/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.StringReader; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.security.AccessController; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.Clob; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.identifier.DBIdentifier; import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.JDBCFetchConfiguration; import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.JDBCStore; import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps.FilterValue; import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.JavaSQLTypes; import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.Column; import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey; import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.Index; import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.PrimaryKey; import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.Table; import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey.FKMapKey; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc.DelegatingDatabaseMetaData; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.J2DoPrivHelper; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.Localizer; import org.apache.openjpa.meta.JavaTypes; import org.apache.openjpa.util.StoreException; import org.apache.openjpa.util.UserException; /** * Dictionary for Oracle. */ public class OracleDictionary extends DBDictionary { public static final String SELECT_HINT = "openjpa.hint.OracleSelectHint"; public static final String VENDOR_ORACLE = "oracle"; private static final int BEHAVE_OTHER = 0; private static final int BEHAVE_ORACLE = 1; private static final int BEHAVE_DATADIRECT31 = 2; private static Blob EMPTY_BLOB = null; private static Clob EMPTY_CLOB = null; private static final Localizer _loc = Localizer.forPackage (OracleDictionary.class); /** * If true, then simulate auto-assigned values in Oracle by * using a trigger that inserts a sequence value into the * primary key value when a row is inserted. */ public boolean useTriggersForAutoAssign = false; /** * The global sequence name to use for autoassign simulation. */ public String autoAssignSequenceName = null; /** * Flag to use OpenJPA 0.3 style naming for auto assign sequence name and * trigger name for backwards compatibility. */ public boolean openjpa3GeneratedKeyNames = false; /** * If true, then OpenJPA will attempt to use the special * OraclePreparedStatement.setFormOfUse method to * configure statements that it detects are operating on unicode fields. */ public boolean useSetFormOfUseForUnicode = true; /** * This variable was used prior to 2.1.x to indicate that OpenJPA should attempt to use * a Reader-based JDBC 4.0 method to set Clob or XML data. It allowed XMLType and * Clob values larger than 4000 bytes to be used. For 2.1.x+, code was added to allow * said functionality by default (see OPENJPA-1691). For forward compatibility, this * variable should not be removed. */ @Deprecated public boolean supportsSetClob = false; /** * If a user sets the previous variable (supportsSetClob) to true, we should log a * warning indicating that the variable no longer has an effect due to the code changes * of OPENJPA-1691. We only want to log the warning once per instance, thus this * variable will be used to indicate if the warning should be printed or not. */ @Deprecated private boolean logSupportsSetClobWarning = true; /** * Type constructor for XML column, used in INSERT and UPDATE statements. */ public String xmlTypeMarker = "XMLType(?)"; // some oracle drivers have problems with select for update; warn the // first time locking is attempted private boolean _checkedUpdateBug = false; private boolean _warnedCharColumn = false; private boolean _warnedNcharColumn = false; private int _driverBehavior = -1; // cache lob methods private Method _putBytes = null; private Method _putString = null; private Method _putChars = null; // cache some native Oracle classes and methods private Class oraclePreparedStatementClass = null; private Field oraclePreparedStatementFormNvarcharField = null; private Method oracleClob_empty_lob_Method = null; private Method oracleBlob_empty_lob_Method = null; private Method oracleClob_isEmptyLob_Method = null; // batch limit private int defaultBatchLimit = 100; public OracleDictionary() { platform = "Oracle"; validationSQL = "SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL"; nextSequenceQuery = "SELECT {0}.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL"; stringLengthFunction = "LENGTH({0})"; joinSyntax = SYNTAX_DATABASE; maxTableNameLength = 30; maxColumnNameLength = 30; maxIndexNameLength = 30; maxConstraintNameLength = 30; maxEmbeddedBlobSize = 4000; maxEmbeddedClobSize = 4000; inClauseLimit = 1000; supportsDeferredConstraints = true; supportsLockingWithDistinctClause = false; supportsSelectStartIndex = true; supportsSelectEndIndex = true; systemSchemaSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[]{ "CTXSYS", "MDSYS", "SYS", "SYSTEM", "WKSYS", "WMSYS", "XDB", })); supportsXMLColumn = true; xmlTypeName = "XMLType"; bigintTypeName = "NUMBER{0}"; bitTypeName = "NUMBER{0}"; decimalTypeName = "NUMBER{0}"; doubleTypeName = "NUMBER{0}"; integerTypeName = "NUMBER{0}"; numericTypeName = "NUMBER{0}"; smallintTypeName = "NUMBER{0}"; tinyintTypeName = "NUMBER{0}"; longVarcharTypeName = "LONG"; binaryTypeName = "BLOB"; varbinaryTypeName = "BLOB"; longVarbinaryTypeName = "BLOB"; timeTypeName = "DATE"; varcharTypeName = "VARCHAR2{0}"; fixedSizeTypeNameSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[]{ "LONG RAW", "RAW", "LONG", "REF", })); reservedWordSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[]{ "ACCESS", "AUDIT", "CLUSTER", "COMMENT", "COMPRESS", "EXCLUSIVE", "FILE", "IDENTIFIED", "INCREMENT", "INDEX", "INITIAL", "LOCK", "LONG", "MAXEXTENTS", "MINUS", "MODE", "NOAUDIT", "NOCOMPRESS", "NOWAIT", "OFFLINE", "ONLINE", "PCTFREE", "ROW", })); // reservedWordSet subset that CANNOT be used as valid column names // (i.e., without surrounding them with double-quotes) invalidColumnWordSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[]{ "ACCESS", "ADD", "ALL", "ALTER", "AND", "ANY", "AS", "ASC", "AUDIT", "BETWEEN", "BY", "CHAR", "CHECK", "CLUSTER", "COLUMN", "COMMENT", "COMPRESS", "CONNECT", "CREATE", "CURRENT", "DATE", "DECIMAL", "DEFAULT", "DELETE", "DESC", "DISTINCT", "DROP", "ELSE", "END-EXEC", "EXCLUSIVE", "EXISTS", "FILE", "FLOAT", "FOR", "FROM", "GRANT", "GROUP", "HAVING", "IDENTIFIED", "IMMEDIATE", "IN", "INCREMENT", "INDEX", "INITIAL", "INSERT", "INTEGER", "INTERSECT", "INTO", "IS", "LEVEL", "LIKE", "LOCK", "LONG", "MAXEXTENTS", "MINUS", "MODE", "NOAUDIT", "NOCOMPRESS", "NOT", "NOWAIT", "NULL", "NUMBER", "OF", "OFFLINE", "ON", "ONLINE", "OPTION", "OR", "ORDER", "PCTFREE", "PRIOR", "PRIVILEGES", "PUBLIC", "REVOKE", "ROW", "ROWS", "SELECT", "SESSION", "SET", "SIZE", "SMALLINT", "TABLE", "THEN", "TO", "UNION", "UNIQUE", "UPDATE", "USER", "VALUES", "VARCHAR", "VIEW", "WHENEVER", "WHERE", "WITH", })); substringFunctionName = "SUBSTR"; super.setBatchLimit(defaultBatchLimit); selectWordSet.add("WITH"); reportsSuccessNoInfoOnBatchUpdates = true; try { oraclePreparedStatementClass = Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement"); try { oraclePreparedStatementFormNvarcharField = oraclePreparedStatementClass.getField("FORM_NCHAR"); oraclePreparedStatementFormNvarcharField.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { log.warn("OraclePreparedStatement without FORM_NCHAR field found"); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // all fine } oracleClob_empty_lob_Method = getMethodByReflection("oracle.sql.CLOB", "getEmptyCLOB"); oracleBlob_empty_lob_Method = getMethodByReflection("oracle.sql.BLOB", "getEmptyBLOB"); oracleClob_isEmptyLob_Method = getMethodByReflection("oracle.sql.CLOB", "isEmptyLob"); } private Method getMethodByReflection(String className, String methodName, Class<?>... paramTypes) { try { return Class.forName(className,true, AccessController.doPrivileged(J2DoPrivHelper .getContextClassLoaderAction())). getMethod(methodName, paramTypes); } catch (Exception e) { // all fine } return null; } @Override public void endConfiguration() { super.endConfiguration(); if (useTriggersForAutoAssign) supportsAutoAssign = true; } @Override public void connectedConfiguration(Connection conn) throws SQLException { super.connectedConfiguration(conn); if (driverVendor == null) { DatabaseMetaData meta = conn.getMetaData(); String url = (meta.getURL() == null) ? "" : meta.getURL(); String driverName = meta.getDriverName(); String metadataClassName; if (meta instanceof DelegatingDatabaseMetaData) metadataClassName = ((DelegatingDatabaseMetaData) meta). getInnermostDelegate().getClass().getName(); else metadataClassName = meta.getClass().getName(); // check both the driver class name and the URL for known patterns if (metadataClassName.startsWith("oracle.") || url.indexOf("jdbc:oracle:") != -1 || "Oracle JDBC driver".equals(driverName)) { int jdbcMajor = meta.getDriverMajorVersion(); int jdbcMinor = meta.getDriverMinorVersion(); driverVendor = VENDOR_ORACLE + jdbcMajor + jdbcMinor; int jdbcVersion = jdbcMajor * 1000 + jdbcMinor; if( jdbcVersion >= 11002) { maxEmbeddedBlobSize = -1; maxEmbeddedClobSize = -1; } String productVersion = meta.getDatabaseProductVersion() .split("Release ",0)[1].split("\\.",0)[0]; int release = Integer.parseInt(productVersion); // warn sql92 if (release <= 8) { if (joinSyntax == SYNTAX_SQL92 && log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn(_loc.get("oracle-syntax")); joinSyntax = SYNTAX_DATABASE; dateTypeName = "DATE"; // added oracle 9 timestampTypeName = "DATE"; // added oracle 9 supportsXMLColumn = false; } // select of an xml column requires ".getStringVal()" (for values <= 4000 bytes only) // or ".getClobVal()" suffix. eg. t0.xmlcol.getClobVal() getStringVal = ".getClobVal()"; } else if (metadataClassName.startsWith("com.ddtek.") || url.indexOf("jdbc:datadirect:oracle:") != -1 || "Oracle".equals(driverName)) { driverVendor = VENDOR_DATADIRECT + meta.getDriverMajorVersion() + meta.getDriverMinorVersion(); } else driverVendor = VENDOR_OTHER; } cacheDriverBehavior(driverVendor); guessJDBCVersion(conn); } /** * Cache constant for drivers with behaviors we have to deal with. */ private void cacheDriverBehavior(String driverVendor) { if (_driverBehavior != -1) return; driverVendor = driverVendor.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (driverVendor.startsWith(VENDOR_ORACLE)) _driverBehavior = BEHAVE_ORACLE; else if (driverVendor.equals(VENDOR_DATADIRECT + "30") || driverVendor.equals(VENDOR_DATADIRECT + "31")) _driverBehavior = BEHAVE_DATADIRECT31; else _driverBehavior = BEHAVE_OTHER; } /** * Ensure that the driver vendor has been set, and if not, set it now. */ public void ensureDriverVendor() { if (driverVendor != null) { cacheDriverBehavior(driverVendor); return; } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.info(_loc.get("oracle-connecting-for-driver")); Connection conn = null; try { conn = conf.getDataSource2(null).getConnection(); connectedConfiguration(conn); } catch (SQLException se) { throw SQLExceptions.getStore(se, this); } finally { if (conn != null) try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { } } } @Override public boolean supportsLocking(Select sel) { if (!super.supportsLocking(sel)) return false; return !requiresSubselectForRange(sel.getStartIndex(), sel.getEndIndex(), sel.isDistinct(), sel.getOrdering()); } @Override protected SQLBuffer getSelects(Select sel, boolean distinctIdentifiers, boolean forUpdate) { // if range doesn't require a subselect can use super if (!requiresSubselectForRange(sel.getStartIndex(), sel.getEndIndex(), sel.isDistinct(), sel.getOrdering())) return super.getSelects(sel, distinctIdentifiers, forUpdate); // if there are no joins involved or we're using a from select so // that all cols already have unique aliases, can use super if (sel.getFromSelect() != null || sel.getTableAliases().size() < 2) return super.getSelects(sel, distinctIdentifiers, forUpdate); // since none of the conditions above were met, we're dealing with // a select that uses joins and requires subselects to select the // proper range; alias all column values so that they are unique within // the subselect SQLBuffer selectSQL = new SQLBuffer(this); List aliases; if (distinctIdentifiers) aliases = sel.getIdentifierAliases(); else aliases = sel.getSelectAliases(); Object alias; int i = 0; for (Iterator itr = aliases.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); i++) { alias = itr.next(); String asString = null; if (alias instanceof SQLBuffer) { asString = ((SQLBuffer) alias).getSQL(); selectSQL.appendParamOnly((SQLBuffer) alias); } else { asString = alias.toString(); } selectSQL.append(asString); if (asString.indexOf(" AS ") == -1) selectSQL.append(" AS c").append(String.valueOf(i)); if (itr.hasNext()) selectSQL.append(", "); } return selectSQL; } @Override public boolean canOuterJoin(int syntax, ForeignKey fk) { if (!super.canOuterJoin(syntax, fk)) return false; if (fk != null && syntax == SYNTAX_DATABASE) { if (fk.getConstants().length > 0) return false; if (fk.getPrimaryKeyConstants().length > 0) return false; } return true; } @Override public SQLBuffer toNativeJoin(Join join) { if (join.getType() != Join.TYPE_OUTER) return toTraditionalJoin(join); ForeignKey fk = join.getForeignKey(); if (fk == null) return null; boolean inverse = join.isForeignKeyInversed(); Column[] from = (inverse) ? fk.getPrimaryKeyColumns() : fk.getColumns(); Column[] to = (inverse) ? fk.getColumns() : fk.getPrimaryKeyColumns(); // do column joins SQLBuffer buf = new SQLBuffer(this); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < from.length; i++, count++) { if (count > 0) buf.append(" AND "); buf.append(join.getAlias1()).append(".").append(from[i]); buf.append(" = "); buf.append(join.getAlias2()).append(".").append(to[i]); buf.append("(+)"); } // check constant joins if (fk.getConstantColumns().length > 0) throw new StoreException(_loc.get("oracle-constant", join.getTable1(), join.getTable2())).setFatal(true); if (fk.getConstantPrimaryKeyColumns().length > 0) throw new StoreException(_loc.get("oracle-constant", join.getTable1(), join.getTable2())).setFatal(true); return buf; } @Override protected SQLBuffer toSelect(SQLBuffer select, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, SQLBuffer tables, SQLBuffer where, SQLBuffer group, SQLBuffer having, SQLBuffer order, boolean distinct, boolean forUpdate, long start, long end, boolean subselect, Select sel) { return toSelect(select, fetch, tables, where, group, having, order, distinct, forUpdate, start, end, sel); } @Override protected SQLBuffer toSelect(SQLBuffer select, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, SQLBuffer tables, SQLBuffer where, SQLBuffer group, SQLBuffer having, SQLBuffer order, boolean distinct, boolean forUpdate, long start, long end, Select sel) { if (!_checkedUpdateBug) { ensureDriverVendor(); if (forUpdate && _driverBehavior == BEHAVE_DATADIRECT31) log.warn(_loc.get("dd-lock-bug")); _checkedUpdateBug = true; } // if no range, use standard select if (!isUsingRange(start, end)) { return super.toSelect(select, fetch, tables, where, group, having, order, distinct, forUpdate, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, sel); } // if no skip, ordering, or distinct can use rownum directly SQLBuffer buf = new SQLBuffer(this); if (!requiresSubselectForRange(start, end, distinct, order)) { if (where != null && !where.isEmpty()) buf.append(where).append(" AND "); buf.append("ROWNUM <= ").appendValue(end); return super.toSelect(select, fetch, tables, buf, group, having, order, distinct, forUpdate, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, sel); } // if there is ordering, skip, or distinct we have to use subselects SQLBuffer newsel = super.toSelect(select, fetch, tables, where, group, having, order, distinct, forUpdate, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, sel); // if no skip, can use single nested subselect if (!isUsingOffset(start)) { buf.append(getSelectOperation(fetch) + " * FROM ("); buf.append(newsel); buf.append(") WHERE ROWNUM <= ").appendValue(end); return buf; } // with a skip, we have to use a double-nested subselect to put // where conditions on the rownum buf.append(getSelectOperation(fetch)) .append(" * FROM (SELECT r.*, ROWNUM RNUM FROM ("); buf.append(newsel); buf.append(") r"); if (isUsingLimit(end)) buf.append(" WHERE ROWNUM <= ").appendValue(end); buf.append(") WHERE RNUM > ").appendValue(start); return buf; } /** * Return true if the select with the given parameters needs a * subselect to apply a range. */ private boolean requiresSubselectForRange(long start, long end, boolean distinct, SQLBuffer order) { if (!isUsingRange(start, end)) return false; return isUsingOffset(start) || distinct || isUsingOrderBy(order); } /** * Check to see if we have set the {@link #SELECT_HINT} in the * fetch configuration, and if so, append the Oracle hint after the * "SELECT" part of the query. */ public String getSelectOperation(JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch) { Object hint = fetch == null ? null : fetch.getHint(SELECT_HINT); String select = "SELECT"; if (hint != null) select += " " + hint; return select; } public void setString(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, String val, Column col) throws SQLException { // oracle NCHAR/NVARCHAR/NCLOB unicode columns require some // special handling to configure them correctly; see: // http://www.oracle.com/technology/sample_code/tech/java/ // sqlj_jdbc/files/9i_jdbc/NCHARsupport4UnicodeSample/Readme.html String typeName = (col == null) ? null : col.getTypeIdentifier().getName(); if (useSetFormOfUseForUnicode && typeName != null && (typeName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("nvarchar") || typeName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("nchar") || typeName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("nclob"))) { Statement inner = stmnt; if (inner instanceof DelegatingPreparedStatement) inner = ((DelegatingPreparedStatement) inner). getInnermostDelegate(); if (isOraclePreparedStatement(inner)) { try { inner.getClass().getMethod("setFormOfUse", new Class[]{ int.class, short.class }). invoke(inner, new Object[]{ Integer.valueOf(idx), oraclePreparedStatementFormNvarcharField.get(null) }); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(e); } } else if (!_warnedNcharColumn && log.isWarnEnabled()) { _warnedNcharColumn = true; log.warn(_loc.get("unconfigured-nchar-cols")); } } // call setFixedCHAR for fixed width character columns to get padding // semantics if (col != null && col.getType() == Types.CHAR && val != null && val.length() != col.getSize()) { Statement inner = stmnt; if (inner instanceof DelegatingPreparedStatement) inner = ((DelegatingPreparedStatement) inner). getInnermostDelegate(); if (isOraclePreparedStatement(inner)) { try { Method setFixedCharMethod = inner.getClass().getMethod("setFixedCHAR", new Class[]{int.class, String.class}); if (!setFixedCharMethod.isAccessible()) { setFixedCharMethod.setAccessible(true); } setFixedCharMethod.invoke(inner, new Object[]{ new Integer(idx), val }); return; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(e); } } if (!_warnedCharColumn && log.isWarnEnabled()) { _warnedCharColumn = true; log.warn(_loc.get("unpadded-char-cols")); } } super.setString(stmnt, idx, val, col); } @Override public void setBinaryStream(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, InputStream val, int length, Column col) throws SQLException { if (length == 0) stmnt.setBlob(idx, getEmptyBlob()); else { super.setBinaryStream(stmnt, idx, val, length, col); } } @Override public void setClobString(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, String val, Column col) throws SQLException { //We need a place to detect if the user is setting the 'supportsSetClob' property. //While in previous releases this property had meaning, it is no longer useful //given the code added via OPENJPA-1691. As such, we need to warn user's the //property no longer has meaning. While it would be nice to have a better way //to detect if the supportsSetClob property has been set, the best we can do //is detect the variable in this code path as this is the path a user's code //would go down if they are still executing code which actually made use of //the support provided via setting supportsSetClob. if (supportsSetClob && logSupportsSetClobWarning){ log.warn(_loc.get("oracle-set-clob-warning")); logSupportsSetClobWarning=false; } if (col.isXML()) { if (isJDBC4) { // This JDBC 4 method handles values longer than 4000 bytes. stmnt.setClob(idx, new StringReader(val), val.length()); } else { // This method is limited to 4000 bytes. setCharacterStream(stmnt, idx, new StringReader(val), val.length(), col); } return; } if (!useSetStringForClobs && val.length() == 0) stmnt.setClob(idx, getEmptyClob()); else { super.setClobString(stmnt, idx, val, col); } } @Override public void setNull(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, int colType, Column col) throws SQLException { if ((colType == Types.CLOB || colType == Types.BLOB) && col.isNotNull()) throw new UserException(_loc.get("null-blob-in-not-nullable", toDBName(col .getFullDBIdentifier()))); if (colType == Types.BLOB && _driverBehavior == BEHAVE_ORACLE) stmnt.setBlob(idx, getEmptyBlob()); else if (colType == Types.CLOB && _driverBehavior == BEHAVE_ORACLE && !col.isXML()) stmnt.setClob(idx, getEmptyClob()); else if ((colType == Types.STRUCT || colType == Types.OTHER) && col != null && !DBIdentifier.isNull(col.getTypeIdentifier())) stmnt.setNull(idx, Types.STRUCT, col.getTypeIdentifier().getName()); // some versions of the Oracle JDBC driver will fail if calling // setNull with DATE; see bug #1171 else if (colType == Types.DATE) super.setNull(stmnt, idx, Types.TIMESTAMP, col); // the Oracle driver does not support Types.OTHER with setNull else if (colType == Types.OTHER || col.isXML()) super.setNull(stmnt, idx, Types.NULL, col); else super.setNull(stmnt, idx, colType, col); } @Override public String getClobString(ResultSet rs, int column) throws SQLException { if (_driverBehavior != BEHAVE_ORACLE) return super.getClobString(rs, column); Clob clob = getClob(rs, column); if (clob == null) return null; if (oracleClob_isEmptyLob_Method != null && clob.getClass().getName().equals("oracle.sql.CLOB")) { try { if (((Boolean) oracleClob_isEmptyLob_Method.invoke(clob, new Object[0])).booleanValue()) { return null; } } catch (Exception e) { // possibly different version of the driver } } if (clob.length() == 0) return null; // unlikely that we'll have strings over 4 billion chars return clob.getSubString(1, (int) clob.length()); } @Override public Timestamp getTimestamp(ResultSet rs, int column, Calendar cal) throws SQLException { if (cal == null) { try { return super.getTimestamp(rs, column, cal); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ae) { // CR295604: issue a warning this this bug can be gotten // around with SupportsTimestampNanos=false log.warn(_loc.get("oracle-timestamp-bug"), ae); throw ae; } } // handle Oracle bug where nanos not returned from call with Calendar // parameter Timestamp ts = rs.getTimestamp(column, cal); if (ts != null && ts.getNanos() == 0) ts.setNanos(rs.getTimestamp(column).getNanos()); return ts; } @Override public Object getObject(ResultSet rs, int column, Map map) throws SQLException { // recent oracle drivers return oracle-specific types for timestamps // and dates Object obj = super.getObject(rs, column, map); if (obj == null) return null; if ("oracle.sql.DATE".equals(obj.getClass().getName())) obj = convertFromOracleType(obj, "dateValue"); else if ("oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP".equals(obj.getClass().getName())) obj = convertFromOracleType(obj, "timestampValue"); return obj; } /** * Convert an object from its proprietary Oracle type to the standard * Java type. */ private static Object convertFromOracleType(Object obj, String convertMethod) throws SQLException { try { Method m = obj.getClass().getMethod(convertMethod, (Class[]) null); return m.invoke(obj, (Object[]) null); } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof InvocationTargetException) t = ((InvocationTargetException) t).getTargetException(); if (t instanceof SQLException) throw(SQLException) t; throw new SQLException(t.getMessage()); } } public Column[] getColumns(DatabaseMetaData meta, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, String columnName, Connection conn) throws SQLException { return getColumns(meta, DBIdentifier.newCatalog(catalog), DBIdentifier.newSchema(schemaName), DBIdentifier.newTable(tableName), DBIdentifier.newColumn(columnName),conn); } public Column[] getColumns(DatabaseMetaData meta, DBIdentifier catalog, DBIdentifier schemaName, DBIdentifier tableName, DBIdentifier columnName, Connection conn) throws SQLException { Column[] cols = super.getColumns(meta, catalog, schemaName, tableName, columnName, conn); for (int i = 0; cols != null && i < cols.length; i++) { String typeName = cols[i].getTypeIdentifier().getName(); if (typeName == null) continue; if (typeName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("TIMESTAMP")) cols[i].setType(Types.TIMESTAMP); else if ("BLOB".equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)) cols[i].setType(Types.BLOB); else if ("CLOB".equalsIgnoreCase(typeName) || "NCLOB".equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)) cols[i].setType(Types.CLOB); else if ("FLOAT".equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)) cols[i].setType(Types.FLOAT); else if ("NVARCHAR".equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)) cols[i].setType(Types.VARCHAR); else if ("NCHAR".equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)) cols[i].setType(Types.CHAR); else if ("XMLTYPE".equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)) { cols[i].setXML(true); } } return cols; } @Override public PrimaryKey[] getPrimaryKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, Connection conn) throws SQLException { return getPrimaryKeys(meta, DBIdentifier.newCatalog(catalog), DBIdentifier.newSchema(schemaName), DBIdentifier.newTable(tableName), conn); } @Override public PrimaryKey[] getPrimaryKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta, DBIdentifier catalog, DBIdentifier schemaName, DBIdentifier tableName, Connection conn) throws SQLException { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT t0.OWNER AS TABLE_SCHEM, "). append("t0.TABLE_NAME AS TABLE_NAME, "). append("t0.COLUMN_NAME AS COLUMN_NAME, "). append("t0.CONSTRAINT_NAME AS PK_NAME "). append("FROM ALL_CONS_COLUMNS t0, ALL_CONSTRAINTS t1 "). append("WHERE t0.OWNER = t1.OWNER "). append("AND t0.CONSTRAINT_NAME = t1.CONSTRAINT_NAME "). append("AND t1.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'P'"); if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(schemaName)) buf.append(" AND t0.OWNER = ?"); if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(tableName)) buf.append(" AND t0.TABLE_NAME = ?"); PreparedStatement stmnt = conn.prepareStatement(buf.toString()); ResultSet rs = null; try { int idx = 1; if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(schemaName)) { setString(stmnt, idx++, convertSchemaCase(schemaName), null); } if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(tableName)) { setString(stmnt, idx++, convertSchemaCase(tableName.getUnqualifiedName()), null); } setTimeouts(stmnt, conf, false); rs = stmnt.executeQuery(); List<PrimaryKey> pkList = new ArrayList<PrimaryKey>(); while (rs != null && rs.next()) { pkList.add(newPrimaryKey(rs)); } return pkList.toArray(new PrimaryKey[pkList.size()]); } finally { if (rs != null) try { rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore cleanup exception } try { stmnt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore cleanup exception } } } @Override public Index[] getIndexInfo(DatabaseMetaData meta, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, boolean unique, boolean approx, Connection conn) throws SQLException { return getIndexInfo(meta, DBIdentifier.newCatalog(catalog), DBIdentifier.newSchema(schemaName), DBIdentifier.newTable(tableName), unique, approx, conn); } @Override public Index[] getIndexInfo(DatabaseMetaData meta, DBIdentifier catalog, DBIdentifier schemaName, DBIdentifier tableName, boolean unique, boolean approx, Connection conn) throws SQLException { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT t0.INDEX_OWNER AS TABLE_SCHEM, "). append("t0.TABLE_NAME AS TABLE_NAME, "). append("DECODE(t1.UNIQUENESS, 'UNIQUE', 0, 'NONUNIQUE', 1) "). append("AS NON_UNIQUE, "). append("t0.INDEX_NAME AS INDEX_NAME, "). append("t0.COLUMN_NAME AS COLUMN_NAME "). append("FROM ALL_IND_COLUMNS t0, ALL_INDEXES t1 "). append("WHERE t0.INDEX_OWNER = t1.OWNER "). append("AND t0.INDEX_NAME = t1.INDEX_NAME"); if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(schemaName)) buf.append(" AND t0.TABLE_OWNER = ?"); if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(tableName)) buf.append(" AND t0.TABLE_NAME = ?"); PreparedStatement stmnt = conn.prepareStatement(buf.toString()); ResultSet rs = null; try { int idx = 1; if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(schemaName)) setString(stmnt, idx++, convertSchemaCase(schemaName), null); if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(tableName)) setString(stmnt, idx++, convertSchemaCase(tableName), null); setTimeouts(stmnt, conf, false); rs = stmnt.executeQuery(); List idxList = new ArrayList(); while (rs != null && rs.next()) idxList.add(newIndex(rs)); return (Index[]) idxList.toArray(new Index[idxList.size()]); } finally { if (rs != null) try { rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } try { stmnt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } @Override public ForeignKey[] getImportedKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta, String catalog, String schemaName, String tableName, Connection conn, boolean partialKeys) throws SQLException { return getImportedKeys(meta, DBIdentifier.newCatalog(catalog), DBIdentifier.newSchema(schemaName), DBIdentifier.newTable(tableName), conn, partialKeys); } @Override public ForeignKey[] getImportedKeys(DatabaseMetaData meta, DBIdentifier catalog, DBIdentifier schemaName, DBIdentifier tableName, Connection conn, boolean partialKeys) throws SQLException { StringBuilder delAction = new StringBuilder("DECODE(t1.DELETE_RULE"). append(", 'NO ACTION', ").append(meta.importedKeyNoAction). append(", 'RESTRICT', ").append(meta.importedKeyRestrict). append(", 'CASCADE', ").append(meta.importedKeyCascade). append(", 'SET NULL', ").append(meta.importedKeySetNull). append(", 'SET DEFAULT', ").append(meta.importedKeySetDefault). append(")"); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT t2.OWNER AS PKTABLE_SCHEM, "). append("t2.TABLE_NAME AS PKTABLE_NAME, "). append("t2.COLUMN_NAME AS PKCOLUMN_NAME, "). append("t0.OWNER AS FKTABLE_SCHEM, "). append("t0.TABLE_NAME AS FKTABLE_NAME, "). append("t0.COLUMN_NAME AS FKCOLUMN_NAME, "). append("t0.POSITION AS KEY_SEQ, "). append(delAction).append(" AS DELETE_RULE, "). append("t0.CONSTRAINT_NAME AS FK_NAME, "). append("DECODE(t1.DEFERRED, 'DEFERRED', "). append(meta.importedKeyInitiallyDeferred). append(", 'IMMEDIATE', "). append(meta.importedKeyInitiallyImmediate). append(") AS DEFERRABILITY "). append("FROM ALL_CONS_COLUMNS t0, ALL_CONSTRAINTS t1, "). append("ALL_CONS_COLUMNS t2 "). append("WHERE t0.OWNER = t1.OWNER "). append("AND t0.CONSTRAINT_NAME = t1.CONSTRAINT_NAME "). append("AND t1.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'R' "). append("AND t1.R_OWNER = t2.OWNER "). append("AND t1.R_CONSTRAINT_NAME = t2.CONSTRAINT_NAME "). append("AND t0.POSITION = t2.POSITION"); if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(schemaName)) buf.append(" AND t0.OWNER = ?"); if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(tableName)) buf.append(" AND t0.TABLE_NAME = ?"); buf.append(" ORDER BY t2.OWNER, t2.TABLE_NAME, t0.POSITION"); PreparedStatement stmnt = conn.prepareStatement(buf.toString()); ResultSet rs = null; try { int idx = 1; if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(schemaName)) setString(stmnt, idx++, convertSchemaCase(schemaName), null); if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(tableName)) setString(stmnt, idx++, convertSchemaCase(tableName), null); setTimeouts(stmnt, conf, false); rs = stmnt.executeQuery(); List<ForeignKey> fkList = new ArrayList<ForeignKey>(); Map<FKMapKey, ForeignKey> fkMap = new HashMap<FKMapKey, ForeignKey>(); while (rs != null && rs.next()) { ForeignKey nfk = newForeignKey(rs); if (!partialKeys) { ForeignKey fk = combineForeignKey(fkMap, nfk); // Only add the fk to the import list if it is new if (fk != nfk) { continue; } } fkList.add(nfk); } return (ForeignKey[]) fkList.toArray (new ForeignKey[fkList.size()]); } finally { if (rs != null) try { rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } try { stmnt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } @Override public String[] getCreateTableSQL(Table table) { // only override if we are simulating auto-incremenet with triggers String[] create = super.getCreateTableSQL(table); if (!useTriggersForAutoAssign) return create; Column[] cols = table.getColumns(); List seqs = null; String seq, trig; for (int i = 0; cols != null && i < cols.length; i++) { if (!cols[i].isAutoAssigned()) continue; if (seqs == null) seqs = new ArrayList(4); seq = autoAssignSequenceName; if (seq == null) { if (openjpa3GeneratedKeyNames) seq = getOpenJPA3GeneratedKeySequenceName(cols[i]); else seq = getGeneratedKeySequenceName(cols[i]); seqs.add("CREATE SEQUENCE " + seq + " START WITH 1"); } if (openjpa3GeneratedKeyNames) trig = getOpenJPA3GeneratedKeyTriggerName(cols[i]); else trig = getGeneratedKeyTriggerName(cols[i]); // create the trigger that will insert new values into // the table whenever a row is created seqs.add("CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER " + trig + " BEFORE INSERT ON " + toDBName(table.getIdentifier()) + " FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT " + seq + ".nextval INTO " + ":new." + toDBName(cols[i].getIdentifier()) + " FROM DUAL; " + "END " + trig + ";"); } if (seqs == null) return create; // combine create table sql and create seqences sql String[] sql = new String[create.length + seqs.size()]; System.arraycopy(create, 0, sql, 0, create.length); for (int i = 0; i < seqs.size(); i++) sql[create.length + i] = (String) seqs.get(i); return sql; } /** * Return the preferred {@link Types} constant for the given * {@link JavaTypes} or {@link JavaSQLTypes} constant. */ @Override public int getJDBCType(int metaTypeCode, boolean lob, int precis, int scale, boolean xml) { return getJDBCType(metaTypeCode, lob || xml, precis, scale); } @Override protected String getSequencesSQL(String schemaName, String sequenceName) { return getSequencesSQL(DBIdentifier.newSchema(schemaName), DBIdentifier.newSequence(sequenceName)); } @Override protected String getSequencesSQL(DBIdentifier schemaName, DBIdentifier sequenceName) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT SEQUENCE_OWNER AS SEQUENCE_SCHEMA, "). append("SEQUENCE_NAME FROM ALL_SEQUENCES"); if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(schemaName) || !DBIdentifier.isNull(sequenceName)) buf.append(" WHERE "); if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(schemaName)) { buf.append("SEQUENCE_OWNER = ?"); if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(sequenceName)) buf.append(" AND "); } if (!DBIdentifier.isNull(sequenceName)) buf.append("SEQUENCE_NAME = ?"); return buf.toString(); } public boolean isSystemSequence(String name, String schema, boolean targetSchema) { return isSystemSequence(DBIdentifier.newSequence(name), DBIdentifier.newSchema(schema), targetSchema); } @Override public boolean isSystemSequence(DBIdentifier name, DBIdentifier schema, boolean targetSchema) { if (super.isSystemSequence(name, schema, targetSchema)) return true; // filter out generated sequences used for auto-assign String strName = DBIdentifier.isNull(name) ? "" : name.getName(); return (autoAssignSequenceName != null && strName.equalsIgnoreCase(autoAssignSequenceName)) || (autoAssignSequenceName == null && strName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("ST_")); } @Override public Object getGeneratedKey(Column col, Connection conn) throws SQLException { if (!useTriggersForAutoAssign) return 0L; // if we simulate auto-assigned columns using triggers and // sequences, then return the current value of the sequence // from autoAssignSequenceName String seq = autoAssignSequenceName; if (seq == null && openjpa3GeneratedKeyNames) seq = getOpenJPA3GeneratedKeySequenceName(col); else if (seq == null) seq = getGeneratedKeySequenceName(col); PreparedStatement stmnt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT " + seq + ".currval FROM DUAL"); ResultSet rs = null; try { setTimeouts(stmnt, conf, false); rs = stmnt.executeQuery(); rs.next(); return rs.getLong(1); } finally { if (rs != null) try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException se) {} try { stmnt.close(); } catch (SQLException se) {} } } /** * Trigger name for simulating auto-assign values on the given column. */ protected String getGeneratedKeyTriggerName(Column col) { // replace trailing _SEQ with _TRG String seqName = getGeneratedKeySequenceName(col); return seqName.substring(0, seqName.length() - 3) + "TRG"; } /** * Returns a OpenJPA 3-compatible name for an auto-assign sequence. */ protected String getOpenJPA3GeneratedKeySequenceName(Column col) { Table table = col.getTable(); DBIdentifier sName = DBIdentifier.preCombine(table.getIdentifier(), "SEQ"); return toDBName(getNamingUtil().makeIdentifierValid(sName, table.getSchema(). getSchemaGroup(), maxTableNameLength, true)); } /** * Returns a OpenJPA 3-compatible name for an auto-assign trigger. */ protected String getOpenJPA3GeneratedKeyTriggerName(Column col) { Table table = col.getTable(); DBIdentifier sName = DBIdentifier.preCombine(table.getIdentifier(), "TRIG"); return toDBName(getNamingUtil().makeIdentifierValid(sName, table.getSchema(). getSchemaGroup(), maxTableNameLength, true)); } /** * Invoke Oracle's <code>putBytes</code> method on the given BLOB object. * Uses reflection in case the blob is wrapped in another * vendor-specific class; for example Weblogic wraps oracle thin driver * lobs in its own interfaces with the same methods. */ @Override public void putBytes(Blob blob, byte[] data) throws SQLException { if (blob == null) return; if (_putBytes == null) { try { _putBytes = blob.getClass().getMethod("putBytes", new Class[]{ long.class, byte[].class }); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StoreException(e); } } invokePutLobMethod(_putBytes, blob, data); } /** * Invoke Oracle's <code>putString</code> method on the given CLOB object. * Uses reflection in case the clob is wrapped in another * vendor-specific class; for example Weblogic wraps oracle thin driver * lobs in its own interfaces with the same methods. */ @Override public void putString(Clob clob, String data) throws SQLException { if (_putString == null) { try { _putString = clob.getClass().getMethod("putString", new Class[]{ long.class, String.class }); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StoreException(e); } } invokePutLobMethod(_putString, clob, data); } /** * Invoke Oracle's <code>putChars</code> method on the given CLOB * object. Uses reflection in case the clob is wrapped in another * vendor-specific class; for example Weblogic wraps oracle thin driver * lobs in its own interfaces with the same methods. */ @Override public void putChars(Clob clob, char[] data) throws SQLException { if (_putChars == null) { try { _putChars = clob.getClass().getMethod("putChars", new Class[]{ long.class, char[].class }); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StoreException(e); } } invokePutLobMethod(_putChars, clob, data); } /** * Invoke the given LOB method on the given target with the given data. */ private static void invokePutLobMethod(Method method, Object target, Object data) throws SQLException { try { method.invoke(target, new Object[]{ 1L, data }); } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { Throwable t = ite.getTargetException(); if (t instanceof SQLException) throw(SQLException) t; throw new StoreException(t); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StoreException(e); } } private Clob getEmptyClob() throws SQLException { if (EMPTY_CLOB != null) return EMPTY_CLOB; if (oracleClob_empty_lob_Method == null) return null; try { return EMPTY_CLOB = (Clob) oracleClob_empty_lob_Method.invoke(null, new Object[0]); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException(e.getMessage()); } } private Blob getEmptyBlob() throws SQLException { if (EMPTY_BLOB != null) return EMPTY_BLOB; if (oracleBlob_empty_lob_Method == null) return null; try { return EMPTY_BLOB = (Blob) oracleBlob_empty_lob_Method.invoke(null, new Object[0]); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException(e.getMessage()); } } private boolean isOraclePreparedStatement(Statement stmnt) { return oraclePreparedStatementClass != null && oraclePreparedStatementClass.isInstance(stmnt); } /** * If this dictionary supports XML type, * use this method to append xml predicate. * * @param buf the SQL buffer to write the comparison * @param op the comparison operation to perform * @param lhs the left hand side of the comparison * @param rhs the right hand side of the comparison */ public void appendXmlComparison(SQLBuffer buf, String op, FilterValue lhs, FilterValue rhs, boolean lhsxml, boolean rhsxml) { super.appendXmlComparison(buf, op, lhs, rhs, lhsxml, rhsxml); if (lhsxml && rhsxml) appendXmlComparison2(buf, op, lhs, rhs); else if (lhsxml) appendXmlComparison1(buf, op, lhs, rhs); else appendXmlComparison1(buf, op, rhs, lhs); } /** * Append an xml comparison predicate * * @param buf the SQL buffer to write the comparison * @param op the comparison operation to perform * @param lhs the left hand side of the comparison (maps to xml column) * @param rhs the right hand side of the comparison */ private void appendXmlComparison1(SQLBuffer buf, String op, FilterValue lhs, FilterValue rhs) { appendXmlExtractValue(buf, lhs); buf.append(" ").append(op).append(" "); rhs.appendTo(buf); } /** * Append an xml comparison predicate (both operands map to xml column) * * @param buf the SQL buffer to write the comparison * @param op the comparison operation to perform * @param lhs the left hand side of the comparison (maps to xml column) * @param rhs the right hand side of the comparison (maps to xml column) */ private void appendXmlComparison2(SQLBuffer buf, String op, FilterValue lhs, FilterValue rhs) { appendXmlExtractValue(buf, lhs); buf.append(" ").append(op).append(" "); appendXmlExtractValue(buf, rhs); } private void appendXmlExtractValue(SQLBuffer buf, FilterValue val) { buf.append("extractValue("). append(val.getColumnAlias( val.getFieldMapping().getColumns()[0])). append(",'/*/"); val.appendTo(buf); buf.append("')"); } public void insertClobForStreamingLoad(Row row, Column col, Object ob) throws SQLException { if (ob == null) { col.setType(Types.OTHER); row.setNull(col); } else { row.setClob(col, getEmptyClob()); } } public int getBatchUpdateCount(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { int updateSuccessCnt = 0; if (batchLimit != 0 && ps != null) { updateSuccessCnt = ps.getUpdateCount(); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace(_loc.get("batch-update-success-count", updateSuccessCnt)); } return updateSuccessCnt; } @Override public boolean isFatalException(int subtype, SQLException ex) { String errorState = ex.getSQLState(); int errorCode = ex.getErrorCode(); if ((subtype == StoreException.LOCK) && (("61000".equals(errorState) && (errorCode == 54 || errorCode == 60 || errorCode == 4020 || errorCode == 4021 || errorCode == 4022)) || ("42000".equals(errorState) && errorCode == 2049))) { return false; } if ("72000".equals(errorState) && errorCode == 1013) { return false; } return super.isFatalException(subtype, ex); } @Override public void insertBlobForStreamingLoad(Row row, Column col, JDBCStore store, Object ob, Select sel) throws SQLException { if (ob == null) { col.setType(Types.OTHER); row.setNull(col); } else { row.setBlob(col, getEmptyBlob()); } } public boolean isImplicitJoin() { return joinSyntax == SYNTAX_DATABASE; } /** * Oracle requires special handling of XML column. * Unless the value length is less or equal to 4000 bytes, * the parameter marker must be decorated with type constructor. */ @Override public String getMarkerForInsertUpdate(Column col, Object val) { if (col.isXML() && val != RowImpl.NULL) { return xmlTypeMarker; } return super.getMarkerForInsertUpdate(col, val); } /** * Oracle drivers, at least in versions and, incorrectly return a driver major version from * {@link DatabaseMetaData#getJDBCMajorVersion()}. */ protected void guessJDBCVersion(Connection conn) { if (_driverBehavior != BEHAVE_ORACLE) { return; } isJDBC4 = true; try { conn.getClientInfo(); // Try to call a JDBC 4 method. } catch (SQLException e) { // OK, we are on JDBC 4. } catch (Throwable t) { // Most likely an AbstractMethodError from JDBC 3 driver. isJDBC4 = false; } } @Override public String getIsNullSQL(String colAlias, int colType) { switch(colType) { case Types.BLOB: case Types.CLOB: return String.format("length (%s) = 0", colAlias); } return super.getIsNullSQL(colAlias, colType); } @Override public String getIsNotNullSQL(String colAlias, int colType) { switch(colType) { case Types.BLOB: case Types.CLOB: return String.format("length (%s) != 0 ", colAlias); } return super.getIsNotNullSQL(colAlias, colType); } @Override public void indexOf(SQLBuffer buf, FilterValue str, FilterValue find, FilterValue start) { buf.append("INSTR("); str.appendTo(buf); buf.append(", "); find.appendTo(buf); if (start != null) { buf.append(", "); start.appendTo(buf); } buf.append(")"); } }