package edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dao.workspace; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.domain.conceptcollection.IConceptCollection; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.exceptions.QuadrigaStorageException; public interface IWorkspaceCCDAO { /** * Method add a Concept collection to a workspace * * @returns path of list workspace Concept collection page * @throws SQLException * @author Lohith Dwaraka */ void addWorkspaceCC(String workspaceId, String CCId, String userId) throws QuadrigaStorageException; /** * Method to delete the concept collection from workspace * * @param workspaceId * @param userId * @param dictioanaryId * @return * @throws QuadrigaStorageException */ void deleteWorkspaceCC(String workspaceId, String userId, String CCId) throws QuadrigaStorageException; /** * Retrieve the concept collection in the system that are not associated * with the given workspace * * @param workspaceId * @param userId * @return List<IConceptCollection> * @throws QuadrigaStorageException */ List<IConceptCollection> getNonAssociatedWorkspaceConcepts(String workspaceId) throws QuadrigaStorageException; }