package edu.asu.spring.quadriga.service; import java.util.List; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dao.impl.NetworkDAO; import; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dto.NetworkAnnotationsDTO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.exceptions.QuadrigaStorageException; public interface IEditingNetworkAnnotationManager { public abstract List<NetworkAnnotationsDTO> getAnnotation(String type, String id,String networkId) throws QuadrigaStorageException; public abstract List<NetworkAnnotationsDTO> getAnnotationOfEdge(String id, String userid,String networkId) throws QuadrigaStorageException; public abstract String addAnnotationToNetwork(String networkId,String nodeId, String nodeName, String annotationText, String userId, String objectType) throws QuadrigaStorageException; public abstract List<INetworkAnnotation> getAllAnnotationOfNetwork(String userId, String networkId) throws QuadrigaStorageException; public abstract String addAnnotationToEdge( String networkId, String sourceId, String targetId, String sourceName, String targetName, String annotationText, String userId, String objectType, String targetType) throws QuadrigaStorageException; public abstract List<NetworkAnnotationsDTO> getAnnotationOfEdge(String sourceId, String targetId, String userId, String networkId) throws QuadrigaStorageException; /** * This method calls {@link NetworkDAO} to add an annotation to a relation in network. * @param annotationText Annotated text submitted by editor. * @param networkId Id of the network for which the relation contains. * @param predicateId Id of the predicate in the annotated relation. * @param predicateName Name of the predicate in the annotated relation * @param subjectId Id of subject in the annotated relation * @param subjectName Name of the subject in the annotated relation. * @param objectId Id of object in the annotated relation. * @param objectName Name of the object in the annotated relation. * @param userName Name of the editor who annotated the relation. * @param annotedObjectType Type of annotated object. Here it is relation type. * @throws QuadrigaStorageException Any database exception. */ public abstract void addAnnotationToRelation(String annotationText, String networkId, String predicateId, String predicateName, String subjectId, String subjectName, String objectId, String objectName, String userName, String annotedObjectType) throws QuadrigaStorageException; /** * This method calls the {@link NetworkDAO} layer method to retrieve * the annotations associated with the relation. * @param subjectId Id of the subject in the annotated relation * @param objectId Id of the object in the annotated relation. * @param predicateId Id of the predicate in the annotated relation. * @param userName name of the editor. * @return List<NetworkRelationAnnotationsDTO> List of {@link NetworkRelationAnnotations} objects containing the annotations for the given relation * @throws QuadrigaStorageException Any database exception is redirected to the custom defined database error exception message. */ public abstract List<NetworkAnnotationsDTO> getAnnotationToRelation(String networkId,String subjectId, String objectId, String predicateId, String userName) throws QuadrigaStorageException; public abstract String getAllAnnotationOfNetworkAsJson(String username, String networkId) throws QuadrigaStorageException, JSONException; }