package edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dao.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.ScrollMode; import org.hibernate.ScrollableResults; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.StatelessSession; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.transform.Transformers; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dao.IEditorDAO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dao.INetworkDAO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.domain.IUser; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.domain.impl.workspace.WorkspaceNetwork; import; import; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.domain.workspace.IWorkSpace; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.domain.workspace.IWorkspaceNetwork; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dto.NetworkAnnotationsDTO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dto.NetworkAssignedDTO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dto.NetworkAssignedDTOPK; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dto.NetworkEdgeAnnotationsDTO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dto.NetworkNodeAnnotationsDTO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dto.NetworkRelationAnnotationsDTO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dto.NetworkStatementsDTO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dto.NetworkWorkspaceDTO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dto.NetworkWorkspaceDTOPK; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dto.NetworksDTO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dto.ProjectWorkspaceDTO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dto.WorkspaceDTO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.exceptions.QuadrigaStorageException; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.mapper.NetworkDTOMapper; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.mapper.WorkspaceDTOMapper; import; /** * This class is responsible for Querying the MySQL database and fetch the class * objects related to Networks module * * @author Ram Kumar Kumaresan * */ @Repository public class NetworkDAO extends BaseDAO<NetworksDTO> implements INetworkDAO, IEditorDAO { @Autowired private SessionFactory sessionFactory; @Autowired private NetworkDTOMapper networkMapper; @Autowired private WorkspaceDTOMapper workspaceMapper; /** * * {@inheritDoc} * * Uses Hibernate to get {@link NetworkDTO} of a {@link INetwork} ID. */ @Override public NetworksDTO getNetworksDTO(String networkId) throws QuadrigaStorageException { NetworksDTO networksDTO = null; try { networksDTO = (NetworksDTO) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().get(NetworksDTO.class, networkId); return networksDTO; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * Add a new network into a workspace. Creates a unique Network ID and * assigns the user as owner to the network object. It then adds the network * into the Workspace. The method uses Hibernate Framework to perform the * database operations. * * @param networkName * Name of the newly added network. * @param user * Owner of the network. * @param workspaceid * Workspace id to which the network would be assigned. * @return Network id if the operation was successful. Exception for all * other cases. * @throws QuadrigaStorageException * Exception will be thrown when the input parameters do not * satisfy the system/database constraints or due to database * connection troubles. */ @Override public String addNetwork(String networkName, IUser user, String workspaceid, String networkStatus, String externalUserId) throws QuadrigaStorageException { if (networkName == null || user == null || workspaceid == null) throw new QuadrigaStorageException("Error in adding a network"); String networkid = generateUniqueID(); NetworksDTO networksDTO = new NetworksDTO(networkid, networkName, user.getUserName(), networkStatus, user.getUserName(), new Date(), user.getUserName(), new Date()); networksDTO.setExternalUserId(externalUserId); String userName = user.getUserName(); Date date = new Date(); NetworkWorkspaceDTOPK networkWorkspaceDTOPK = new NetworkWorkspaceDTOPK(networkid, workspaceid); NetworkWorkspaceDTO networkWorkspaceDTO = new NetworkWorkspaceDTO(); networkWorkspaceDTO.setNetworkWorkspaceDTOPK(networkWorkspaceDTOPK); networkWorkspaceDTO.setNetworksDTO(networksDTO); networkWorkspaceDTO.setCreateddate(date); networkWorkspaceDTO.setUpdateddate(date); networkWorkspaceDTO.setCreatedby(userName); networkWorkspaceDTO.setUpdatedby(userName); WorkspaceDTO workspaceDTO = (WorkspaceDTO) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().get(WorkspaceDTO.class, workspaceid); networkWorkspaceDTO.setWorkspaceDTO(workspaceDTO); networksDTO.setNetworkWorkspace(networkWorkspaceDTO); try { sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(networksDTO); return networkid; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * Add Network statements (like AE, RE ) associated to networks. This method * would also add more info of the network statement like top node, type of * node. Also adds all the statements in the XML for further use cases. The * method uses Hibernate Framework to perform the database operations. * * @param networkId * ID of network. * @param id * ID of network statement. * @param type * Type of network statement, AE - Appellation event, RE - * Relation event. * @param isTop * {@link Boolean} To whether the network statement is in * starting point xml. * @param user * Owner of the network. * @return Null if the operation was successful. Exception for all other * cases. * @throws QuadrigaStorageException * Exception will be thrown when the input parameters do not * satisfy the system/database constraints or due to database * connection troubles. */ @Override public String addNetworkStatement(String rowid, String networkId, String id, String type, int isTop, IUser user, int version) throws QuadrigaStorageException { NetworkStatementsDTO networkStatementsDTO = new NetworkStatementsDTO(rowid, networkId, id, isTop, version, type, user.getUserName(), new Date(), user.getUserName(), new Date()); try { sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(networkStatementsDTO); return null; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * Get {@link INetwork} object for which the user is an owner, using the * network ID. The method uses Hibernate Framework to perform the database * operations. * * @param networkid * ID of network. * @param user * Owner of the network. * @return return {@link INetwork} object associated to the networkid, user. * Null if the there are no networks for the input constraints. * @throws QuadrigaStorageException * Exception will be thrown when the input parameters do not * satisfy the system/database constraints or due to database * connection troubles. */ /* * @Override public INetwork getNetwork(String networkId) throws * QuadrigaStorageException { INetwork network = null; try { Query query = * sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery( * " from NetworksDTO network where network.networkid = :networkid"); * query.setParameter("networkid", networkId); * * NetworksDTO networksDTO = (NetworksDTO) query.uniqueResult(); if * (networksDTO != null) { network = networkMapper.getNetwork(networksDTO); * * // Get the project id associated with the workspace id query = * sessionFactory .getCurrentSession().getNamedQuery( * "ProjectWorkspaceDTO.findByWorkspaceid" ); * query.setParameter("workspaceid", networksDTO.getWorkspaceid()); * ProjectWorkspaceDTO projectWorkspaceDTO = (ProjectWorkspaceDTO) * query.uniqueResult(); * * if (projectWorkspaceDTO != null) { // Get the project details * if(projectWorkspaceDTO.getProjectDTO() != null) * network.setProjectWorkspace * (projectMapper.getProject(projectWorkspaceDTO.getProjectDTO())); * * // Get the workspace details if(projectWorkspaceDTO.getWorkspaceDTO() != * null) * network.setWorkspace(workspaceMapper.getWorkSpace(projectWorkspaceDTO * .getWorkspaceDTO())); * * } }else{" networksDTO is null "); } * * return network; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( * "Error in fetching a network status: ", e); throw new * QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } */ /** * This would give the list of {@link INetwork} belonging to the * {@link IUser}. The method uses Hibernate Framework to perform the * database operations. * * @param user * Owner of the network. * @return returns {@link List} of {@link INetwork} belonging to owner. The * list will be empty (not null) if there are no networks matching * the input constraints. * @throws QuadrigaStorageException * Exception will be thrown when the input parameters do not * satisfy the system/database constraints or due to database * connection troubles. */ @Override public List<NetworksDTO> getNetworkList(IUser user) throws QuadrigaStorageException { try { Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().getNamedQuery("NetworksDTO.findByNetworkowner"); query.setParameter("networkowner", user.getUserName()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<NetworksDTO> listNetworksDTO = query.list(); return listNetworksDTO; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * This would give the list of {@link INetwork} that are approved */ @Override public List<NetworksDTO> getApprovedNetworkList() throws QuadrigaStorageException { try { Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession() .createSQLQuery( "select n.* from tbl_project p, tbl_project_workspace pw, tbl_network_workspace nw, tbl_networks n where p.projectid = pw.projectid and pw.workspaceid = nw.workspaceid and nw.networkid = n.networkid and p.accessibility = 'PUBLIC' and n.status = 'APPROVED'") .setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(NetworksDTO.class)); ; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<NetworksDTO> listNetworksDTO = query.list(); return listNetworksDTO; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * Get all the network statements {@link INetworkNodeInfo} for a network. * Function can get Network statements with isTop =1 and not the archived * versions. The method uses Hibernate Framework to perform the database * operations. * * @param networkId * ID of network. * @return returns {@link List} of {@link INetworkNodeInfo}. The list will * be empty (not null) if there are no network statements matching * the input constraints. * @throws QuadrigaStorageException * Exception will be thrown when the input parameters do not * satisfy the system/database constraints or due to database * connection troubles. */ @Override public List<NetworkStatementsDTO> getNetworkNodes(String networkId, int versionId) throws QuadrigaStorageException { int isTop = 1; try { Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession() .createQuery(" from NetworkStatementsDTO n WHERE n.networkid = :networkid" + " AND n.version = :versionId AND n.istop= :isTop "); query.setParameter("networkid", networkId); query.setParameter("versionId", versionId); query.setParameter("isTop", isTop); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<NetworkStatementsDTO> listNetworkStatementsDTO = query.list(); /* * if (listNetworkStatementsDTO != null) { networkNodeList = * networkMapper.getListOfNetworkNodeInfo(listNetworkStatementsDTO); * } */ return listNetworkStatementsDTO; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * Update the network name for an existing network This method could be * called if User's network has been rejected and user prefers to store the * network with an alternative name (Like version name). The method uses * Hibernate Framework to perform the database operations. * * @param networkId * ID of an existing network. * @param networkName * New name for the network. * @return "success" string if the operation was successful. Exception for * all other cases. * @throws QuadrigaStorageException * Exception will be thrown when the input parameters do not * satisfy the system/database constraints or due to database * connection troubles. */ @Override public String updateNetworkName(String networkId, String networkName) throws QuadrigaStorageException { try { Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().getNamedQuery("NetworksDTO.findByNetworkid"); query.setParameter("networkid", networkId); NetworksDTO networksDTO = (NetworksDTO) query.uniqueResult(); networksDTO.setNetworkname(networkName); sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().update(networksDTO); return "success"; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * Get the list of networks associated with a project id. If the project id * is null or the project does not contain any workspaces or networks then * the return will be null. The method uses Hibernate Framework to perform * the database operations. * * @param projectid * The id of the project in which you need to find the list of * networks. * @return List of networks belonging to the given project id. The list will * be empty (not null) if there are no networks matching the input * constraints. * @throws QuadrigaStorageException * Exception will be thrown when the input paramets do not * satisfy the system/database constraints or due to database * connection troubles. */ @Override public List<NetworksDTO> getNetworkDTOList(String projectid) throws QuadrigaStorageException { if (projectid == null || projectid.equals("")) return null; // Create a query to get all projects Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().getNamedQuery("ProjectWorkspaceDTO.findByProjectid"); query.setParameter("projectid", projectid); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<ProjectWorkspaceDTO> projectWorkspaceDTOList = query.list(); List<NetworksDTO> networksDTOList = new ArrayList<NetworksDTO>(); // If there are a list of projects, get all the networks using the // workspace ids for (ProjectWorkspaceDTO projectWorkspaceDTO : projectWorkspaceDTOList) { if (projectWorkspaceDTO != null) { String workspaceid1 = projectWorkspaceDTO.getProjectWorkspaceDTOPK().getWorkspaceid(); Query queryNetworks = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession() .getNamedQuery("NetworkWorkspaceDTO.findByWorkspaceid"); queryNetworks.setParameter("workspaceid", workspaceid1); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<NetworkWorkspaceDTO> networkWorkspaceDTOList = queryNetworks.list(); for (NetworkWorkspaceDTO networkWorkspaceDTO : networkWorkspaceDTOList) { networksDTOList.add(networkWorkspaceDTO.getNetworksDTO()); } } } return networksDTOList; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<INetwork> getAllNetworkVersions(String networkId) throws QuadrigaStorageException { if (networkId == null || networkId.equals("")) return null; List<INetwork> networkList = new ArrayList<INetwork>(); Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().getNamedQuery("NetworkAssignedDTO.findByNetworkid"); query.setParameter("networkid", networkId); List<NetworkAssignedDTO> networkAssignedDTOList = query.list(); if (networkAssignedDTOList != null) { networkList.addAll(networkMapper.getNetworkVersions(networkAssignedDTOList)); } return networkList; } /****************************************************************************************************** * * The following methods deal with editor section of the network module * *******************************************************************************************************/ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<NetworksDTO> getEditorNetworkList(IUser user) throws QuadrigaStorageException { // List<INetwork> networkList = new ArrayList<INetwork>(); try { Query query; String query1 = "Select n from NetworksDTO n where n.status = 'PENDING' and"; query1 += "((n.networkWorkspace.workspaceDTO.workspaceid in "; query1 += "(select distinct wc.collaboratorDTOPK.workspaceid from WorkspaceCollaboratorDTO wc " + "where wc.collaboratorDTOPK.collaboratoruser = :username and " + "wc.collaboratorDTOPK.collaboratorrole in ('wscollab_role2','wscollab_role1'))) OR "; query1 += "(n.networkWorkspace.workspaceDTO.workspaceid in "; query1 += "(select pw.projectWorkspaceDTOPK.workspaceid from ProjectWorkspaceDTO pw " + "where pw.projectWorkspaceDTOPK.projectid in " + "(select distinct pc.collaboratorDTOPK.projectid from ProjectCollaboratorDTO pc " + "where pc.collaboratorDTOPK.collaboratoruser = :username and pc.collaboratorDTOPK.collaboratorrole in " + "('collaborator_role4')))) OR "; query1 += "(n.networkWorkspace.workspaceDTO.workspaceid in "; query1 += "(select pw.projectWorkspaceDTOPK.workspaceid from ProjectWorkspaceDTO pw " + "where pw.projectWorkspaceDTOPK.projectid in " + "(select pe.projectEditorDTOPK.projectid from ProjectEditorDTO pe where pe.projectEditorDTOPK.editor = :username))) " + "or n.networkWorkspace.workspaceDTO.workspaceid in (select distinct we.workspaceEditorDTOPK.workspaceid from WorkspaceEditorDTO we " + "where we.workspaceEditorDTOPK.editor = :username)))))" + ""; System.out.println("Testing query :" + query1); query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(query1); query.setParameter("username", user.getUserName()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<NetworksDTO> listNetworksDTO = query.list(); return listNetworksDTO; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<Integer> getLatestVersionOfNetwork(String networkID) throws QuadrigaStorageException { String query1 = "select max(ns.version) from NetworkStatementsDTO ns where ns.networkid= :networkId"; Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(query1); query.setParameter("networkId", networkID); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Integer> latestVersion = query.list(); if (latestVersion == null) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(); } return latestVersion; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String assignNetworkToUser(String networkId, IUser user, String networkName, int version) throws QuadrigaStorageException { NetworkAssignedDTO networkAssignedDTO = new NetworkAssignedDTO(); Date date = new Date(); String assignedUsername = user.getUserName(); networkAssignedDTO.setNetworkAssignedDTOPK(new NetworkAssignedDTOPK(networkId, assignedUsername, date)); networkAssignedDTO.setStatus(INetworkStatus.ASSIGNED); networkAssignedDTO.setCreatedby(assignedUsername); networkAssignedDTO.setUpdatedby(assignedUsername); networkAssignedDTO.setUpdateddate(date); networkAssignedDTO.setNetworkname(networkName); networkAssignedDTO.setVersion(version); /* * NetworkAssignedDTO newtorkAssignedDTO = networkMapper * .getNetworkAssignedDTOWithNetworkName(networkId, user.getUserName(), * INetworkStatus.ASSIGNED, version, networkName); */ try { sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(networkAssignedDTO); return ""; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String updateNetworkStatus(String networkId, String status) throws QuadrigaStorageException { try { Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().getNamedQuery("NetworksDTO.findByNetworkid"); query.setParameter("networkid", networkId); NetworksDTO networksDTO = (NetworksDTO) query.uniqueResult(); networksDTO.setStatus(status); sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().update(networksDTO); return ""; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String updateAssignedNetworkStatus(String networkId, String status, int latestVersion) throws QuadrigaStorageException { try { Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery( "FROM NetworkAssignedDTO n WHERE n.networkAssignedDTOPK.networkid = :networkid and n.version = :version"); query.setParameter("networkid", networkId); query.setParameter("version", latestVersion); NetworkAssignedDTO networkAssignedDTO = (NetworkAssignedDTO) query.uniqueResult(); networkAssignedDTO.setStatus(status); sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().update(networkAssignedDTO); return ""; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String addAnnotationToNetwork(String networkId, String nodeId, String nodeName, String annotationText, String userName, String objectType) throws QuadrigaStorageException { try { String annotationId = generateUniqueID(); NetworkAnnotationsDTO networkAnnotation = networkMapper.getNetworkAnnotationDTO(networkId, annotationId, annotationText, objectType, userName); NetworkNodeAnnotationsDTO networkNodeAnnotation = networkMapper.getNetworkNodeAnnationDTO(networkAnnotation, userName, nodeId, nodeName); networkAnnotation.setNetworkNodeAnnotation(networkNodeAnnotation); sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(networkAnnotation); sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(networkNodeAnnotation); } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } return ""; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<NetworkNodeAnnotationsDTO> getAnnotationByNodeType(String type, String nodeId, String networkId) throws QuadrigaStorageException { try { List<NetworkNodeAnnotationsDTO> networkNodeAnnotationsDTOList = new ArrayList<NetworkNodeAnnotationsDTO>(); Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery( "from NetworkNodeAnnotationsDTO n where n.nodeId = :nodeid and n.annotationNodes.networkId =:networkid"); query.setParameter("nodeid", nodeId); query.setParameter("networkid", networkId); networkNodeAnnotationsDTOList = query.list(); return networkNodeAnnotationsDTOList; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<NetworkEdgeAnnotationsDTO> getAnnotationByEdgeId(String sourceId, String targetId, String userId, String networkId) throws QuadrigaStorageException { try { List<NetworkEdgeAnnotationsDTO> networkEdgeAnnotationsDTOList = new ArrayList<NetworkEdgeAnnotationsDTO>(); Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery( "from NetworkEdgeAnnotationsDTO n where n.sourceId = :sourceid and n.targetId = :targetid and n.annotationEdges.networkId =:networkid"); query.setParameter("sourceid", sourceId); query.setParameter("targetid", targetId); query.setParameter("networkid", networkId); networkEdgeAnnotationsDTOList = query.list(); return networkEdgeAnnotationsDTOList; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<NetworkAnnotationsDTO> getAllAnnotationOfNetwork(String userId, String networkId) throws QuadrigaStorageException { try { List<NetworkAnnotationsDTO> networkAnnotationsDTOList = new ArrayList<NetworkAnnotationsDTO>(); Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession() .createQuery("from NetworkAnnotationsDTO n where username = :username and networkid =:networkid"); query.setParameter("username", userId); query.setParameter("networkid", networkId); networkAnnotationsDTOList = query.list(); return networkAnnotationsDTOList; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @throws QuadrigaStorageException */ @Override public List<NetworksDTO> getNetworksOfUserWithStatus(IUser user, String networkStatus) throws QuadrigaStorageException { try { Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery( "from NetworksDTO n where n.networkid in (Select na.networkAssignedDTOPK.networkid from NetworkAssignedDTO na where na.networkAssignedDTOPK.assigneduser = :assigneduser ) and status = :status"); query.setParameter("assigneduser", user.getUserName()); query.setParameter("status", networkStatus); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<NetworksDTO> listNetworksDTO = query.list(); return listNetworksDTO; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<INetwork> getNetworkListOfOtherEditors(IUser user, List<String> networkStatus) throws QuadrigaStorageException { List<INetwork> networkList = new ArrayList<INetwork>(); try { // Create the query to get the list of networks Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery( "from NetworksDTO n where n.networkid in (Select na.networkAssignedDTOPK.networkid from NetworkAssignedDTO na where na.networkAssignedDTOPK.assigneduser <> :assigneduser) and status in (:status)"); query.setParameter("assigneduser", user.getUserName()); query.setParameterList("status", networkStatus); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<NetworksDTO> listNetworksDTO = query.list(); for (NetworksDTO networkDto : listNetworksDTO) { INetwork network = networkMapper.getNetwork(networkDto); NetworkWorkspaceDTO nwDto = networkDto.getNetworkWorkspace(); WorkspaceDTO wsDto = nwDto.getWorkspaceDTO(); IWorkSpace workspace = workspaceMapper.getWorkSpace(wsDto); networkMapper.mapWorkspaceNetworkDTO(nwDto, network, workspace); networkList.add(network); } // Update project name and workspace name of the network for (INetwork network : networkList) { // Get the assigned user name for the network query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery( "from NetworkAssignedDTO na where na.networkAssignedDTOPK.networkid = :networkid and status = :status"); query.setParameter("networkid", network.getNetworkId()); query.setParameter("status", INetworkStatus.ASSIGNED); NetworkAssignedDTO networkAssignedDTO = (NetworkAssignedDTO) query.uniqueResult(); if (networkAssignedDTO != null) network.setAssignedUser(networkAssignedDTO.getNetworkAssignedDTOPK().getAssigneduser()); // Get the project id associated with the workspace id query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().getNamedQuery("ProjectWorkspaceDTO.findByWorkspaceid"); query.setParameter("workspaceid", network.getNetworkWorkspace().getWorkspace().getWorkspaceId()); ProjectWorkspaceDTO projectWorkspaceDTO = (ProjectWorkspaceDTO) query.uniqueResult(); if (projectWorkspaceDTO != null) { if (projectWorkspaceDTO.getWorkspaceDTO() != null) { IWorkspaceNetwork workspaceNetwork = new WorkspaceNetwork(); workspaceNetwork .setWorkspace(workspaceMapper.getWorkSpace(projectWorkspaceDTO.getWorkspaceDTO())); workspaceNetwork.setNetwork(network); network.setNetworkWorkspace(workspaceNetwork); } } } return networkList; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } @Override public String addAnnotationToEdge(String networkId, String sourceId, String targetId, String sourceName, String targetName, String annotationText, String userId, String objectType, String targetType) throws QuadrigaStorageException { NetworkEdgeAnnotationsDTO networkEdgeAnnotationsDTO = getNetworkEdgeAnnotationDTO(networkId, sourceId, targetId, sourceName, targetName, annotationText, "ANNOT_" + generateUniqueID(), userId, objectType, targetType); try { sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(networkEdgeAnnotationsDTO); return ""; } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * This method adds an annotation to a relation in network. * * @param annotationText * The annotated text * @param networkId * Id of the network for which the relations are annotated. * @param predicateId * Id of predicate of a relation * @param predicateName * Name of predicate of a relation * @param subjectId * Id of subject of a relation * @param subjectName * Name of subject of a relation * @param objectId * Id of object of a relation * @param objectName * Name of object of a relation * @param userName * Name of user who annotated the relation * @param annotedObjectType * The type of object that is annotated by editor. * @throws QuadrigaStorageException * Any database exception * @author kiran batna */ @Override public void addAnnotationToRelation(String annotationText, String networkId, String predicateId, String predicateName, String subjectId, String subjectName, String objectId, String objectName, String userName, String annotedObjectType) throws QuadrigaStorageException { try { String annotationId = generateUniqueID(); NetworkAnnotationsDTO networkAnnotation = networkMapper.getNetworkAnnotationDTO(networkId, annotationId, annotationText, annotedObjectType, userName); NetworkRelationAnnotationsDTO networkRelationAnnotation = networkMapper.getNetworkRelationAnnationDTO( networkAnnotation, userName, predicateId, predicateName, subjectId, subjectName, objectId, objectName); networkAnnotation.setNetworkRelationAnnotation(networkRelationAnnotation); // networkRelationAnnotationList = // networkAnnotation.getNetworkRelationAnnotationList(); // if(networkRelationAnnotationList == null) // { // networkRelationAnnotationList = new // ArrayList<NetworkRelationAnnotationsDTO>(); // } // networkRelationAnnotationList.add(networkRelationAnnotation); // networkAnnotation.setNetworkRelationAnnotationList(networkRelationAnnotationList); sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(networkAnnotation); sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(networkRelationAnnotation); } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * This method adds annotation to the given node in a network. * * @param annotationText * Annotation text for the given node in the network. * @param networkId * Id of the network. * @param nodeId * Id of the node which is annotated. * @param nodeName * Name of the node which is annotated. * @param userName * Logged in user name. * @param annotedObjectType * Type of the object(node/relation) * @throws QuadrigaStorageException * Any database exception is redirected to custom defined * exception. * @author Sowjanya Amabati */ @Override public void addAnnotationToNode(String annotationText, String networkId, String nodeId, String nodeName, String userName, String annotedObjectType) throws QuadrigaStorageException { try { String annotationId = "ANNOT_" + generateUniqueID(); NetworkAnnotationsDTO networkAnnotation = networkMapper.getNetworkAnnotationDTO(networkId, annotationId, annotationText, annotedObjectType, userName); NetworkNodeAnnotationsDTO networkNodeAnnotation = networkMapper.getNetworkNodeAnnationDTO(networkAnnotation, userName, nodeId, nodeName); networkAnnotation.setNetworkNodeAnnotation(networkNodeAnnotation); sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(networkAnnotation); sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().save(networkNodeAnnotation); } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(e); } } /** * This method retrieves the annotations associated with the relation. * * @param networkId * Id of the network for which the relation belongs. * @param subjectId * Id of the subject in the annotated relation * @param objectId * Id of the object in the annotated relation. * @param predicateId * Id of the predicate in the annotated relation. * @param userName * name of the editor. * @return List<NetworkRelationAnnotationsDTO> List of * {@link NetworkRelationAnnotations} objects containing the * annotations for the given relation * @throws QuadrigaStorageException * Any database exception is redirected to the custom defined * database error exception message. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<NetworkRelationAnnotationsDTO> getAnnotationToRelation(String networkId, String subjectId, String objectId, String predicateId, String userName) throws QuadrigaStorageException { List<NetworkRelationAnnotationsDTO> networkRelationAnnotations = null; try { String queryString = "from NetworkRelationAnnotationsDTO n WHERE n.subjectId = :subjectid AND n.objectId = :objectid AND n.predicateId = :predicateid AND n.annotationRelation.networkId =:networkid"; Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString); query.setParameter("subjectid", subjectId); query.setParameter("objectid", objectId); query.setParameter("predicateid", predicateId); query.setParameter("networkid", networkId); networkRelationAnnotations = query.list(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { throw new QuadrigaStorageException(ex); } return networkRelationAnnotations; } public NetworkEdgeAnnotationsDTO getNetworkEdgeAnnotationDTO(String networkId, String sourceId, String targetId, String sourceName, String targetName, String annotationText, String annotationId, String userName, String objectType, String targetNodeType) { NetworkAnnotationsDTO networkAnnotationsDTO = new NetworkAnnotationsDTO(annotationId, annotationText, networkId, userName, objectType, userName, new Date(), userName, new Date()); NetworkEdgeAnnotationsDTO networkEdgeAnnotationsDTO = new NetworkEdgeAnnotationsDTO(); networkEdgeAnnotationsDTO.setSourceId(sourceId); networkEdgeAnnotationsDTO.setTargetId(targetId); networkEdgeAnnotationsDTO.setSourceName(sourceName); networkEdgeAnnotationsDTO.setTargetName(targetName); networkEdgeAnnotationsDTO.setTargetNodeType(targetNodeType); networkEdgeAnnotationsDTO.setCreatedBy(userName); networkEdgeAnnotationsDTO.setCreatedDate(new Date()); networkEdgeAnnotationsDTO.setUpdatedBy(userName); networkEdgeAnnotationsDTO.setUpdatedDate(new Date()); networkEdgeAnnotationsDTO.setAnnotationEdges(networkAnnotationsDTO); return networkEdgeAnnotationsDTO; } @Override public String getIdPrefix() { return messages.getProperty("network_id.prefix"); } @Override public NetworksDTO getDTO(String id) { return getDTO(NetworksDTO.class, id); } }