/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.openjpa.persistence.event; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import org.apache.openjpa.persistence.event.common.apps.Duration; import org.apache.openjpa.persistence.event.common.apps.RuntimeTest1; import org.apache.openjpa.persistence.test.AllowFailure; import org.apache.openjpa.persistence.common.utils.AbstractTestCase; import org.apache.openjpa.event.RemoteCommitEvent; import org.apache.openjpa.event.RemoteCommitListener; import org.apache.openjpa.event.TCPRemoteCommitProvider; import org.apache.openjpa.lib.conf.Configurations; import org.apache.openjpa.persistence.OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory; import org.apache.openjpa.persistence.OpenJPAEntityManagerFactorySPI; @AllowFailure(message="surefire excluded") public class TestTCPRemoteRecoveryTransmitAdds extends AbstractTestCase { public TestTCPRemoteRecoveryTransmitAdds(String s) { super(s, "eventcactusapp"); } public void setUp() { deleteAll(RuntimeTest1.class); } public void tearDownTestClass() throws Exception { //super.tearDownTestClass(); } private static final int NUM_OBJECTS = 1; private void pause(double seconds) { try { Thread.currentThread().yield(); Thread.currentThread().sleep((int) seconds * 1000); } catch (Exception e) { } } public void testReceiverRecovers() { // Create two pmfs in a cluster that are using RCPTCP. OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory pmfSender = createDistinctFactory( TCPRemoteCommitProvider.class, "Port=5636, Addresses=;"); OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory pmfReceiver = createDistinctFactory( TCPRemoteCommitProvider.class, "Port=6636, Addresses=;"); // Register a RCEListener with the RCEM. Our RCEListener will // record the total number of a,d, and u recevied from each // RCE as the sending PM performs commits. RemoteCommitListenerTestImpl listenerAtReceiver = new RemoteCommitListenerTestImpl(); ((OpenJPAEntityManagerFactorySPI) pmfReceiver).getConfiguration() .getRemoteCommitEventManager(). addListener(listenerAtReceiver); EntityManager pmSender = pmfSender.createEntityManager(); System.out.println("-------------------"); System.out.println("2 PMFs created, acting as a cluster using ports " + "5636 and 6636"); System.out.println("Testing scenario where receiver is failed, then " + "recovered "); System.out.println("after two timeouts all the while with the " + "sending pm continuing"); System.out.println("to send."); // Perform a set of transactions. Events will be communicated performAddsModifiesDeletes(pmSender, NUM_OBJECTS); // Wait for a bit so the receiver can get the event. pause(3); // Now Fail the receiver in the cluster System.out.println("About to close the receiving pmf."); pmfReceiver.close(); // Wait for a bit longer so the listener's threads all // get closed out. pause(3); assertEquals(NUM_OBJECTS, listenerAtReceiver.totalAdded); assertEquals(NUM_OBJECTS, listenerAtReceiver.totalDeleted); assertEquals(NUM_OBJECTS, listenerAtReceiver.totalUpdated); System.out.println("You should now see 1 WARN triggered as the " + "sender-pmf tries to send."); // Perform second set of transactions. This will trigger a single // log WARN as the pmf won't be able to communciate events to the // second member of the cluster. performAddsModifiesDeletes(pmSender, NUM_OBJECTS); // Wait for a recoverytime, try transactions again, this will // trigger an INFO pause(15.1); System.out.println("Waited for a while. Should see 1 INFO for next " + "transaction."); // This will trigger a single log INFO performAddsModifiesDeletes(pmSender, NUM_OBJECTS); // This delay should ensure this second sent of // transmissions is dropped as expected. If we // don't pause, the new pmf can be created, then the // events will be sent by the worker threads, and // the new pmf will receive this messages (which // are supposed to be dropped) pause(1.1); // ----- // Now recovery the Receiver and test that messages // resume being delivered. // ----- System.out.println("Recovering receiver pmf."); // Recreate the listener pmf of the cluster. pmfReceiver = createDistinctFactory( TCPRemoteCommitProvider.class, "Port=6636, Addresses=;"); pause(1.0); // reRegister the same listener ((OpenJPAEntityManagerFactorySPI) pmfReceiver).getConfiguration() .getRemoteCommitEventManager(). addListener(listenerAtReceiver); assertEquals(NUM_OBJECTS, listenerAtReceiver.totalAdded); assertEquals(NUM_OBJECTS, listenerAtReceiver.totalDeleted); assertEquals(NUM_OBJECTS, listenerAtReceiver.totalUpdated); System.out.println("Now waiting a recoverytime so that the sender"); System.out.println("will resume trying to connect to the receiver."); pause(15.1); // These events should get communicated. performAddsModifiesDeletes(pmSender, NUM_OBJECTS); // Wait for a last little bit so the listener thread in // the receiver PMF can get all messages. pause(1.0); assertEquals(2 * NUM_OBJECTS, listenerAtReceiver.totalAdded); assertEquals(2 * NUM_OBJECTS, listenerAtReceiver.totalDeleted); assertEquals(2 * NUM_OBJECTS, listenerAtReceiver.totalUpdated); // shutdown pmSender.close(); pmfSender.close(); pmfReceiver.close(); } public void testSenderRecovers() { // Create two pmfs in a cluster that are using RCPTCP. OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory pmfSender = createDistinctFactory( TCPRemoteCommitProvider.class, "Port=5637, Addresses=;"); OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory pmfReceiver = createDistinctFactory( TCPRemoteCommitProvider.class, "Port=6637, Addresses=;"); RemoteCommitListenerTestImpl listenerAtReceiver = new RemoteCommitListenerTestImpl(); ((OpenJPAEntityManagerFactorySPI) pmfReceiver).getConfiguration() .getRemoteCommitEventManager(). addListener(listenerAtReceiver); EntityManager pmSender = pmfSender.createEntityManager(); System.out.println("-------------------"); System.out.println("2 PMFs created, acting as a cluster using ports " + "5637 and 6637"); System.out.println("Testing scenario where sender fails and then " + "later recovers."); System.out.println("All the while the receiving pm stays up and " + "should receive"); System.out.println("Events (both before and after the sender's " + "failure)."); // Perform a set of transactions. Events in the cluster will be // communicated performAddsModifiesDeletes(pmSender, NUM_OBJECTS); // Wait for a bit so the sockets in our sender PMF can fully transmit // their Event messages to the receiver PMF. pause(2.1); // Fail the Sender in our cluster System.out.println("Sender pmf closed."); pmSender.close(); pmfSender.close(); // Wait for a while, try again, this will let close exception propagate pause(4.1); System.out.println("Waited for a while."); System.out.println("Recovering the sender pmf."); pmfSender = createDistinctFactory( TCPRemoteCommitProvider.class, "Port=5637, Addresses=;"); pmSender = pmfSender.createEntityManager(); // Perform a second set of transactions. Events in the cluster will be // communicated performAddsModifiesDeletes(pmSender, NUM_OBJECTS); // Wait for a bit so the listener thread in the receiver PMF can get all // messages. pause(4.1); assertEquals(2 * NUM_OBJECTS, listenerAtReceiver.totalAdded); assertEquals(2 * NUM_OBJECTS, listenerAtReceiver.totalDeleted); assertEquals(2 * NUM_OBJECTS, listenerAtReceiver.totalUpdated); // shutdown pmSender.close(); pmfSender.close(); pmfReceiver.close(); } protected double performAddsModifiesDeletes(EntityManager pm, int numObjects) { // Perform a series of transactions that will trigger adds, // deletes, and udpates Duration timeToAMD = new Duration( "Adds, removes, and dletes for " + numObjects + " objects."); timeToAMD.start(); // create objects RuntimeTest1[] persistables = new RuntimeTest1[numObjects]; for (int i = 0; i < persistables.length; i++) { persistables[i] = new RuntimeTest1("foo #" + i, i); } // add them for (int i = 0; i < persistables.length; i++) { startTx(pm); pm.persist(persistables[i]); endTx(pm); } // modify them startTx(pm); for (int i = 0; i < persistables.length; i++) { persistables[i].setStringField("bazzed" + i); } endTx(pm); // delete them startTx(pm); for (int i = 0; i < persistables.length; i++) { pm.remove(persistables[i]); } endTx(pm); timeToAMD.stop(); return timeToAMD.getDurationAsSeconds(); } static int _fetchGroupSerial = 0; protected OpenJPAEntityManagerFactory createDistinctFactory( Class providerClass, String classProps1) { String transmit = "TransmitPersistedObjectIds=true"; if (classProps1 == null || classProps1.length() == 0) classProps1 = transmit; else classProps1 += "," + transmit; Map propsMap; if (providerClass != null) { propsMap = new HashMap(); propsMap.put("openjpa.RemoteCommitProvider", Configurations. getPlugin(providerClass.getName(), classProps1)); propsMap.put("openjpa.FetchGroups", "differentiatingFetchGroup" + _fetchGroupSerial); } else { // No RCP propsMap = new HashMap(); propsMap.put("openjpa.RemoteCommitProvider", "sjvm(TransmitPersistedObjectIds=true)"); propsMap.put("openjpa.FetchGroups", "differentiatingFetchGroup" + _fetchGroupSerial); } _fetchGroupSerial += 1; return getEmf(propsMap); } protected static class RemoteCommitListenerTestImpl implements RemoteCommitListener { Collection added; Collection updated; Collection deleted; int totalAdded; int totalUpdated; int totalDeleted; public synchronized void afterCommit(RemoteCommitEvent event) { this.added = event.getPersistedObjectIds(); this.updated = event.getUpdatedObjectIds(); this.deleted = event.getDeletedObjectIds(); totalAdded += added.size(); totalUpdated += updated.size(); totalDeleted += deleted.size(); } public void close() { } public String toString() { String returnString = "Adds " + totalAdded + " Dels " + totalDeleted + " Ups " + totalUpdated; return returnString; } } }