/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.openjpa.persistence.criteria; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Date; import javax.persistence.Query; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery; import javax.persistence.criteria.Expression; import javax.persistence.criteria.Join; import javax.persistence.criteria.JoinType; import javax.persistence.criteria.ListJoin; import javax.persistence.criteria.ParameterExpression; import javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate; import javax.persistence.criteria.Root; import javax.persistence.criteria.SetJoin; import javax.persistence.criteria.Subquery; import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.DerbyDictionary; /** * Tests type-strict version of Criteria API. * * Most of the tests build Criteria Query and then execute the query as well as * a reference JPQL query supplied as a string. The test is validated by * asserting that the resultant SQL queries for these two alternative form of * executing a query are the same. * * */ public class TestJPQLSubquery extends CriteriaTest { public void testSubqueries1() { String jpql = "SELECT goodCustomer FROM Customer goodCustomer WHERE " + "goodCustomer.balanceOwed < (SELECT AVG(c.balanceOwed) " + " FROM Customer c)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.accountNum, t2.id, t2.city, t2.country, t2.county, t2.state, " + "t2.street, t3.userid, t3.DTYPE, t3.age, t3.compName, t3.creditRating, t3.name, t2.zipCode, " + "t0.balanceOwed, t0.creditRating, t0.filledOrderCount, t0.firstName, t0.lastName, t0.name, t0.status " + "FROM CR_CUST t0 LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t2 ON t0.ADDRESS_ID = t2.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t3 ON t2.id = t3.ADD_ID " + "WHERE (t0.balanceOwed < (SELECT AVG(t1.balanceOwed) FROM CR_CUST t1))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Customer> q = cb.createQuery(Customer.class); Root<Customer> goodCustomer = q.from(Customer.class); q.select(goodCustomer); Subquery<Double> sq = q.subquery(Double.class); Root<Customer> c = sq.from(Customer.class); q.where(cb.lt(goodCustomer.get(Customer_.balanceOwed), sq .select(cb.avg(c.get(Customer_.balanceOwed))))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubqueries2() { String jpql = "SELECT DISTINCT emp FROM Employee emp WHERE EXISTS (" + "SELECT spouseEmp FROM Employee spouseEmp WHERE spouseEmp =" + " emp.spouse)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t1.empId, t1.EMP_TYPE, t2.id, t2.city, t2.country, t2.county, t2.state, " + "t2.street, t3.userid, t3.DTYPE, t3.age, t3.compName, t3.creditRating, t3.name, t2.zipCode, t4.deptNo, " + "t4.name, t5.id, t5.annualMiles, t5.name, t6.id, t7.deptNo, t7.name, t6.name, t6.salary, t1.name, " + "t1.rating, t1.salary, t8.empId, t8.EMP_TYPE, t8.ADDRESS_ID, t8.DEPARTMENT_DEPTNO, " + "t8.FREQUENTFLIERPLAN_ID, " + "t8.MANAGER_ID, t8.name, t8.rating, t8.salary, t8.hireDate, t1.hireDate " + "FROM CR_EMP t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t2 ON t1.ADDRESS_ID = t2.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_DEPT t4 ON t1.DEPARTMENT_DEPTNO = t4.deptNo " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN FrequentFlierPlan t5 ON t1.FREQUENTFLIERPLAN_ID = t5.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_MGR t6 ON t1.MANAGER_ID = t6.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_EMP t8 ON t1.SPOUSE_EMPID = t8.empId " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t3 ON t2.id = t3.ADD_ID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_DEPT t7 ON t6.DEPARTMENT_DEPTNO = t7.deptNo " + "WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT t0.empId FROM CR_EMP t0 WHERE (t0.empId = t1.SPOUSE_EMPID)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Employee> q = cb.createQuery(Employee.class); Root<Employee> emp = q.from(Employee.class); q.select(emp).distinct(true); Subquery<Employee> sq = q.subquery(Employee.class); Root<Employee> spouseEmp = sq.from(Employee.class); sq.where(cb.equal(spouseEmp, emp.get(Employee_.spouse))); q.where(cb.exists(sq.select(spouseEmp))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubqueries3() { String jpql = "SELECT emp FROM Employee emp WHERE emp.salary > ALL (" + "SELECT m.salary FROM Manager m WHERE m.department = " + "emp.department)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.empId, t0.EMP_TYPE, t2.id, t2.city, t2.country, t2.county, t2.state, " + "t2.street, t3.userid, t3.DTYPE, t3.age, t3.compName, t3.creditRating, t3.name, t2.zipCode, t4.deptNo, " + "t4.name, t5.id, t5.annualMiles, t5.name, t6.id, t7.deptNo, t7.name, t6.name, t6.salary, t0.name, " + "t0.rating, t0.salary, t8.empId, t8.EMP_TYPE, t8.ADDRESS_ID, t8.DEPARTMENT_DEPTNO, " + "t8.FREQUENTFLIERPLAN_ID, t8.MANAGER_ID, t8.name, t8.rating, t8.salary, t8.hireDate, t0.hireDate " + "FROM CR_EMP t0 LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t2 ON t0.ADDRESS_ID = t2.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_DEPT t4 ON t0.DEPARTMENT_DEPTNO = t4.deptNo " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN FrequentFlierPlan t5 ON t0.FREQUENTFLIERPLAN_ID = t5.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_MGR t6 ON t0.MANAGER_ID = t6.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_EMP t8 ON t0.SPOUSE_EMPID = t8.empId " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t3 ON t2.id = t3.ADD_ID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_DEPT t7 ON t6.DEPARTMENT_DEPTNO = t7.deptNo " + "WHERE (t0.salary > ALL (SELECT t1.salary " + "FROM CR_MGR t1 WHERE (t1.DEPARTMENT_DEPTNO = t0.DEPARTMENT_DEPTNO)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Employee> q = cb.createQuery(Employee.class); Root<Employee> emp = q.from(Employee.class); q.select(emp); Subquery<BigDecimal> sq = q.subquery(BigDecimal.class); Root<Manager> m = sq.from(Manager.class); sq.where(cb.equal(m.get(Manager_.department), emp.get(Employee_.department))); sq.select(m.get(Manager_.salary)); q.where(cb.gt(emp.get(Employee_.salary), cb.all(sq))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubqueries4() { String jpql = "SELECT c FROM Customer c WHERE " + "(SELECT COUNT(o) FROM c.orders o) > 10"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.accountNum, t3.id, t3.city, t3.country, t3.county, t3.state, " + "t3.street, t4.userid, t4.DTYPE, t4.age, t4.compName, t4.creditRating, t4.name, t3.zipCode, " + "t0.balanceOwed, t0.creditRating, " + "t0.filledOrderCount, t0.firstName, t0.lastName, t0.name, t0.status " + "FROM CR_CUST t0 LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t3 ON t0.ADDRESS_ID = t3.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t4 ON t3.id = t4.ADD_ID " + "WHERE ((SELECT COUNT(t2.id) FROM CR_ODR t1, CR_ODR t2 WHERE (t1.id = t2.id) AND " + "(t0.id = t1.CUSTOMER_ID)) > ?)"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Customer> q = cb.createQuery(Customer.class); Root<Customer> c = q.from(Customer.class); q.select(c); Subquery<Long> sq = q.subquery(Long.class); Root<Customer> csq = sq.correlate(c); Join<Customer, Order> o = csq.join(Customer_.orders); q.where(cb.gt(sq.select(cb.count(o)), 10)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubqueries4a() { String jpql = "SELECT c FROM Customer c WHERE " + "(SELECT COUNT(o) FROM Customer c1 JOIN c1.orders o WHERE c = c1) > 10"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t2.id, t2.accountNum, t3.id, t3.city, t3.country, t3.county, t3.state, " + "t3.street, t4.userid, t4.DTYPE, t4.age, t4.compName, t4.creditRating, t4.name, t3.zipCode, " + "t2.balanceOwed, t2.creditRating, t2.filledOrderCount, t2.firstName, t2.lastName, t2.name, t2.status " + "FROM CR_CUST t2 LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t3 ON t2.ADDRESS_ID = t3.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t4 ON t3.id = t4.ADD_ID " + "WHERE ((SELECT COUNT(t1.id) " + "FROM CR_CUST t0 INNER JOIN CR_ODR t1 ON t0.id = t1.CUSTOMER_ID WHERE (t2.id = t0.id)) > ?)"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Customer> q = cb.createQuery(Customer.class); Root<Customer> c = q.from(Customer.class); q.select(c); Subquery<Long> sq = q.subquery(Long.class); Root<Customer> c1 = sq.from(Customer.class); Join<Customer, Order> o = c1.join(Customer_.orders); sq.where(cb.equal(c, c1)); q.where(cb.gt(sq.select(cb.count(o)), 10)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubqueries4b() { String jpql = "SELECT c FROM Customer c WHERE " + "(SELECT COUNT(o) FROM Customer c1 JOIN c1.orders o WHERE c.id = c1.id) > 10"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t2.id, t2.accountNum, t3.id, t3.city, t3.country, t3.county, t3.state, " + "t3.street, t4.userid, t4.DTYPE, t4.age, t4.compName, t4.creditRating, t4.name, t3.zipCode, " + "t2.balanceOwed, t2.creditRating, t2.filledOrderCount, t2.firstName, t2.lastName, t2.name, t2.status " + "FROM CR_CUST t2 LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t3 ON t2.ADDRESS_ID = t3.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t4 ON t3.id = t4.ADD_ID " + "WHERE ((SELECT COUNT(t1.id) " + "FROM CR_CUST t0 INNER JOIN CR_ODR t1 ON t0.id = t1.CUSTOMER_ID WHERE (t2.id = t0.id)) > ?)"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Customer> q = cb.createQuery(Customer.class); Root<Customer> c = q.from(Customer.class); q.select(c); Subquery<Long> sq = q.subquery(Long.class); Root<Customer> c1 = sq.from(Customer.class); Join<Customer, Order> o = c1.join(Customer_.orders); sq.where(cb.equal(c.get(Customer_.id), c1.get(Customer_.id))); q.where(cb.gt(sq.select(cb.count(o)), 10)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubqueries4c() { String jpql = "SELECT c FROM Customer c WHERE " + "(SELECT COUNT(o) FROM Customer c1 JOIN c1.orders o) > 10"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t2.id, t2.accountNum, t3.id, t3.city, t3.country, t3.county, t3.state, " + "t3.street, t4.userid, t4.DTYPE, t4.age, t4.compName, t4.creditRating, t4.name, t3.zipCode, " + "t2.balanceOwed, t2.creditRating, t2.filledOrderCount, t2.firstName, t2.lastName, t2.name, t2.status " + "FROM CR_CUST t2 LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t3 ON t2.ADDRESS_ID = t3.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t4 ON t3.id = t4.ADD_ID " + "WHERE ((SELECT COUNT(t1.id) FROM CR_CUST t0 INNER JOIN CR_ODR t1 ON t0.id = t1.CUSTOMER_ID) > ?)"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Customer> q = cb.createQuery(Customer.class); Root<Customer> c = q.from(Customer.class); q.select(c); Subquery<Long> sq = q.subquery(Long.class); Root<Customer> c1 = sq.from(Customer.class); Join<Customer, Order> o = c1.join(Customer_.orders); q.where(cb.gt(sq.select(cb.count(o)), 10)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubqueries4d() { String jpql = "SELECT c FROM Customer c WHERE (SELECT COUNT(o) " + "FROM Customer c1 JOIN c1.orders o WHERE c.address.county = c1.address.county) > 10"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t2.id, t2.accountNum, t5.id, t5.city, t5.country, t5.county, " + "t5.state, t5.street, t6.userid, t6.DTYPE, t6.age, t6.compName, t6.creditRating, t6.name, " + "t5.zipCode, t2.balanceOwed, t2.creditRating, t2.filledOrderCount, t2.firstName, t2.lastName, " + "t2.name, t2.status " + "FROM CR_CUST t2 " + "INNER JOIN CR_ADDR t3 ON t2.ADDRESS_ID = t3.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t5 ON t2.ADDRESS_ID = t5.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t6 ON t5.id = t6.ADD_ID " + "WHERE ((SELECT COUNT(t1.id) " + "FROM CR_CUST t0 " + "INNER JOIN CR_ODR t1 ON t0.id = t1.CUSTOMER_ID " + "INNER JOIN CR_ADDR t4 ON t0.ADDRESS_ID = t4.id " + "WHERE (t3.county = t4.county)) > ?)"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Customer> q = cb.createQuery(Customer.class); Root<Customer> c = q.from(Customer.class); q.select(c); Subquery<Long> sq = q.subquery(Long.class); Root<Customer> c1 = sq.from(Customer.class); Join<Customer, Order> o = c1.join(Customer_.orders); sq.where(cb.equal(c.get(Customer_.address).get(Address_.county), c1.get(Customer_.address).get(Address_.county))); q.where(cb.gt(sq.select(cb.count(o)), 10)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubqueries4e() { String jpql = "SELECT c FROM Customer c WHERE EXISTS " + "(SELECT o.id FROM Order o WHERE o.customer = c)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t1.id, t1.accountNum, t2.id, t2.city, t2.country, t2.county, t2.state, " + "t2.street, t3.userid, t3.DTYPE, t3.age, t3.compName, t3.creditRating, t3.name, t2.zipCode, t1.balanceOwed, " + "t1.creditRating, t1.filledOrderCount, t1.firstName, t1.lastName, t1.name, t1.status " + "FROM CR_CUST t1 " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t2 ON t1.ADDRESS_ID = t2.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t3 ON t2.id = t3.ADD_ID WHERE " + "(EXISTS (SELECT t0.id FROM CR_ODR t0 WHERE (t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Customer> q = cb.createQuery(Customer.class); Root<Customer> c = q.from(Customer.class); q.select(c); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o = sq.from(Order.class); sq.where(cb.equal(o.get(Order_.customer), c)); sq.select(o.get(Order_.id)); q.where(cb.exists(sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubqueries5() { String jpql = "SELECT o FROM Order o WHERE 10000 < ALL (" + "SELECT a.balance FROM o.customer c JOIN c.accounts a)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t3.id, t3.cnt, t4.id, t4.accountNum, t5.id, t5.city, t5.country, t5.county, " + "t5.state, t5.street, t6.userid, t6.DTYPE, t6.age, t6.compName, t6.creditRating, t6.name, t5.zipCode, " + "t4.balanceOwed, t4.creditRating, t4.filledOrderCount, t4.firstName, t4.lastName, t4.name, t4.status, " + "t3.delivered, t3.name, t3.orderTs, t3.quantity, t3.totalCost " + "FROM CR_ODR t3 LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_CUST t4 ON t3.CUSTOMER_ID = t4.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t5 ON t4.ADDRESS_ID = t5.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t6 ON t5.id = t6.ADD_ID " + "WHERE (? < ALL (SELECT t2.balance FROM CR_CUST t0 INNER JOIN CR_CUST_CR_ACCT t1 ON " + "t0.id = t1.CUSTOMER_ID INNER JOIN CR_ACCT t2 ON t1.ACCOUNTS_ID = t2.id " + "WHERE (t3.CUSTOMER_ID = t0.id)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Order> q = cb.createQuery(Order.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o1 = sq.correlate(o); Join<Order,Customer> c = o1.join(Order_.customer); ListJoin<Customer,Account> a = c.join(Customer_.accounts); sq.select(a.get(Account_.balance)); q.where(cb.lt(cb.literal(10000), cb.all(sq))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubqueries5a() { String jpql = "SELECT o FROM Order o WHERE o.name = SOME (" + "SELECT a.name FROM o.customer c JOIN c.accounts a)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t3.id, t3.cnt, t4.id, t4.accountNum, t5.id, t5.city, t5.country, t5.county, " + "t5.state, t5.street, t6.userid, t6.DTYPE, t6.age, t6.compName, t6.creditRating, t6.name, t5.zipCode, " + "t4.balanceOwed, t4.creditRating, t4.filledOrderCount, t4.firstName, t4.lastName, t4.name, t4.status, " + "t3.delivered, t3.name, t3.orderTs, t3.quantity, t3.totalCost " + "FROM CR_ODR t3 LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_CUST t4 ON t3.CUSTOMER_ID = t4.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t5 ON t4.ADDRESS_ID = t5.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t6 ON t5.id = t6.ADD_ID " + "WHERE (t3.name = ANY (SELECT t2.name " + "FROM CR_CUST t0 INNER JOIN CR_CUST_CR_ACCT t1 ON t0.id = t1.CUSTOMER_ID " + "INNER JOIN CR_ACCT t2 ON t1.ACCOUNTS_ID = t2.id WHERE (t3.CUSTOMER_ID = t0.id)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Order> q = cb.createQuery(Order.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o); Subquery<String> sq = q.subquery(String.class); Root<Order> o1 = sq.correlate(o); Join<Order,Customer> c = o1.join(Order_.customer); ListJoin<Customer,Account> a = c.join(Customer_.accounts); sq.select(a.get(Account_.name)); q.where(cb.equal(o.get(Order_.name), cb.some(sq))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubqueries6() { String jpql = "SELECT o FROM Order o JOIN o.customer c WHERE 10000 < " + "ALL (SELECT a.balance FROM c.accounts a)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.cnt, t4.id, t4.accountNum, t5.id, t5.city, t5.country, t5.county, " + "t5.state, t5.street, t6.userid, t6.DTYPE, t6.age, t6.compName, t6.creditRating, t6.name, t5.zipCode, " + "t4.balanceOwed, t4.creditRating, t4.filledOrderCount, t4.firstName, t4.lastName, t4.name, t4.status, " + "t0.delivered, t0.name, t0.orderTs, t0.quantity, t0.totalCost " + "FROM CR_ODR t0 INNER JOIN CR_CUST t1 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_CUST t4 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t4.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t5 ON t4.ADDRESS_ID = t5.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t6 ON t5.id = t6.ADD_ID WHERE (? < ALL (" + "SELECT t3.balance FROM CR_CUST_CR_ACCT t2, CR_ACCT t3 WHERE (t2.ACCOUNTS_ID = t3.id) AND " + "(t1.id = t2.CUSTOMER_ID)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Order> q = cb.createQuery(Order.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); Join<Order,Customer> c = o.join(Order_.customer); q.select(o); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Join<Order,Customer> c1 = sq.correlate(c); ListJoin<Customer,Account> a = c1.join(Customer_.accounts); sq.select(a.get(Account_.balance)); q.where(cb.lt(cb.literal(10000), cb.all(sq))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubqueries6a() { String jpql = "SELECT o FROM Order o JOIN o.customer c WHERE o.name = " + "SOME (SELECT a.name FROM c.accounts a)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.cnt, t4.id, t4.accountNum, t5.id, t5.city, t5.country, t5.county, " + "t5.state, t5.street, t6.userid, t6.DTYPE, t6.age, t6.compName, t6.creditRating, t6.name, t5.zipCode, " + "t4.balanceOwed, t4.creditRating, t4.filledOrderCount, t4.firstName, t4.lastName, t4.name, t4.status, " + "t0.delivered, t0.name, t0.orderTs, t0.quantity, t0.totalCost " + "FROM CR_ODR t0 INNER JOIN CR_CUST t1 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_CUST t4 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t4.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t5 ON t4.ADDRESS_ID = t5.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t6 ON t5.id = t6.ADD_ID WHERE (t0.name = ANY (" + "SELECT t3.name FROM CR_CUST_CR_ACCT t2, CR_ACCT t3 WHERE (t2.ACCOUNTS_ID = t3.id) " + "AND (t1.id = t2.CUSTOMER_ID)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Order> q = cb.createQuery(Order.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); Join<Order,Customer> c = o.join(Order_.customer); q.select(o); Subquery<String> sq = q.subquery(String.class); Join<Order,Customer> c1 = sq.correlate(c); ListJoin<Customer,Account> a = c1.join(Customer_.accounts); sq.select(a.get(Account_.name)); q.where(cb.equal(o.get(Order_.name), cb.some(sq))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubqueries6b() { String jpql = "SELECT o FROM Order o JOIN o.customer c WHERE o.name = " + "SOME (SELECT a.county FROM c.address a)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.cnt, t3.id, t3.accountNum, t4.id, t4.city, t4.country, t4.county, " + "t4.state, t4.street, t5.userid, t5.DTYPE, t5.age, t5.compName, t5.creditRating, t5.name, t4.zipCode, " + "t3.balanceOwed, t3.creditRating, t3.filledOrderCount, t3.firstName, t3.lastName, t3.name, t3.status, " + "t0.delivered, t0.name, t0.orderTs, t0.quantity, t0.totalCost " + "FROM CR_ODR t0 INNER JOIN CR_CUST t1 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_CUST t3 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t3.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t4 ON t3.ADDRESS_ID = t4.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t5 ON t4.id = t5.ADD_ID WHERE (t0.name = ANY " + "(SELECT t2.county FROM CR_ADDR t2 WHERE (t1.ADDRESS_ID = t2.id)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Order> q = cb.createQuery(Order.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); Join<Order,Customer> c = o.join(Order_.customer); q.select(o); Subquery<String> sq = q.subquery(String.class); Join<Order,Customer> c1 = sq.correlate(c); Join<Customer,Address> a = c1.join(Customer_.address); sq.select(a.get(Address_.county)); q.where(cb.equal(o.get(Order_.name), cb.some(sq))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubqueries6c() { String jpql = "SELECT o FROM Order o JOIN o.customer c WHERE 10000 < " + "ALL (SELECT u.age FROM c.address a JOIN a.user u)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.cnt, t4.id, t4.accountNum, t5.id, t5.city, t5.country, t5.county, " + "t5.state, t5.street, t6.userid, t6.DTYPE, t6.age, t6.compName, t6.creditRating, t6.name, t5.zipCode, " + "t4.balanceOwed, t4.creditRating, t4.filledOrderCount, t4.firstName, t4.lastName, t4.name, t4.status, " + "t0.delivered, t0.name, t0.orderTs, t0.quantity, t0.totalCost " + "FROM CR_ODR t0 INNER JOIN CR_CUST t1 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_CUST t4 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t4.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t5 ON t4.ADDRESS_ID = t5.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t6 ON t5.id = t6.ADD_ID WHERE (? < ALL (" + "SELECT t3.age FROM CR_ADDR t2 INNER JOIN CompUser t3 ON t2.id = t3.ADD_ID " + "WHERE (t1.ADDRESS_ID = t2.id)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Order> q = cb.createQuery(Order.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); Join<Order,Customer> c = o.join(Order_.customer); q.select(o); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Join<Order,Customer> c1 = sq.correlate(c); Join<Customer,Address> a = c1.join(Customer_.address); Join<Address, CompUser> u = a.join(Address_.user); sq.select(u.get(CompUser_.age)); q.where(cb.lt(cb.literal(10000), cb.all(sq))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubqueries6d() { String jpql = "SELECT o FROM Order o JOIN o.customer c JOIN c.address a WHERE 10000 < " + "ALL (SELECT u.age FROM c.address a1 JOIN a1.user u WHERE a.city = a1.city)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t2.id, t2.cnt, t5.id, t5.accountNum, t6.id, t6.city, t6.country, t6.county, " + "t6.state, t6.street, t7.userid, t7.DTYPE, t7.age, t7.compName, t7.creditRating, t7.name, t6.zipCode, " + "t5.balanceOwed, t5.creditRating, t5.filledOrderCount, t5.firstName, t5.lastName, t5.name, t5.status, " + "t2.delivered, t2.name, t2.orderTs, t2.quantity, t2.totalCost " + "FROM CR_ODR t2 INNER JOIN CR_CUST t3 ON t2.CUSTOMER_ID = t3.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_CUST t5 ON t2.CUSTOMER_ID = t5.id " + "INNER JOIN CR_ADDR t4 ON t3.ADDRESS_ID = t4.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t6 ON t5.ADDRESS_ID = t6.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t7 ON t6.id = t7.ADD_ID WHERE (? < ALL (" + "SELECT t1.age FROM CR_ADDR t0 INNER JOIN CompUser t1 ON t0.id = t1.ADD_ID WHERE (t4.city = t0.city AND " + "t3.ADDRESS_ID = t0.id)) AND 1 = 1)"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Order> q = cb.createQuery(Order.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); Join<Order,Customer> c = o.join(Order_.customer); Join<Customer,Address> a = c.join(Customer_.address); q.select(o); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Join<Order,Customer> c1 = sq.correlate(c); Join<Customer,Address> a1 = c1.join(Customer_.address); Join<Address, CompUser> u = a1.join(Address_.user); sq.select(u.get(CompUser_.age)); sq.where(cb.equal(a.get(Address_.city), a1.get(Address_.city))); q.where(cb.lt(cb.literal(10000), cb.all(sq))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubqueries6e() { String jpql = "SELECT o FROM Order o JOIN o.customer c JOIN c.address a WHERE 10000 < " + "ALL (SELECT u.age FROM a.user u)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.cnt, t5.id, t5.accountNum, t6.id, t6.city, t6.country, t6.county, " + "t6.state, t6.street, t7.userid, t7.DTYPE, t7.age, t7.compName, t7.creditRating, t7.name, t6.zipCode, " + "t5.balanceOwed, t5.creditRating, t5.filledOrderCount, t5.firstName, t5.lastName, t5.name, t5.status, " + "t0.delivered, t0.name, t0.orderTs, t0.quantity, t0.totalCost " + "FROM CR_ODR t0 INNER JOIN CR_CUST t1 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_CUST t5 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t5.id " + "INNER JOIN CR_ADDR t2 ON t1.ADDRESS_ID = t2.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t6 ON t5.ADDRESS_ID = t6.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t7 ON t6.id = t7.ADD_ID " + "WHERE (? < ALL (SELECT t4.age FROM CompUser t3, CompUser t4 " + "WHERE (t3.userid = t4.userid) AND (t2.id = t3.ADD_ID)) AND 1 = 1)"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Order> q = cb.createQuery(Order.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); Join<Order,Customer> c = o.join(Order_.customer); Join<Customer,Address> a = c.join(Customer_.address); q.select(o); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Join<Customer,Address> a1 = sq.correlate(a); Join<Address, CompUser> u = a1.join(Address_.user); sq.select(u.get(CompUser_.age)); q.where(cb.lt(cb.literal(10000), cb.all(sq))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubqueries6f() { String jpql = "SELECT o FROM Order o JOIN o.customer c WHERE 10000 < " + "ALL (SELECT u.age FROM c.address.user u)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.cnt, t5.id, t5.accountNum, t6.id, t6.city, t6.country, t6.county, " + "t6.state, t6.street, t7.userid, t7.DTYPE, t7.age, t7.compName, t7.creditRating, t7.name, t6.zipCode, " + "t5.balanceOwed, t5.creditRating, t5.filledOrderCount, t5.firstName, t5.lastName, t5.name, t5.status, " + "t0.delivered, t0.name, t0.orderTs, t0.quantity, t0.totalCost " + "FROM CR_ODR t0 INNER JOIN CR_CUST t1 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_CUST t5 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t5.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t6 ON t5.ADDRESS_ID = t6.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t7 ON t6.id = t7.ADD_ID " + "WHERE (? < ALL (SELECT t4.age " + "FROM CR_ADDR t2 INNER JOIN CompUser t3 ON t2.id = t3.ADD_ID, CompUser t4 " + "WHERE (t3.userid = t4.userid) AND (t1.ADDRESS_ID = t2.id)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); } public void testSubqueries6g() { String jpql = "SELECT o FROM Order o JOIN o.customer c WHERE 10000 < " + "ALL (SELECT u.age FROM c.address a JOIN a.user u)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.cnt, t4.id, t4.accountNum, t5.id, t5.city, t5.country, t5.county, " + "t5.state, t5.street, t6.userid, t6.DTYPE, t6.age, t6.compName, t6.creditRating, t6.name, t5.zipCode, " + "t4.balanceOwed, t4.creditRating, t4.filledOrderCount, t4.firstName, t4.lastName, t4.name, t4.status, " + "t0.delivered, t0.name, t0.orderTs, t0.quantity, t0.totalCost " + "FROM CR_ODR t0 " + "INNER JOIN CR_CUST t1 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_CUST t4 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t4.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t5 ON t4.ADDRESS_ID = t5.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t6 ON t5.id = t6.ADD_ID WHERE (? < ALL (" + "SELECT t3.age " + "FROM CR_ADDR t2 " + "INNER JOIN CompUser t3 ON t2.id = t3.ADD_ID WHERE (t1.ADDRESS_ID = t2.id)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Order> q = cb.createQuery(Order.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); Join<Order,Customer> c = o.join(Order_.customer); q.select(o); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Join<Order,Customer> c1 = sq.correlate(c); Join<Address, CompUser> u = c1.join(Customer_.address).join(Address_.user); sq.select(u.get(CompUser_.age)); q.where(cb.lt(cb.literal(10000), cb.all(sq))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } // redundant t3 // compare to 6e, t3 should be in main query for LEFT OUTER JOIN public void testSubqueries6h() { String jpql = "SELECT o FROM Order o JOIN o.customer.address a WHERE 10000 < " + "ALL (SELECT u.age FROM a.user u)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.cnt, t1.id, t1.accountNum, t6.id, t6.city, t6.country, t6.county, " + "t6.state, t6.street, t7.userid, t7.DTYPE, t7.age, t7.compName, t7.creditRating, t7.name, t6.zipCode, " + "t1.balanceOwed, t1.creditRating, t1.filledOrderCount, t1.firstName, t1.lastName, t1.name, t1.status, " + "t0.delivered, t0.name, t0.orderTs, t0.quantity, t0.totalCost " + "FROM CR_ODR t0 INNER JOIN CR_CUST t1 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id " + "INNER JOIN CR_ADDR t2 ON t1.ADDRESS_ID = t2.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t6 ON t1.ADDRESS_ID = t6.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t7 ON t6.id = t7.ADD_ID WHERE (? < ALL (" + "SELECT t5.age FROM CR_CUST t3, CompUser t4, CompUser t5 " + "WHERE (t4.userid = t5.userid) AND (t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t3.id) AND (t2.id = t4.ADD_ID)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); } public void testExist1() { String jpql = "SELECT DISTINCT c.name FROM CompUser c WHERE EXISTS" + " (SELECT a FROM Address a WHERE a = c.address )"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT t1.name FROM CompUser t1 WHERE (EXISTS (" + "SELECT t0.id FROM CR_ADDR t0 WHERE (t0.id = t1.ADD_ID)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<String> q = cb.createQuery(String.class); Root<CompUser> c = q.from(CompUser.class); q.select(c.get(CompUser_.name)).distinct(true); Subquery<Address> sq = q.subquery(Address.class); Root<Address> a = sq.from(Address.class); sq.select(a); sq.where(cb.equal(a, c.get(CompUser_.address))); q.where(cb.exists(sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testExist1a() { String jpql = "SELECT DISTINCT o.name FROM CompUser o WHERE EXISTS" + " (SELECT s FROM CompUser s WHERE s.address.country = " + "o.address.country)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT t2.name " + "FROM CompUser t2 " + "INNER JOIN CR_ADDR t3 ON t2.ADD_ID = t3.id " + "WHERE (EXISTS (" + "SELECT t0.userid " + "FROM CompUser t0 " + "INNER JOIN CR_ADDR t1 ON t0.ADD_ID = t1.id " + "WHERE (t1.country = t3.country)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<String> q = cb.createQuery(String.class); Root<CompUser> o = q.from(CompUser.class); q.select(o.get(CompUser_.name)).distinct(true); Subquery<CompUser> sq = q.subquery(CompUser.class); Root<CompUser> s = sq.from(CompUser.class); sq.select(s); sq.where(cb.equal(s.get(CompUser_.address).get(Address_.country), o.get(CompUser_.address).get(Address_.country))); q.where(cb.exists(sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testExist1b() { String jpql = "select c from Customer c left join c.orders o where exists" + " (select o2 from c.orders o2 where o2 = o)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.accountNum, t4.id, t4.city, t4.country, t4.county, " + "t4.state, t4.street, t5.userid, t5.DTYPE, t5.age, t5.compName, t5.creditRating, t5.name, " + "t4.zipCode, t0.balanceOwed, t0.creditRating, t0.filledOrderCount, t0.firstName, t0.lastName, " + "t0.name, t0.status " + "FROM CR_CUST t0 " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ODR t1 ON t0.id = t1.CUSTOMER_ID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t4 ON t0.ADDRESS_ID = t4.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t5 ON t4.id = t5.ADD_ID WHERE (EXISTS (" + "SELECT t3.id FROM CR_ODR t2, CR_ODR t3 WHERE (t1.id = t3.id AND t2.id = t3.id) " + "AND (t0.id = t2.CUSTOMER_ID)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Customer> q = cb.createQuery(Customer.class); Root<Customer> c = q.from(Customer.class); Join<Customer, Order> o = c.join(Customer_.orders, JoinType.LEFT); q.select(c); Subquery<Order> sq = q.subquery(Order.class); Root<Customer> c1 = sq.correlate(c); Join<Customer,Order> o2 = c1.join(Customer_.orders); sq.select(o2); sq.where(cb.equal(o2, o)); q.where(cb.exists(sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testNotExist1() { String jpql = "SELECT DISTINCT c.name FROM CompUser c WHERE NOT EXISTS" + " (SELECT a FROM Address a WHERE a = c.address )"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT t1.name FROM CompUser t1 WHERE (NOT (EXISTS (" + "SELECT t0.id FROM CR_ADDR t0 WHERE (t0.id = t1.ADD_ID))))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<String> q = cb.createQuery(String.class); Root<CompUser> c = q.from(CompUser.class); q.select(c.get(CompUser_.name)).distinct(true); Subquery<Address> sq = q.subquery(Address.class); Root<Address> a = sq.from(Address.class); sq.select(a); sq.where(cb.equal(a, c.get(CompUser_.address))); q.where(cb.exists(sq).not()); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testNotExist1a() { String jpql = "select c from Customer c left join c.orders o where not exists" + " (select o2 from c.orders o2 where o2 = o)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.accountNum, t4.id, t4.city, t4.country, t4.county, " + "t4.state, t4.street, t5.userid, t5.DTYPE, t5.age, t5.compName, t5.creditRating, t5.name, " + "t4.zipCode, t0.balanceOwed, t0.creditRating, t0.filledOrderCount, t0.firstName, t0.lastName, " + "t0.name, t0.status " + "FROM CR_CUST t0 " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ODR t1 ON t0.id = t1.CUSTOMER_ID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t4 ON t0.ADDRESS_ID = t4.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t5 ON t4.id = t5.ADD_ID WHERE (NOT (EXISTS (" + "SELECT t3.id FROM CR_ODR t2, CR_ODR t3 WHERE (t1.id = t3.id AND t2.id = t3.id) " + "AND (t0.id = t2.CUSTOMER_ID))))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Customer> q = cb.createQuery(Customer.class); Root<Customer> c = q.from(Customer.class); SetJoin<Customer,Order> o = c.join(Customer_.orders, JoinType.LEFT); q.select(c); Subquery<Order> sq = q.subquery(Order.class); Root<Customer> c1 = sq.correlate(c); SetJoin<Customer,Order> o2 = c1.join(Customer_.orders); sq.select(o2); sq.where(cb.equal(o2, o)); q.where(cb.exists(sq).not()); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testAny() { String jpql = "SELECT o.name FROM CompUser o " + "WHERE o.address.zipCode = ANY (SELECT s.computerName " + " FROM CompUser s WHERE s.address.country IS NOT NULL)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.name " + "FROM CompUser t0 " + "INNER JOIN CR_ADDR t1 ON t0.ADD_ID = t1.id " + "WHERE (t1.zipCode = ANY (" + "SELECT t2.compName " + "FROM CompUser t2 " + "INNER JOIN CR_ADDR t3 ON t2.ADD_ID = t3.id WHERE (t3.country IS NOT NULL)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<String> q = cb.createQuery(String.class); Root<CompUser> o = q.from(CompUser.class); q.select(o.get(CompUser_.name)); Subquery<String> sq = q.subquery(String.class); Root<CompUser> s = sq.from(CompUser.class); sq.select(s.get(CompUser_.computerName)); sq.where(cb.isNotNull(s.get(CompUser_.address).get(Address_.country))); q.where(cb.equal(o.get(CompUser_.address).get(Address_.zipCode), cb.any(sq))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } // redundant t1 public void testSubquery01() { String jpql = "select o1.id from Order o1 where o1.id in " + " (select distinct o.id from LineItem i, Order o" + " where i.quantity > 10 and o.count > 1000 and i.id = o.id)"; String crossJoin = (getDictionary() instanceof DerbyDictionary) ? "JOIN CR_ODR t2 ON (1 = 1)" : "CROSS JOIN CR_ODR t2"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id FROM CR_ODR t0 WHERE (t0.id IN (" + "SELECT DISTINCT t2.id " + "FROM CR_ODR t1 " + crossJoin + ", CR_LI t3 WHERE (" + "t3.quantity > ? AND t2.cnt > ? AND t3.id = t2.id)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Integer> q = cb.createQuery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o1 = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o1.get(Order_.id)); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Root<LineItem> i = sq.from(LineItem.class); Root<Order> o = sq.from(Order.class); sq.select(o.get(Order_.id)).distinct(true); sq.where(cb.gt(i.get(LineItem_.quantity), 10), cb.gt(o.get(Order_.count), 1000), cb.equal(i.get(LineItem_.id), o.get(Order_.id))); q.where(o1.get(Order_.id).in(sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery02() { String jpql = "select o.id from Order o where o.customer.balanceOwed =" + " (select max(o2.customer.balanceOwed) from Order o2" + " where o.customer.id = o2.customer.id)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id FROM CR_ODR t0 " + "INNER JOIN CR_CUST t1 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id WHERE (t1.balanceOwed = (" + "SELECT MAX(t3.balanceOwed) FROM CR_ODR t2 " + "INNER JOIN CR_CUST t3 ON t2.CUSTOMER_ID = t3.id WHERE (t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t2.CUSTOMER_ID)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Integer> q = cb.createQuery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o.get(Order_.id)); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o2 = sq.from(Order.class); sq.select(cb.max(o2.get(Order_.customer).get(Customer_.balanceOwed))); sq.where(cb.equal(o.get(Order_.customer).get(Customer_.id), o2.get(Order_.customer).get(Customer_.id))); q.where(cb.equal(o.get(Order_.customer).get(Customer_.balanceOwed), sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery03() { String jpql = "select o from Order o where o.customer.balanceOwed =" + " (select max(o2.customer.balanceOwed) from Order o2" + " where o.customer.id = o2.customer.id)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.cnt, t1.id, t1.accountNum, t4.id, t4.city, t4.country, " + "t4.county, t4.state, t4.street, t5.userid, t5.DTYPE, t5.age, t5.compName, t5.creditRating, t5.name, " + "t4.zipCode, t1.balanceOwed, t1.creditRating, t1.filledOrderCount, t1.firstName, t1.lastName, " + "t1.name, t1.status, t0.delivered, t0.name, t0.orderTs, t0.quantity, t0.totalCost " + "FROM CR_ODR t0 " + "INNER JOIN CR_CUST t1 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t4 ON t1.ADDRESS_ID = t4.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t5 ON t4.id = t5.ADD_ID WHERE (t1.balanceOwed = (" + "SELECT MAX(t3.balanceOwed) FROM CR_ODR t2 " + "INNER JOIN CR_CUST t3 ON t2.CUSTOMER_ID = t3.id WHERE (t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t2.CUSTOMER_ID)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Order> q = cb.createQuery(Order.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o2 = sq.from(Order.class); sq.select(cb.max(o2.get(Order_.customer).get(Customer_.balanceOwed))); sq.where(cb.equal(o.get(Order_.customer).get(Customer_.id), o2.get(Order_.customer).get(Customer_.id))); q.where(cb.equal(o.get(Order_.customer).get(Customer_.balanceOwed), sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery04() { String jpql = "select o.id from Order o where o.quantity >" + " (select count(i) from o.lineItems i)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id FROM CR_ODR t0 WHERE (t0.quantity > (" + "SELECT COUNT(t2.id) FROM CR_LI t1, CR_LI t2 " + "WHERE (t1.id = t2.id) AND (t0.id = t1.ORDER_ID)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Integer> q = cb.createQuery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o.get(Order_.id)); Subquery<Long> sq = q.subquery(Long.class); Root<Order> o2 = sq.correlate(o); ListJoin<Order, LineItem> i = o2.join(Order_.lineItems); sq.select(cb.count(i)); q.where(cb.gt(o.get(Order_.quantity), sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery05() { String jpql = "select o.id from Order o where o.quantity >" + " (select count(o.quantity) from Order o)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id FROM CR_ODR t0 WHERE (t0.quantity > (" + "SELECT COUNT(t1.quantity) FROM CR_ODR t1))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Integer> q = cb.createQuery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o.get(Order_.id)); Subquery<Long> sq = q.subquery(Long.class); Root<Order> o2 = sq.from(Order.class); sq.select(cb.count(o2.get(Order_.quantity))); q.where(cb.gt(o.get(Order_.quantity), sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery06() { String jpql = "select o.id from Order o where o.quantity >" + " (select count(o.id) from Order o)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id FROM CR_ODR t0 WHERE (t0.quantity > (" + "SELECT COUNT(t1.id) FROM CR_ODR t1))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Integer> q = cb.createQuery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o.get(Order_.id)); Subquery<Long> sq = q.subquery(Long.class); Root<Order> o2 = sq.from(Order.class); sq.select(cb.count(o2.get(Order_.id))); q.where(cb.gt(o.get(Order_.quantity), sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery07() { String jpql = "select o.id from Order o where o.quantity >" + " (select avg(o.quantity) from Order o)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id FROM CR_ODR t0 WHERE (t0.quantity > (" + "SELECT AVG(t1.quantity) FROM CR_ODR t1))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Integer> q = cb.createQuery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o.get(Order_.id)); Subquery<Double> sq = q.subquery(Double.class); Root<Order> o2 = sq.from(Order.class); sq.select(cb.avg(o2.get(Order_.quantity))); q.where(cb.gt(o.get(Order_.quantity), sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery08() { String jpql = "select c.name from Customer c " + "where exists (select o from c.orders o where o.id = 1) " + "or exists (select o from c.orders o where o.id = 2)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.name FROM CR_CUST t0 WHERE (EXISTS (" + "SELECT t2.id FROM CR_ODR t1, CR_ODR t2 " + "WHERE (t2.id = ? AND t1.id = t2.id) AND (t0.id = t1.CUSTOMER_ID)) OR EXISTS (" + "SELECT t4.id FROM CR_ODR t3, CR_ODR t4 " + "WHERE (t4.id = ? AND t3.id = t4.id) AND (t0.id = t3.CUSTOMER_ID)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<String> q = cb.createQuery(String.class); Root<Customer> c = q.from(Customer.class); q.select(c.get(Customer_.name)); Subquery<Order> sq1 = q.subquery(Order.class); Root<Customer> c1 = sq1.correlate(c); SetJoin<Customer,Order> o1 = c1.join(Customer_.orders); sq1.select(o1); sq1.where(cb.equal(o1.get(Order_.id), 1)); Subquery<Order> sq2 = q.subquery(Order.class); Root<Customer> c2 = sq2.correlate(c); SetJoin<Customer,Order> o2 = c2.join(Customer_.orders); sq2.select(o2); sq2.where(cb.equal(o2.get(Order_.id), 2)); q.where(cb.or(cb.exists(sq1), cb.exists(sq2))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery09() { String jpql = "select c.name from Customer c, in(c.orders) o " + "where o.quantity between " + "(select max(o.quantity) from Order o) and " + "(select avg(o.quantity) from Order o) "; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.name " + "FROM CR_CUST t0 INNER JOIN CR_ODR t1 ON t0.id = t1.CUSTOMER_ID WHERE (" + "t1.quantity >= (SELECT MAX(t2.quantity) FROM CR_ODR t2) AND " + "t1.quantity <= (SELECT AVG(t3.quantity) FROM CR_ODR t3))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<String> q = cb.createQuery(String.class); Root<Customer> c = q.from(Customer.class); SetJoin<Customer,Order> o = c.join(Customer_.orders); q.select(c.get(Customer_.name)); Subquery<Integer> sq1 = q.subquery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o1 = sq1.from(Order.class); sq1.select(cb.max(o1.get(Order_.quantity))); Subquery<Double> sq2 = q.subquery(Double.class); Root<Order> o2 = sq2.from(Order.class); sq2.select(cb.avg(o2.get(Order_.quantity))); q.where(cb.between(o.get(Order_.quantity), sq1, sq2.as(Integer.class))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery10() { String jpql = "select o.id from Order o where o.quantity >" + " (select sum(o2.quantity) from Customer c, " + "in(c.orders) o2) "; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t2.id FROM CR_ODR t2 WHERE (t2.quantity > (" + "SELECT SUM(t1.quantity) FROM CR_CUST t0 INNER JOIN CR_ODR t1 ON t0.id = t1.CUSTOMER_ID))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Integer> q = cb.createQuery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o.get(Order_.id)); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Root<Customer> c = sq.from(Customer.class); Join<Customer,Order> o2 = c.join(Customer_.orders); sq.select(cb.sum(o2.get(Order_.quantity))); q.where(cb.gt(o.get(Order_.quantity), sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery11() { String jpql = "select o.id from Order o where o.quantity between" + " (select avg(o2.quantity) from Customer c, in(c.orders) o2)" + " and (select min(o2.quantity) from Customer c, in(c.orders)" + " o2)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t4.id FROM CR_ODR t4 WHERE (t4.quantity >= (" + "SELECT AVG(t1.quantity) " + "FROM CR_CUST t0 INNER JOIN CR_ODR t1 ON t0.id = t1.CUSTOMER_ID) AND " + "t4.quantity <= (" + "SELECT MIN(t3.quantity) " + "FROM CR_CUST t2 INNER JOIN CR_ODR t3 ON t2.id = t3.CUSTOMER_ID))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Integer> q = cb.createQuery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o.get(Order_.id)); Subquery<Double> sq1 = q.subquery(Double.class); Root<Customer> c = sq1.from(Customer.class); SetJoin<Customer, Order> o2 = c.join(Customer_.orders); sq1.select(cb.avg(o2.get(Order_.quantity))); Subquery<Integer> sq2 = q.subquery(Integer.class); Root<Customer> c2 = sq2.from(Customer.class); SetJoin<Customer, Order> o3 = c2.join(Customer_.orders); sq2.select(cb.min(o3.get(Order_.quantity))); q.where(cb.between(o.get(Order_.quantity), sq1.as(Integer.class), sq2)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery12() { String jpql = "select o.id from Customer c, in(c.orders)o " + "where o.quantity > (select sum(o2.quantity)" + " from c.orders o2)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t1.id FROM CR_CUST t0 " + "INNER JOIN CR_ODR t1 ON t0.id = t1.CUSTOMER_ID WHERE (t1.quantity > (" + "SELECT SUM(t3.quantity) FROM CR_ODR t2, CR_ODR t3 " + "WHERE (t2.id = t3.id) AND (t0.id = t2.CUSTOMER_ID)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Integer> q = cb.createQuery(Integer.class); Root<Customer> c = q.from(Customer.class); SetJoin<Customer,Order> o = c.join(Customer_.orders); q.select(o.get(Order_.id)); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Root<Customer> c1 = sq.correlate(c); Join<Customer,Order> o2 = c1.join(Customer_.orders); sq.select(cb.sum(o2.get(Order_.quantity))); q.where(cb.gt(o.get(Order_.quantity), sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery13() { String jpql = "select o1.id, c.name from Order o1, Customer c" + " where o1.quantity = " + " any(select o2.quantity from in(c.orders) o2)"; String crossJoin = getDictionary() instanceof DerbyDictionary ? "JOIN CR_CUST t1 ON (1 = 1)" : "CROSS JOIN CR_CUST t1"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t1.name " + "FROM CR_ODR t0 " + crossJoin + " WHERE (t0.quantity = ANY (" + "SELECT t3.quantity FROM CR_ODR t2, CR_ODR t3 WHERE (t2.id = t3.id) AND (t1.id = t2.CUSTOMER_ID)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<?> q = cb.createQuery(); Root<Order> o1 = q.from(Order.class); Root<Customer> c = q.from(Customer.class); q.multiselect(o1.get(Order_.id), c.get(Customer_.name)); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Root<Customer> c1 = sq.correlate(c); Join<Customer,Order> o2 = c1.join(Customer_.orders); sq.select(o2.get(Order_.quantity)); q.where(cb.equal(o1.get(Order_.quantity), cb.any(sq))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery14() { String jpql = "SELECT p, m FROM Publisher p " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN p.magazineCollection m " + "WHERE m.id = (SELECT MAX(m2.id) FROM Magazine m2 " + "WHERE m2.idPublisher.id = p.id AND m2.id = " + "(SELECT MAX(m3.id) FROM Magazine m3 " + "WHERE m3.idPublisher.id = p.id)) "; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t1.id, t1.date_published, t1.id_publisher, t1.name " + "FROM CR_PSH t0 LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_MG t1 ON t0.id = t1.id_publisher WHERE (t1.id = (" + "SELECT MAX(t2.id) FROM CR_MG t2 WHERE (" + "t2.id_publisher = t0.id AND " + "t2.id = (SELECT MAX(t3.id) FROM CR_MG t3 WHERE (t3.id_publisher = t0.id)))))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<?> q = cb.createQuery(); Root<Publisher> p = q.from(Publisher.class); SetJoin<Publisher, Magazine> m = p.join(Publisher_.magazineCollection, JoinType.LEFT); q.multiselect(p, m); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Root<Magazine> m2 = sq.from(Magazine.class); sq.select(cb.max(m2.get(Magazine_.id))); Subquery<Integer> sq2 = sq.subquery(Integer.class); Root<Magazine> m3 = sq2.from(Magazine.class); sq2.select(cb.max(m3.get(Magazine_.id))); sq2.where(cb.equal(m3.get(Magazine_.idPublisher).get(Publisher_.id), p.get(Publisher_.id))); sq.where( cb.equal(m2.get(Magazine_.idPublisher).get(Publisher_.id), p.get(Publisher_.id)), cb.equal(m2.get(Magazine_.id), sq2)); q.where(cb.equal(m.get(Magazine_.id), sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery15() { String jpql = "select o.id from Order o where o.delivered =(select " + " CASE WHEN o2.quantity > 10 THEN true" + " WHEN o2.quantity = 10 THEN false " + " ELSE false END from Order o2" + " where o.customer.id = o2.customer.id)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id FROM CR_ODR t0 WHERE (t0.delivered = (" + "SELECT CASE WHEN t1.quantity > ? THEN 1 WHEN t1.quantity = ? THEN 0 ELSE 0 END " + "FROM CR_ODR t1 WHERE (t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.CUSTOMER_ID)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Integer> q = cb.createQuery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o.get(Order_.id)); Subquery<Object> sq = q.subquery(Object.class); Root<Order> o2 = sq.from(Order.class); sq.where(cb.equal(o.get(Order_.customer).get(Customer_.id), o2.get( Order_.customer).get(Customer_.id))); sq.select( cb.selectCase().when(cb.gt(o2.get(Order_.quantity), 10), true) .when(cb.equal(o2.get(Order_.quantity), 10), false) .otherwise(false) ); q.where(cb.equal(o.get(Order_.delivered), sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery16() { String jpql = "select o1.id from Order o1 where o1.quantity > " + " (select o.quantity*2 from LineItem i, Order o" + " where i.quantity > 10 and o.quantity > 1000 and i.id = " + "o.id)"; String crossJoin = (getDictionary() instanceof DerbyDictionary) ? "JOIN CR_ODR t2 ON (1 = 1)" : "CROSS JOIN CR_ODR t2"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id FROM CR_ODR t0 WHERE (t0.quantity > (" + "SELECT (t2.quantity * ?) FROM CR_ODR t1 " + crossJoin + ", CR_LI t3 WHERE (" + "t3.quantity > ? AND t2.quantity > ? AND t3.id = t2.id)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Integer> q = cb.createQuery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o1 = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o1.get(Order_.id)); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Root<LineItem> i = sq.from(LineItem.class); Root<Order> o = sq.from(Order.class); sq.where(cb.and(cb.and(cb.gt(i.get(LineItem_.quantity), 10), cb.gt(o .get(Order_.quantity), 1000)), cb.equal(i.get(LineItem_.id), o .get(Order_.id)))); q.where(cb.gt(o1.get(Order_.quantity), sq.select(cb.prod(o .get(Order_.quantity), 2)))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery17() { String jpql = "select o.id from Order o where o.customer.name =" + " (select substring(o2.customer.name, 3) from Order o2" + " where o.customer.id = o2.customer.id)"; String useCast = (getDictionary() instanceof DerbyDictionary) ? "SUBSTR(CAST((t3.name) AS VARCHAR(1000)), 3) " : "SUBSTRING(t3.name, 3) "; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id FROM CR_ODR t0 " + "INNER JOIN CR_CUST t1 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id WHERE (t1.name = (" + "SELECT " + useCast + "FROM CR_ODR t2 INNER JOIN CR_CUST t3 ON t2.CUSTOMER_ID = t3.id " + "WHERE (t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t2.CUSTOMER_ID)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Integer> q = cb.createQuery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o.get(Order_.id)); Subquery<String> sq = q.subquery(String.class); Root<Order> o2 = sq.from(Order.class); sq.where(cb.equal(o.get(Order_.customer).get(Customer_.id), o2.get( Order_.customer).get(Customer_.id))); q.where(cb.equal(o.get(Order_.customer).get(Customer_.name), sq .select(cb.substring(o2.get(Order_.customer) .get(Customer_.name), 3)))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery18() { String jpql = "select o.id from Order o where o.orderTs >" + " (select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP from o.lineItems i)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id FROM CR_ODR t0 WHERE (t0.orderTs > (" + "SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FROM CR_LI t1, CR_LI t2 WHERE (t1.id = t2.id) AND " + "(t0.id = t1.ORDER_ID)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Integer> q = cb.createQuery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o.get(Order_.id)); Subquery<Timestamp> sq = q.subquery(Timestamp.class); Root<Order> o2 = sq.correlate(o); ListJoin<Order, LineItem> i = o2.join(Order_.lineItems); q.where(cb.greaterThan(o.get(Order_.orderTs).as(Long.class), sq.select(cb.currentTimestamp()).as(Long.class))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery19() { String jpql = "select o.id from Order o where o.quantity >" + " (select SQRT(o.quantity) from Order o where o.delivered" + " = true)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id FROM CR_ODR t0 WHERE (t0.quantity > (" + "SELECT SQRT(t1.quantity) FROM CR_ODR t1 WHERE (t1.delivered = ?)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Integer> q = cb.createQuery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o.get(Order_.id)); Subquery<Double> sq = q.subquery(Double.class); Root<Order> o2 = sq.from(Order.class); sq.where(cb.equal(o2.get(Order_.delivered), true)); q.where(cb.gt(o.get(Order_.quantity), sq.select(cb.sqrt(o2 .get(Order_.quantity))))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery20() { String jpql = "select o.id from Order o where o.customer.name in" + " (select CONCAT(o.customer.name, 'XX') from Order o" + " where o.quantity > 10)"; String useCast = getDictionary() instanceof DerbyDictionary ? "(CAST(t1.name AS VARCHAR(1000)) || CAST(? AS VARCHAR(1000))) " : "CONCAT(t1.name,?) "; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t2.id FROM CR_ODR t2 " + "INNER JOIN CR_CUST t3 ON t2.CUSTOMER_ID = t3.id WHERE (t3.name IN (" + "SELECT " + useCast + "FROM CR_ODR t0 INNER JOIN CR_CUST t1 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id WHERE (t0.quantity > ?)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Integer> q = cb.createQuery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o.get(Order_.id)); Subquery<String> sq = q.subquery(String.class); Root<Order> o2 = sq.from(Order.class); sq.where(cb.gt(o2.get(Order_.quantity), 10)); q.where(cb.in(o.get(Order_.customer).get(Customer_.name)).value( sq.select(cb.concat( o2.get(Order_.customer).get(Customer_.name), "XX")))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery21() { String jpql = "select c from Customer c where c.creditRating =" + " (select CASE WHEN o2.quantity > 10 THEN " + " Customer$CreditRating.POOR " + " WHEN o2.quantity = 10 THEN " + " Customer$CreditRating.GOOD " + " ELSE " + " Customer$CreditRating.EXCELLENT " + " END from Order o2 " + " where c.id = o2.customer.id)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.accountNum, t2.id, t2.city, t2.country, t2.county, t2.state, " + "t2.street, t3.userid, t3.DTYPE, t3.age, t3.compName, t3.creditRating, t3.name, t2.zipCode, " + "t0.balanceOwed, t0.creditRating, t0.filledOrderCount, t0.firstName, t0.lastName, t0.name, " + "t0.status " + "FROM CR_CUST t0 " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t2 ON t0.ADDRESS_ID = t2.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t3 ON t2.id = t3.ADD_ID " + "WHERE (t0.creditRating = (" + "SELECT CASE WHEN t1.quantity > ? THEN 0 WHEN t1.quantity = ? THEN 1 ELSE 2 END " + "FROM CR_ODR t1 WHERE (t0.id = t1.CUSTOMER_ID)))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Customer> q = cb.createQuery(Customer.class); Root<Customer> c = q.from(Customer.class); q.select(c); Subquery<Object> sq = q.subquery(Object.class); Root<Order> o2 = sq.from(Order.class); sq.where(cb.equal( c.get(Customer_.id), o2.get(Order_.customer).get(Customer_.id))); Expression<Object> generalCase = cb.selectCase() .when(cb.gt(o2.get(Order_.quantity), 10), Customer.CreditRating.POOR) .when(cb.equal(o2.get(Order_.quantity), 10), Customer.CreditRating.GOOD) .otherwise(Customer.CreditRating.EXCELLENT); sq.select(generalCase); q.where(cb.equal(c.get(Customer_.creditRating), sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery22() { String jpql = "select c from Customer c " + "where c.creditRating = (select COALESCE (c1.creditRating, " + "org.apache.openjpa.persistence.criteria." + "Customer$CreditRating.POOR) " + "from Customer c1 where c1.name = 'Famzy') order by c.name " + "DESC"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.accountNum, t2.id, t2.city, t2.country, t2.county, t2.state, " + "t2.street, t3.userid, t3.DTYPE, t3.age, t3.compName, t3.creditRating, t3.name, t2.zipCode, " + "t0.balanceOwed, t0.creditRating, t0.filledOrderCount, t0.firstName, t0.lastName, t0.name, " + "t0.status " + "FROM CR_CUST t0 " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t2 ON t0.ADDRESS_ID = t2.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t3 ON t2.id = t3.ADD_ID WHERE (t0.creditRating = (" + "SELECT COALESCE(t1.creditRating,0) FROM CR_CUST t1 WHERE (t1.name = ?))) " + "ORDER BY t0.name DESC"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Customer> q = cb.createQuery(Customer.class); Root<Customer> c = q.from(Customer.class); q.select(c); q.orderBy(cb.desc(c.get(Customer_.name))); Subquery<Customer.CreditRating> sq = q.subquery(Customer.CreditRating.class); Root<Customer> c1 = sq.from(Customer.class); sq.where(cb.equal(c1.get(Customer_.name), "Famzy")); Expression<Customer.CreditRating> coalesce = cb.coalesce( c1.get(Customer_.creditRating), Customer.CreditRating.POOR); sq.select(coalesce); q.where(cb.equal(c.get(Customer_.creditRating),sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery23() { String jpql = "select c from Customer c " + "where c.creditRating = (select NULLIF (c1.creditRating, " + "org.apache.openjpa.persistence.criteria." + "Customer$CreditRating.POOR) " + "from Customer c1 where c1.name = 'Famzy') " + "order by c.name DESC"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.accountNum, t2.id, t2.city, t2.country, t2.county, " + "t2.state, t2.street, t3.userid, t3.DTYPE, t3.age, t3.compName, t3.creditRating, t3.name, " + "t2.zipCode, t0.balanceOwed, t0.creditRating, t0.filledOrderCount, t0.firstName, t0.lastName, " + "t0.name, t0.status " + "FROM CR_CUST t0 " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t2 ON t0.ADDRESS_ID = t2.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t3 ON t2.id = t3.ADD_ID WHERE (t0.creditRating = (" + "SELECT NULLIF(t1.creditRating,0) FROM CR_CUST t1 WHERE (t1.name = ?))) " + "ORDER BY t0.name DESC"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Customer> q = cb.createQuery(Customer.class); Root<Customer> c = q.from(Customer.class); q.select(c); q.orderBy(cb.desc(c.get(Customer_.name))); Subquery<Customer.CreditRating> sq = q.subquery(Customer.CreditRating.class); Root<Customer> c1 = sq.from(Customer.class); sq.where(cb.equal(c1.get(Customer_.name), "Famzy")); q.where(cb.equal(c.get(Customer_.creditRating), sq.select(cb.nullif(c1.get(Customer_.creditRating), Customer.CreditRating.POOR)))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery24() { String jpql = "select o from Order o where o.count > (select count(o) from Order o)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.cnt, t2.id, t2.accountNum, t3.id, t3.city, t3.country, " + "t3.county, t3.state, t3.street, t4.userid, t4.DTYPE, t4.age, t4.compName, t4.creditRating, " + "t4.name, t3.zipCode, t2.balanceOwed, t2.creditRating, t2.filledOrderCount, t2.firstName, " + "t2.lastName, t2.name, t2.status, t0.delivered, t0.name, t0.orderTs, t0.quantity, " + "t0.totalCost " + "FROM CR_ODR t0 " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_CUST t2 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t2.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t3 ON t2.ADDRESS_ID = t3.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t4 ON t3.id = t4.ADD_ID WHERE (t0.cnt > (" + "SELECT COUNT(t1.id) FROM CR_ODR t1))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Order> q = cb.createQuery(Order.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o); Subquery<Long> sq = q.subquery(Long.class); Root<Order> o2 = sq.from(Order.class); sq.select(cb.count(o2)); q.where(cb.gt(o.get(Order_.count), sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubquery25() { String jpql = "select o from Order o where o.count > (select count(o2) from Order o2)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.cnt, t2.id, t2.accountNum, t3.id, t3.city, t3.country, " + "t3.county, t3.state, t3.street, t4.userid, t4.DTYPE, t4.age, t4.compName, t4.creditRating, " + "t4.name, t3.zipCode, t2.balanceOwed, t2.creditRating, t2.filledOrderCount, t2.firstName, " + "t2.lastName, t2.name, t2.status, t0.delivered, t0.name, t0.orderTs, t0.quantity, " + "t0.totalCost " + "FROM CR_ODR t0 " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_CUST t2 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t2.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t3 ON t2.ADDRESS_ID = t3.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t4 ON t3.id = t4.ADD_ID WHERE (t0.cnt > (" + "SELECT COUNT(t1.id) FROM CR_ODR t1))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Order> q = cb.createQuery(Order.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); q.select(o); Subquery<Long> sq = q.subquery(Long.class); Root<Order> o2 = sq.from(Order.class); sq.select(cb.count(o2)); q.where(cb.gt(o.get(Order_.count), sq)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testSubSelectMaxDateRange() { String jpql = "SELECT e,d from Employee e, Dependent d " + "WHERE e.empId = :empid " + "AND d.id.empid = (SELECT MAX (e2.empId) FROM Employee e2) " + "AND d.id.effDate > :minDate " + "AND d.id.effDate < :maxDate "; Query jQ = em.createQuery(jpql); jQ.setParameter("empid", (long) 101); jQ.setParameter("minDate", new Date(100)); jQ.setParameter("maxDate", new Date(100000)); CriteriaQuery<?> q = cb.createQuery(); Root<Employee> e = q.from(Employee.class); Root<Dependent> d = q.from(Dependent.class); q.multiselect(e, d); ParameterExpression<Integer> empid = cb.parameter(Integer.class, "empid"); ParameterExpression<Date> minDate = cb.parameter(Date.class, "minDate"); ParameterExpression<Date> maxDate = cb.parameter(Date.class, "maxDate"); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Root<Employee> e2 = sq.from(Employee.class); sq.select(cb.max(e2.get(Employee_.empId))); Predicate p1 = cb.equal(e.get(Employee_.empId), empid); Predicate p2 = cb.equal(d.get(Dependent_.id).get(DependentId_.empid), sq); Predicate p3 = cb.greaterThan(d.get(Dependent_.id).get(DependentId_.effDate), minDate); Predicate p4 = cb.lessThan(d.get(Dependent_.id).get(DependentId_.effDate), maxDate); q.where(cb.and(cb.and(cb.and(p1, p2), p3), p4)); assertEquivalence(new QueryDecorator() { public void decorate(Query q) { q.setParameter("empid", 101L); q.setParameter("minDate", new Date(100)); q.setParameter("maxDate", new Date(100000)); } }, q, jpql); } public void testCorrelatedNestedSubquery1() { String jpql = "Select Object (c) From Customer c Where Not Exists (" + " Select a.id From Account As a Where " + " a.customer = c And " + " exists (select o.id from Order o where o.customer = c and o.count = 1))"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t1.id, t1.accountNum, t3.id, t3.city, t3.country, t3.county, t3.state, " + "t3.street, t4.userid, t4.DTYPE, t4.age, t4.compName, t4.creditRating, t4.name, t3.zipCode, " + "t1.balanceOwed, t1.creditRating, t1.filledOrderCount, t1.firstName, t1.lastName, t1.name, " + "t1.status " + "FROM CR_CUST t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t3 ON t1.ADDRESS_ID = t3.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t4 ON t3.id = t4.ADD_ID WHERE (NOT (EXISTS (" + "SELECT t0.id FROM CR_ACCT t0 WHERE (t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id AND EXISTS (" + "SELECT t2.id FROM CR_ODR t2 WHERE (t2.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id AND t2.cnt = ?))))))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Customer> q = cb.createQuery(Customer.class); Root<Customer> c = q.from(Customer.class); q.select(c); Subquery<Long> sq = q.subquery(Long.class); Root<Account> a = sq.from(Account.class); sq.select(a.get(Account_.id)); Subquery<Integer> sq1 = sq.subquery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o = sq1.from(Order.class); sq1.select(o.get(Order_.id)); sq1.where(cb.and(cb.equal(o.get(Order_.customer), c), cb.equal(o.get(Order_.count), 1))); sq.where(cb.and(cb.equal(a.get(Account_.customer), c), cb.exists(sq1))); q.where(cb.exists(sq).not()); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testCorrelatedNestedSubquery1a() { String jpql = "Select Object (o) From Product o Where Not Exists (" + " Select a.id From Account As a Where " + " a.product = o And " + " exists (select r.id from Request r where r.account = a and r.status = 1))"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t1.pid, t1.version, t1.productType FROM CR_PRD t1 WHERE (NOT (EXISTS (" + "SELECT t0.id FROM CR_ACCT t0 WHERE (t0.PRODUCT_PID = t1.pid AND EXISTS (" + "SELECT t2.id FROM Request t2 WHERE (t2.ACCOUNT_ID = t0.id AND t2.status = ?))))))"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Product> q = cb.createQuery(Product.class); Root<Product> o = q.from(Product.class); q.select(o); Subquery<Long> sq = q.subquery(Long.class); Root<Account> a = sq.from(Account.class); sq.select(a.get(Account_.id)); Subquery<Integer> sq1 = sq.subquery(Integer.class); Root<Request> r = sq1.from(Request.class); sq1.select(r.get(Request_.id)); sq1.where(cb.and(cb.equal(r.get(Request_.account), a), cb.equal(r.get(Request_.status), 1))); sq.where(cb.and(cb.equal(a.get(Account_.product), o), cb.exists(sq1))); q.where(cb.exists(sq).not()); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testPluralCorrelatedJoin1() { String jpql = "SELECT o.quantity, o.totalCost*1.08, " + "a.zipCode FROM Customer c JOIN c.orders o JOIN c.address a " + "WHERE a.state = " + "(SELECT o.name from Customer c1 JOIN c1.orders o1 where o.quantity = o1.quantity)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t2.quantity, (t2.totalCost * ?), t1.zipCode " + "FROM CR_CUST t0 INNER JOIN CR_ODR t2 ON t0.id = t2.CUSTOMER_ID " + "INNER JOIN CR_ADDR t1 ON t0.ADDRESS_ID = t1.id " + "WHERE (t1.state = " + "(SELECT t2.name " + "FROM CR_CUST t3 INNER JOIN CR_ODR t4 ON t3.id = t4.CUSTOMER_ID " + "WHERE (t2.quantity = t4.quantity)) AND 1 = 1)"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<?> q = cb.createQuery(); Root<Customer> cust = q.from(Customer.class); SetJoin<Customer, Order> order = cust.joinSet("orders"); Join<Customer, Address> address = cust.join("address"); Subquery<String> sq = q.subquery(String.class); Root<Customer> cust1 = sq.from(Customer.class); SetJoin<Customer, Order> order1 = cust1.joinSet("orders"); SetJoin<Customer, Order> corrJoin = sq.correlate(order); sq.where(cb.equal(corrJoin.get(Order_.quantity), order1.get(Order_.quantity))); q.where(cb.equal(address.get("state"), sq.select(corrJoin.get(Order_.name)))); Expression<Double> taxedCost = cb.prod(order.get(Order_.totalCost), 1.08); q.multiselect(order.get("quantity"), taxedCost, address.get("zipCode")); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testPluralCorrelatedJoin2() { String jpql = "SELECT d.name FROM Department d JOIN d.employees e JOIN e.manager m " + "WHERE m.salary = (SELECT e1.salary from Employee e1 JOIN e1.manager m1 " + "where m.name = m1.name)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.name FROM CR_DEPT t0 " + "INNER JOIN CR_DEPT_CR_EMP t1 ON t0.deptNo = t1.DEPARTMENT_DEPTNO " + "INNER JOIN CR_EMP t2 ON t1.EMPLOYEES_EMPID = t2.empId " + "INNER JOIN CR_EMP t6 ON t1.EMPLOYEES_EMPID = t6.empId " + "INNER JOIN CR_MGR t3 ON t2.MANAGER_ID = t3.id " + "INNER JOIN CR_MGR t7 ON t6.MANAGER_ID = t7.id " + "WHERE (t3.salary = (SELECT t4.salary FROM CR_EMP t4 " + "INNER JOIN CR_MGR t5 ON t4.MANAGER_ID = t5.id " + "WHERE (t7.name = t5.name)) AND 1 = 1)"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<String> q = cb.createQuery(String.class); Root<Department> d = q.from(Department.class); SetJoin<Department, Employee> e = d.joinSet("employees"); Join<Employee, Manager> m = e.join("manager"); Subquery<Long> sq = q.subquery(Long.class); Root<Employee> e1 = sq.from(Employee.class); Join<Employee, Manager> m1 = e1.join("manager"); Join<Employee, Manager> corrJoin = sq.correlate(m); sq.where(cb.equal(corrJoin.get(Manager_.name), m1.get(Manager_.name))); q.where(cb.equal(m.get(Manager_.salary), sq.select(e1.get(Employee_.salary)))); q.select(d.get(Department_.name)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testPluralCorrelatedJoin3() { String jpql = "SELECT o FROM Order o JOIN o.customer c JOIN c.accounts a WHERE 10000 < " + "ANY (SELECT a1.balance FROM Account a1 WHERE a.owner = a1.owner)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.id, t0.cnt, t6.id, t6.accountNum, t7.id, t7.city, " + "t7.country, t7.county, t7.state, t7.street, t8.userid, t8.DTYPE, t8.age, " + "t8.compName, t8.creditRating, t8.name, t7.zipCode, t6.balanceOwed, " + "t6.creditRating, t6.filledOrderCount, t6.firstName, t6.lastName, t6.name, " + "t6.status, t0.delivered, t0.name, t0.orderTs, t0.quantity, t0.totalCost " + "FROM CR_ODR t0 " + "INNER JOIN CR_CUST t1 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_CUST t6 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t6.id " + "INNER JOIN CR_CUST_CR_ACCT t2 ON t1.id = t2.CUSTOMER_ID " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CR_ADDR t7 ON t6.ADDRESS_ID = t7.id " + "INNER JOIN CR_ACCT t3 ON t2.ACCOUNTS_ID = t3.id " + "INNER JOIN CR_ACCT t4 ON t2.ACCOUNTS_ID = t4.id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN CompUser t8 ON t7.id = t8.ADD_ID WHERE (? < " + "ANY (SELECT t5.balance FROM CR_ACCT t5 " + "WHERE (t4.OWNER_ID = t5.OWNER_ID)) AND 1 = 1)"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Order> q = cb.createQuery(Order.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); Join<Order,Customer> c = o.join(Order_.customer); ListJoin<Customer,Account> a = c.joinList("accounts"); q.select(o); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Root<Account> a1 = sq.from(Account.class); ListJoin<Customer,Account> corrJoin = sq.correlate(a); sq.select(a1.get(Account_.balance)); sq.where(cb.equal(corrJoin.get(Account_.owner), a1.get(Account_.owner))); q.where(cb.lt(cb.literal(10000), cb.any(sq))); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testPluralCorrelatedJoin4() { String jpql = "SELECT o.quantity FROM Order o JOIN o.customer c JOIN c.accounts a JOIN a.owner owner WHERE 10000 < " + "ANY (SELECT a1.balance FROM Account a1 JOIN a1.owner owner1 WHERE owner.name = owner1.name)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.quantity FROM CR_ODR t0 " + "INNER JOIN CR_CUST t1 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id " + "INNER JOIN CR_CUST_CR_ACCT t2 ON t1.id = t2.CUSTOMER_ID " + "INNER JOIN CR_ACCT t3 ON t2.ACCOUNTS_ID = t3.id " + "INNER JOIN CR_ACCT t7 ON t2.ACCOUNTS_ID = t7.id " + "INNER JOIN CR_PSN t4 ON t3.OWNER_ID = t4.id " + "INNER JOIN CR_PSN t8 ON t7.OWNER_ID = t8.id WHERE (? < " + "ANY (SELECT t5.balance " + "FROM CR_ACCT t5 INNER JOIN CR_PSN t6 ON t5.OWNER_ID = t6.id " + "WHERE (t8.name = t6.name)) AND 1 = 1)"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Integer> q = cb.createQuery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); Join<Order,Customer> c = o.join(Order_.customer); ListJoin<Customer,Account> a = c.joinList("accounts"); Join<Account,Person> owner = a.join(Account_.owner); Subquery<Integer> sq = q.subquery(Integer.class); Root<Account> a1 = sq.from(Account.class); Join<Account,Person> owner1 = a1.join(Account_.owner); Join<Account,Person> corrJoin = sq.correlate(owner); sq.where(cb.equal(corrJoin.get(Person_.name), owner1.get(Person_.name))); q.where(cb.lt(cb.literal(10000), cb.any(sq.select(a1.get(Account_.balance))))); q.select(o.get(Order_.quantity)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } public void testPluralCorrelatedJoin5() { String jpql = "SELECT o.quantity FROM Order o JOIN o.customer c JOIN c.accounts a WHERE c.name = " + "ANY (SELECT owner.name FROM a.owner owner WHERE owner.id = 1)"; String expectedSQL = "SELECT t0.quantity FROM CR_ODR t0 " + "INNER JOIN CR_CUST t1 ON t0.CUSTOMER_ID = t1.id " + "INNER JOIN CR_CUST_CR_ACCT t2 ON t1.id = t2.CUSTOMER_ID " + "INNER JOIN CR_ACCT t3 ON t2.ACCOUNTS_ID = t3.id " + "INNER JOIN CR_ACCT t4 ON t2.ACCOUNTS_ID = t4.id " + "WHERE (t1.name = " + "ANY (SELECT t5.name FROM CR_PSN t5 WHERE (t5.id = ? AND t4.OWNER_ID = t5.id)) " + "AND 1 = 1)"; executeAndCompareSQL(jpql, expectedSQL); CriteriaQuery<Integer> q = cb.createQuery(Integer.class); Root<Order> o = q.from(Order.class); Join<Order,Customer> c = o.join(Order_.customer); ListJoin<Customer,Account> a = c.joinList("accounts"); Subquery<String> sq = q.subquery(String.class); ListJoin<Customer,Account> a1 = sq.correlate(a); Join<Account,Person> owner = a1.join(Account_.owner); sq.where(cb.equal(owner.get(Person_.id), 1)); q.where(cb.equal(c.get(Customer_.name), cb.any(sq.select(owner.get(Person_.name))))); q.select(o.get(Order_.quantity)); assertEquivalence(q, jpql); } }