/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013, Daniel Murphy * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ******************************************************************************/ package nars.lab.narclear; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import nars.lab.narclear.jbox2d.ContactPoint; import nars.lab.narclear.jbox2d.PhysicsCamera; import nars.lab.narclear.jbox2d.TestbedSettings; import nars.lab.narclear.jbox2d.TestbedState; import nars.lab.narclear.jbox2d.j2d.DrawPhy2D; import org.jbox2d.callbacks.ContactImpulse; import org.jbox2d.callbacks.ContactListener; import org.jbox2d.callbacks.DebugDraw; import org.jbox2d.callbacks.DestructionListener; import org.jbox2d.callbacks.ParticleDestructionListener; import org.jbox2d.callbacks.ParticleQueryCallback; import org.jbox2d.callbacks.QueryCallback; import org.jbox2d.collision.AABB; import org.jbox2d.collision.Collision; import org.jbox2d.collision.Collision.PointState; import org.jbox2d.collision.Manifold; import org.jbox2d.collision.WorldManifold; import org.jbox2d.collision.shapes.CircleShape; import org.jbox2d.collision.shapes.Shape; import org.jbox2d.common.Color3f; import org.jbox2d.common.Settings; import org.jbox2d.common.Transform; import org.jbox2d.common.Vec2; import org.jbox2d.dynamics.Body; import org.jbox2d.dynamics.BodyDef; import org.jbox2d.dynamics.BodyType; import org.jbox2d.dynamics.Fixture; import org.jbox2d.dynamics.FixtureDef; import org.jbox2d.dynamics.Profile; import org.jbox2d.dynamics.World; import org.jbox2d.dynamics.contacts.Contact; import org.jbox2d.dynamics.joints.MouseJoint; import org.jbox2d.dynamics.joints.MouseJointDef; import org.jbox2d.particle.ParticleGroup; /** * @author Daniel Murphy */ public abstract class PhysicsModel implements ContactListener { public static final int MAX_CONTACT_POINTS = 4048; public static final float ZOOM_SCALE_DIFF = .05f; public static final int TEXT_LINE_SPACE = 13; public static final int TEXT_SECTION_SPACE = 3; public static final int MOUSE_JOINT_BUTTON = 1; public static final int BOMB_SPAWN_BUTTON = 10; protected static final long GROUND_BODY_TAG = 1897450239847L; protected static final long BOMB_TAG = 98989788987L; protected static final long MOUSE_JOINT_TAG = 4567893364789L; public final ContactPoint[] points = new ContactPoint[MAX_CONTACT_POINTS]; /** * Only visible for compatibility. Should use {@link #getWorld()} instead. */ protected World m_world; protected Body groundBody; private MouseJoint mouseJoint; private Body bomb; private final Vec2 bombMousePoint = new Vec2(); private final Vec2 bombSpawnPoint = new Vec2(); private boolean bombSpawning = false; protected boolean mouseTracing; private Vec2 mouseTracerPosition = new Vec2(); private Vec2 mouseTracerVelocity = new Vec2(); private final Vec2 mouseWorld = new Vec2(); private int pointCount; private int stepCount; private TestbedState model; protected DestructionListener destructionListener; protected ParticleDestructionListener particleDestructionListener; private String title = null; protected int m_textLine; private final LinkedList<String> textList = new LinkedList<>(); private PhysicsCamera camera; private final Transform identity = new Transform(); public PhysicsModel() { identity.setIdentity(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CONTACT_POINTS; i++) { points[i] = new ContactPoint(); } // destructionListener = new DestructionListener() { // public void sayGoodbye(Fixture fixture) { // fixtureDestroyed(fixture); // } // // public void sayGoodbye(Joint joint) { // if (mouseJoint == joint) { // mouseJoint = null; // } else { // jointDestroyed(joint); // } // } // }; // particleDestructionListener = new ParticleDestructionListener() { // @Override // public void sayGoodbye(int index) { // particleDestroyed(index); // } // // @Override // public void sayGoodbye(ParticleGroup group) { // particleGroupDestroyed(group); // } // }; camera = new PhysicsCamera(getDefaultCameraPos(), getDefaultCameraScale(), ZOOM_SCALE_DIFF); } public void beginContact(Contact contact) {} public void endContact(Contact contact) {} public void particleDestroyed(int particle) {} public void particleGroupDestroyed(ParticleGroup group) {} public void postSolve(Contact contact, ContactImpulse impulse) {} public void init(TestbedState model) { this.model = model; Vec2 gravity = new Vec2(0, -10f); m_world = model.getWorldCreator().createWorld(gravity); m_world.setParticleGravityScale(0.4f); m_world.setParticleDensity(1.2f); bomb = null; mouseJoint = null; mouseTracing = false; mouseTracerPosition.setZero(); mouseTracerVelocity.setZero(); BodyDef bodyDef = new BodyDef(); groundBody = m_world.createBody(bodyDef); init(m_world, false); } public void init(World world, boolean deserialized) { m_world = world; pointCount = 0; stepCount = 0; bombSpawning = false; model.getDebugDraw().setViewportTransform(camera.getTransform()); world.setDestructionListener(destructionListener); world.setParticleDestructionListener(particleDestructionListener); world.setContactListener(this); world.setDebugDraw(model.getDebugDraw()); title = getTestName(); initTest(deserialized); } /** * Gets the current world */ public World getWorld() { return m_world; } /** * Gets the testbed model */ public TestbedState getModel() { return model; } /** * Gets the contact points for the current test */ public ContactPoint[] getContactPoints() { return points; } /** * Gets the ground body of the world, used for some joints */ public Body getGroundBody() { return groundBody; } /** * Gets the debug draw for the testbed */ public DebugDraw draw() { return model.getDebugDraw(); } /** * Gets the world position of the mouse */ public Vec2 getWorldMouse() { return mouseWorld; } public int getStepCount() { return stepCount; } /** * The number of contact points we're storing */ public int getPointCount() { return pointCount; } public PhysicsCamera getCamera() { return camera; } /** * Gets the 'bomb' body if it's present */ public Body getBomb() { return bomb; } /** * Override for a different default camera position */ public Vec2 getDefaultCameraPos() { return new Vec2(-getDefaultCameraScale()*2, getDefaultCameraScale()*2); } /** * Override for a different default camera scale */ public float getDefaultCameraScale() { return 10; } public boolean isMouseTracing() { return mouseTracing; } public Vec2 getMouseTracerPosition() { return mouseTracerPosition; } public Vec2 getMouseTracerVelocity() { return mouseTracerVelocity; } /** * Gets the filename of the current test. Default implementation uses the test name with no * spaces". */ public String getFilename() { return getTestName().toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "_") + ".box2d"; } /** @deprecated use {@link #getCamera()} */ public void setCamera(Vec2 argPos) { camera.setCamera(argPos); } /** @deprecated use {@link #getCamera()} */ public void setCamera(Vec2 argPos, float scale) { camera.setCamera(argPos, scale); } /** * Initializes the current test. * * @param deserialized if the test was deserialized from a file. If so, all physics objects are * already added. */ public abstract void initTest(boolean deserialized); /** * The name of the test */ public abstract String getTestName(); /** * Adds a text line to the reporting area */ public void addTextLine(String line) { textList.add(line); } /** * called when the tests exits */ public void exit() {} private final Color3f color1 = new Color3f(.3f, .95f, .3f); private final Color3f color2 = new Color3f(.3f, .3f, .95f); private final Color3f color3 = new Color3f(.9f, .9f, .9f); private final Color3f color4 = new Color3f(.6f, .61f, 1); private final Color3f color5 = new Color3f(.9f, .9f, .3f); private final Color3f mouseColor = new Color3f(0f, 1f, 0f); private final Vec2 p1 = new Vec2(); private final Vec2 p2 = new Vec2(); private final Vec2 tangent = new Vec2(); private final List<String> statsList = new ArrayList<>(); private final Vec2 acceleration = new Vec2(); private final CircleShape pshape = new CircleShape(); private final ParticleVelocityQueryCallback pcallback = new ParticleVelocityQueryCallback(); private final AABB paabb = new AABB(); public void step(float timeStep, TestbedSettings settings) { //float hz = settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.Hz).value; camera.update(timeStep); if (settings.singleStep && !settings.pause) { settings.pause = true; } final DebugDraw debugDraw = model.getDebugDraw(); m_textLine = 20; if (title != null) { debugDraw.drawString(camera.getTransform().getExtents().x, 15, title, Color3f.WHITE); m_textLine += TEXT_LINE_SPACE; } if (settings.pause) { if (settings.singleStep) { settings.singleStep = false; } else { timeStep = 0; } debugDraw.drawString(5, m_textLine, "****PAUSED****", Color3f.WHITE); m_textLine += TEXT_LINE_SPACE; } int flags = 0; flags += settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.DrawShapes).enabled ? DebugDraw.e_shapeBit : 0; flags += settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.DrawJoints).enabled ? DebugDraw.e_jointBit : 0; flags += settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.DrawAABBs).enabled ? DebugDraw.e_aabbBit : 0; flags += settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.DrawCOMs).enabled ? DebugDraw.e_centerOfMassBit : 0; flags += settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.DrawTree).enabled ? DebugDraw.e_dynamicTreeBit : 0; flags += settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.DrawWireframe).enabled ? DebugDraw.e_wireframeDrawingBit : 0; debugDraw.setFlags(flags); m_world.setAllowSleep(settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.AllowSleep).enabled); m_world.setWarmStarting(settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.WarmStarting).enabled); m_world.setSubStepping(settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.SubStepping).enabled); m_world.setContinuousPhysics(settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.ContinuousCollision).enabled); pointCount = 0; m_world.step(timeStep, settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.VelocityIterations).value, settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.PositionIterations).value); //m_world.drawDebugData(); ((DrawPhy2D)debugDraw).draw(m_world); if (timeStep > 0f) { ++stepCount; } //debugDraw.drawString(5, m_textLine, "Engine Info", color4); //m_textLine += TEXT_LINE_SPACE; debugDraw.drawString(5, m_textLine, "Framerate: " + (int) model.getCalculatedFps(), Color3f.WHITE); m_textLine += TEXT_LINE_SPACE; if (settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.DrawStats).enabled) { int particleCount = m_world.getParticleCount(); int groupCount = m_world.getParticleGroupCount(); debugDraw.drawString( 5, m_textLine, "bodies/contacts/joints/proxies/particles/groups = " + m_world.getBodyCount() + "/" + m_world.getContactCount() + "/" + m_world.getJointCount() + "/" + m_world.getProxyCount() + "/" + particleCount + "/" + groupCount, Color3f.WHITE); m_textLine += TEXT_LINE_SPACE; debugDraw.drawString(5, m_textLine, "World mouse position: " + mouseWorld.toString(), Color3f.WHITE); m_textLine += TEXT_LINE_SPACE; statsList.clear(); Profile p = getWorld().getProfile(); p.toDebugStrings(statsList); for (String s : statsList) { debugDraw.drawString(5, m_textLine, s, Color3f.WHITE); m_textLine += TEXT_LINE_SPACE; } m_textLine += TEXT_SECTION_SPACE; } if (settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.DrawHelp).enabled) { debugDraw.drawString(5, m_textLine, "Help", color4); m_textLine += TEXT_LINE_SPACE; List<String> help = model.getImplSpecificHelp(); for (String string : help) { debugDraw.drawString(5, m_textLine, string, Color3f.WHITE); m_textLine += TEXT_LINE_SPACE; } m_textLine += TEXT_SECTION_SPACE; } if (!textList.isEmpty()) { debugDraw.drawString(5, m_textLine, "Test Info", color4); m_textLine += TEXT_LINE_SPACE; for (String s : textList) { debugDraw.drawString(5, m_textLine, s, Color3f.WHITE); m_textLine += TEXT_LINE_SPACE; } textList.clear(); } if (mouseTracing && mouseJoint == null) { float delay = 0.1f; acceleration.x = 2 / delay * (1 / delay * (mouseWorld.x - mouseTracerPosition.x) - mouseTracerVelocity.x); acceleration.y = 2 / delay * (1 / delay * (mouseWorld.y - mouseTracerPosition.y) - mouseTracerVelocity.y); mouseTracerVelocity.x += timeStep * acceleration.x; mouseTracerVelocity.y += timeStep * acceleration.y; mouseTracerPosition.x += timeStep * mouseTracerVelocity.x; mouseTracerPosition.y += timeStep * mouseTracerVelocity.y; pshape.m_p.set(mouseTracerPosition); pshape.m_radius = 2; pcallback.init(m_world, pshape, mouseTracerVelocity); pshape.computeAABB(paabb, identity, 0); m_world.queryAABB(pcallback, paabb); } if (mouseJoint != null) { mouseJoint.getAnchorB(p1); Vec2 p2 = mouseJoint.getTarget(); debugDraw.drawSegment(p1, p2, mouseColor); } if (bombSpawning) { debugDraw.drawSegment(bombSpawnPoint, bombMousePoint, Color3f.WHITE); } if (settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.DrawContactPoints).enabled) { final float k_impulseScale = 0.1f; final float axisScale = 0.3f; for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++) { ContactPoint point = points[i]; if (point.state == PointState.ADD_STATE) { debugDraw.drawPoint(point.position, 10f, color1); } else if (point.state == PointState.PERSIST_STATE) { debugDraw.drawPoint(point.position, 5f, color2); } if (settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.DrawContactNormals).enabled) { p1.set(point.position); p2.set(point.normal).mulLocal(axisScale).addLocal(p1); debugDraw.drawSegment(p1, p2, color3); } else if (settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.DrawContactImpulses).enabled) { p1.set(point.position); p2.set(point.normal).mulLocal(k_impulseScale).mulLocal(point.normalImpulse).addLocal(p1); debugDraw.drawSegment(p1, p2, color5); } if (settings.getSetting(TestbedSettings.DrawFrictionImpulses).enabled) { Vec2.crossToOutUnsafe(point.normal, 1, tangent); p1.set(point.position); p2.set(tangent).mulLocal(k_impulseScale).mulLocal(point.tangentImpulse).addLocal(p1); debugDraw.drawSegment(p1, p2, color5); } } } } /************ INPUT ************/ /** * Called for mouse-up */ public void mouseUp(Vec2 p, int button) { mouseTracing = false; if (button == MOUSE_JOINT_BUTTON) { destroyMouseJoint(); } completeBombSpawn(p); } public void keyPressed(char keyChar, int keyCode) {} public void keyReleased(char keyChar, int keyCode) {} public void mouseDown(Vec2 p, int button) { mouseWorld.set(p); mouseTracing = true; mouseTracerVelocity.setZero(); mouseTracerPosition.set(p); if (button == BOMB_SPAWN_BUTTON) { beginBombSpawn(p); } if (button == MOUSE_JOINT_BUTTON) { spawnMouseJoint(p); } } public void mouseMove(Vec2 p) { mouseWorld.set(p); } public void mouseDrag(Vec2 p, int button) { mouseWorld.set(p); if (button == MOUSE_JOINT_BUTTON) { updateMouseJoint(p); } if (button == BOMB_SPAWN_BUTTON) { bombMousePoint.set(p); } } /************ MOUSE JOINT ************/ private final AABB queryAABB = new AABB(); private final TestQueryCallback callback = new TestQueryCallback(); private void spawnMouseJoint(Vec2 p) { if (mouseJoint != null) { return; } queryAABB.lowerBound.set(p.x - .001f, p.y - .001f); queryAABB.upperBound.set(p.x + .001f, p.y + .001f); callback.point.set(p); callback.fixture = null; m_world.queryAABB(callback, queryAABB); if (callback.fixture != null) { Body body = callback.fixture.getBody(); MouseJointDef def = new MouseJointDef(); def.bodyA = groundBody; def.bodyB = body; def.collideConnected = true; def.target.set(p); def.maxForce = 1000f * body.getMass(); mouseJoint = (MouseJoint) m_world.createJoint(def); body.setAwake(true); } } private void updateMouseJoint(Vec2 target) { if (mouseJoint != null) { mouseJoint.setTarget(target); } } private void destroyMouseJoint() { if (mouseJoint != null) { m_world.destroyJoint(mouseJoint); mouseJoint = null; } } /********** BOMB ************/ private final Vec2 p = new Vec2(); private final Vec2 v = new Vec2(); public void lanchBomb() { p.set((float) (Math.random() * 30 - 15), 30f); v.set(p).mulLocal(-5f); launchBomb(p, v); } private final AABB aabb = new AABB(); private void launchBomb(Vec2 position, Vec2 velocity) { if (bomb != null) { m_world.destroyBody(bomb); bomb = null; } // todo optimize this BodyDef bd = new BodyDef(); bd.type = BodyType.DYNAMIC; bd.position.set(position); bd.bullet = true; bomb = m_world.createBody(bd); bomb.setLinearVelocity(velocity); CircleShape circle = new CircleShape(); circle.m_radius = 0.3f; FixtureDef fd = new FixtureDef(); fd.shape = circle; fd.density = 20f; fd.restitution = 0; Vec2 minV = new Vec2(position); Vec2 maxV = new Vec2(position); minV.subLocal(new Vec2(.3f, .3f)); maxV.addLocal(new Vec2(.3f, .3f)); aabb.lowerBound.set(minV); aabb.upperBound.set(maxV); bomb.createFixture(fd); } private void beginBombSpawn(Vec2 worldPt) { bombSpawnPoint.set(worldPt); bombMousePoint.set(worldPt); bombSpawning = true; } private final Vec2 vel = new Vec2(); private void completeBombSpawn(Vec2 p) { if (bombSpawning == false) { return; } float multiplier = 30f; vel.set(bombSpawnPoint).subLocal(p); vel.mulLocal(multiplier); launchBomb(bombSpawnPoint, vel); bombSpawning = false; } private final PointState[] state1 = new PointState[Settings.maxManifoldPoints]; private final PointState[] state2 = new PointState[Settings.maxManifoldPoints]; private final WorldManifold worldManifold = new WorldManifold(); public void preSolve(Contact contact, Manifold oldManifold) { Manifold manifold = contact.getManifold(); if (manifold.pointCount == 0) { return; } Fixture fixtureA = contact.getFixtureA(); Fixture fixtureB = contact.getFixtureB(); Collision.getPointStates(state1, state2, oldManifold, manifold); contact.getWorldManifold(worldManifold); for (int i = 0; i < manifold.pointCount && pointCount < MAX_CONTACT_POINTS; i++) { ContactPoint cp = points[pointCount]; cp.fixtureA = fixtureA; cp.fixtureB = fixtureB; cp.position.set(worldManifold.points[i]); cp.normal.set(worldManifold.normal); cp.state = state2[i]; cp.normalImpulse = manifold.points[i].normalImpulse; cp.tangentImpulse = manifold.points[i].tangentImpulse; cp.separation = worldManifold.separations[i]; ++pointCount; } } } class TestQueryCallback implements QueryCallback { public final Vec2 point; public Fixture fixture; public TestQueryCallback() { point = new Vec2(); fixture = null; } public boolean reportFixture(Fixture argFixture) { Body body = argFixture.getBody(); if (body.getType() == BodyType.DYNAMIC) { boolean inside = argFixture.testPoint(point); if (inside) { fixture = argFixture; return false; } } return true; } } class ParticleVelocityQueryCallback implements ParticleQueryCallback { World world; Shape shape; Vec2 velocity; final Transform xf = new Transform(); public ParticleVelocityQueryCallback() { xf.setIdentity(); } public void init(World world, Shape shape, Vec2 velocity) { this.world = world; this.shape = shape; this.velocity = velocity; } @Override public boolean reportParticle(int index) { Vec2 p = world.getParticlePositionBuffer()[index]; if (shape.testPoint(xf, p)) { Vec2 v = world.getParticleVelocityBuffer()[index]; v.set(velocity); } return true; } } //class SignerAdapter implements ObjectSigner { // private final ObjectSigner delegate; // // public SignerAdapter(ObjectSigner argDelegate) { // delegate = argDelegate; // } // // public Long getTag(World argWorld) { // return delegate.getTag(argWorld); // } // // public Long getTag(Body argBody) { // return delegate.getTag(argBody); // } // // public Long getTag(Shape argShape) { // return delegate.getTag(argShape); // } // // public Long getTag(Fixture argFixture) { // return delegate.getTag(argFixture); // } // // public Long getTag(Joint argJoint) { // return delegate.getTag(argJoint); // } //} // // //class ListenerAdapter implements ObjectListener { // private final ObjectListener listener; // // public ListenerAdapter(ObjectListener argListener) { // listener = argListener; // } // // public void processWorld(World argWorld, Long argTag) { // listener.processWorld(argWorld, argTag); // } // // public void processBody(Body argBody, Long argTag) { // listener.processBody(argBody, argTag); // } // // public void processFixture(Fixture argFixture, Long argTag) { // listener.processFixture(argFixture, argTag); // } // // public void processShape(Shape argShape, Long argTag) { // listener.processShape(argShape, argTag); // } // // public void processJoint(Joint argJoint, Long argTag) { // listener.processJoint(argJoint, argTag); // } //}