package nars.lab.grid2d.main; import; import nars.NAR; import nars.lab.grid2d.main.Cell.Logic; import static nars.lab.grid2d.main.Cell.Logic.AND; import static nars.lab.grid2d.main.Cell.Logic.BRIDGE; import static nars.lab.grid2d.main.Cell.Logic.NOT; import static nars.lab.grid2d.main.Cell.Logic.OFFSWITCH; import static nars.lab.grid2d.main.Cell.Logic.OR; import static nars.lab.grid2d.main.Cell.Logic.SWITCH; import static nars.lab.grid2d.main.Cell.Logic.UNCERTAINBRIDGE; import static nars.lab.grid2d.main.Cell.Logic.WIRE; import static nars.lab.grid2d.main.Cell.Logic.XOR; import nars.lab.grid2d.main.Cell.Machine; import nars.lab.grid2d.main.Cell.Material; import nars.lab.grid2d.object.Key; import nars.lab.grid2d.object.Pizza; public class Hauto { private final NAR nar; boolean is_logic(Cell c){ return (c.logic==OR || c.logic==XOR || c.logic==AND || c.logic==NOT); } public static int doornumber(Cell c) { if(c.material!=Material.Door) { return -2; } return Integer.parseInt("door", "").replaceAll("\\}", "").replaceAll("\\{", "")); } public boolean bridge(Logic c) { if(c==Logic.UNCERTAINBRIDGE || c==Logic.BRIDGE) { return true; } return false; } //put to beginning because we will need this one most often public void ExecutionFunction(int t,int i,int j,Cell w,Cell r,Cell left,Cell right,Cell up, Cell down,Cell left_up,Cell left_down,Cell right_up,Cell right_down,Cell[][] readcells) { w.charge=r.charge; w.value=r.value; w.value2=r.value2; w.is_solid=r.is_solid; w.chargeFront=false; // if((r.machine==Machine.Light || r.machine==Machine.Turret) && r.charge==1) { if(r.light!=1.0f) { boolean nope=false; if(r.machine==Machine.Turret) { for(GridObject gr : { if(gr instanceof LocalGridObject) { LocalGridObject o=(LocalGridObject) gr; if(o.x==i && o.y==j) { nope=true; } } } if(!nope) { Pizza((int)i, (int)j, "")); if(TestChamber.staticInformation) //nar.addInput("<{pizza"+entityID.toString()+"} --> pizza>."); entityID++; } } nar.addInput("<"" --> [on]>. :|:"); } w.light=1.0f; } else { w.light=NeighborsValue2("op_max", i, j, readcells, "get_light", (r.is_solid || r.material==Material.StoneWall) ? 1 : 0)/1.1f; //1.1 } ///door if(r.material==Material.Door) { if(NeighborsValue2("op_or", i, j, readcells, "having_charge", 1.0f) != 0) { w.is_solid=false; if(r.is_solid) { nar.addInput("<"" --> [opened]>. :|:"); } } else { if(!r.is_solid && TestChamber.keyn!=doornumber(r)) { w.is_solid=true; nar.addInput("(--,<"" --> [opened]>). :|: %1.00;0.90%"); } } } //////// WIRE / CURRENT PULSE FLOW ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(r.logic==WIRE) { if(!r.chargeFront && r.charge==0.0 && NeighborsValue2("op_or", i, j, readcells, "having_charge", 1.0f) != 0) { w.charge = 1.0f; w.chargeFront=true; //it's on the front of the wave of change } if(!r.chargeFront && r.charge==1.0 && NeighborsValue2("op_or", i, j, readcells, "having_charge", 0.0f) != 0) { w.charge=0.0f; w.chargeFront=true; //it's on the front of the wave of change } if(r.chargeFront==false && r.charge==0 && (up.logic==SWITCH || down.logic==SWITCH || (left.logic==SWITCH || (is_logic(left) && left.value==1)) || (right.logic==SWITCH || (is_logic(right) && right.value==1)))) { w.charge=1.0f; w.chargeFront=true; //it's on the front of the wave of change } if(r.chargeFront==false && r.charge==1 && (up.logic==OFFSWITCH || down.logic==OFFSWITCH || (left.logic==OFFSWITCH || (is_logic(left) && left.value==0)) || (right.logic==OFFSWITCH || (is_logic(right) && right.value==0)))) { w.charge=0.0f; w.chargeFront=true; //it's on the front of the wave of change } } //////////// LOGIC ELEMENTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(r.logic==Cell.Logic.NOT && (up.charge==0 || up.charge==1)) w.value=(up.charge==0 ? 1 : 0); //eval state from input connection if(r.logic==Cell.Logic.NOT && (down.charge==0 || down.charge==1)) w.value=(down.charge==0 ? 1 : 0); //eval state from input connection if(r.logic==Cell.Logic.AND) w.value=(up.charge==1 && down.charge==1) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; //eval state from input connections if(r.logic==Cell.Logic.OR) w.value=(up.charge==1 || down.charge==1) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; //eval state from input connections if(r.logic==Cell.Logic.XOR) w.value=(up.charge==1 ^ down.charge==1) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; //eval state from input connections //ADD BIDIRECTIONAL LOGIC BRIDGE TO OVERCOME 2D TOPOLOGY if(r.logic==BRIDGE || (r.logic==UNCERTAINBRIDGE && Memory.randomNumber.nextDouble()>0.5)) { if(left.chargeFront && left.logic==WIRE) w.value=left.charge; else if(right.chargeFront && right.logic==WIRE) w.value=right.charge; if(up.chargeFront && up.logic==WIRE) w.value2=up.charge; else if(down.chargeFront && down.logic==WIRE) w.value2=down.charge; } if(!r.chargeFront && r.charge==0 && (((bridge(right.logic) && right.value==1) || (bridge(left.logic) && left.value==1)) || ((bridge(down.logic) && down.value2==1)))) { w.charge=1; w.chargeFront=true; } if(!r.chargeFront && r.charge==1 && (((bridge(right.logic) && right.value==0) || (bridge(left.logic) && left.value==0)) || ((bridge(down.logic) && down.value2==0)))) { w.charge=0; w.chargeFront=true; } if (r.logic == Cell.Logic.Load) { w.charge = Math.max(up.charge, Math.max(down.charge, Math.max(left.charge, right.charge))); w.chargeFront = false; } if(r.machine==Machine.Light || r.machine==Machine.Turret) { if(r.light==1.0f && w.light!=1.0f) { //changed nar.addInput("(--,<"" --> [on]>). :|: %1.00;0.90%"); } } //w.charge *= w.conductivity; } String doorname=""; public static Integer entityID=0; public static boolean allow_imitating=false; public static String lastWish = ""; public static boolean goalInputPeriodic = false; public void clicked(int x,int y, Grid2DSpace space) { if((int)x == 0 || (int) y==0 || (int)x == w-1 || (int) y==h-1) return; if(!doorname.equals("") && !doorname.contains("{")) { doorname="{"+doorname+"}"; } if(oper.equals("perceive")) { readCells[(int) x][(int) y].name = "{place"+entityID.toString()+"}"; writeCells[(int) x][(int) y].name = "{place"+entityID.toString()+"}"; if(TestChamber.staticInformation) nar.addInput("<"+"{place"+entityID.toString()+"} --> place>."); if(TestChamber.curiousity) { space.nar.addInput("<(^go-to," + "{place"+entityID.toString() + "}) =/> <Self --> [curious]>>."); } entityID++; return; } if(!"".equals(oper)) { if(!"".equals(readCells[x][y].name) && !"pick".equals(oper)) { if(allow_imitating) { nar.addInput("(^" + oper + ","+readCells[x][y].name+")! :|:"); //we will force the action } else { nar.addInput("(^" + oper + ","+readCells[x][y].name+"). :|:"); TestChamber.operateObj(readCells[x][y].name, oper); } //nar.addInput("(^" + oper + ","+readCells[x][y].name+"). :|:"); //in order to make NARS an observer //--nar.step(1); //.operateObj(readCells[x][y].name, oper); } String s=TestChamber.getobj(x, y); if(!s.equals("")) { if(allow_imitating) { nar.addInput("(^" + oper + ","+s+")! :|:"); } else { nar.addInput("(^" + oper + ","+s+"). :|:"); TestChamber.operateObj(s, oper); } //nar.executeDummyDecision("(^" + oper + ","+s+")"); //--nar.step(1); // TestChamber.operateObj(s, oper); } return; } if(!"".equals(wish)) { boolean inverse=false; if(wish.equals("closed") || wish.equals("off")) { inverse=true; } String wishreal=wish.replace("closed", "opened").replace("off", "on"); if(!"".equals(readCells[x][y].name)) { //nar.addInput("(^" + oper + ","+readCells[x][y].name+")!"); //we will force the action if(!inverse) { String inp = "<" + readCells[x][y].name+" --> ["+wishreal+"]>! :|:"; nar.addInput(inp); //in order to make NARS an observer lastWish = inp; } else { String inp = "(--,<" + readCells[x][y].name+" --> ["+wishreal+"]>)! :|: %1.00;0.90%"; nar.addInput(inp); lastWish = inp; } //--nar.step(1); } String s=TestChamber.getobj(x, y); if(!s.equals("")) { //nar.addInput("(^" + oper + ","+s+")!"); if(!inverse) { String inp = "<" + s +" --> ["+wishreal+"]>! :|:"; nar.addInput(inp); //in order to make NARS an observer lastWish = inp; } else { String inp = "(--,<" + s +" --> ["+wishreal+"]>)! :|: %1.00;0.90%"; nar.addInput(inp); lastWish = inp; } //--nar.step(1); } return; } if(!"".equals(doorname) && selected.material==Material.Door) { space.add(new Key((int)x, (int)y, doorname.replace("door", "key"))); if(TestChamber.staticInformation) nar.addInput("<"+doorname.replace("door", "key")+" --> key>."); if(TestChamber.curiousity) { space.nar.addInput("<(^go-to," +doorname.replace("door", "key") + ") =/> <Self --> [curious]>>."); space.nar.addInput("<(^pick," + doorname.replace("door", "key") + ") =/> <Self --> [curious]>>."); } doorname=""; return; } if(selected.material==Material.Pizza) { doorname="{pizza"+entityID.toString()+"}"; } if(!"".equals(doorname) && selected.material==Material.Pizza) { space.add(new Pizza((int)x, (int)y, doorname)); if(TestChamber.staticInformation) nar.addInput("<"+doorname+" --> pizza>."); if(TestChamber.curiousity) { space.nar.addInput("<(^go-to," + doorname + ") =/> <Self --> [curious]>>."); } entityID++; doorname=""; return; } if(!(selected.material==Material.Door) && !(selected.material==Material.Pizza)) doorname=""; readCells[(int) x][(int) y].charge = selected.charge; writeCells[(int) x][(int) y].charge = selected.charge; readCells[(int) x][(int) y].logic = selected.logic; writeCells[(int) x][(int) y].logic = selected.logic; readCells[(int) x][(int) y].material = selected.material; writeCells[(int) x][(int) y].material = selected.material; readCells[(int) x][(int) y].machine = selected.machine; writeCells[(int) x][(int) y].machine = selected.machine; if(selected.material==Material.Pizza || selected.material==Material.Door || selected.logic==Logic.OFFSWITCH || selected.logic==Logic.SWITCH || selected.machine==Machine.Light || selected.machine==Machine.Turret) //or other entity... { String name=""; if(selected.material==Material.Door) { name="door"; } if(selected.logic==Logic.SWITCH || selected.logic==Logic.OFFSWITCH) name="switch"; if(selected.machine==Machine.Light) name="light"; if(selected.machine==Machine.Turret) name="oven"; String Klass=name; name += (entityID.toString()); if(selected.material==Material.Door) { doorname=name; } name="{"+name+"}"; //if it has name already, dont allow overwrite if(readCells[(int) x][(int) y].name.equals("")) { if(TestChamber.staticInformation) nar.addInput("<"+name+" --> "+Klass+">."); readCells[(int) x][(int) y].name = name; writeCells[(int) x][(int) y].name = name; if(selected.logic==Logic.OFFSWITCH) { nar.addInput("(--,<"+name+" --> "+"[on]>). :|: %1.00;0.90%"); if(TestChamber.curiousity) { space.nar.addInput("<(^go-to," + readCells[(int) x][(int) y].name + ") =/> <Self --> [curious]>>."); space.nar.addInput("<(^activate," + readCells[(int) x][(int) y].name + ") =/> <Self --> [curious]>>."); space.nar.addInput("<(^deactivate," + readCells[(int) x][(int) y].name + ") =/> <Self --> [curious]>>."); } } if(selected.logic==Logic.SWITCH) { nar.addInput("<"+name+" --> "+"[on]>. :|:"); if(TestChamber.curiousity) { space.nar.addInput("<(^go-to," + readCells[(int) x][(int) y].name + ") =/> <Self --> [curious]>>."); space.nar.addInput("<(^activate," + readCells[(int) x][(int) y].name + ") =/> <Self --> [curious]>>."); space.nar.addInput("<(^deactivate," + readCells[(int) x][(int) y].name + ") =/> <Self --> [curious]>>."); } } } else { if(selected.logic==Logic.OFFSWITCH) { //already has a name so use this one nar.addInput("<"+readCells[(int) x][(int) y].name+" --> "+"[off]>. :|:"); if(TestChamber.curiousity) { space.nar.addInput("<(^go-to," + readCells[(int) x][(int) y].name + ") =/> <Self --> [curious]>>."); space.nar.addInput("<(^activate," + readCells[(int) x][(int) y].name + ") =/> <Self --> [curious]>>."); space.nar.addInput("<(^deactivate," + readCells[(int) x][(int) y].name + ") =/> <Self --> [curious]>>."); } } if(selected.logic==Logic.SWITCH) { nar.addInput("<"+readCells[(int) x][(int) y].name+" --> "+"[on]>. :|:"); if(TestChamber.curiousity) { space.nar.addInput("<(^go-to," + readCells[(int) x][(int) y].name + ") =/> <Self --> [curious]>>."); space.nar.addInput("<(^activate," + readCells[(int) x][(int) y].name + ") =/> <Self --> [curious]>>."); space.nar.addInput("<(^deactivate," + readCells[(int) x][(int) y].name + ") =/> <Self --> [curious]>>."); } } } entityID++; } } Cell selected=new Cell(); String oper=""; String label=""; String wish=""; public void click(String label, String oper, String wish) { this.label=label; this.oper=oper; this.wish=wish; if("".equals(label)) { return; } selected.is_solid=false; if("StoneWall".equals(label)) { selected.material = Material.StoneWall; selected.is_solid=true; selected.logic=Logic.NotALogicBlock; selected.charge=0; } if("Water".equals(label)) { selected.material = Material.Water; selected.is_solid=false; selected.logic=Logic.NotALogicBlock; selected.charge=0; } if("DirtFloor".equals(label)) { selected.material = Material.DirtFloor; selected.is_solid=false; selected.logic=Logic.NotALogicBlock; selected.charge=0; } if("GrassFloor".equals(label)) { selected.material = Material.GrassFloor; selected.is_solid=false; selected.logic=Logic.NotALogicBlock; selected.charge=0; } selected.machine = null; if("NOT".equals(label)) { selected.setLogic(Cell.Logic.NOT, 0); } if("AND".equals(label)) { selected.setLogic(Cell.Logic.AND, 0); } if("OR".equals(label)) { selected.setLogic(Cell.Logic.OR, 0); } if("XOR".equals(label)) { selected.setLogic(Cell.Logic.XOR, 0); } if("bridge".equals(label)) { selected.setLogic(Cell.Logic.BRIDGE, 0); } if("uncertainbridge".equals(label)) { selected.setLogic(Cell.Logic.UNCERTAINBRIDGE, 0); } if("OnWire".equals(label)) { selected.setLogic(Cell.Logic.WIRE, 1.0f); selected.chargeFront = true; } if("OffWire".equals(label)) { selected.setLogic(Cell.Logic.WIRE, 0); selected.chargeFront = true; } if("onswitch".equals(label)) { selected.setLogic(Cell.Logic.SWITCH, 1.0f); } if("offswitch".equals(label)) { selected.setLogic(Cell.Logic.OFFSWITCH, 0); } if("Pizza".equals(label)) { selected.logic = Logic.NotALogicBlock; selected.material = Material.Pizza; selected.is_solid=false; } if("Door".equals(label)) { selected.logic = Logic.NotALogicBlock; selected.charge=0; selected.material = Material.Door; selected.is_solid=true; } if("Light".equals(label)) { selected.logic = Logic.Load; selected.material = Material.Machine; selected.machine = Machine.Light; selected.is_solid=true; } if("Turret".equals(label)) { selected.logic = Logic.Load; selected.material = Material.Machine; selected.machine = Machine.Turret; selected.is_solid=true; } } public float Neighbor_Value(Cell c,String mode,float data) { if("having_charge".equals(mode)) { if(c.logic!=Cell.Logic.WIRE) return -1.0f; //not a charge return c.charge==data ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } if("just_getcharge".equals(mode)) { return c.charge; } if("get_light".equals(mode) && (data==1 || !c.is_solid && !(c.material==Material.StoneWall))) { return Math.max(c.charge*0.2f, c.light); } return 0.0f; } final public static int RIGHT = -90; final public static int DOWN = 180; final public static int LEFT = 90; final public static int UP = 0; final public static int UPLEFT = (UP+LEFT)/2; final public static int UPRIGHT = (UP+RIGHT)/2; final public static int DOWNLEFT = (DOWN+LEFT)/2; final public static int DOWNRIGHT = (DOWN+RIGHT)/2; public int t = 0; public Cell[][] readCells; //2D-array(**) of Cell objects(*) public Cell[][] writeCells; //2D-array(**) of Cell objects(*) public final int w; public final int h; public static int irand(int max) { return (int)(Math.random()*max); } public Hauto(int w, int h, NAR nar) { this.nar=nar; this.w = w; this.h = h; readCells = new Cell[w][]; writeCells = new Cell[w][]; for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { readCells[i] = new Cell[h]; writeCells[i] = new Cell[h]; for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { CellState s = new CellState(i, j); readCells[i][j] = new Cell(s); writeCells[i][j] = new Cell(s); if ((i == 0) || (i == w-1)) readCells[i][j].setBoundary(); else if ((j == 0) || (j == h-1)) readCells[i][j].setBoundary(); } } copyReadToWrite(); click("StoneWall","",""); } public void copyReadToWrite() { for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { writeCells[i][j].copyFrom(readCells[i][j]); } } } public void Exec() { this.t++; for (int i = 1; i < this.w - 1; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < this.h - 1; j++) { ExecutionFunction(this.t, i, j, this.writeCells[i][j], this.readCells[i][j], this.readCells[i - 1][j], this.readCells[i + 1][j], this.readCells[i][j + 1], this.readCells[i][j - 1], this.readCells[i - 1][j + 1], this.readCells[i - 1][j - 1], this.readCells[i + 1][j + 1], this.readCells[i + 1][j - 1], this.readCells); } } //change write to read and read to write Cell[][] temp2 = this.readCells; this.readCells = this.writeCells; this.writeCells = temp2; } public Cell FirstNeighbor(int i, int j, Cell[][] readCells, String Condition, float data) { int k; int l; for (k = i - 1; k <= i + 1; k++) { for (l = j - 1; l <= j + 1; l++) { if (!(k == i && j == l)) { if (Neighbor_Value(readCells[k][l], Condition, data) != 0) { return readCells[k][l]; } } } } return null; } public float NeighborsValue(String op, int i, int j, Cell[][] readCells, String Condition, float data) { return Op(op, Op(op, Op(op, Op(op, Op(op, Op(op, Op(op, Neighbor_Value(readCells[i + 1][j], Condition, data), Neighbor_Value(readCells[i - 1][j], Condition, data)), Neighbor_Value(readCells[i + 1][j + 1], Condition, data)), Neighbor_Value(readCells[i - 1][j - 1], Condition, data)), Neighbor_Value(readCells[i][j + 1], Condition, data)), Neighbor_Value(readCells[i][j - 1], Condition, data)), Neighbor_Value(readCells[i - 1][j + 1], Condition, data)), Neighbor_Value(readCells[i + 1][j - 1], Condition, data)); } public float NeighborsValue2(String op, int i, int j, Cell[][] readCells, String Condition, float data) { return Op(op, Op(op, Op(op, Neighbor_Value(readCells[i + 1][j], Condition, data), Neighbor_Value(readCells[i - 1][j], Condition, data)), Neighbor_Value(readCells[i][j + 1], Condition, data)), Neighbor_Value(readCells[i][j - 1], Condition, data)); } public float Op(String op,float a,float b) { if("op_or".equals(op)) { return (a==1.0f || b==1.0f) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } if("op_and".equals(op)) { return (a==1.0f && b==1.0f) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } if("op_max".equals(op)) { return Math.max(a, b); } if("op_min".equals(op)) { return Math.min(a, b); } if("op_plus".equals(op)) { return a+b; } if("op_mul".equals(op)) { return a*b; } return 0.0f; } public void forEach(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, CellFunction c) { x1 = Math.max(1, x1); x2 = Math.min(w-1, x2); x2 = Math.max(x1, x2); y1 = Math.max(1, y1); y2 = Math.min(h-1, y2); y2 = Math.max(y1, y2); for (int tx = x1; tx < x2; tx++) for (int ty = y1; ty < y2; ty++) { c.update(readCells[tx][ty]); } copyReadToWrite(); } public void at(int x, int y, CellFunction c) { c.update(readCells[x][y]); copyReadToWrite(); } public Cell at(int x, int y) { return readCells[x][y]; } public static class SetMaterial implements CellFunction { private final Cell.Material material; public SetMaterial(Cell.Material m) { this.material = m; } @Override public void update(Cell cell) { cell.material = material; cell.height = (material == Cell.Material.StoneWall) ? 64 : 1; } } }