileOSType.ANDROID; } if (Constants.MobileOSType.IOS.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(os)) { account.mobileOS = Constants.MobileOSType.IOS; } String result = account.validateThenCreate(); logger.debug(result); if (result != null) { renderHtml(result); } else { renderHtml("success"); } } /** * login with mobile or email * * @param phone * the mobile number * @param email * the email * @param password * the password */ public static void login(String phone, String email, String password) { LoginVO loginVO = new LoginVO(); Account account = null; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(phone)) { account = Account.findByEmail(email); } else { account = Account.findByPhone(phone); } if (account != null) { boolean flag = account.validatePassword(password); if (flag) { loginVO.msg = "success"; loginVO.errorCode = 0;; int count = Comment.getCommentCountByAccountId(; loginVO.dianping = count; session.put(Constants.SESSION_USERNAME,; session.put(,; logger.debug(session.getId()); } else { loginVO.errorCode = -2; loginVO.msg = "fail"; } } else { loginVO.errorCode = -1; loginVO.msg = "fail"; } renderJSON(loginVO); } /** * login with mobile or email * * @param phone * the mobile number * @param email * the email * @param password * the password */ public static void queryByAccountId(String accountId) { LoginVO loginVO = new LoginVO(); Account account = Account.findById(accountId); if (account != null) { loginVO.msg = "success"; loginVO.errorCode = 0;; int count = Comment.getCommentCountByAccountId(; loginVO.dianping = count; session.put(Constants.SESSION_USERNAME,; session.put(,; logger.debug(session.getId()); } else { loginVO.errorCode = -1; loginVO.msg = "fail"; } renderJSON(loginVO); } public static void logout() { } /** * sign in * * @param phone * @param email */ public static void signIn(String accountId) { int exchangePer = Integer.parseInt(Play.configuration.getProperty("")); Account account = null; if (null != accountId) { account = Account.findById(accountId); } LoginVO loginVO = new LoginVO(); if (null == account) { loginVO.errorCode = -1; loginVO.msg = "account is not exsit"; } else if (!account.isSignIn) { account.signIn = account.signIn + 1; account.isSignIn = true; int count = Comment.getCommentCountByAccountId(; loginVO.dianping = count; session.put(Constants.SESSION_USERNAME,; session.put(,; if(account.signIn%5==0){ account.jifen=account.jifen+exchangePer; // 增加积分消费 Credit credit = new Credit(); credit.accountId = accountId; credit.merchantId = ""; credit.reservationId = ""; credit.cost = true; credit.jifen=exchangePer; credit.status =; credit.created = new Date(); credit.modified = new Date();; }; loginVO.errorCode = 1; loginVO.msg = "success";; } else if (account.isSignIn) { loginVO.errorCode = -2; loginVO.msg = "you have signed in"; int count = Comment.getCommentCountByAccountId(; loginVO.dianping = count;; } renderJSON(loginVO); } /** * * get current merchants by account id * @param userX 用户所在经度 * @param userY 用户所在纬度 * @param accountId * account id */ public static void getCurrentMerchants(String accountId,int page,String sortBy) { List<Reservation> currentReservations = Reservation.findValidReservations(accountId,page,sortBy); List<ReservationVO> currentReservationVOs = new ArrayList<ReservationVO>(); ReservationVO reservationVO = null; Merchant merchant = null; for (Reservation reservation : currentReservations) { reservationVO = new ReservationVO(); merchant = Merchant.findById(reservation.merchantId); reservationVO.merchantName =; reservationVO.merchantAddress = merchant.address; reservationVO.dianpingFen = merchant.dianpingFen; reservationVO.averageCost = merchant.averageCost; Haoma haoma = Haoma.findByMerchantId(reservation.merchantId); // HaomaVO vo =; if(null != haoma && null != haoma.haomaMap && !haoma.haomaMap.isEmpty()) { Iterator ite = haoma.haomaMap.keySet().iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { Integer key = (Integer); if (key.equals(Integer.valueOf(reservation.seatNumber))) { if(null != haoma.haomaMap.get(key)) { reservationVO.currentNumber = haoma.haomaMap.get(key).currentNumber; } } } } try { reservationVO.merchantImage = URLDecoder.decode(merchant.merchantImage, "UTF-8"); reservationVO.merchantImageBig = URLDecoder.decode(merchant.merchantImageBig, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }, merchant.youhui); currentReservationVOs.add(reservationVO); } renderJSON(currentReservationVOs); } /** * 聊聊天接口 无分页 * @param accountId * @param sortBy */ public static void getChatMerchants(String accountId,String sortBy) { List<Reservation> currentReservations = Reservation.findValidReservations(accountId,sortBy); List<ReservationVO> currentReservationVOs = new ArrayList<ReservationVO>(); ReservationVO reservationVO = null; Merchant merchant = null; for (Reservation reservation : currentReservations) { reservationVO = new ReservationVO(); merchant = Merchant.findById(reservation.merchantId); reservationVO.merchantName =; reservationVO.merchantAddress = merchant.address; reservationVO.dianpingFen = merchant.dianpingFen; reservationVO.averageCost = merchant.averageCost; Haoma haoma = Haoma.findByMerchantId(reservation.merchantId); if(null != haoma && null != haoma.haomaMap && !haoma.haomaMap.isEmpty()) { Iterator ite = haoma.haomaMap.keySet().iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { Integer key = (Integer); if (key.equals(Integer.valueOf(reservation.seatNumber))) { if(null != haoma.haomaMap.get(key)) { reservationVO.currentNumber = haoma.haomaMap.get(key).currentNumber; } } } } try { reservationVO.merchantImage = URLDecoder.decode(merchant.merchantImage, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }, merchant.youhui); currentReservationVOs.add(reservationVO); } renderJSON(currentReservationVOs); } /** * * get history merchants by account id * * @param accountId * account id */ public static void getHistoryMerchants(String accountId,String sortBy) { List<Reservation> histroyReservations = Reservation.findHistroyReservationsNew(accountId,sortBy); List<ReservationVO> histroytReservationVOs = new ArrayList<ReservationVO>(); ReservationVO reservationVO = null; Merchant merchant = null; for (Reservation reservation : histroyReservations) { reservationVO = new ReservationVO(); merchant = Merchant.findById(reservation.merchantId); reservationVO.merchantName =; reservationVO.merchantAddress = merchant.address; try { reservationVO.merchantImage = URLDecoder.decode(merchant.merchantImage, "UTF-8"); reservationVO.merchantImageBig = URLDecoder.decode(merchant.merchantImageBig, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }; histroytReservationVOs.add(reservationVO); } /* * List<Merchant> histroyMerchants = Merchant * .findbyReservations(histroyReservations); * * List<MerchantVO> histroyMerchantVOs = new ArrayList<MerchantVO>(); * for (Merchant merchant : histroyMerchants) { * histroyMerchantVOs.add(; * * } */ renderJSON(histroytReservationVOs); } /** * 根据帐号ID查找积分消费情况 * * @param accountId * 帐号ID */ public static void getCreditCost(String accountId,String sortBy) { List<CreditVO> creditVOs = new ArrayList<CreditVO>(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(accountId)) { renderJSON(creditVOs); return; } List<Credit> credits = Credit.findByAccountId(accountId,sortBy); CreditVO creditVO = null; for (Credit credit : credits) { creditVO = new CreditVO();; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(credit.merchantId)) { Merchant merchant = Merchant.findById(credit.merchantId); creditVO.merchantName =; creditVO.merchantAddress = merchant.address; } // if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(credit.reservationId)) { // Reservation reservation = Reservation.findById(credit.reservationId); // creditVO.seatNumber = reservation.seatNumber; // creditVO.myNumber = reservation.myNumber; // } creditVOs.add(creditVO); } renderJSON(creditVOs); } /** * Get personal info by mobile number or email address * * @param phone * the mobile number * @param email * the email address * @throws Exception */ public static void getPersonalInfo(String phone, String email) throws Exception { Account account = null; if (null != phone) { account = Account.findByPhone(phone); } else if (null != email) { account = Account.findByEmail(email); } LoginVO loginVO = new LoginVO(); if (null == account) { loginVO.errorCode = -1; loginVO.msg = "account is not exsit"; } else { loginVO.errorCode = 1; loginVO.msg = "success";; int count = Comment.getCommentCountByAccountId(; loginVO.dianping = count; } renderJSON(loginVO); } /** * 逻辑删除历史取号信息 * @param id */ public static void delHistoryReservation(String id) { if(!id.equals("")){ String[] array = id.split(","); int i; ArrayList ids = new ArrayList(); for(i = 0; i< array.length; i++){ if(!array[i].equals("")){ ids.add(new ObjectId(array[i])); } } MorphiaQuery q = Reservation.q(); q.filter(" _id in", ids); MorphiaUpdateOperations o = Reservation.o(); o.set("available", false); o.update(q); renderText("success"); }else{ renderText("error"); } } /** * 逻辑删除积分消费情况的历史信息 * @param id */ public static void delHistoryCredit(String id) { if(!id.equals("")){ String[] array = id.split(","); int i; ArrayList ids = new ArrayList(); for(i = 0; i< array.length; i++){ if(!array[i].equals("")){ ids.add(new ObjectId(array[i])); } } MorphiaQuery q = Credit.q(); q.filter(" _id in", ids); MorphiaUpdateOperations o = Credit.o(); o.set("available", false); o.update(q); renderText("success"); }else{ renderText("error"); } } /** * 用户更改头像 */ public static void updateUserImage() { String accountId = params.get("accountId"); if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(accountId)){ String userImage = params.get("userImage"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(userImage)) { GridFSInputFile file = uploadFirst(userImage, accountId); if (file != null) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(accountId)) { String imageStorePath = Play.configuration.getProperty(""); try { MorphiaUpdateOperations o = Account.o(); o.set("userImage", URLEncoder.encode(imageStorePath + file.getFilename(), "UTF-8")); o.update("_id", new ObjectId(accountId)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } renderText("success"); } } } } renderText("error"); } private static GridFSInputFile uploadFirst(String param, String aid) { GridFSInputFile gfsFile = null; File[] files = params.get(param, File[].class); for (File file : files) { try { gfsFile = UploadController.saveBinaryForUser(file, aid); break; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (gfsFile == null) { return null; } else { return gfsFile; } } public static void updateUserName(String accoutId, String name) { SignupVO suVO = new SignupVO(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(accoutId)) { suVO.errorKey = "0"; suVO.errorText = "账号不能为空"; renderJSON(suVO); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { suVO.errorKey = "0"; suVO.errorText = "用户名不能为空"; renderJSON(suVO); } Account account = Account.isExistsName(accoutId,name); if (account != null) { suVO.errorKey = "2"; suVO.errorText = "用户名已被占用"; renderJSON(suVO); } MorphiaUpdateOperations o = Account.o(); o.set("nickname", name); MorphiaQuery q = Account.createQuery(); q.filter("_id", new ObjectId(accoutId)); UpdateResults<Account> result = o.update(q); if(result.getUpdatedCount()!=0){ suVO.errorKey = "1"; suVO.errorText = "修改成功"; renderJSON(suVO); }else{ suVO.errorKey = "0"; suVO.errorText = "修改失败"; renderJSON(suVO); } } /** * 修改密码 * @param mobile * @param code * @param password */ public static void updatePassword(String accoutId, String newPassWord, String oldPass) { SignupVO suVO = new SignupVO(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(accoutId)) { suVO.errorKey = "0"; suVO.errorText = "账号不能为空"; renderJSON(suVO); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(newPassWord)) { suVO.errorKey = "0"; suVO.errorText = "新密码不能为空"; renderJSON(suVO); } Account account = Account.validatePassword(accoutId, oldPass); if(account == null){ suVO.errorKey = "0"; suVO.errorText = "旧密码不正确"; renderJSON(suVO); }else{ account.password = Codec.hexSHA1(String.valueOf(newPassWord));; suVO.errorKey = "1"; suVO.errorText = "修改成功"; renderJSON(suVO); } } public static void getUserAgreement() { UserAgreementVO vo = new UserAgreementVO(); renderJSON(vo); } }