package nars.lab.microworld; import; import nars.NAR; //import nars.nal.nal8.Operation; //import nars.nal.nal8.operator.SyncOperator; //import nars.nar.Default; //import nars.task.Task; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PImage; import processing.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.*; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import nars.entity.Concept; import nars.entity.Sentence; import nars.entity.Task; import nars.gui.NARSwing; import; import nars.lab.testutils.ConceptMonitor; import nars.language.Term; import nars.operator.Operation; import nars.operator.Operator; public class PongComplex extends Frame { public PongComplex() { String[] args = {"Pong"}; MyPapplet mp = new MyPapplet (); mp.setSize(800,600); PApplet.runSketch(args, mp); } static MyPapplet.Obj agent; static MyPapplet.Obj ball; public class MyPapplet extends PApplet { float mouseScroll = 0; public void mouseWheel(MouseEvent event) { mouseScroll = -event.getCount(); hamlib.mouseScrolled(); } class Hai { Hai(){} public Obj obj; NAR nar; String LastInput =""; int nActions = 3; int direction = 0; Hai(int nactions,int nstates) { this.nActions = nactions; //for actions since we allow the same randomization phase as in QL nar = new NAR(); nar.memory.addOperator(new Right("^Right")); nar.memory.addOperator(new Left("^Left")); (nar.param).noiseLevel.set(0); new NARSwing(nar); //nar.start(0); Memory m = nar.memory; // m.conceptForgetDurations.setValue(1.0); //better for declarative reasoning tasks: 2 //m.taskLinkForgetDurations.setValue(1.0); //better for declarative reasoning tasks: 4 //m.termLinkForgetDurations.setValue(1.0); //better for declarative reasoning tasks: 10 //, (i) -> {}); } int lastAction=0; public class Right extends Operator { public Right(String name) { super(name); } @Override public List<Task> execute(Operation operation, Term[] args, Memory memory) { lastAction = 1; memory.allowExecution = false; //System.out.println("NAR decide left"); return null; } } public class Left extends Operator { public Left(String name) { super(name); } @Override public List<Task> execute(Operation operation, Term[] args, Memory memory) { lastAction = 2; memory.allowExecution = false; //System.out.println("NAR decide right"); return null; } } int k=0; float Alpha=0.08f; boolean lastWasMiddle = false; int UpdateSOM(float[] viewField,float reward) //input and reward { /*for(int i=0;i<viewField.length;i++) { if(viewField[i]>0.1f) { String s = "<{\""+String.valueOf(i)+"\"} --> [on]>. :|:"; // %"+String.valueOf(0.5f+0.5f*viewField[i])+"%"; if(this.LastInput != s) { nar.addInput(s); System.out.println(s); } this.LastInput = s; //System.out.println("perceive "+s); } }*/ lastAction = 0; k++; if(k%4==0) { nar.addInput("<{\"1\"} --> [on]>! :|:"); //future extension: change to self good //System.out.println("food urge input"); } //if(reward > 0) { //even more delayed reward (for the future) //show what the system perceived about the ballposition: /*Sentence left = ConceptMonitor.strongestProjectedInputEventBelief(nar, "<{left} --> [on]>"); Sentence right = ConceptMonitor.strongestProjectedInputEventBelief(nar, "<{right} --> [on]>"); Sentence middle = ConceptMonitor.strongestProjectedInputEventBelief(nar, "<{\"1\"} --> [on]>"); if(left != null) { System.out.print("left: "); System.out.print(left.truth); System.out.print(" "); } if(middle != null) { System.out.print("middle: "); System.out.print(middle.truth); System.out.print(" "); } if(right != null) { System.out.print("right: "); System.out.print(right.truth); System.out.print(" "); } if(left != null || middle != null || right != null) { System.out.println(); }*/ // <(&/,<{right} --> [on]>,+12,(^Left,SELF),+13) =/> <{"1"} --> [on]>> if(k%4 == 0) { Sentence hypo_left = ConceptMonitor.strongestPrecondition(nar, "<{\"1\"} --> [on]>", "<(&/,<{left} --> [on]>,+1,(^Right,SELF),+1) =/> <{\"1\"} --> [on]>>"); if(hypo_left != null) { System.out.println("HypLeft: " + hypo_left.truth); } Sentence hypo_right = ConceptMonitor.strongestPrecondition(nar, "<{\"1\"} --> [on]>", "<(&/,<{right} --> [on]>,+12,(^Left,SELF),+13) =/> <{\"1\"} --> [on]>>"); if(hypo_right != null) { System.out.println("HypRight: " + hypo_right.truth); } Sentence hypo_left_false = ConceptMonitor.strongestPrecondition(nar, "<{\"1\"} --> [on]>", "<(&/,<{left} --> [on]>,+1,(^Left,SELF),+1) =/> <{\"1\"} --> [on]>>"); if(hypo_left_false != null) { System.out.println("HypLefFalse: " + hypo_left_false.truth); } Sentence hypo_right_false = ConceptMonitor.strongestPrecondition(nar, "<{\"1\"} --> [on]>", "<(&/,<{right} --> [on]>,+12,(^Right,SELF),+13) =/> <{\"1\"} --> [on]>>"); if(hypo_right_false != null) { System.out.println("HypRigFalse: " + hypo_right_false.truth); } } float accepted_distance = 20.0f; //additional position information String pos = String.valueOf(((int)agent.x)/200); String posPaddle = String.valueOf(((int)ball.x)/200); System.out.println(pos); if(k%20 == 0) { String agentPos = "<{" + pos + "} --> agentPos>. :|:"; String paddlePos = "<{" + posPaddle + "} --> paddlePos>. :|:"; nar.addInput(agentPos); nar.addInput(paddlePos); } if(Math.abs(agent.x - ball.x) < accepted_distance ) { String s = "<{\"1\"} --> [on]>. :|:"; if(!lastWasMiddle || !s.equals(this.LastInput)) { System.out.println("good mr_nars"); nar.addInput(s); System.out.println(s); } lastWasMiddle = true; this.LastInput = s; } else { if(agent.x < ball.x) { String s = "<{right} --> [on]>. :|:"; lastWasMiddle = false; if(k%20 == 0 || !s.equals(this.LastInput)) { nar.addInput(s); System.out.println(s); } this.LastInput = s; } else { String s = "<{left} --> [on]>. :|:"; lastWasMiddle = false; if(k%20 == 0 || !s.equals(this.LastInput)) { nar.addInput(s); System.out.println(s); } this.LastInput = s; } } /*/if(reward < 0) { System.out.println("bad mr_nars"); nar.addInput("(--,<SELF --> [good]>). :|:"); }*/ nar.step(500); if(lastAction==0 && random(1.0f) < Alpha) { //if NAR hasn't decided chose a executable random action lastAction = (int) random((float) nActions); if(obj.x == 0) { lastAction = 1; } if(obj.x == width) { lastAction = 2; } if(lastAction == 1) { //System.out.println("random left"); //nar.addInput("Left(SELF). :|:"); nar.addInput("Right(SELF). :|:"); } if(lastAction == 2) { nar.addInput("Left(SELF). :|:"); //System.out.println("random right"); //nar.addInput("Right(SELF). :|:"); } } return lastAction; } } public void keyPressed() { if(key=='t') { agent.v=1.0f; } if(key=='g') { agent.v=-1.0f; } if(key=='f') { agent.a+=0.2f; } if(key=='h') { agent.a-=0.2; } hamlib.keyPressed(); } public void mouseMoved() { hamlib.mouseMoved(); } public void mouseReleased() { hamlib.mouseReleased(); } public void mouseDragged() { hamlib.mouseDragged(); } public void mousePressed() { hamlib.mousePressed(); } void hsim_Draw(Obj o) { image(im[o.type],-o.s/2,-o.s/2,o.s,o.s); } int goods=1,bads=1; void hsim_Interact(Obj i,Obj j) { if(i.type==0 && j.type==1) { i.acc=1.0f; goods++; } if(i.type==0 && j.type==2) { i.acc=-1.0f; bads++; } if(j.type==1 || j.type==2) { //j.x=random(1)*width; //j.y=random(1)*height; } } int Hsim_eyesize=3; //9 float[] viewField=new float[Hsim_eyesize*2]; void hsim_ObjectTask(Obj oi) { oi.v=0; if(oi.type==2) { if(random(1)>0.5) { // mem.ProcessingInteract(oi.x,oi.y,1.0,2.0); } oi.a+=0.05f; } if(oi.hai!=null) { for(int i=0;i<viewField.length;i++) { viewField[i]=0; } int maxIndex=hamlib.MinMaxFrom(oi.visarea).MaxIndex; boolean Had=false; for(int i=0;i<oi.visarea.length;i++) { if(i==maxIndex) { if(oi.visareatype[i]==2) { viewField[i]=oi.visarea[i]; Had=true; } if(oi.visareatype[i]==3) { viewField[i+Hsim_eyesize]=oi.visarea[i]; Had=true; } } } int action=oi.hai.UpdateSOM(viewField,oi.acc); /* if(!Had) { action=0; }*/ if(action==2) { oi.hai.direction = 2; // oi.x += 10; } else if(action==1) { oi.hai.direction = 1; // oi.x -= 10; } else if(action==0) { oi.v=10.0f; // mem.ProcessingInteract(oi.x,oi.y,1.0,10.0); } if(oi.hai.direction == 1) { oi.x += 10.0f; } else if(oi.hai.direction == 2) { oi.x -= 10.0f; } oi.y = 0; if(oi.x>width) { oi.x=width; } if(oi.x<0) { oi.x=0; } if(oi.y>height) { oi.y=height; } if(oi.y<0) { oi.y=0; } oi.acc=0.0f; oi.v = 0; oi.a = (float) (Math.PI / 2.0); } else { if(oi.VX == 0 && oi.VY == 0) { oi.VX = 3.0f; oi.VY = 5.0f; } oi.v = 0.0f; if(oi.x>width) { oi.x = width; oi.VX = -oi.VX; } if(oi.x<0) { oi.x = 0; oi.VX = -oi.VX; } if(oi.y>height) { oi.y = height; oi.VY = -oi.VY; } if(oi.y<0) { oi.y = 0; oi.VY = -oi.VY; } oi.x += oi.VX; oi.y += oi.VY; } } Obj lastclicked=null; void hsim_ElemClicked(Obj i) { if(lastclicked!=null) { lastclicked.DrawField=false; } lastclicked=i; } void hsim_ElemDragged(Obj i) { // mem.ProcessingInteract(i.x,i.y,1.0,3.0); } void hrend_DrawGUI() { fill(0); //text("viewfield and RF-Rewards:",20,20); //test.DrawViewFields(20,30,10); //test.hai.Draw(20,30,2); } void hrend_DrawBegin() { label1.text="opti index:"+((float)goods)/((float)bads)+ "FPS:"+frameRate; fill(138,138,128); pushMatrix(); if(hamlib.Mode==hamlib.Hamlib3DMode) { translate(0,0,-2); } rect(0,0,width,height); popMatrix(); //mem.DrawForProcessing(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.01f,true); } void hrend_DrawEnd() { fill(0); //text("Hamlib simulation system demonstration",0,-5); stroke(255,255,255); line(0,0,width,0); line(width,height,width,0); line(width,height,0,height); line(0,0,0,height); noStroke(); if(lastclicked!=null) { fill(255,0,0); rect(lastclicked.x,-20,5,20); rect(-20,lastclicked.y,20,5); rect(lastclicked.x,height+20,5,-20); rect(width+20,lastclicked.y,-20,5); lastclicked.DrawField=true; pushMatrix(); if(hamlib.Mode==hamlib.Hamlib3DMode) { translate(0,0,1); } ellipse(lastclicked.x,lastclicked.y,10,10); popMatrix(); } } void hgui_ElemEvent(Gui i) { } class Hsim { Hsim(){} ArrayList obj=new ArrayList(); void Init() { smooth(); hcam.zpos=100; } void mousePressed() { if(mouseButton==LEFT) { checkSelect(); } } boolean dragged=false; void mouseDragged() { if(mouseButton==LEFT) { dragged=true; dragElems(); } } void mouseReleased() { dragged=false; selected=null; } Obj selected=null; void dragElems() { if(dragged && selected!=null) { selected.x=hnav.MouseToWorldCoordX(mouseX); selected.y=hnav.MouseToWorldCoordY(mouseY); hsim_ElemDragged(selected); } } void checkSelect() { if(selected==null) { for(int i=0;i<obj.size();i++) { Obj oi=(Obj)obj.get(i); float dx=oi.x-hnav.MouseToWorldCoordX(mouseX); float dy=oi.y-hnav.MouseToWorldCoordY(mouseY); float distance=sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); if(distance<oi.s) { selected=oi; hsim_ElemClicked(oi); return; } } } } float Cursor3DWidth=20; void DrawCursor(float x, float y) { fill(0); stroke(255); ellipse(x,y,Cursor3DWidth,Cursor3DWidth); noStroke(); } float visarea=PI/2.01f; float viewdist=100.0f; void Simulate() { for(int i=0;i<obj.size();i++) { Obj oi=((Obj)obj.get(i)); oi.a=hamlib.RadAngleRange(oi.a); int Hsim_eyesize=oi.visarea.length; for(int k=0;k<Hsim_eyesize;k++) { oi.visarea[k]=0; oi.visareatype[k]=0; } for(int j=0;j<obj.size();j++) { Obj oj=((Obj)obj.get(j)); if(i!=j) { float dx=oi.x-oj.x; float dy=oi.y-oj.y; float d=sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); if(oi.type==0) { float ati=atan2(dy,dx)+PI; float diffi=hamlib.angleDiff(ati,oi.a); float diffi2=hamlib.angleDiff(ati,oi.a-visarea); float part=diffi/visarea; float part2=diffi2/(visarea*2); if(part<1.0 && d<viewdist) { int index=min(Hsim_eyesize-1,max(0,(int)(part2*((float)Hsim_eyesize)))); oi.visarea[index]=1.0f-d/viewdist; oi.visareatype[index]=oj.type+1; } } if(d<(oi.s+oj.s)/2.0) { hsim_Interact(oi,oj); } } } hsim_ObjectTask(oi); float a=oi.a; float cosa=cos(a); float sina=sin(a); oi.x+=cosa*oi.v; oi.y+=sina*oi.v; oi.x+=oi.vx; oi.y+=oi.vy; if(oi.DrawField==true && oi.type==0) { stroke(255,0,0); pushMatrix(); if(hamlib.Mode==hamlib.Hamlib3DMode) { translate(0,0, (float) 1.5); } line(oi.x,oi.y,oi.x+viewdist*cos(a+visarea),oi.y+viewdist*sin(a+visarea)); line(oi.x,oi.y,oi.x+viewdist*cos(a-visarea),oi.y+viewdist*sin(a-visarea)); popMatrix(); noStroke(); } fill(255,0,0); pushMatrix(); translate(oi.x,oi.y); rotate(a+PI); hsim_Draw(oi); popMatrix(); } if(hamlib.Mode) { pushMatrix(); translate(0,0,-1); DrawCursor(hnav.MouseToWorldCoordX(mouseX),hnav.MouseToWorldCoordY(mouseY)); popMatrix(); } } void DrawViewField(Obj o,int x,int y) { if(o.type==0) { for(int i=0;i<o.visarea.length;i++) { fill(o.visarea[i]*255); rect(10*i+x,10+y,10,10); fill(o.visareatype[i]/hamlib.MinMaxFrom(o.visarea).MaxValue*255.0f); rect(10*i+x,20+y,10,10); } } } } Hsim hsim=new Hsim(); class Hsim_Custom { Hsim_Custom(){} } int nactions=3; int worldSize=800; PImage[] im=new PImage[10]; Gui label1; //WaveMembran mem=new WaveMembran(100); class Hamlib { Hamlib(){} void FillDependendOnVal(float Val) { fill(128,0,128+Val*128); } void Draw2DPlane(float[][] input,int RenderSize) { for(int i=0;i<input.length;i++) { for(int j=0;j<input[i].length;j++) { FillDependendOnVal(input[i][j]); rect(i*RenderSize,j*RenderSize,RenderSize,RenderSize); } } } void Draw1DLine(float[] input,int RenderSize) { for(int i=0;i<input.length;i++) { FillDependendOnVal(input[i]); rect(i*RenderSize,0,RenderSize,RenderSize); } } void farrcpy(float[] a,float[] b,int sz) { for(int i=0;i<sz;i++) { a[i]=b[i]; } } float angleDiff(float a,float b) { return min(abs(a-b),2*PI-abs((a-b))); } float deg(float radval) { return radval/(2*PI)*360; } float rad(float degval) { return degval/360*2*PI; } float RadAngleRange(float ret) { //spuckt zwischen 0 und 2*PI aus if(ret>2*PI) { ret-=2*PI; } if(ret<0) { ret+=2*PI; } return ret; } MinMaxClass MinMaxFrom(float[] arr) { MinMaxClass ret=new MinMaxClass(); for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++) { if(arr[i]>ret.MaxValue) { ret.MaxValue=arr[i]; ret.MaxIndex=i; } if(arr[i]<ret.MinValue) { ret.MinValue=arr[i]; ret.MinIndex=i; } } return ret; } float Integrate(float[] arr) { float ret=0; for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++) { ret+=arr[i]; } return ret; } boolean Mode; //2d or 3d boolean Hamlib3DMode=true; boolean Hamlib2DMode=false; void Init(boolean Mode3D) { noStroke(); Mode=Mode3D; hnav.Init(); if(Mode3D) { hcam_Init(); // noCursor(); } hsim.Init(); } void mousePressed() { hnav.mousePressed(); hsim.mousePressed(); hgui.mousePressed(); } void mouseDragged() { hnav.mouseDragged(); hcam_mouseDragged(); hsim.mouseDragged(); } void mouseReleased() { hnav.mouseReleased(); hsim.mouseReleased(); } void mouseMoved() { hcam_mouseMoved(); } void keyPressed() { hnav.keyPressed(); hcam_keyPressed(); hgui.keyPressed(); } void mouseScrolled() { hnav.mouseScrolled(); hcam_mouseScrolled(); } void Camera() { if(Mode==true) { hcam_Transform(); } else { hnav.Transform(); } } void Update(int r,int g,int b) { background(r,g,b); pushMatrix(); Camera(); hrend_DrawBegin(); Simulate(); hrend_DrawEnd(); popMatrix(); Gui(); hrend_DrawGUI(); } void Gui() { hgui.Draw(); } void Simulate() { hsim.Simulate(); } } Hamlib hamlib=new Hamlib(); float max_distance; class Hcam { Hcam(){} int mouse_x; int mouse_y; float xpos; float ypos; float zpos; float xrot; float yrot; float angle; float camzahigkeit; float speed=10.0f; } Hcam hcam=new Hcam(); void hcam_mouseScrolled() { float mul=-1; if(mouseScroll>0) { mul=1; } float xrotrad, yrotrad; yrotrad=(float)(hcam.yrot/180*PI); xrotrad=(float)(hcam.xrot/180*PI); hcam.xpos+=mul*(float)(hcam.speed*2*sin(yrotrad)); hcam.zpos-=mul*(float)(hcam.speed*2*cos(yrotrad)); hcam.ypos-=mul*(float)(hcam.speed*2*sin(xrotrad)); } void hcam_keyPressed() { if(key=='q') { hcam.xrot+=1; if(hcam.xrot>360) { hcam.xrot-=360; } } if(key=='e') { hcam.xrot-=1; if(hcam.xrot<-360) { hcam.xrot+=360; } } if(key=='s') { float xrotrad,yrotrad; yrotrad=(float)(hcam.yrot/180*PI); xrotrad=(float)(hcam.xrot/180*PI); hcam.xpos-=(float)(hcam.speed*sin(yrotrad)); hcam.zpos+=(float)(hcam.speed*cos(yrotrad)) ; hcam.ypos+=(float)(hcam.speed*sin(xrotrad)); } if(key=='w') { float xrotrad, yrotrad; yrotrad=(float)(hcam.yrot/180*PI); xrotrad=(float)(hcam.xrot/180*PI); hcam.xpos+=(float)(hcam.speed*sin(yrotrad)); hcam.zpos-=(float)(hcam.speed*cos(yrotrad)); hcam.ypos-=(float)(hcam.speed*sin(xrotrad)); } if(key=='d') { hcam.yrot+=1; if(hcam.yrot>360) { hcam.yrot-=360; } } if(key=='a') { hcam.yrot-=1; if(hcam.yrot<-360) { hcam.yrot += 360; } } } int lastx=512,lasty=384; void hcam_mouseDragged() { if(mouseButton==CENTER) { float difx=(float)lastx-mouseX; float dify=(float)lasty-mouseY; hcam.xrot+=dify*hcam.camzahigkeit; if(hcam.xrot<-360) { hcam.xrot+=360; } hcam.yrot-=difx*hcam.camzahigkeit; if(hcam.yrot<-360) { hcam.yrot += 360; } lastx=mouseX; lasty=mouseY; } } void hcam_mouseMoved() { lastx=mouseX; lasty=mouseY; } float hcam_saved_xpos,hcam_saved_ypos,hcam_saved_zpos,hcam_saved_xrot,hcam_saved_yrot; void hcam_SaveCamPos() { hcam_saved_xpos=hcam.xpos; hcam_saved_ypos=hcam.ypos; hcam_saved_zpos=hcam.zpos; hcam_saved_xrot=hcam.xrot; hcam_saved_yrot=hcam.yrot; } void hcam_SetCamPos(float x,float y,float z,float xrot,float yrot) { hcam.xpos=x; hcam.ypos=y; hcam.zpos=z; hcam.xrot=xrot; hcam.yrot=yrot; } void hcam_LoadCamPos() { hcam.xpos=hcam_saved_xpos; hcam.ypos=hcam_saved_ypos; hcam.zpos=hcam_saved_zpos; hcam.xrot=hcam_saved_xrot; hcam.yrot=hcam_saved_yrot; } void hcam_Init() { hcam.xpos=width/2; hcam.ypos=height/2; hcam.zpos=0.0f; hcam.xrot=0.0f; hcam.yrot=0.0f; hcam.angle=0.0f; hcam.camzahigkeit=0.3f; hnav.difx=0; hnav.dify=0; } void hcam_Transform() { translate(width/2,height/2); translate(hnav.difx,hnav.dify); hnav.EnableZooming=false; rotateX(hcam.xrot/360*2*PI); rotateY(hcam.yrot/360*2*PI); translate(-hcam.xpos,-hcam.ypos,-hcam.zpos); } class Gui { float px; float py; float sx; float sy; boolean bTextBox; String text; String name; Gui(float Px,float Py,float Sx,float Sy, String Name, String Text, boolean TextBox) { px=Px; py=Py; sx=Sx; sy=Sy; name=Name; text=Text; bTextBox=TextBox; } } class Hgui { Hgui(){} ArrayList gui=new ArrayList(); Gui selected=null; void keyPressed() { if(selected!=null && selected.bTextBox) { if(keyCode==BACKSPACE) { int len=selected.text.length(); if(len-1>=0) { selected.text=selected.text.substring(0,len-1); } } else if(keyCode==ENTER) { hgui_ElemEvent(selected); } else if(key>='a' && key<'z' || key>='A' && key<'Z') { selected.text+=key; } } } void mousePressed() { for(int i=0;i<gui.size();i++) { Gui g=((Gui)gui.get(i)); if(mouseX>g.px && mouseX< && mouseY> && mouseY< { if(!g.bTextBox) { hgui_ElemEvent(g); } selected=g; } } } void Draw() { for(int i=0;i<gui.size();i++) { Gui g=((Gui)gui.get(i)); fill(0,0,0); rect(g.px,,,; fill(255,255,255); text(g.text,,; } } } Hgui hgui=new Hgui(); class Hnav { Hnav(){ } float savepx=0; float savepy=0; int selID=0; float zoom=1.0f; float difx=0; float dify=0; int lastscr=0; boolean EnableZooming=true; float scrollcamspeed=1.1f; float MouseToWorldCoordX(int x) { if(hamlib.Mode) { return mouseX; } return 1/zoom*(x-difx-width/2); } float MouseToWorldCoordY(int y) { if(hamlib.Mode) { return mouseY; } return 1/zoom*(y-dify-height/2); } boolean md=false; void mousePressed() { md=true; if(mouseButton==RIGHT) { savepx=mouseX; savepy=mouseY; } } void mouseReleased() { md=false; } void mouseDragged() { if(mouseButton==RIGHT) { difx+=(mouseX-savepx); dify+=(mouseY-savepy); savepx=mouseX; savepy=mouseY; } } float camspeed=20.0f; float scrollcammult=0.92f; boolean keyToo=true; void keyPressed() { if((keyToo && key=='w') || keyCode==UP) { dify+=(camspeed); } if((keyToo && key=='s') || keyCode==DOWN) { dify+=(-camspeed); } if((keyToo && key=='a') || keyCode==LEFT) { difx+=(camspeed); } if((keyToo && key=='d') || keyCode==RIGHT) { difx+=(-camspeed); } if(!EnableZooming) { return; } if(key=='-' || key=='#') { float zoomBefore=zoom; zoom*=scrollcammult; difx=(difx)*(zoom/zoomBefore); dify=(dify)*(zoom/zoomBefore); } if(key=='+') { float zoomBefore=zoom; zoom/=scrollcammult; difx=(difx)*(zoom/zoomBefore); dify=(dify)*(zoom/zoomBefore); } } void Init() { difx=-width/2; dify=-height/2; } void mouseScrolled() { if(!EnableZooming) { return; } float zoomBefore=zoom; if(mouseScroll>0) { zoom*=scrollcamspeed; } else { zoom/=scrollcamspeed; } difx=(difx)*(zoom/zoomBefore); dify=(dify)*(zoom/zoomBefore); } void Transform() { translate(difx+0.5f*width,dify+0.5f*height); scale(zoom,zoom); } } Hnav hnav=new Hnav(); class MinMaxClass { float MaxValue; float MinValue; int MaxIndex; int MinIndex; MinMaxClass() { MaxValue=-999999; MinValue=999999; MaxIndex=0; MinIndex=0; } } class Obj { Obj(){} float[] visarea; float[] visareatype; int type; float x; float y; float a; float v; float vx; float vy; float VX; float VY; float s; float acc; boolean DrawField=false; Hai hai=null; Hsim_Custom custom=null; Obj(Hsim_Custom customobj,Hai haiobj,int X,int Y,float A,float V,float Vx,float Vy,float S,int Type,int Hsim_eyesize) { hai=haiobj; custom=customobj; x=X; y=Y; a=A; v=V; s=S*4.0f; vx=Vx; vy=Vy; type=Type; if(Hsim_eyesize>0) { visarea=new float[Hsim_eyesize]; visareatype=new float[Hsim_eyesize]; } } void DrawViewFields(int x,int y,int RenderSize) { if(Hsim_eyesize>0) { pushMatrix(); translate(x,y); hamlib.Draw1DLine(visarea,10); translate(0,10); hamlib.Draw1DLine(visareatype,10); popMatrix(); } } } public void settings() { size(800,600); } public void setup() { this.size(800, 600); this.frameRate(20); //mem.simulate_consistency=0.05; //mem.simulate_damping=0.90; //size(worldSize-200,worldSize-200); hamlib.Init(false); im[0]=loadImage("."+File.separator+"nars_lab"+File.separator+"nars"+File.separator+"lab"+File.separator+"microworld"+File.separator+"bar.png"); im[1]=loadImage("."+File.separator+"nars_lab"+File.separator+"nars"+File.separator+"lab"+File.separator+"microworld"+File.separator+"ball.png"); im[2]=loadImage("."+File.separator+"nars_lab"+File.separator+"nars"+File.separator+"lab"+File.separator+"microworld"+File.separator+"fire.png"); for(int i=0;i<1;i++) { int SomSize=10; Hai h=new Hai(nactions,SomSize); //h.som=new Hsom(SomSize,Hsim_eyesize*2); //h.som.Leaky=false; agent=new Obj(new Hsim_Custom(),h,(int)(random(1)*(double)width),(int)(random(1)*(double)height),random(1)*2*PI-PI,random(1),0,0,random(1)*5+20,0,Hsim_eyesize); h.obj = agent; hsim.obj.add(agent); } lastclicked=((Obj)hsim.obj.get(0)); for(int i=0;i<1;i++) { ball = new Obj(null,null,width / 2,height / 2,random(1)*2*PI,0,0,0,random(1)*5+20,1,10); hsim.obj.add(ball); } /*for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { hsim.obj.add(new Obj(null,null,(int)(random(1)*(double)width),(int)(random(1)*(double)height),random(1)*2*PI,0,0,0,random(1)*5+20,2,10)); }*/ hsim.viewdist=(float) Math.sqrt(width*width+height*height); //4 label1=new Gui(0,height-25,width,25, "label1", "", false); hgui.gui.add(label1); } public void draw() { hamlib.Update(128,138,128); //mem.simulate(0); } } public static void main(String[] args) { NARSwing.themeInvert(); new PongComplex(); } }