package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; /** * This class finds graphs that match the given pattern. * * @author Julia Damerow * */ @Service public class PatternFinder { /** * This method finds in the list of graphs, graphs that match * the given pattern. This method only finds graphs that completely * match the given pattern; no matching subgraphs are found. * * @param graphs List of graphs to search the pattern in. * @param pattern The pattern to be found. * @return List of matching graphs. */ public List<Node> findPattern(List<Node> graphs, Node pattern) { List<Node> results = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (Node startNode : graphs) { if (equals(startNode, pattern)) { results.add(startNode); } } return results; } /** * This method checks if two nodes and its child nodes are equal. * * If the nodes are simple nodes and not relations (no subject, predicate, object) then: * <ul> * <li> First if the pattern defines a concept the concept is compared. If it is * not equal false is returned.</li> * * <li>Second if there is a type given in the pattern, the types of both nodes * are compared and if there are not equal, false is returned. </li> * * <li>If there are neither concept nor type given, true is returned.</li> * </ul> * * If the given node is a relation than it is checked if subject, predicate, and object * are equal. * * This is a recursive method. * * @param graph The graph to be checked against the pattern. * @param pattern The pattern to be found. * @return true if graph and pattern are equal in the sense described above, otherwise false. * */ public boolean equals(Node graph, Node pattern) { if(graph!=null&& pattern!=null){ // if the pattern node has a concept this must be equal with graph node if (! (graph instanceof Relation) && ! (pattern instanceof Relation)) { /* * If the pattern node does not have a concept or type * it should return true. * * @author: Ashwin Prabhu Verleker */ if(pattern.getConcept() == null && pattern.getType() == null) { graph.setId(pattern.getId()); return true; } if (pattern.getConcept() != null && graph.getAlternativeIds() != null) { if (graph.getAlternativeIds().contains(pattern.getConcept())) { graph.setId(pattern.getId()); return true; } return false; } else if (graph.getType()!=null && pattern.getType() != null) { if (!graph.getType().equals(pattern.getType())) return false; graph.setId(pattern.getId()); return true; } } if (graph instanceof Relation && pattern instanceof Relation) { if (!equals(((Relation)graph).getSubject(), ((Relation)pattern).getSubject())) return false; if (!equals(((Relation)graph).getPredicate(), ((Relation)pattern).getPredicate())) return false; if (!equals(((Relation)graph).getObject(), ((Relation)pattern).getObject())) return false; graph.setId(null); return true; } } // if graph or pattern is not a relation then they are not equal return false; } }