/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.openjpa.persistence.flush; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration; import org.apache.openjpa.persistence.OpenJPAPersistence; import org.apache.openjpa.persistence.test.SingleEMFTestCase; public class TestCascadingFlush extends SingleEMFTestCase { boolean supportsNativeSequence = false; public void setUp() { setUp(Assignment.class, ClassPeriod.class, Course.class, SubTopic.class, Topic.class, CLEAR_TABLES); try { supportsNativeSequence = ((JDBCConfiguration) emf .getConfiguration()).getDBDictionaryInstance() .nextSequenceQuery != null; } catch (Throwable t) { supportsNativeSequence = false; } } /** * Verifies flushing a complex bidirectional domain model results in retrieval and population of all sequence-gen * ID values. */ public void testCascadingFlushBasic() { if (!supportsNativeSequence) { return; } EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager(); Long courseId = populate(em); em.clear(); Course course = em.find(Course.class, courseId); verifyCascadingFlush(em, course); em.close(); } /** * Verifies flushing a complex bidirectional domain model results in retrieval and population of all sequence-gen * ID values using an detached, then merged entity graph. */ public void testCascadingFlushDetach() { if (!supportsNativeSequence) { return; } EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager(); Long courseId = populate(em); em.clear(); Course tmpCourse = em.find(Course.class, courseId); Course course = OpenJPAPersistence.cast(em).detachCopy(tmpCourse); assertNotEquals(course, tmpCourse); verifyCascadingFlush(em, course); em.close(); } /** * Verifies flushing a complex bidirectional domain model results in retrieval of all sequence-gen ID values using * an serialized (resulting in detach), then merged entity graph. */ public void testCascadingFlushSerialize() { if (!supportsNativeSequence) { return; } EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager(); try { Long courseId = populate(em); em.clear(); Course tmpCourse = em.find(Course.class, courseId); Course course = null; try { course = (Course)roundtrip(tmpCourse, false); } catch (Throwable t) { fail("Failed to serialize and deserialize persistent object."); } assertNotEquals(course, tmpCourse); verifyCascadingFlush(em, course); } finally { if (em != null) { em.close(); } } } private void verifyCascadingFlush(EntityManager em, Course course) { try { beginTx(em); // Add a class period to the graph addClassPeriod(course); // Merge in the new entities Course course2 = em.merge(course); // Flush to the database. ID's should be assigned to all elements in // the graph. em.flush(); // Verify all id's are assigned assertTrue(course2.getCourseId() > 0); assertNotNull(course2.getClassPeriods()); Set<ClassPeriod> cps = course2.getClassPeriods(); assertTrue(cps.size() == 2); for (ClassPeriod cp : cps) { assertNotNull(cp); assertTrue(cp.getClassPeriodId() > 0); assertEquals(cp.getCourse(), course2); Set<Topic> topics = cp.getTopics(); assertNotNull(topics); assertTrue(topics.size() > 0); for (Topic t : topics) { assertNotNull(t); assertTrue(t.getTopicId() > 0); Set<Assignment> assignments = t.getAssignments(); assertNotNull(assignments); assertTrue(assignments.size() == 1); for (Assignment a : assignments) { assertNotNull(a); assertTrue(a.getAssignmentId() > 0); } Set<SubTopic> subTopics = t.getSubTopics(); assertNotNull(subTopics); assertTrue(subTopics.size() == 1); for (SubTopic s : subTopics) { assertNotNull(s); assertTrue(s.getSubtopicId() > 0); } } } commitTx(em); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); em.getTransaction().rollback(); fail(); } } public static Long populate(EntityManager em) { beginTx(em); Course course = createNewCourse(); em.persist(course); em.flush(); commitTx(em); return course.getCourseId(); } public static Course createNewCourse() { Course course = new Course(); course.setCourseText("Nuclear Physics"); Assignment assignment1 = new Assignment(); assignment1.setAssignmentText("Lab: Nuclear Fusion"); Set<Assignment> assignments = new HashSet<Assignment>(); assignments.add(assignment1); SubTopic subtopic1 = new SubTopic(); subtopic1.setSubtopicText("Nuclear Fusion"); Set<SubTopic> subtopics = new HashSet<SubTopic>(); subtopics.add(subtopic1); Topic topic1 = new Topic(); topic1.setTopicText("Fundamentals of Nuclear Energy"); topic1.setAssignments(assignments); topic1.setSubTopics(subtopics); assignment1.setTopic(topic1); subtopic1.setTopic(topic1); Set<Topic> topics = new HashSet<Topic>(); topics.add(topic1); ClassPeriod cp1 = new ClassPeriod(); cp1.setClassPeriodText("8844: M,W,Th 8:00AM"); cp1.setTopics(topics); cp1.setCourse(course); topic1.setClassPeriod(cp1); Set<ClassPeriod> cps = new HashSet<ClassPeriod>(); cps.add(cp1); course.setClassPeriods(cps); return course; } public static void addClassPeriod(Course course) { Assignment assignment = new Assignment(); assignment.setAssignmentText("Read pages 442-645"); Set<Assignment> assignments = new HashSet<Assignment>(); assignments.add(assignment); SubTopic subTopic = new SubTopic(); subTopic.setSubtopicText("Newton"); Set<SubTopic> subTopics = new HashSet<SubTopic>(); subTopics.add(subTopic); Topic topic = new Topic(); topic.setTopicText("Gravity"); topic.setSubTopics(subTopics); topic.setAssignments(assignments); assignment.setTopic(topic); subTopic.setTopic(topic); Set<Topic> topics = new HashSet<Topic>(); topics.add(topic); // Add another topic Assignment assignment2 = new Assignment(); assignment2.setAssignmentText("Read pages 645-785"); Set<Assignment> assignments2 = new HashSet<Assignment>(); assignments2.add(assignment2); SubTopic subTopic2 = new SubTopic(); subTopic2.setSubtopicText("Forces"); Set<SubTopic> subTopics2 = new HashSet<SubTopic>(); subTopics2.add(subTopic2); Topic topic2 = new Topic(); topic2.setTopicText("Magnetism"); topic2.setSubTopics(subTopics2); topic2.setAssignments(assignments2); subTopic2.setTopic(topic); subTopic2.setTopic(topic); topics.add(topic2); ClassPeriod cp2 = new ClassPeriod(); cp2.setClassPeriodText("8846: M,W,Th 11:00AM"); cp2.setTopics(topics); cp2.setCourse(course); topic.setClassPeriod(cp2); topic2.setClassPeriod(cp2); course.getClassPeriods().add(cp2); } private static void beginTx(EntityManager em) { em.getTransaction().begin(); } private static void commitTx(EntityManager em) { em.getTransaction().commit(); } public static Object roundtrip(Object orig, boolean validateEquality) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { assertNotNull(orig); ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(bout); out.writeObject(orig); ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(bout.toByteArray()); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(bin); Object result = in.readObject(); if (validateEquality) { assertEquals(orig.hashCode(), result.hashCode()); assertEquals(orig, result); } return result; } }