package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import nars.config.Parameters; import nars.entity.BudgetValue; import nars.entity.Concept; import nars.entity.Sentence; import nars.entity.Stamp; import nars.entity.Task; import nars.entity.TruthValue; import nars.inference.BudgetFunctions; import nars.inference.TemporalRules; import nars.inference.TruthFunctions; import; import nars.language.Conjunction; import nars.language.Implication; import nars.language.Interval; import nars.language.Term; import nars.operator.Operation; import static; import nars.gui.graph.ImplicationGraph; import nars.gui.graph.ImplicationGraph.Cause; import nars.gui.graph.ImplicationGraph.PostCondition; public class GraphExecutive { public final Memory memory; public final ImplicationGraph implication; final int maxConsecutiveIntervalTerms = 1; /** controls the relative weigting of edges and vertices for particle traversals */ double conceptExpectationFactor = 1.0; double causeRelevanceFactor = 1.0; double conceptPriorityFactor = 1.0; double minEdgeCost = 1.0; double costPerDelayMagniutde = 0.25; public GraphExecutive(Memory memory, MultipleExecutionManager exec) { super(); this.memory = memory; this.implication = new ImplicationGraph(memory); } protected void accumulate(final Term t, final Cause[] path) { for (final Cause s : path) s.addActivity(1.0); } /** returns maximum value */ public double fadeAccumulatedSentences(double rate) { double max = 0; for (final Cause c: implication.edgeSet()) { double vv = c.multActivity(rate); if (vv > max) max = vv; } return max; } /** whether the Term is currently a valid goal for the implication graph to plan for */ public boolean isPlannable(final Term goal) { PostCondition goalPostCondition = new PostCondition(goal); /** must be in the graph and have at least one incoming edge */ if (implication.containsVertex(goalPostCondition)) { return implication.inDegreeOf(goalPostCondition) > 0; } return false; } public class ParticlePath implements Comparable<ParticlePath> { final public Term goal; Cause[] bestPath; double distance; double score; public ParticlePath(final Term goal, final List<Cause> path, final double cost) { this.goal = goal; addPath(path, cost); } public void addPath(final List<Cause> p, final double cost) { double pathScore = 0; for (Cause c : p) pathScore += c.getTruth().getExpectation(); if ((this.bestPath == null) || (score < pathScore)) { this.bestPath = p.toArray(new Cause[p.size()]); this.distance = cost; this.score = pathScore; } } @Override public final int compareTo(final ParticlePath o) { return, score()); } @Override public String toString() { return "[" + Texts.n4((float)score()) + "|" + Texts.n4((float)distance) + "] "/*+ target */ + " <- " + Arrays.toString(bestPath); } /** can be used to favor the total activation, or short distnce, or combinations of other factors */ private double score() { return score; } } public class ParticleActivation { private final ImplicationGraph graph; /** caches sentence costs while traversing */ transient public final Map<Cause, Double> sentenceCosts = new HashMap(); public final Map<Term, ParticlePath> termPaths = new HashMap(); TreeSet<ParticlePath> paths; final boolean avoidCycles = true; private int edgeDecisionPass = 0; private int edgeDecisionFailCyclical = 0; private int edgeDecisionFailInvalidVertex = 0; private int edgeDecisionFailInactiveEdge = 0; private int pathFailEmpty = 0; private int pathFailNoOperation = 0; private int pathsValid = 0; private int numIterations = 0; private final Term goal, goalPost; /** optional required source vertex to reach */ private final Term source; final int initialEdgeCosts = 512; List<Cause> possibleEdge = new ArrayList(); double[] possibleEdgeCost = new double[initialEdgeCosts]; public ParticleActivation(ImplicationGraph graph, final Term goal, final Term goalPost) { this(graph, goal, goalPost, null); } public ParticleActivation(ImplicationGraph graph, final Term goal, final Term goalPost, final Term source) { this.graph = graph; this.goal = goal; this.goalPost = goalPost; this.source = source; } final public void addEdgeCost(final Cause ca, final double c) { possibleEdge.add(ca); final int nes = possibleEdge.size(); if (nes == possibleEdgeCost.length) { double[] n = new double[nes*2]; System.arraycopy(possibleEdgeCost, 0, n, 0, possibleEdgeCost.length); possibleEdgeCost = n; } possibleEdgeCost[nes-1] = c; } public SortedSet<ParticlePath> activate(final boolean forward, int iterations, double distance) { //TODO cache pathways in the graph for faster traversal. must store source leading edge, destination(s) and their distances List<Cause> currentPath = new ArrayList(); sentenceCosts.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { numIterations++; currentPath.clear(); double energy = distance; Term currentVertex = goalPost; boolean choicesAvailable = false; boolean operationTraversed = false; while (energy > 0) { if (!graph.containsVertex(currentVertex)) break; Set<Cause> graphEdges = forward ? graph.outgoingEdgesOf(currentVertex) : graph.incomingEdgesOf(currentVertex); possibleEdge.clear(); Cause currentSentence = null; double totalProb = 0; //remove edges which loop to the target goal precondition OR postcondition for (final Cause s : graphEdges) { Term etarget = forward ? s.effect : s.cause; if ((avoidCycles) && (etarget == goalPost)) { edgeDecisionFailCyclical++; continue; } if (!validVertex(etarget)) { edgeDecisionFailInvalidVertex++; continue; } double ew = getTraversalCost(s, etarget); //ignore if this edge will cost more energy than allowed if (ew > energy) continue; currentSentence = s; totalProb += 1.0 / ew; addEdgeCost(currentSentence, ew); edgeDecisionPass++; if (etarget instanceof Operation) { operationTraversed = true; } } if (possibleEdge.isEmpty()) { //particle went as far as it can break; } Cause nextEdge; int nextEdgeIndex; if (possibleEdge.size() == 1) { nextEdgeIndex = 0; } else { choicesAvailable = true; nextEdgeIndex = chooseEdge(totalProb); } nextEdge = possibleEdge.get(nextEdgeIndex); currentPath.add(nextEdge); energy -= possibleEdgeCost[nextEdgeIndex]; currentVertex = forward ? nextEdge.effect : nextEdge.cause; if ((source!=null) && (nextEdge.cause.equals(source))) break; } if (currentPath.isEmpty()) { pathFailEmpty++; continue; } if ((source!=null) && (!currentPath.get(currentPath.size()-1).cause.equals(source))) { //this path is invalid because it doesnt terminate at the required source postcondition continue; } if (!operationTraversed) { pathFailNoOperation++; continue; } ParticlePath ppath = termPaths.get(currentVertex); if (ppath == null) { termPaths.put(currentVertex, ppath = new ParticlePath(goal, currentPath, distance - energy)); } else { ppath.addPath(currentPath, distance - energy); } pathsValid++; if (!choicesAvailable) { //we've found the only path, so and we dont need to iterate any further break; } } this.paths = new TreeSet(termPaths.values()); for (ParticlePath p : this.paths) { accumulate(p.goal, p.bestPath); //System.out.println(" " + p); } return this.paths; } /** total cost of a traversal, which includes the edge cost and the target vertex cost. any value > 1 */ public double getTraversalCost(final Cause s, final Term nextTerm) { Double d = sentenceCosts.get(s); if (d!=null) return d; double conceptExpectation, conceptPriority, delayCost = 0; if (nextTerm instanceof Interval) { Interval i = (Interval)nextTerm; conceptExpectation = 1.0; conceptPriority = 1.0; delayCost = i.magnitude * costPerDelayMagniutde; } else if (nextTerm instanceof Operation) { conceptExpectation = 1.0; conceptPriority = 1.0; } else { if (conceptExpectationFactor > 0) conceptExpectation = getEffectiveExpectation(memory, nextTerm); else conceptExpectation = 0; if (conceptPriorityFactor > 0) conceptPriority = getEffectivePriority(memory, nextTerm); else conceptPriority = 0; } double causeRelevancy = causeRelevanceFactor > 0 ? getCauseRelevancy(s, goal) : 0.0; double c = causeRelevanceFactor * (1.0 - causeRelevancy) + conceptExpectationFactor * (1.0 - conceptExpectation) + conceptPriorityFactor * (1.0 - conceptPriority); c/= (causeRelevanceFactor + conceptExpectationFactor + conceptPriorityFactor); c+= minEdgeCost; c+= delayCost; //System.out.println(" s " + s + " >> " + nextTerm + " : " + " = " + c); sentenceCosts.put(s, c); return c; } /** choose a sentence according to a random probability * where lower cost = higher probability. */ public int chooseEdge(double totalProb) { //TODO disallow edge that completes cycle back to target or traversed edge? // probably an option to allow cycles double r = Memory.randomNumber.nextDouble() * totalProb; final int pes = possibleEdge.size(); int i; for (i = 0; i < pes; i++) { double v = possibleEdgeCost[i]; double edgeProb = 1.0 / v; r -= edgeProb; if (r <= 0) { //selected the next Edge return i; } } return i-1; } public String getStatus() { return "iterations=" + numIterations + ", pathsFound=" + paths.size() + ", pathsValid=" + pathsValid + ", pathEmpty=" + pathFailEmpty + ", pathNoOperations=" + pathFailNoOperation + ", edgeDecisionPass=" + edgeDecisionPass + ", edgeDecisionFailInactiveEdge=" + edgeDecisionFailInactiveEdge + ", edgeDecisionFailInvalidVertex=" + edgeDecisionFailInvalidVertex + ", edgeDecisionFailCyclical=" + edgeDecisionFailCyclical; } public boolean validVertex(final Term x) { return true; } //public void reset() } /** returns (no relevancy) 0..1.0 (high relevancy) */ public double getCauseRelevancy(final Cause c, final Term goal) { // //how desired is the implication? // Concept w=memory.concept(c.getImplication().getPredicate()); // if(w!=null && w.getDesire()!=null) { // return Math.max(0.0, Math.min(1.0, c.getTruth().getExpectation()*w.getDesire().getExpectation())); // } // return Math.max(0.0, Math.min(1.0, c.getTruth().getExpectation()));//+c.getRelevancy(goal)));//getCauseRelevancy(c) * c.getRelevancy(goal); if (c.getTruth().getExpectation() < 0.5f) { System.err.println(c + " has inverse truth which could be used to negatively weight results"); } return c.getTruth().getExpectation(); } /** returns (no relevancy) 0..1.0 (high relevancy) */ public double getCauseRelevancy(final Cause c) { return getCauseRelevancy(c, null); } public static double getActualPriority(final Memory memory, final Term t) { double p; Concept c = memory.concept(t); if ((c!=null) && (!c.beliefs.isEmpty())) { //Sentence bestBelief = c.beliefs.get(0); //if (bestBelief!=null) // return c.getPriority() * bestBelief.truth.getExpectation(); return c.getPriority(); //it is not expectation cause the goal could be to make a judgement true but also false } //System.err.println("No Concept priority available for " + t); //Probably an input term, so make it high priority return 1; } /** between 0...1 */ public static float getActualExpectation(final Memory memory, final Term t) { double p; Concept c = memory.concept(t); if ((c!=null) && (!c.beliefs.isEmpty())) { Sentence bestBelief = c.beliefs.get(0).sentence; if (bestBelief!=null) return bestBelief.truth.getExpectation(); } //System.err.println("No Concept confidence available for " + t); //if no concept confidence is available, assume 0 return 0f; } /** returns 0..1.0, 1.0 being highest priority, 0 = no priority */ public static double getEffectivePriority(final Memory memory, final Term current) { double p; //default priority for intervals if ((current instanceof Interval) || (current instanceof Operation)) p = 1.0f; //get the priority for the postcondition's actual concept else if (current instanceof PostCondition) p = getActualPriority(memory, ((PostCondition)current).term[0]); else p = getActualPriority(memory, current); return p; } public static float getEffectiveExpectation(final Memory memory, final Term current) { //get the priority for the postcondition's actual concept if (current instanceof PostCondition) return getActualExpectation(memory, ((PostCondition)current).term[0]); else return getActualExpectation(memory, current); } public class ParticlePlan implements Comparable<ParticlePlan> { public final Cause[] path; public final List<Term> sequence; public final double distance; public final double pathScore; public final TruthValue truth; public final BudgetValue budget; //private float minConf; private Task solution; private Task goal; // if (path.length == 0) return 0; // // float min = Float.MAX_VALUE; // for (final Sentence s : path) { // float c = s.truth.getConfidence(); // if (c < min) // min = c; // } // return min; public ParticlePlan(Cause[] path, List<Term> sequence, double pathScore, double distance) { this.path = path; this.sequence = sequence; this.pathScore = pathScore; this.distance = distance; //this.minConf = 1.0f; TruthValue tr=null; for (final Cause s : path) { if(tr==null) { tr=s.getTruth(); } else { tr=TruthFunctions.deduction(tr, s.getTruth()); } //float c = s.getTruth().getConfidence(); //if (c < minConf) { // minConf = c; //} } truth=tr; //float freq = 1.0f; //float freq = 0.5f + (minConf)/2f; //truth = new TruthValue(freq, minConf); budget = new BudgetValue(1.0f, Parameters.DEFAULT_GOAL_DURABILITY, BudgetFunctions.truthToQuality(truth)); budget.andPriority(score() / path.length); } public float score() { return (float)(/*minConf * */pathScore); } @Override public final int compareTo(final ParticlePlan o) { int i =, score()); if ((i == 0) && (o != this)) { return -1; } return i; } public TruthValue getTruth() { return truth; } @Override public String toString() { return "[" + score() + "|" + distance + "] " + sequence; } public Task planTask(Concept c, Task goal, Term goalTerm, char punctuation) { Cause currentEdge = path[path.length-1]; Stamp stamp = new Stamp(goal.sentence.stamp, currentEdge.getStamp(), memory.time()); //todo: evidental base hm //memory.setTheNewStamp(stamp); //memory.setCurrentTask(task); //remove final element from path if it's equal to target /*if (seq.get(seq.size()-1).equals(target)) { seq.remove(seq.size()-1); }*/ Term subj = sequence.size() > 1 ? Conjunction.make(sequence.toArray(new Term[sequence.size()]), TemporalRules.ORDER_FORWARD) : sequence.get(0); //val=TruthFunctions.abduction(val, newEvent.sentence.truth); Term imp = Implication.make(subj, goalTerm, TemporalRules.ORDER_FORWARD); if (imp == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid implication: " + subj + " =\\> " + goalTerm); } this.goal = goal; this.solution = new Task(new Sentence(imp, punctuation, truth, stamp), budget, goal); return solution; } /** the task that caused the need for this plan */ public Task getGoal() { return goal; } /** the plan's created task */ public Task getSolution() { return solution; } } protected void particlePredict(final Term source, final double distance, final int particles) { ParticleActivation act = new ParticleActivation(implication, source, source, null); SortedSet<ParticlePath> paths = act.activate(true, particles, distance); if (!paths.isEmpty()) System.out.println(source + " predicts: " + paths); } public TreeSet<ParticlePlan> particlePlan(final Term target, final double distance, final int particles) { return particlePlan(target, distance, particles, null); } /** * * @param target starting goal vertex to plan from * @param distance * @param particles * @param source required source vertex to reach, or null if none is required (accepts any) * @return */ public TreeSet<ParticlePlan> particlePlan(final Term target, final double distance, final int particles, final Term source) { PostCondition targetPost = new PostCondition(target); if (!implication.containsVertex(targetPost)) { //System.out.println(" plan for " + target + ": missing postCondition vertex"); return null; } ParticleActivation act = new ParticleActivation(implication, target, targetPost, source) { @Override public boolean validVertex(final Term x) { //additional restriction on path's vertices return !targetPost.equals(x); } }; SortedSet<ParticlePath> roots = act.activate(false, particles, distance); if (roots == null) { return null; } /* if (memory.emitting(ParticlePath.class)) { for (ParticlePath pp : roots) { memory.emit(ParticlePath.class, target, pp); } }*/ TreeSet<ParticlePlan> plans = new TreeSet(); for (final ParticlePath pp : roots) { Cause[] path = pp.bestPath; if (path.length == 0) throw new RuntimeException("ParticlePath empty: " + pp); int operations = 0; List<Term> seq = new ArrayList(path.length); //Calculate path back to target long accumulatedDelay = 0; for (int i = path.length-1; i >=0; ) { Cause s = path[i]; Term term = s.cause; i--; //next impl if (isPlanTerm(term)) { boolean isInterval = term instanceof Interval; if (!isInterval) { if (accumulatedDelay > 0) { seq.addAll(Interval.intervalTimeSequence( accumulatedDelay, maxConsecutiveIntervalTerms, memory) ); accumulatedDelay = 0; } seq.add(term); } else { Interval in = (Interval)term; long time = in.getTime(memory); accumulatedDelay += time; } } else { //accumulate delay if the temporal rule involves time difference?? /* if (nonIntervalAdded) { ////ignore prefix intervals int temporal = (s.content).getTemporalOrder(); if (temporal == TemporalRules.ORDER_FORWARD) { accumulatedDelay++; } } */ } if (term instanceof Operation) operations++; } //TODO check this prior to above loop, to avoid wasting that effort if (operations == 0) continue; if (seq.isEmpty()) continue; int lastTerm = seq.size()-1; if (seq.get(lastTerm) instanceof Interval) seq.remove(lastTerm); //System.out.println(" cause: " + Arrays.toString(path)); ParticlePlan rp = new ParticlePlan(path, seq, pp.score(), pp.distance); //System.out.println(" +path: " + pp); plans.add(rp); } return plans; } protected Task planTask(nars.control.DerivationContext nal, ParticlePlan plan, Concept c, Task task, Term target, char punctuation) { Task newTask = plan.planTask(c, task, target, punctuation); //it comes through temporal induction with correct truth value anyway //nal.derivedTask(newTask, false, true, null, null); //and if this is a implication then wrong // memory.executive.addExecution(c, newTask); return newTask; } public int plan(final nars.control.DerivationContext nal, Concept c, Task task, Term target, int particles, double searchDistance, char punctuation, int maxTasks) { TreeSet<ParticlePlan> plans = particlePlan(target, searchDistance, particles); int n = 0; boolean emittingPlans = memory.emitting(ParticlePlan.class); for (ParticlePlan p : plans) { planTask(nal, p, c, task, target, punctuation); if (emittingPlans) { memory.emit(ParticlePlan.class, target, p); } if (n++ == maxTasks) break; } // memory.logic.PLAN_TASK_PLANNED.commit(n); return n; } // protected void plan(Task task, Task __not_used_newEvent) { // // Term t = task.getContent(); // if (t == null) return; // // if ((t instanceof Implication) && (t.getTemporalOrder()!=TemporalRules.ORDER_NONE)) { // // //System.out.println("plan: task=" + task + " newEvent=" + __not_used_newEvent); // // Implication i = (Implication) t; // Term target; // // //implication.add(task.sentence); // // if (i.getTemporalOrder() == TemporalRules.ORDER_FORWARD) { // target = i.getPredicate(); // } else { // //TODO reverse it // target = i.getSubject(); // } // // if (target != null) { // System.err.println("plan: " + target); // System.exit(1); // ///plan(task, target, ...); // } // } // //// System.out.println("Goals"); //// for (Task t : tasks) { //// System.out.println(t + " " + t.getParentBelief()); //// //System.out.println(getImplicationPath(t.getParentBelief())); //// } //// System.out.println(); // } // public String getImplicationPath(Sentence s) { // Term t = s.content; // if (t instanceof Implication) { // return getImplicationPath(((Implication)t).getPredicate()); // } // else { // return getImplicationPath(t); // } // //return ""; // } // public String getImplicationPath(Term t) { // KShortestPaths ksp = new KShortestPaths(implication, t, 5); // return ksp.getPaths(t).toString(); // // } // /** TODO */ public void reset() { } // public boolean isActionable(final Task newEvent, Memory mem) { // /*if(!((newEvent.isInput()) || (newEvent.getCause()!=null))) { // return false; // }*/ // // Term newcontent = newEvent.sentence.content; // if (newcontent instanceof Operation) { // Term pred = ((Operation) newcontent).getPredicate(); // if (pred.equals(mem.getOperator("^want")) || pred.equals(mem.getOperator("^believe"))) { // return false; // } // } // // plan(newEvent, (Task)null); // // return true; // } // // public boolean isActionable(final Task task, final Task newEvent) { // // plan(task, newEvent); // return true; // // /* // if (task.sentence.stamp.getOccurrenceTime() == Stamp.ETERNAL) { // return false; // } // // if (!task.sentence.isJudgment()) { // return false; // } // */ //// if ((newEvent == null) //// || (rankBelief(newEvent.sentence) < rankBelief(task.sentence))) { //// //// return true; //// //// /*return //// ((shortTermMemory.isEmpty() //// || //// !equalSubTermsInRespectToImageAndProduct( //// shortTermMemory.getLast().getContent(), //// task.getContent())) //// ); //// */ //// } // //return false; // } // /** doesnt work yet and may not be necessary */ // // @Deprecated public static class CandidateSequenceRoot implements Comparable { // public final Term root; // public final double distance; // // public CandidateSequenceRoot(Term root, double distance) { // this.root = root; // this.distance = distance; // } // // @Override // public int compareTo(Object o) { // if (o instanceof CandidateSequenceRoot) { // CandidateSequenceRoot csr = (CandidateSequenceRoot)o; // return, distance); // } // return -1; // } // // @Override // public String toString() { // return root.toString() + "|" + distance; // } // // // } // // // // @Deprecated protected List<Term> planExhaustive(Term target, double remainingDistance, List<Term> parentPath, double[] distResult) { // // if (remainingDistance <= 0) // return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; // // ClosestFirstIterator<Term, Sentence> cfi = new ClosestFirstIterator<Term, Sentence>(new EdgeReversedGraph(implication), target, remainingDistance); // // // if (parentPath == null) // parentPath = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; // // SortedSet<CandidateSequenceRoot> roots = new TreeSet(); // // while (cfi.hasNext()) { // Term v =; // // double length = cfi.getShortestPathLength(v); // if (length == 0) continue; // // // //dont settle for 1-edge hop from target, we need further // if (implication.getEdgeTarget( cfi.getSpanningTreeEdge(v) ).equals(target) ) { // //System.out.println(v + " " + cfi.getSpanningTreeEdge(v) + " ==? " + target); // continue; // } // // if ((!v.equals(target)) /*&& (!parentPath.contains(v))*/) { // //ignore intervals as roots // if (!(v instanceof Interval)) // roots.add(new CandidateSequenceRoot(v, length)); // } // } // if (roots.isEmpty()) // return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; // // double initialRemainingDistance = remainingDistance; // // // for (final CandidateSequenceRoot csroot : roots) { // final Term root = csroot.root; // if (root == target) continue; // // remainingDistance = initialRemainingDistance - csroot.distance; // if (remainingDistance < 0) // continue; // // //Calculate path back to target // // List<Term> path = new ArrayList(); // Term current = root; // Sentence currentEdge = null; // int operations = 0; // // while (current != target) { // // boolean isOperation = (current instanceof Operation); // if (isOperation) // operations++; // // //only include Operations and Intervals // if (isOperation || (current instanceof Interval)) { // path.add(current); // } // //but if it's something else, we need to transclude it because it may indicate other necessary preconditions // else if ((!current.equals(target))) { // // //Transclude best subpath iff vertex has other preconditions // // /*if (implication.outgoingEdgesOf(current).size() > 1) { // //ignore a preconditon with a postcondition // continue; // }*/ // // //TODO should the precondition branches be sorted, maybe shortest first? // // boolean goodPreconditions = true; // Set<Sentence> preconditions = implication.incomingEdgesOf(current); // for (Sentence s : preconditions) { // if (!s.equals(currentEdge)) { // //System.out.println(" precondition: " + current + " = " + s); // Term preconditionSource = implication.getEdgeSource(s); // // if (parentPath!=null) { // /*if (!parentPath.contains(preconditionSource))*/ { // if (!preconditionSource.equals(target) ) { // List<Term> preconditionPlan = null; // try { // double[] d = new double[1]; // preconditionPlan = planExhaustive(preconditionSource, remainingDistance, path, d); // // if (!((preconditionPlan.size() == 0) || (preconditionPlan == null))) { // if (remainingDistance - d[0] > 0) { // if (!preconditionPlan.contains(preconditionSource)) { path.addAll(preconditionPlan); // if (validPlanComponent(preconditionSource)) // path.add(preconditionSource); // } // remainingDistance -= d[0]; // } // else { // //ignore this condition sequence because it would exceed the search distance // System.out.println(" excess subpath: " + remainingDistance + " " + d[0] + " " + preconditionPlan); // goodPreconditions = false; // break; // // } // } // } // catch (Throwable e) { // // System.err.println(e + " " +target + " " + path + " " + preconditionSource + " " + parentPath); // System.err.println(" " + preconditionPlan); // new Window("Implications", new JGraphXGraphPanel(memory.executive.graph.implication)).show(500,500); // try { //; // } catch (IOException ex) { // Logger.getLogger(GraphExecutive.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } // // } // // } // // } // } // // } // // } // // if (!goodPreconditions) // break; // } // // currentEdge = cfi.getSpanningTreeEdge(current); // if (currentEdge == null) { // //Should mean we have returned to target // break; // } // current = implication.getEdgeTarget(currentEdge); // } // // if (operations == 0) // continue; // if (path.size() < 2) // continue; // // // System.out.println(path + " " + root + " in " + roots); // // distResult[0] = initialRemainingDistance - remainingDistance; // return path; // } // // return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; // } }