package edu.asu.spring.quadriga.domain; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** * @description interface to implement User class. * * @author Kiran Kumar Batna * @author Ram Kumar Kumaresan */ public interface IUser { /** * Method to set the full name of the user. * @return name full name of the user. */ public abstract String getName(); /** * Method to set the full name of the user * @param name text containing the full name of the user. */ public abstract void setName(String name); /** * Method to set the user name associated with the user. * @return user name used to login to quadriga. */ public abstract String getUserName(); /** * Method to set the user name associated with the quadriga user. * @param userName text containing the user name used to login to Quadriga. */ public abstract void setUserName(String userName); /** * Method to retrieve the email associated with the user. * @return email - email of user. */ public abstract String getEmail(); /** * Method to set the email associated with the user. * @param email -email of user. */ public abstract void setEmail(String email); /** * Method to retrieve the password associated with the user. * @return password - password of user. */ public abstract String getPassword(); /** * Method to set the password associated with the user. * @param password - text containing the password associated with the user. */ public abstract void setPassword(String password); /** * Method to retrieve the list of quadriga roles associated with the user. * @return quadrigaRoles - list of quadriga roles associated with the user. */ public abstract List<IQuadrigaRole> getQuadrigaRoles(); /** * Method to set the list of quadriga roles associated with the user. * @param quadrigaRoles - list of quadriga roles associated with the user. */ public abstract void setQuadrigaRoles(List<IQuadrigaRole> quadrigaRoles); /** * Method to retrieve the user name who created the user. * @return createdBy - the user name who created the new quadriga user. */ public abstract String getCreatedBy(); /** * Method to set the user name who created the user. * @param createdBy - the user name who created the new quadriga user. */ public abstract void setCreatedBy(String createdBy); /** * Method to retrieve the date on which the user is inserted into the system. * @return createdDate - the date on which the user is inserted into the system. */ public abstract Date getCreatedDate(); /** * Method to set the date on which the user is inserted into the quadriga database. * @param createdDate - the date on which the user is inserted into the system. */ public abstract void setCreatedDate(Date createdDate); /** * Method to retrieve the user name who updated the record. * @return updatedBy - the user name who updated the record. */ public abstract String getUpdatedBy(); /** * Method to set the user name who updated the record. * @param updatedBy - the user name who updates the record. */ public abstract void setUpdatedBy(String updatedBy); /** * Method to retrieve the date on which the user record is updated. * @return updateDate - the date on which the user record is updated. */ public abstract Date getUpdatedDate(); /** * Method to set the date on which the user record is updated. * @param updatedDate - the date on which the user record is updated. */ public abstract void setUpdatedDate(Date updatedDate); public String getQuadrigaRolesAsString(); }