package edu.asu.spring.quadriga.service.dictionary.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dao.dictionary.IDictionaryDAO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dao.workbench.IProjectDictionaryDAO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dao.workspace.IWorkspaceDictionaryDAO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.domain.dictionary.IDictionary; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.domain.dictionary.IDictionaryCollaborator; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.domain.dictionary.IDictionaryItems; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.domain.factory.impl.dictionary.DictionaryItemFactory; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.domain.impl.WordpowerReply; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.domain.impl.dictionary.Item; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.domain.workbench.IProject; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.domain.workspace.IWorkSpace; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dto.DictionaryCollaboratorDTO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.dto.DictionaryDTO; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.exceptions.QuadrigaAccessException; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.exceptions.QuadrigaStorageException; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.service.dictionary.IDictionaryManager; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.service.dictionary.mapper.IDictionaryDeepMapper; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.service.dictionary.mapper.IDictionaryShallowMapper; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.service.workbench.IRetrieveProjectManager; import edu.asu.spring.quadriga.service.workspace.IListWSManager; /** * This class acts as a Dictionary manager which adds list of Dictionary words * and their descriptions on the dictionary page. * * @implements : IDictionaryManager Interface * * @Called By : * * @author : Lohith Dwaraka * * */ @Service public class DictionaryManager implements IDictionaryManager { @Autowired @Qualifier("restTemplate") RestTemplate restTemplate; @Autowired @Qualifier("wordPowerURL") private String wordPowerURL; @Autowired @Qualifier("searchWordPowerURLPath") private String searchWordPowerURLPath; @Autowired @Qualifier("updateFromWordPowerURLPath") private String updateFromWordPowerURLPath; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DictionaryManager.class); @Autowired private IDictionaryDAO dictDao; @Autowired private DictionaryItemFactory dictionaryItemsFactory; @Autowired private IProjectDictionaryDAO connectProjectDictionary; @Autowired private IRetrieveProjectManager retrieveProjectManager; @Autowired private IWorkspaceDictionaryDAO connectWorkspaceDictionary; @Autowired private IListWSManager wsManager; @Autowired private IDictionaryDeepMapper dictDeepMapper; @Autowired private IDictionaryShallowMapper dictShallowMapper; /** * Gets the searchWordPowerURL * * @return String URL */ public String getSearchWordPowerURL() { return wordPowerURL + "" + searchWordPowerURLPath; } /** * Gets the updateFromWordPowerURL * * @return String updateFromWordPowerURL */ public String getUpdateFromWordPowerURL() { return wordPowerURL + "" + updateFromWordPowerURLPath; } /** * Method to retrieve all dictionaries a user is the owner of. * * @return Return to list dictionary to controller * @throws QuadrigaStorageException */ @Override @Transactional public List<IDictionary> getDictionariesList(String userId) throws QuadrigaStorageException { List<DictionaryDTO> dictionaryDTOList = dictDao.getDictionaryDTOList(userId); return dictShallowMapper.getDictionaryList(dictionaryDTOList); } @Override @Transactional public List<IDictionary> getNonAssociatedProjectDictionaries(String projectId) throws QuadrigaStorageException { List<DictionaryDTO> dictionaryDTOList = dictDao.getNonAssociatedProjectDictionaries(projectId); return dictShallowMapper.getNonAssociatedProjectDictionaries(dictionaryDTOList); } /** * Checks for user permission on dictionary * * @param userId * @param dicitonaryId * @return * @throws QuadrigaStorageException * @throws QuadrigaAccessException */ @Override @Transactional public boolean userDictionaryPerm(String userId, String dicitonaryId) throws QuadrigaStorageException, QuadrigaAccessException { boolean result = dictDao.userDictionaryPerm(userId, dicitonaryId); if (result == false) { throw new QuadrigaAccessException(); } return result; } /** * Checks for user permission on dictionary * * @param userId * @param dicitonaryId * @return * @throws QuadrigaStorageException */ @Override @Transactional public List<IDictionary> getDictionaryCollabOfUser(String userId) throws QuadrigaStorageException { List<DictionaryDTO> dictionaryDTOList = dictDao.getDictionaryCollabOfUser(userId); return dictShallowMapper.getDictionaryListOfCollaborator(dictionaryDTOList); } @Override @Transactional public List<String> getDictionaryCollaboratorRoles(String userId, String dicitonaryId) throws QuadrigaStorageException { DictionaryDTO dictionary = dictDao.getDTO(dicitonaryId); List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>(); List<DictionaryCollaboratorDTO> dictionaryCollaborators = dictionary.getDictionaryCollaboratorDTOList(); for (DictionaryCollaboratorDTO collaborator : dictionaryCollaborators) { if (collaborator.getQuadrigaUserDTO().getUsername().equals(userId)) { roles.add(collaborator.getDictionaryCollaboratorDTOPK().getCollaboratorrole()); } } return roles; } /** * Adds a new dictionaries for the user * * @return Return to success or error msg to controller */ @Override @Transactional public void addNewDictionary(IDictionary dictionary) throws QuadrigaStorageException { dictDao.addDictionary(dictionary); } /** * Add a new dictionary item to dictionary of the user * * @return Return to success or error message to controller */ @Override @Transactional public void addNewDictionariesItems(String dictionaryId, String item, String id, String pos, String owner) throws QuadrigaStorageException { dictDao.addDictionaryItems(dictionaryId, item, id, pos, owner); } /** * Delete the dictionary item from the dictionary of the user * * @return Return success or error message to controller */ @Override @Transactional public void deleteDictionariesItems(String dictionaryId, String itemid, String ownerName) throws QuadrigaStorageException { dictDao.deleteDictionaryItems(dictionaryId, itemid, ownerName); } @Override @Transactional public void deleteDictionaryItemsCollab(String dictionaryId, String itemid) throws QuadrigaStorageException { dictDao.deleteDictionaryItemsCollab(dictionaryId, itemid); } /** * Update the dictionary item of the dictionary from the word power * * @return Return error or success message to controller */ @Override @Transactional public void updateDictionariesItems(String dictionaryId, String termid, String term, String pos) throws QuadrigaStorageException { dictDao.updateDictionaryItems(dictionaryId, termid, term, pos); } /** * Retrieves the list of entries in a dictionary. * * @return Return to list of dictionary item to controller */ @Override @Transactional public List<IDictionaryItems> getDictionaryItems(String dictionaryid) throws QuadrigaStorageException { DictionaryDTO dictionaryDTO = dictDao.getDTO(dictionaryid); IDictionary dictionary = dictDeepMapper.getDictionaryDetails(dictionaryDTO); return dictionary.getDictionaryItems(); } @Override @Transactional public List<IDictionaryItems> getDictionaryItemsDetailsCollab(String dictionaryid) throws QuadrigaStorageException { DictionaryDTO dictionaryDTO = dictDao.getDTO(dictionaryid); IDictionary dictionary = dictDeepMapper.getDictionaryDetails(dictionaryDTO); return dictionary.getDictionaryItems(); } /** * Gets dictionary name of the dictionary from dictionary ID * * @return Return the dictionary name to controller * @throws QuadrigaStorageException */ @Override @Transactional public String getDictionaryName(String dictionaryid) { DictionaryDTO dictionary = dictDao.getDTO(dictionaryid); return dictionary.getDictionaryname(); } /** * This method retrieves the dictionary owner for the given dictionary id * * @param dictionaryid * - dictionary id * @return String - dictionary owner associated with the given dictionary id * @throws QuadrigaStorageException */ @Override @Transactional public String getDictionaryOwner(String dictionaryid) { DictionaryDTO dict = dictDao.getDTO(dictionaryid); return dict.getDictionaryowner().getUsername(); } /** * Call the word power for a term and fetch the xml from word power rest * * @return Return the dictionaryEntry bean to controller */ @Override @Transactional public List<WordpowerReply.DictionaryEntry> searchWordPower(String item, String pos) { String fullUrl = getSearchWordPowerURL() + "" + item + "/" + pos; logger.debug("Search Word Power URL : " + fullUrl); WordpowerReply wordpowerReply = (WordpowerReply) restTemplate.getForObject(fullUrl, WordpowerReply.class); return wordpowerReply.getDictionaryEntry(); } /** * This method deletes the dictionary associated with the given dictionary * id. * * @param dictionaryId * - dictionary id * @throws QuadrigaStorageException */ @Override @Transactional public void deleteDictionary(String dictionaryId) throws QuadrigaStorageException { dictDao.deleteDictionary(dictionaryId); } /** * Call the word power for a term and fetch the xml from word power rest * * @return Return the dictionaryEntry bean to controller */ public List<WordpowerReply.DictionaryEntry> getUpdateFromWordPower(String dictionaryId, String itemid) { logger.debug("Update url from func : " + getUpdateFromWordPowerURL()); itemid = itemid.substring(itemid.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, itemid.length()); logger.debug("Update Item ID : " + itemid); logger.debug("URL From rest xml : --" + getUpdateFromWordPowerURL() + "--"); String fullUrl = getUpdateFromWordPowerURL() + "" + itemid; logger.debug("Update Word Power URL : " + fullUrl); WordpowerReply wordpowerReply = (WordpowerReply) restTemplate.getForObject(fullUrl, WordpowerReply.class); return wordpowerReply.getDictionaryEntry(); } /** * Adding dictionary items for a dictionaryId * * @param dictionartItems * @param values * @param dictionaryId * @return * @throws QuadrigaStorageException */ @Override @Transactional public void addDictionaryItems(Item dictionartItems, String[] values, String dictionaryId) throws QuadrigaStorageException { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { Item di = getDictionaryItemIndex(values[i], dictionartItems); addNewDictionariesItems(dictionaryId, di.getTerm(), di.getDictionaryItemId(), di.getPos(), getDictionaryOwner(dictionaryId)); } } /** * Get index of term from a list for update and deleting term from * dictionary * * @return Return the dictionaryEntry bean to controller */ public Item getDictionaryItemIndex(String termId, Item dictionaryItems) { String terms[] = dictionaryItems.getTerm().split(","); String ids[] = dictionaryItems.getDictionaryItemId().split(","); String pos[] = dictionaryItems.getPos().split(","); int index = -1; if (ids.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { if (ids[i].equals(termId)) { index = i; i = ids.length; } } } Item di = dictionaryItemsFactory.createDictionaryItemObject(); di.setDictionaryItemId(ids[index]); di.setTerm(terms[index]); di.setPos(pos[index]); return di; } /** * this method used to return collaborators which are present in the current * dictionary * * @param dictionaryid * @return List of collaborators * @exception QuadrigaStorageException */ @Override @Transactional public List<IDictionaryCollaborator> showCollaboratingUsers(String dictionaryId) throws QuadrigaStorageException { List<IDictionaryCollaborator> dictionaryCollaboratorList = null; DictionaryDTO dictionaryDTO = dictDao.getDTO(dictionaryId); IDictionary dictionary = dictDeepMapper.getDictionaryDetails(dictionaryDTO); if (dictionary != null) { dictionaryCollaboratorList = dictionary.getDictionaryCollaborators(); } return dictionaryCollaboratorList; } /** * This method retrieves the dictionary id for the given dictionary name * * @param dictName * - dictionary name * @return String - dictionary id associated with the given dictionary name * @throws QuadrigaStorageException */ @Override @Transactional public String getDictionaryId(String dictName) throws QuadrigaStorageException { return dictDao.getDictionaryId(dictName); } @Override @Transactional public String getProjectsTree(String userName, String dictionaryId) throws QuadrigaStorageException, JSONException { JSONObject core = new JSONObject(); List<IProject> projectList = retrieveProjectManager.getProjectList(userName); JSONArray dataArray = new JSONArray(); List<IProject> dictProjectList = connectProjectDictionary.getprojectsByDictId(dictionaryId); List<IWorkSpace> dictWorkspaceList = connectWorkspaceDictionary.getWorkspaceByDictId(dictionaryId); if (projectList == null) return ""; for (IProject project : projectList) { JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); String projectlink = null; data.put("id", project.getProjectId()); data.put("parent", "#"); if (dictProjectList.contains(project)) { projectlink = project.getProjectName(); } else { projectlink = "<a href='#' id='" + project.getProjectId() + "'name= '" + project.getProjectName() + "'onclick='javascript:addDictToProjects(,;'>" + project.getProjectName() + "</a>"; } data.put("text", projectlink); dataArray.put(data); String wsParent = project.getProjectId(); List<IWorkSpace> wsList = wsManager.listActiveWorkspace(wsParent, userName); if (wsList != null) { for (IWorkSpace workSpace : wsList) { JSONObject data1 = new JSONObject(); data1.put("id", workSpace.getWorkspaceId()); data1.put("parent", wsParent); String wsLink = null; if (dictWorkspaceList.contains(workSpace)) { wsLink = workSpace.getWorkspaceName(); } else { wsLink = "<a href ='#' id='" + workSpace.getWorkspaceId() + "' name='" + workSpace.getWorkspaceName() + "' onclick='javascript:addDictToWorkspace(,;' >" + workSpace.getWorkspaceName() + "</a>"; } data1.put("text", wsLink); dataArray.put(data1); } } } JSONObject dataList = new JSONObject(); dataList.put("data", dataArray); core.put("core", dataList); return core.toString(1); } @Override @Transactional public IDictionary getDictionaryDetails(String dictionaryId) throws QuadrigaStorageException { DictionaryDTO dictionaryDTO = dictDao.getDTO(dictionaryId); return dictDeepMapper.getDictionaryDetails(dictionaryDTO); } /** * This method updates the dictionary details * * @param dictionary * - IDictionary object containing dictionary details. * @param userName * - logged in user * @throws QuadrigaStorageException */ @Override @Transactional public void updateDictionaryDetailsRequest(IDictionary dictionary, String userName) throws QuadrigaStorageException { dictDao.updateDictionary(dictionary, userName); } }